Witchlock (46 page)

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Authors: Dianna Love

BOOK: Witchlock
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She still had that phony grin in place. “Nice.”

Storm would get to the bottom of this pseudo-enthusiasm later. He had to show her why he’d brought her here. “Want to see it?”


He sighed at how hard she seemed to be trying and took her hand, leading her to the stairwell. “The elevator has to be remodeled and certified.”

“I’d like to know more about what you do with investing and ... just more.”  She followed him up, still talking as if they were on a first date and she was determined to impress him.

When had Evalle ever thought she had to do that?

Just watching her wake up in the mornings took his breath away.

On each floor, Storm explained what the crews were doing. On the third floor, he bypassed the door, explaining, “That’s not ready to be seen yet.”

She didn’t comment until they entered the top floor where plumbing had been completed and many of the walls were up. Furniture had been delivered that was stored on one side and the kitchen was underway.

Evalle froze.

She stared at the furniture, her throat moving, but not saying a word.

Storm caught her hand. “Are you okay?”

“Oh. Sorry.” She looked around, eyes hunting for something. “The windows. I was glad to see they’re covered with black tarp since sunset isn’t for another twenty minutes.”

She tried to sound lighthearted, but she was breaking his. There came that empty smile again when she asked, “Is this one apartment?”

“Yes.” He tugged her over to a wide spiral staircase a few feet away. “Want to see the last floor?”

“I thought this building had four floors.”

“It sort of does. I’ve had work being done on the roof that I want you to see.”



Evalle couldn’t keep up this level of happy much longer. She needed to go out tonight and find a demon to kill.

Storm’s excitement and trepidation kept brushing her empathic sense.

The conflict had to be due to him picking up her emotions, which she figured weren’t matching her expressions at all. She could smack-talk a troll, but trolls were stupid. Truth was, she had a lousy poker face and Storm was not fooled.

She tried to envision what he’d built on the roof and it must be some four-walled room since the sun was still out and he wouldn’t risk frying her to a crisp.

When he opened a door at the top landing area, she stared at the bright glow outside and snatched her hand back. “Storm … this is a bad idea.”

“Trust me?”

“Of course.”

“Then take my hand.”  

She pulled in a deep breath, heart hammering away, and accepted his hand the way she’d accepted his love, scared as hell but determined. As she stepped through the door, she flinched at the first thing she saw.

The sun still hovered just above the horizon.

Nothing burned her skin.

She looked around where every wall had a wide view of the city in all directions.

Words weren’t possible.

How was she standing in the center of a room filled with sunlight? Tears burned her eyes and she stood awestruck as the sun slowly dropped toward the horizon.

Storm nudged her forward until they stood in the center of the room,
then he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her back to his chest.

She kept waiting for the sun to burn a hole through her.

He held her quietly as she soaked it in.

When she could speak, her throat was raw with emotion. “How? How can I be standing here?”

He kissed her hair and his deep voice rasped across her senses.  “I chose this property right after I met you to put me closer to you than my Midtown house, and the construction started the day I went with you to your apartment for the first time.” He hugged her to him again. “It’s not that I don’t like it or that I won’t live down there. I’ll live in a hut if it makes you happy. But being in that apartment reminds me of how much you’ve given up for everyone... especially for me.”

She swallowed hard, fighting tears.

“I offered an incentive to the construction company last week and they’ve been running crews around the clock. Cadee helped me get the roof enclosed with a material that’s similar to a bulletproof, one-way Plexiglas with no more tinting than a standard window that looks clear. I brought in a shaman from my father’s tribe and told him what I wanted.”

“The one who went to Kennesaw with you?”

“Yes. He said I’d receive a sign when it was time to find Veronika. Now I realize that you calling me to meet you was the sign. I wouldn’t have left his side for any reason other than you.”   

She said nothing, but she felt his love wrap around her like a safe blanket.

He continued explaining. “The shaman had spent the last two days and nights performing an ancient ritual that basically wards this area on the inside so that you can see the sun, but it can’t touch you. And he blessed it for us.”


“I told you I go where you go. You can watch all the sunrises and sunsets you want.”

Tears streamed down her face. Storm had brought the world to her. “Thank you.”

“The first floor of the building beneath us will be our living quarters with the same kind of windows
and it’s being finished out for me, you and Feenix.”

“He’ll be better and I promise ... ”

Storm pulled her around and kissed her. She could give up everything in life to feel his kiss. When he stopped, he said, “Feenix is fine.”

“But he ate your buckle.”

“I’ll get another one.”

“That one was from your dad.”

“There’s enough left for me to have it remade.” He used his thumbs to wipe away her tears. “I spent some time with Feenix. He knows I’m not taking you away from him.”

She thought she loved Storm. What she’d felt for him had been nothing compared to this moment. “We’ll get him more toys and lug nuts.”

Storm continued explaining, “I’ve got plenty of things planned for Feenix’s entertainment. He needs company when we’re away and more room, too.”

“You’ll spoil him.”

