Wishing Pearl (43 page)

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Authors: Nicole O'Dell

BOOK: Wishing Pearl
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Oh Daddy
. Olivia’s pearls swam in her eyes as she peered through her tears. “I never could have imagined anything more beautiful.”

“There are still a few more pearls to add before it’s finished. One for your eighteenth birthday, and one for your wedding. Maybe even one for my first grandchild.” Mom winked. “But I’ll just borrow it back from you when I need to add to it.”

Someone cleared his throat. “Miss Mansfield, I’m sorry to interrupt, but it’s time to take your place.” The stagehand held back the velvet drape as he waited for her to join the orchestra in the pit.

Olivia took a deep breath and touched the center pearl one more time before turning away. “How did I ever get so lucky?”

“It’s not luck, Liv. None of it.”

“No. I don’t suppose it is. Blessed. We’re blessed.” Olivia took her place in the symphony orchestra and raised her oboe to give the tuning note.

After the notes faded into silence, Mr. Gables stepped up to his music stand and waited. He lifted his arms to begin
The Phantom of the Opera
. Just beyond his right shoulder, in the audience, Olivia saw Justin in the front row holding a bouquet of roses so large it almost blocked his view.

He raised his hand and made the universal sign for
I love you

Discussion Questions
  1. What kept Olivia from seeking God?

  2. What keeps you from fully realizing God’s will in your life?

  3. How did Olivia’s relationship with her daddy mirror her relationship with God?

  4. Who or what has helped you understand God’s love for you?

  5. How were the words Olivia’s dad prayed just before he died a reflection of Christ’s love for you?

  6. What was the defining moment for Olivia?

  7. Was that change easy for her?

  8. What has been a defining moment in your walk with Christ?

  9. Do change and growth come easy for you?

  10. Did Olivia learn more about God from the good things or the bad things?

  11. How are you like Olivia? How are you different?

  12. What have you learned about your own choices from reading about Olivia’s life?

Chapter-by-Chapter Discussion Guide

Chapter 1

  • What are some words you might use to describe how Olivia feels about her life?

  • What do you think she’s afraid of?

Chapter 2

  • Why do you think Olivia’s mom won’t hear her out about Charles?

  • What makes Olivia begin to think it’s okay to do things she’d once thought were wrong?

  • Can you understand her choices?

Chapter 3

“If it feels good, do it.”

  • What does that statement mean to you in light of this chapter?

  • What does it mean to you when you consider God’s Word?
    So let God work his will in you. Yell a loud no to the Devil and watch him scamper. Say a quiet yes to God and he’ll be there in no time. Quit dabbling in sin. Purify your inner life. Quit playing the field. Hit bottom, and cry your eyes out. The fun and games are over. Get serious, really serious. Get down on your knees before the Master; it’s the only way you’ll get on your feet
    . (James 4:7–10

Chapter 4

  • Describe Olivia’s downward progression and how sin has become easier for her.

  • In what ways have you already seen God at work in her life up to this point?

  • What are her thoughts about God?

Chapter 5

  • Olivia admitted to herself that the miracle of the music, especially the solo, was that she felt heard. Why do you think being heard is so important to her?

  • She mentioned that she’s smart enough to know when to stop doing certain things. Is that how it usually works?

  • Do you think she regrets her actions? Or is she just mad that she got caught? Why?

Chapter 6

  • This chapter leaves Olivia with some real tension. Should she be in trouble?

  • What would be a logical way for a parent to respond?

  • What is Olivia afraid of?

  • How does God respond to sin?
    Don’t let sin rule your body. After all, your body is bound to die, so don’t obey its desires or let any part of it become a slave of evil. Give yourselves to God, as people who have been raised from death to life. Make every part of your body a slave that pleases God. Don’t let sin keep ruling your lives
    . (Romans 6:12–14

Chapter 7

  • Describe Olivia’s hopelessness at this point in her story.

  • She believes that God is out to get her. What makes her think that?

  • What does God say about that?
    No test or temptation that comes your way is beyond the course of what others have had to face. All you need to remember is that God will never let you down; he’ll never let you be pushed past your limit; he’ll always be there to help you come through it
    . (1 Corinthians 10:13

Chapter 8

  • How do you feel about Olivia’s mom at this point in the book?

  • Do you think Olivia is completely right about her mom?

  • What could Olivia be doing differently to improve the communication between herself and her mother?

  • How is your communication at home?

Chapter 9

  • How do you feel about Justin’s thoughts on dating?

  • In high school, is a dating relationship a temporary thing?

  • Why do you think teens place so much importance on having a dating relationship?

Chapter 10

  • Do you think it was fair for Ben to say he would have sent Olivia home if she had planned to stay? Why?

  • Do you want someone to be your friend because she’s forced or because she wants to?

  • Do you think Jesus feels like that, too?

Chapter 11

  • What could Olivia have done differently when Jordyn said she was okay to drive?

  • How would you have handled the exact same situation?

  • What can Olivia do about it now?

  • Olivia thinks God hates her. What do you think?

