Read Winter of the Wolf Online

Authors: Cherise Sinclair

Winter of the Wolf (42 page)

BOOK: Winter of the Wolf
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“Breanne, I want you to suck Zeb’s cock until he gets off.


Her big blue eyes took in the erection in her hands. As she licked her lips, Zeb couldn’t look away from her tiny pink tongue. Her breath hitched once, and she wiggled her ass.

“I’l try, but…”

But a female in heat needed a cock. “It’s al right, cariad. I don’t—”

“Yes, you do,” Shay interrupted. He knelt behind Bree, closing his hands on her hips. “I’l give you what you need, mo leannan, and you wil give Zeb what he needs.”

“Okay,” she whispered. She turned to Zeb and tightened her grip on his erection. After a second of study, she gave him a radiant smile and licked the base to the head, her tongue hot and wet.

Oh fuck. Zeb’s breath strangled in his throat. Her hands tightened, making him throb with every heartbeat. By the God, he might not last.

As her mouth slid over his cock, he could feel the slight graze of her teeth, the way her lips closed around him. When her tongue rubbed on the underside, the diversity of sensations made his eyes cross. His fingers tangled in her hair, and he forced himself to let her do as she wanted. She sucked him down, deeper.

Shay grinned, waiting patiently. After a second of foggy thinking, Zeb realized he was giving her time to get used to sucking a cock before taking another from behind.

She was so sweet. Giving. Any other female would demand to be fucked right now, but Bree was concentrating hard, trying to please him despite her own urgency.

Had he ever met anyone like her before? The heat of his cock didn’t even come close to the warmth inside his chest.

Zeb ran a finger over her pink cheek.

Chapter Twenty-nine

Sucking a cock was amazing. Bree tongued the thick winding veins on Zeb’s shaft—tight, yet elastic.
What else
winding veins on Zeb’s shaft—tight, yet elastic.
What else
can I do
? She tried alternating licking and taking him deep in her throat.

When his hand tightened in her hair, she had a second of panic. Her head jerked up, and, even as his grip released, she met his eyes. So black. Yet, despite the aroused flush in his face, he was watching her carefuly, making sure she was al right. She smiled. Heavens, she loved doing this for him.

She paused to nuzzle the hair beside his cock. Here, his dark forest scent was muskier, richer. As she inhaled, her pussy thickened with blood, pulsing with hunger.

She tried to push her need aside, but it was sweeping her away, blurring her thoughts. Shay moved closer. His hands ran over her bottom, and his body heated the back of her thighs. As fire sizzled through her veins, she groaned.

Zeb jumped and sucked in a breath. Shay chuckled. “Do that again, a leannan. My bràthair likes it.” Realy? She groaned again. Hummed. Growled. And this time when Zeb’s fingers fisted in her hair, she didn’t panic.

She giggled.

“You’re kiling me, little female.” Zeb’s voice had gone an octave lower, sending tingles across her skin.

Rather than answering, she started bobbing her head, sucking with each upstroke.

“Very nice,” Shay said. His resonant voice filed in al the gaps that Zeb’s had left, as if adding the other melody to Pachelbel’s Canon. He clasped her hip with one hand, using Pachelbel’s Canon. He clasped her hip with one hand, using the other to guide his cock to her entrance.

Oh please, now
. She choked, lost her rhythm, and Zeb’s hand guided her back into it.

“Breanne, whatever you do to Zeb, I’l do to you.” Shay slowly pushed inside her, filing her, stretching her.

Her whole body shivered in delight, in growing need.

Deeper. Pound me. Take me

“If you want slow, then slow down,” Shay said. “You stop. I’l stop. Suck him deeper, and I’l go deeper.” His cock puled out until it was only an inch inside her. Not moving.

. She wiggled to no avail before realizing her lips were closed lightly over the head of Zeb’s shaft. Not moving.

Oh. As she lowered her head and sucked his cock into her mouth, Shay’s erection pushed back inside her, roling a wave of heat before it.

She lifted her mouth off the shaft in her mouth. The shaft in her pussy puled out.

A shiver ran through her. Need more. She took a firmer grip on the base of Zeb’s cock, and Shay’s hands tightened on her hips. As her lips closed over the velvety head, sweat trickled between her breasts. The room seemed to have turned into a sauna. Her pussy throbbed…almost matching that of the erection in her hands.

