Wishing on the Water (Water Series Book 1) (16 page)

BOOK: Wishing on the Water (Water Series Book 1)
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I then picked up a rock and threw it into the water. It skipped across the water as the sun shined down on the waves it caused. I saw the clouds rolling in that were supposed to bring in more rain if not snow off in the distance. I laid back on the rocks and closed my eyes.

Candy.” I heard Chase’s voice in my imagination. I looked up at the sky and felt a chill in the air. I believed Chase’s spirit was with me. I wanted to believe he was telling me it was alright to move on. I needed to hear those words from someone who could no longer talk. I saw the little bit of sun peak through the clouds and my brain wanted me to believe that it was Chase’s pathway to heaven. I closed my eyes again and stayed beside the water.

Candice?” I heard Jax and opened my eyes. To my surprise, the sun was setting and there was thunder in the distance.

Are you engaged?” I asked, and the silence said it all. “I am trying to be happy for you, but it is really hard.”

Candy, it is not what you think,” Jax replied and exhaled a rush of air.

I am not dumb, Jax. I see the photos online. I was in your house when she was trying to check you for strep throat with her tongue. I saw the way you looked happy when you spoke to her on the phone. It is exactly what I think. My only question is why? Why wouldn’t you just leave me to hate you and move on?”

Jax climbed over the wall and lay down beside me on the rocks.

This is really uncomfortable,” Jax muttered.

The conversation or the rocks?” I asked.

The rocks.” Jax responded and got up. He held out his hands to me as I reached for them he lifted me to my feet. I stood up and stared out into the water as he wrapped his arms around me from my back. I let my back rest on his chest as my head rested on his shoulder.

It’s not what you think, Candice. I need you to trust me. Not everything is as it seems.” Jax whispered.

Jax, this isn’t one of the books I write. I won’t be the other woman, so save the lies and bullshit for someone who doesn’t know better.” I retorted.

Vanessa’s brother killed Chase,” Jax whispered and I tried to spin and slap him, but he held me tightly. “Before you turn all WWE Diva I need you to listen to me.”

I paused and thought about it for a second. If I heard him out, then he would most likely let me go and then I could assault him. Sounded plausible, so I nodded my head.

Our last piece of Intel said that Vanessa’s older brother, known as Alejandro, and her younger brother, Niko, fled to Columbia to restart the organization there. We have no photos of the older brother, only a description. I started dating her to get him to come out. If I put a ring on her finger, her family has to come out. Enough time has passed that he would believe she is truly engaged.” Jax whispered, as he held me tight.

Does Vanessa know she is being used?” I asked softly.

No,” Jax replied. “She believes this is a real relationship.”

So you take her on dates, tell her you love her, and make love to her, but it’s not real? This is better than the stuff my brain created to write in books.” I muttered and started fighting him again. Mark’s words came back to me about how Jax was balls deeps in a case. He wasn’t lying, but I took it as metaphorical and not literal.

Listen to me! I love you, Candice. It’s you I want to marry. It’s you I want to spend my life with. It has always been you! Damn it woman, stop fighting me and listen to me!”

I stopped trying to get lose, and took a deep breath and exhaled it loudly so he would know I was trying to calm down.

My world revolves around the very thought of you. I would marry you this very minute, if I knew you could put Chase behind you.” Jax whispered in my ear.

My heart melted at his words, but something told me that this moment was not going to be all hearts and flowers. It would not be the romantic tale I would put in a book because we had both hurt each other.

Jax-,” I was cut off as he continued talking.

You include Chase in everything you do and say whether you mean to or not. Whether you want to admit it or not you had him in bed with us that night. I can’t compete with him, because he is no longer here. I can’t fight to get your heart because only you can get it back from him. I want to be with you more than my next breath, but I can’t go through what happened last time. My focus here and now is catching Chase’s killer.”

I took a deep breath and looked at the water. I decided to let go and let life lead me. Whatever happened from here on out would be because that was what was meant to happen, but I leave him with a better memory of me than the one he got left with last time.


Jax, it’s my birthday and you didn’t get me a gift, so for my present would you come back to the hotel with me. I just need you to stay with me for a while. I miss how the three of us used to just sit and hang out together. I want that tonight. I just want a perfect night with my friend and then tomorrow I will fly back home.”

Jax let me go and placed his hand on the small of my back to lead me to the waiting cab. We climbed inside and headed toward the hotel. His phone began ringing and he glanced at it and turned it off. I knew it was her, but was grateful I didn’t have to hear their friendly banter. I laid my head on Jax’s shoulder and suddenly felt very at home with him again. In the physical sense it was as if nothing had happened, but emotionally we were battered and bruised, but we would come out alright.



Upon entering my hotel room, my cell phone started ringing. I picked it up and didn’t recognize the number, so I silenced it and left it on the counter. I ditched my coat and vest along with my boots. Then Jax and I walked over and turned on the television and cuddled up. It was like before, when Chase was alive and we would watch a movie together. I would curl up on Jax as Chase gave me a foot rub to appease me for whatever he had done wrong.