In Psalm 10:1
, David felt a lot like Olivia does; he asked, “Why, L
, do you stand far off? Why do you hide yourself in times of trouble?” But David pressed on, and he learned the truth about God:

I love you, L
, my strength
The L
is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer;
my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge
my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold
I called to the L
, who is worthy of praise
and I have been saved from my enemies
(Psalm 18:1–3

Chapter 12

  • Olivia has to face the funeral of her best friend while carrying the guilt of her own involvement in the accident. Does she share in the responsibility for Jordyn’s death?

  • She has fears about not making it to heaven. Are those fears justified?

The truth about heaven:

God has given us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. Whoever has the Son has life; whoever does not have the Son of God does not have life
. (1 John 5:11–12

Chapter 13

  • Do you think it was difficult or easy for Olivia to finally decide to go to Diamond Estates? Why?

  • Olivia talks about luck quite a bit. She blames God for the bad things and then praises luck for the good things. What do you think about that?

Chapter 14

  • What do you think about the rules at Diamond Estates?

  • Is it unfair that the girls have to get up at such an early hour, have meals at the same time, keep their rooms clean, and so on?

  • Do you think Olivia can handle that lifestyle after what she’s used to?

Chapter 15

  • What does Tricia mean when she says it’s better not to be beautiful at all than to be gorgeous and have to try to stay that way?

  • How do you think she’s feeling about herself?

  • Do you think she has a good grip on how God sees her? Why or why not?

Chapter 16

  • Where do you feel God’s presence most? Or do you struggle with that like Olivia?

  • How does God make it easy to find Him?

If I climb to the sky, you’re there!
If I go underground, you’re there!
If I flew on morning’s wings
to the far western horizon,
You’d find me in a minute—
you’re already there waiting!
Then I said to myself, “Oh, he even sees me in the dark!
At night I’m immersed in the light!”
(Psalm 139:8–11

Chapter 17

  • What might be standing in the way of Olivia’s knowing Jesus like she did as a child?

  • What hinders you from approaching God?

Chapter 18

  • What about prayer time? Do you have your own daily quiet time with God?

  • Olivia struggles with feeling judged by the people at church. Do you ever feel that way?

  • What does God say about forgiveness and the sins of the past?

He has removed our sins as far from us as the east is from the west
. (Psalm 103:12

Chapter 19

  • Can you understand why Olivia doubts God’s existence?

  • Why do you think God lets bad things happen to people, especially kids?

  • Olivia has trouble thinking of things to be thankful for. What are you most thankful for in your life?

  • When Olivia finds the cigarettes in her bag, what should she do?

Chapter 20

  • How do you think Officer Stapleton could suffer such loss and still have joy and peace, when someone like Olivia blames God for her pain? What’s the difference between the two?

  • Is there any grief or pain in your life that keeps you from drawing close to God?

Chapter 21

  • How would you handle the situation with Kira?

  • What do you think is really going on there?

  • In real life, we don’t have the benefit of seeing into people’s motives like we do in fiction. How can you apply that fact to future conflicts that come up?

Chapter 22

  • Was it luck that got Olivia the audition for the orchestra?

  • Why can’t she see God’s blessings?

Chapter 23

  • Compare how Ju-Ju, Skye, Olivia, and Tricia feel about gossip.

Mean-spirited slander is heartless;
quiet discretion accompanies good sense
A gadabout gossip can’t be trusted with a secret
but someone of integrity won’t violate a confidence
(Proverbs 11:12–13

  • How do you feel about Kira now that you know more of her story?

  • What should the girls do about Kira?

Chapter 24

  • Olivia is starting to admit to herself that she has feelings for Justin. What do you think about that?

  • How might her feelings for Justin affect her focus at Diamond Estates?

  • Olivia’s mom never says, “I love you,” to her daughter. How do you think that makes Olivia feel?

  • Why do you think her mom is like that?

Chapter 25

  • The staff goes all out for Christmas. Why do you think they put so much work into it?

  • Where is Olivia now in her quest for Christ?

  • What does Olivia have in common with Cinnamon the horse?

Chapter 26

  • Do you think Olivia got a different picture of what worship is from her onstage view?

  • What should she do about Kira and the picture?

  • Ju-Ju admits to having had two abortions. Does she regret them?

  • Describe how she feels about her choice.

Chapter 27

  • What needs to happen in Olivia before she can accept the love of God?

  • What needs to happen in you?

  • Do you need to forgive yourself or forgive others?

  • What signs of trouble are popping up in Tricia’s life?

  • What signs should you be on the lookout for with your friends?

Chapter 28

  • Why did Ben think Satan was at work against Olivia?

  • Can you think of a time when Satan worked in your life to try to keep you from seeking God or to make you blame Him?

  • Why did Kira get in more trouble than Olivia? Do you think that was fair?

Chapter 29

  • Olivia tells Tammy everything. How difficult do you think that was for her?

  • Do you think it was freeing to get it out, or do you think she wished she’d kept it to herself?

  • Is there anything in your life that you need to share with a parent or trusted adult? Just think about it and be open to it.

  • If Olivia was mistreated, why does she have things to confess? Read Romans 3:23.

Chapter 30

  • What motivated Tricia to do such dangerous things to be skinny?

  • What does God think of Tricia?

  • Why do you think she couldn’t see just how skinny she’d become?

  • Do you think it’s fair that Tricia will have to stay at Diamond Estates longer? Is it a punishment?

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