She ventured a look at Zeb. His lids were half-closed as She ventured a look at Zeb. His lids were half-closed as he watched her. Glancing over her shoulder, she saw Shay’s jaw was tight, and his muscles almost vibrated with his desire to pound into her. Had she ever felt so needed? Wanted?

But he didn’t move. He was waiting for her. Her lips curved. Sneaky Shay.
We’re all going to enjoy this

She puled Zeb into her mouth, so fast and hard that he groaned.

Shay thrust into her so deep and hard that electricity ripped through her body.

Work it, Bree
. She did, bobbing and sucking and doing her best to deep-throat. Faster and harder. Shay pounded into her, faster and harder, exactly matching her movements.

Her thoughts whirled away as the need inside her grew, as she clenched around the cock inside her.

When she lifted her head, Zeb’s fingers in her hair tightened, not painfuly but firmly. His thighs pressed against her sides, the muscles rigid. He was close.

The base of his cock thickened, and with a desperate growl, he tugged her back onto his shaft. She relaxed her throat, taking him deeper…and he came. Startled but delighted, she swalowed franticaly, and the salty, musky taste shoved her arousal to a higher pitch.

Eyes closed, he groaned in satisfaction. A glow of joy ran through her.
I put that contented expression on his face

Smiling, she licked him gently as he softened.

Smiling, she licked him gently as he softened.

Shay had paused.

“Fuck, Bree.” Zeb opened his eyes. His hand cradled her face. “That was beautiful. Thank you.” His surprised gratitude brought tears to her eyes. Did no one ever put this man first?

He ran his thumb over her lower lip. “Your turn, little female.” He glanced at Shay.

Shay’s hands tightened on her hips. “Hang on, a leannan, I’m going to take you hard.”

Rather than frightening her, the thought was perfect.

Shay grinned as the little wolf pushed back onto his cock, and her musky aroused scent urged him to action. Despite the heavy ache in his bals, Shay felt contentment warm his soul. Watching Zeb get Breanne off and then her do the same to him had been a joy. Memories of his brothers—their voices and scents—as they shared a mating swirled around him, then dissipated, overcome by the reality of this female.

And this male. Zeb was a worthy brother. Breanne would be a worthy mate, but would she agree? There were too many reasons for her to say no. Shay pushed the thought away.
Live in the now

Zeb eased sideways to a position where he could play with Breanne’s breasts. When he took a nipple in his mouth, she gave a startled exhalation, and her cunt tightened on Shay like a vise.

like a vise.

By the God. “Good, a bhràthair,” Shay said. “Keep that up.”

Zeb growled his pleased agreement.

Running his hands over her back, her sides, and her lush ass, Shay savored the satiny feel of her skin. With a low whine, she wiggled, needing more. Needing to be fucked.

Grinning, he released his animal, the one that drove him to take her hard and deep, to give her his seed, and make her scream with pleasure. He pushed her legs farther apart, enjoying the sight of his cock thrusting in and out of her slick pink tissues.

He pistoned into her, and the slap of flesh was accompanied by her pleased grunts and the rumble of Zeb’s enjoyment. The sounds of their pleasure added to his own.

As Breanne’s cunt tightened around him, pressure built low in his spine and every thrust built it higher. He gritted his teeth.

Not yet.

Her legs quivered as her ass lifted higher in the air.

Convenient. He grabbed the lube packet from the pile of clothes beside the pilows and ripped the top off with his teeth. He had a feeling the little wolf would enjoy this.

Someday, he and Zeb would enjoy it more.

Heavens, she needed to come, Bree thought. Come
. The slide of Shay’s thick cock was the most exquisite
. The slide of Shay’s thick cock was the most exquisite of sensations. Simultaneously, Zeb sucked and pinched her nipples, creating a line of fire from her breasts to her clit. The combination was so, so good,

She was close, desperately close. Her fingers tightened on the cushions as she teetered, unable to reach the pinnacle. “I can’t.”

Shay gave a low laugh. “Oh, you wil. Hold stil, little wolf.”

Liquid dripped onto her bottom and trickled between her cheeks, startlingly cold against her overheated skin. She tried to move forward, away from it but Shay wrapped his hand around her thigh.

His thrusts had slowed, and she whined.