Jax, do you really love me?” I asked over a re-run of the Big Bang Theory.

More than my own life.” Jax responded and I looked up at him. I stared into his eyes looking for a lie or something that said he wasn’t being honest, but his eyes said he loved me.

I climbed up him and placed my lips on his warm, soft lips. Jax pulled me down into his arms and held me in his lap as he kissed me back with the heat of a raging fire. I reached my hand up and threaded it through his silky brown hair.

I pulled away breathlessly and climbed up off of Jax. I stood up and took his hand. I led him into the bedroom.

Candice,” Jax stated and I put my finger over my lips and climbed up on the bed. “Candice what are you doing?”

We can either jump on the bed like children or rock it like adults!”

I stood up on the bed and pulled my shirt off exposing my white lace bra. Then in a sultry dance, I pulled my pants off to expose my white lace panties. Jax hit play on the dock and “Pour some sugar on me” by Def Leppard, came on.

I dropped to my knees and flung my hair back. I took my hands and rubbed them all over my body while Jax watched and his manhood tried to bust through his zipper. I slid my pointer finger into my mouth and sucked on it as my hips rocked back and forth. Then I took that finger and ran it down my body and into my panties.

Jax’s hand came out and stopped me immediately. His pupils were dilated and his breathing was erratic. I smirked at him.

Did you want to jump on the bed like toddlers?” I asked wearing that smirk.

No,” Jax answered me.

Do you want to rock the bed with me?” I asked.

Before I answer that, are you sure you want to do this? Are you sure you want me with you, knowing I am going to go back to Vanessa when it is over?”

Jax, I am letting life lead me this time. It led me to you, now I want you in this bed with me. When we’re done, life will lead us where we need to go. If it’s together, great; if not, then at least we will both know that the other is out there in the world, loving them. Even if we don’t wind up together, I want to know that someone out there loves me.” I whispered, as I pulled him by his pants.

I don’t care if you call out “Santa Claus” when you orgasm. You don’t ever run from me again! You always tell me you are leaving and give me the opportunity to try and stop you!”

I nodded my agreement as I pulled his holster off and set it on the nightstand. By the time I came back to unbutton his pants, he had flipped me on my back and was climbing over me in a rush.

Jax pulled off his shirt and then pinned my hands above my head and laid on top of me. He kissed my neck and I writhed with need under him. I could feel his heart beating through his chest against mine, as his lips then aimed for mine.

His tongue made a hot velvet sweep against my lips as I gave him entry into my mouth. My blood raced under my skin as my body heated up. I moaned into Jax’s mouth and he swallowed it and kissed me again. My hips undulated under him as I tried to get some pressure on the apex in between my thighs from his jeans, but he lifted up, so it left me needy and whiny.

You taste like strawberries.” Jax whispered, as he moved to my collarbone with sweeps of his tongue. I was going to respond, but he took my breath from me when he sucked my nipple through my bra into his mouth without warning. My body bowed up off the bed as he held my hands to the bed. I wiggled and squirmed with need. I tried to rub my thighs together, but he had put himself between my legs.

Please!” I begged and Jax looked down at me. “We have had twenty years of foreplay. Tonight, can you just get inside me, please? I feel like I am going to combust.”

Jax chuckled and released my hands. I immediately leapt to my knees and kissed him senseless. I got him up on his knees as I unbuckled his pants and began pushing them down his toned ass. He grabbed my bra and panties and tore them off of me as I moaned in response.

Sweet as Sugar, Candy Cane.” Jax stated, as he leaned forward and sucked my hardened bare nipple back into his warm mouth. I ran my hands through his hair and pulled him closer to me. He bit down on my nipple in a teasing manner and I wanted to scream, but bit my lip instead.

I pulled his hair back and pulled his face up to mine, to kiss him again.

We have all night, Candice. What’s the rush?” Jax asked, as I pushed at his pants.

We have all night for round two, round three, round four and, however, many more rounds we can go. After yesterday and today, I just need you inside me. I need to feel as you fill me full with your rock hard cock. I need to know that, for this one fleeting moment in time, I am yours and you are mine.”

Jax pulled his socks and shoes off as he pulled his pants off. He stood before me with his chiseled chest and the V they show on men on the cover of magazines. His tanned skin reminded me of hot caramel, and made me want to weep at his sculpture-like physique.

Jax climbed up on the bed and laid down. He was allowing me to have what I wanted. I really wanted him to feel how frustrating he is. Foreplay has a time and place, but it wasn’t there, that night, with me. I wanted to taste him, savor him, and be filled by him.

I wrapped my hands around his large length and began to stroke him. As I moved my hand up and down his length, my head lowered until my tongue could reach out and swipe at the pre-cum that sat atop his penis.

His flavor hit my tongue with a powerful punch. It was like tasting chocolate for the first time. I nipped at his stomach. I kept kissing lower and lower, centimeter by centimeter. Jax placed his hand on my head and let out a frustrated groan that made me smile.

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