“Not as much as I plan to spoil you.” He hugged her tight to him. “I’m so sorry for making you unhappy. I just ... ” He swallowed. “Never expected to find someone I couldn’t survive losing, but I have nothing in this world without you. Living together will work out and I need you to accept that you are everything I could ever want in a mate.”

She looked around as the sun sank lower, then back at him. She brushed black hair off his forehead. “What can I ever do to make you happy the way I am right now?”

He dipped his head and almost kissed her, pausing to say, “I’ve never made love with you as the sun set. That would make me very happy.”

“Then prepare to be euphoric.”   


The End. 



More books from Dianna Love


Rogue Belador

Book 7 – April 2016

Tzader Burke uncovers a secret within the Medb coven that threatens to trigger an apocalyptic war plus cost him the only woman he loves – Brina Treoir, the Belador warrior queen.  Unfortunately, his only battle plan means going into the heart of his enemy’s stronghold—
TÅμr Medb
.  As leader of all North American Belador warriors, he’s willing to die to protect those he loves, but his close friend Evalle Kincaid, her mate Storm and a tight circle of friends will not stand by and allow him to face that battle alone.  With their lives also on the line and a tenuous peace at stake, Tzader has never had more at risk with so little chance to survive.    


Belador urban fantasy Series

Book 1:   
Blood Trinity

Book 2:   

Book 3:   
The Curse

Book 4:   
Rise Of The Gryphon

Book 5:  
Demon Storm

Book 6:  

Book 7:  
Rogue Belador
(April 2016)


Slye Temp romantic thriller Series

Book 1:
Last Chance To Run

Book 2:
Nowhere Safe

Book 3:
Honeymoon To Die For

Book 4:
Kiss The Enemy

Book 5:
Deceptive Treasures

Book 6:
Stolen Vengeance

Book 7:
Fatal Promise

More Slye Temp coming soon!


Micah Caida young adult Trilogy

Book 1:
Time Trap

Book 2:
Time Return

Book 3:
Time Lock

To read excerpts, go to


Note from Dianna:

Thank you for reading this series. I’d like to do a little something extra for those of you who have taken the time to write a review. Posting a review is the easiest way to help an author and something we all appreciate, me especially!


This offer is for a limited time:

If you’ll email a copy of your review on Amazon for Witchlock along with the date posted and the name you posted under to my assistant -
[email protected]
- I will send you a set of the first 6 Belador cover cards (4” x 6” each, printed on both sides), all signed by me, as a thank you.    


If you’d like to keep up with my new book releases and to find out about events I’ll be attending, please join my newsletter at
- I only send them about once a quarter and I NEVER give away emails, because that annoys me, too. 


Thanks so much!!



Author’s Bio


New York Times
bestseller Dianna Love once dangled over a hundred feet in the air to create unusual marketing projects for Fortune 500 companies. She now writes high-octane romantic thrillers, young adult and urban fantasy. Fans of the bestselling Belador urban fantasy series will have two new books soon - Witchlock (July 2015) and Rogue Belador (April 2016). Dianna's Slye Temp romantic thriller series launched to rave reviews and more are coming soon. Look for her books in print, e-book and audio. On the rare occasions Dianna is out of her writing cave, she tours the country on her BMW motorcycle searching for new story locations. Dianna lives in the Atlanta, GA area with her husband who is a motorcycle instructor and with a tank full of unruly saltwater critters.

Dianna Love
or Join her Dianna Love Street Team on Facebook and get in on the fun!


A word from Dianna…


Thank you for reading Witchlock! Rogue Belador will be available in April 2016.

No book is possible without the support of love of my amazing husband, Karl.

Writing a book is a solitary job, but handing my readers the best version of that book depends upon my terrific team.  My first read to last read is Cassondra M who catches large and small issues, plus she helps me keep up with a ton of little details about the series, which is a tremendous help every time. My brain is filled with the big picture of this story, the next one and the next one so it’s easy to miss something that needs to be right to make each book an enjoyable read.  Joyce Ann McLaughlin jumps in on the second round of reads before the copy editing has happened and always sends me a list of typos and details that make it a smoother read, too.  Judy Carney is an enthusiastic reader and one of the last two people to read the story line by line to catch those pesky typos and other grammar issues.  

     Some of my other readers who are always ready to put fresh eyes on the stories are Steve Doyle, Sharon Livingston Griffiths and Kimber Mirabella – huge thanks to all of you.  

     A special thanks to the wonderful staff at Stone Mountain who answered questions as I walked the mountain for the opening scene and to the staff at Metro Diner Cafe – both places should be on your must see list when you visit the Atlanta, GA area.  

     I want to give a special shout out to my Street Team:  I spend a lot of hours alone writing and it’s such a pleasure to jump out during the week and visit with all of you.  You are a tremendous support for me and my books, but you are my family of readers and mean so much to me.  You give joy all year long by sharing your time as well as your love of books with me.  Thank you from the bottom of my heart. 

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