“A bhràthair, together now. Use your fingers on her.” A deep chuckle. “I’l use mine on the backside.” A pause, then Zeb rasped a laugh.

What does he mean

Zeb’s hand touched her mound. Her clit gave a giant throb.

“Oh, pleeeeease.” It was just what she needed. Her clit was painfuly swolen and tight.

Then Shay’s finger slid between her butt cheeks to circle her slickened asshole. She jerked in surprise and tried to tighten her buttocks to keep him away.

His knees nudged hers even farther apart. And his fingertip pushed in just a fraction. Into a place that…

pushed in just a fraction. Into a place that…

Zeb ran his finger over her clit, and she gasped as her insides started to gather.

“Hang on, lass. This wil feel strange,” Shay said. He worked his finger in, slowly, steadily, burning as he stretched her. Strange sensations tangled together in her center.

“Oooh, don’t,” she moaned. He slid his finger out—then back in—and the feeling was so, so different. Wrong.

“Don’t do that.”

Even as he puled his finger out of her backhole, his cock thrust into her pussy. Oh god. Al her nerves merged, firing in odd sequences.

Zeb chuckled. “Her nipples are like tiny rocks.” His tongue left a trail of fire around one.

“Does it hurt, Breanne?” Shay asked.

It did. Didn’t. Not right. “No. But I don’t want…” Shay wiggled his cock side-to-side, hitting every nerve inside her as he continued sliding in and out of her asshole.

“It’s different, but I think you’l like it. I’m adding a finger.

Can you dare that much?”

The same words he’d used the first time they’d made love.

Why don’t you kiss me
Can you dare that much
?” He’d been so careful, and with every step had led her further from her fears. This weirdness didn’t realy hurt. “I guess…”

“Good lass.” His approval sent warmth through her. His cock plunged slowly in and out, his finger in her asshole kept cock plunged slowly in and out, his finger in her asshole kept the same pace. Zeb rubbed one side of her clit, then the other. Not fast or hard, just unrelenting stimulation.

Her insides gathered, pushing her toward an even higher precipice.

“Zeb, now,” Shay said.

Zeb sucked roughly on one nipple, even as his finger slid directly over her clit, rubbing insistently. Shay slammed into her with his cock, hard and deep.

Her muscles went rigid as the seething tension coalesced for one interminable, incredibly overwhelming second…and then it al exploded. She shuddered as waves of pleasure blasted through her, one after another.

As the sensations slowed to ripples, she managed a breath

—and then Shay shoved two fingers into her asshole. The rim stretched and burned, nerves flared, and she came again, so brutaly hard that she screamed.

Her vagina clenched like a fist around his thick cock, her backhole contracted on his fingers. It was too much; she was too ful—yet everything inside her kept spasming in bursts of pleasure.

When he withdrew his fingers, she gasped at the emptiness. Body shaking, she panted for air.

“I’m going to take you hard now, mo leannan.” Shay gripped her hips. “Brace yourself.” He puled his cock almost out of her pussy and drove back in so deep that more out of her pussy and drove back in so deep that more aftershocks tremored through her system.

As her arms turned to rubber, Zeb puled her head down onto his chest to support her.

Shay leaned forward, his chest hot against her back, one arm curled around her waist. The two men pinned her, holding her tightly, as Shay hammered her with short, fast strokes.

He pushed deep, deep into her, and his teeth closed on her shoulder as he came.

By the God, she was kiling him. Shay’s pulse roared like a firestorm in his head as he emptied himself over and over in hot jets. The feeling created a primal longing that his seed—

and Zeb’s—should find a home.

Reluctantly, slowly, he puled out and dropped onto the cushions beside her.

Her forehead was against Zeb’s chest, her body motionless, as if unsure whether to move. Or too exhausted to try.

“Time to relax, little female.” With a smooth move, Zeb roled her onto her back beside Shay.

They both moved closer to her, the scent of a satisfied female the finest fragrance known to shifters.

Lazily, Zeb nibbled on her fingertips; he’d never looked so content.


Shay propped up on an elbow and smiled at her. Face flushed, lips and nipples red and swolen. “You look wel mated, a leannan.” He cupped the breast closest to him. So heavy and ful and soft. And the silken feeling of a nipple…

He ran his finger around it.

BOOK: Winter of the Wolf
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