Winston (BBW Bear Shifter Wedding Romance) (Grizzly Groomsmen Book 3) (75 page)

BOOK: Winston (BBW Bear Shifter Wedding Romance) (Grizzly Groomsmen Book 3)
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But then Dietrich pulled away.

“Wait,” he said breathlessly. “There’s more. We can’t go forward unless I explain it all.”

“Could you make it quick?” Elise quipped.

She licked her lips and Dietrich flashed his shy grin, but it faded a moment later. He hung his head, not meeting her eye as he talked.

“I didn’t willingly transform when the press found us the other day,” he revealed. “The camera flashes and all the shouting… I’m not used to that stuff. What you have to understand about shifters, is that the animal is within us all the time. We fight against its urges when we’re in human form, and we have to let it out sometimes to run free, otherwise it’d drive us crazy.”

“So the bear is here, right now?” Elise asked in fascination.

Dietrich gave a little nod.

“All that power and instinct,” he confirmed. “It’s like having another voice in your head, a voice without words. When the media had us surrounded, the animal part of me needed to get out.”

Elise remembered the look on Dietrich’s face when he was in bear form. His eyes were filled with anxiety, and she’d felt so sorry for him.

“You need to know that I can’t always control that part of me,” Dietrich added.

Slowly, Elise pushed herself off her chair. She came to stand before Dietrich, stepping into the gap where his knees were splayed. Gentle fingers caressed the back of his neck, and he looked up at her with deep, soulful eyes. This close, she could see the different tones of gold swirling in his gaze. His hands came to rest on the small of her back, and when he straightened up, his head was almost level with her shoulders.

Elise leaned in again, and when their lips were close enough to brush against one another, she whispered.

“Can you stay in control right now?” she teased.

“I can sure try,” Dietrich answered, grinning into her kiss.

And that was when the doorbell rang.

“I didn’t even know these cabins had a doorbell,” Elise mused.

She and Dietrich had walked through the room to reach the door, hand in hand.

“It’s Gram, I know it is,” he supposed. “She’s come to hunt me down. It’s the old Mamma Bear instinct.”

“Mamma Bear?” Elise asked with a giggle. Her hand was on the door handle. “I hadn’t even considered that she’s also a-”

The sentence died on her lips, for the moment she opened the door, the old familiar chorus was back.

“Are you aware of, Elise?”

“Any comment on the recent developments on Twitter?”

“Is that your new man, Miss Davenport? What’s his name?”

Elise slammed the door again at once, pressing her back against it. Her body flooded with rage and disappointment, her breath catching in sobs in her throat.

“I’m so sorry,” she said at once, looking to Dietrich. “Maybe we can escape out the back?”

But it was far too late for that. Now that they knew they had found the right cabin, the press pack was planning its siege. Dietrich rushed to the double doors of the porch and closed them tightly, drawing the curtains over the wide windows. Elise did a circuit of the large, open-plan room, closing shutters and plunging them both into darkness. She fumbled for a few lights, bathing the room in an artificial yellow glow.

“We’re trapped,” Dietrich tried to say, but it came out as a growl.

Elise froze, staring at him. She could see the terror on his face, that same fury and anxiety that had hit him out in the woods. But now, there was nowhere to run, and Dietrich was beginning to shake. He shook his head, growling at himself with fury. His massive arms held onto his body, crossed over like a straight-jacket.

“No, I can’t…” he snarled through gritted teeth. “I don’t want to…”

But there was nothing to be done. The media had set him off, and the animal within wanted out. Elise backed up to the counter, watching in amazement as the shift began.

Dietrich’s grey sweat-suit was ripped apart. The hoodie went first, tearing in a straight line down his back as the arch of the bear’s spine began to grow. Smooth, glossy fur sprouted from his taught skin, spreading all over as his arms lengthened into limbs. His hands were paws before Elise had even noticed them changing, and long, sharp claws extended from each one. He was easily five times his usual size by the time the transformation was complete, yet Elise could see him present in those golden eyes. His bear form was growling continually under his breath, a mournful and regretful noise.

“Listen,” Elise said gently, daring to approach him. “You told me that the animal was inside you all the time. Well, I figure that means the human is there all the time too. Forget about what’s outside. We’re safe in here, Dietrich. It’s just you and me.”

The growl abated, and it gave Elise more confidence. The bear cocked its head to one side, tense but attentive. Elise stepped closer still, and placed a gentle hand at the side of Dietrich’s neck. The muscles were superbly powerful, frightening even, but Elise pushed back her fear. Inside this strong animal was her man, they were one and the same.

“Come on, now,” Elise soothed. “Take control.”

Slowly at first, the bear began to shrink. This time Elise did see the claws retract and vanish, hairs receding into skin as a paw became a palm once more. Dietrich was soon lying on the floor on his front, gasping from the speed of two transformations.

And totally naked.

“Stop peeking,” he said wryly, “and get me a blanket or something.”

Elise did as she was told, but not before she’d taken a mental picture of the strong, defined line of his spine, and how it lead to a pair of taught, muscular buttocks. When Dietrich was wrapped up in a throw from the couch, they sat together on the floor in the dimly-lit cabin. Dietrich rested his head on Elise’s shoulder, and she ran her fingers gently through his hair.

“No-one has ever calmed me down like that before,” Dietrich said in amazement.

“I live in LA,” Elise said with a shrug. “Everyone’s anxious there, twenty-four seven. You get used to handling it. Although this was a very different kind of challenge.”

The mention of LA was a small mistake, for it brought the noise outside back into focus. The press were still rapping at the doors and windows, still shouting their questions through the wooden walls.

“We need to do something about that,” Elise mused angrily.

“You know, I might just have an idea,” Dietrich replied. He kissed Elise’s cheek, his long stubble tickling her cheek. “Pass me your phone.”

“I can’t actually believe my luck right now,” Elise said into her cellphone.

“I know,” Jane answered proudly. “I told you that no press was bad press. We’re set up, honey. It’s relaunch time.”

“Okay, well you get the details together and call me tomorrow,” Elise replied.

“Not later tonight?” Jane asked.

Elise felt her cheeks flush red, and she was glad that her agent couldn’t see them.

“I’ve got plans tonight,” she said as discreetly as she could.

Jane said her goodbyes, and Elise was hanging up the phone just as Dietrich entered the room. They were in the lounge at the Rangers’ Lodge, the same place where Anina had first introduced them, and it was dark outside the windows. The fire was crackling in the hearth, lending a warm glow to the room, and Dietrich seemed more relaxed than Elise had ever seen him.

“Was that your agent?” he asked.

Elise nodded with great enthusiasm.

“You won’t believe it,” she said, beaming. “Some activists for natural beauty got hold of the Twitter war and started fighting on my side. And now, the cosmetics company Naturalis has offered me a huge contract! Natural beauty is on trend, and I’m going to be the face of it.”

Dietrich leaned in and kissed her gently.

“You already are,” he said softly.

He crossed the room, settling in one of the wide easy chairs by the fire. Elise watched him with interest as he put his hands together eagerly.

“I have news too,” he began. “After I started making those calls to the different wildlife federations, their lawyers got together. Fairhaven Park officially has a ban on all commercial press and media entering its gates.”

“No press?” Elise exclaimed.

“It’s bad for the grizzly bears,” Dietrich replied, grinning.

“So that means my career’s not over, and you’ll never be bothered by the media again?” she asked.

She crossed the room, settling herself on Dietrich’s lap. He pulled her in, his warmth spreading into her skin.

“Aren’t we lucky?” he whispered against her neck.

He began to kiss her there, trailing ghost-like pecks down her throat. When he reached her collarbone, Dietrich lingered, tracing his lips and tongue over the ridges. Elise felt a shiver that was nothing to do with being cold, and she glanced to the fireplace, and the rug that lay before it.

“Did you say that Anina and the boys were out tonight?” she asked.

Dietrich paused in his kissing to give her a thoughtful look.

“Kurt goes down to LA overnight for some downtime, now and then,” he explained. “This time Gram wanted to go with him to get some shopping done, and she’s got Ben helping her to carry it all.”

“And Hart and Reinicke?” Elise pressed.

“Night patrol,” Dietrich answered. “Reinicke loves the high mountain outpost, he practically lives there. Hart’s down at the campground for the night.”

Emboldened by this news, Elise rose from Dietrich’s lap. He frowned, opening his arms as if to invite her back in, but she shook her head. She moved to the rug in front of the fireplace, trying to look graceful as she lay down before it on her back. Dietrich remained in his chair for a moment, his mouth a little open in surprise.

“Are you sure it’s not too soon?” he asked.

Elise shook her head, her face warmed by the fire.

“Everything has worked out for us to be together, Dietrich,” she said softly. “This is right. And I can’t wait any longer for you.”

Dietrich pushed off from the chair, down onto his hands and knees. He began to grin that shy grin of his as he crawled across the floor, approaching Elise.

“Well, I’d hate to make you impatient, Miss Natural Beauty,” he teased.

Elise felt her shoes being coaxed off first, then Dietrich’s strong hands slid up her bare legs. When he reached her thighs, the path of his fingers veered off teasingly, drawing circles on the outside of her legs instead. He found the waistband of her skirt and undid the small buttons, allowing her to wriggle out of it as he pulled it down. Whilst he was busy with that, Elise fumbled with the buttons of her blouse, leaving it to fall to either side of her chest. Dietrich paused, his golden eyes roving over her nude-colored underwear, before his mouth began to tease the visible section of her breasts.

It was Elise’s turn to groan, and the animal noise that escaped her seemed to wake something in Dietrich. He was faster suddenly, more determined as he helped her to sit up and unhook her bra. Whilst she was up she pawed at his shirt, and Dietrich broke two of the buttons in his rush to take it off. He eased her down, laying on top of her as his tongue plunged into her mouth. Elise’s hands were everywhere, racing down his back to feel the shift of his muscles, then rushing back up into his hair to hold him close and kiss him deeper.

The contact of their bare chests sparked with electricity, and it made Elise all the more aware that they weren’t yet totally naked. As Dietrich showered her neck and breasts with warm, wet kisses, Elise reached for her panties and managed to wriggle them off. Dietrich continued a downward path, hands and tongue drawing shapes on her stomach. She felt his breath on her thighs a moment later, and she waited. The pause was too long.

“I want you, Dietrich,” she murmured. “Please. Please kiss me. Touch me there.”

“Sorry for the delay,” Dietrich teased, “you know how much I like to admire outstanding natural beauty.”

Elise was about to reply, when Dietrich suddenly slipped his tongue into her. She gasped, then giggled at his boldness, and then the wonderful shock gave way to a deeper sensation. She could feel her back arching as Dietrich’s tongue pushed and swirled against her clitoris, sending shockwaves up her spine. She buried her fingers into the rug beneath her, feeling Dietrich’s hands as they held her quivering thighs steady. If he wasn’t careful, he’d bring her to climax before they’d even really begun. She didn’t want that, as incredible as it felt. She wanted it all, the full connection.

“I’m ready,” she whispered. “God, I’m so ready. Get up here. I need you now.”

There was another delay, but this time Elise didn’t complain as she heard the shuffling of more clothes coming off. When Dietrich lay himself down on her, she felt the long, hard shaft that throbbed against her thighs. Her legs were already open, and a deep burning came from somewhere within, begging him to fulfill her. She looked into Dietrich’s golden eyes, and they were darker than they’d ever been before. She found herself wishing that she’d always be able to gaze into those eyes for the rest of her days.

Dietrich began to kiss her, strong lips pressing against hers. In the same moment, he rocked his hips forward, and guided himself into her. It had been a little while since she’d last had a boyfriend, but the pressure faded after only seconds. She squeezed his hips with her thighs as he pushed deep into her, filling her completely. He paused there, his tongue tracing patterns on her lips, and she reached up to wrap her arms around his broad chest. They were so close, so complete, and Elise wanted to say something very important. She didn’t know if she could. Would it scare him away if she did?

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