With Friends Like These: A Novel (19 page)

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Authors: Sally Koslow

Tags: #Fiction, #Contemporary Women, #Urban, #Family Life

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“The creative director has a shoot in Punta Cana that’s going to take him away for two weeks, and he needs to see you tomorrow. The slots left are at ten or two.”

Chloe would be manning the office. No problem there. But Tom’s parents were coming to town, an occurrence as rare as an eclipse and sometimes as dark. Henry and I were to meet them at the Central Park Zoo, followed by a birthday lunch for Abigail at the Metropolitan Museum, where Tom would be joining us. He’d arranged to leave school early. Still, I said, “Two, please.”

The following morning I searched for clothes that could take me from the zoo to the Met to a downtown ad agency: I’d need to illustrate my finely tuned innate flair, if I had any, which would be a particular challenge, since while the calendar pretended it was autumn, the thermometer was stuck at ninety degrees.

I decided the day called for the full Ava Gardner, whom Bubbe—admittedly in need of cataract surgery—insists is my stunt double. While hot rollers turned my frizz to waves, I slipped on a butt-hugging skirt and a boxy, short-sleeved jacket I cinched at the waist. Carefully I painted on two layers of red gloss, blotted, and found my notice-me sunglasses. I faced the mirror and saw a 1950s pinup.

So did Tom, who’d walked out of the shower, wrapped in a towel. “Did I miss the invitation for the Rat Pack ball?” he asked. “There’s time for me to dress as Dino.”

“The shades?” I asked. “Too much?”

“Too much for what? Trying to give my mother a coronary?”

To my instant regret, Mean Maxine offered Tom an accurate but unnecessary knee-jerk response: “No matter what I wear, your mother hates it.” Every year, my Christmas gift from Abigail is—
—a Brooks Brothers gift certificate. Hence my drawer full of gently worn madras Bermudas.

“My mother doesn’t hate the way you look—she can’t understand it, that’s all,” he said, staring at my open-toed black platform pumps. Taking his life in his hands, Tom added, “There are times when I see where she’s coming from.”

I could feel my face turning the Valentine shimmer of my lips, but it was a dead end to explain that my ensemble pivoted around these shoes, which showed my legs to advantage. “I have an interview in the afternoon. For that job I tried out for.”

“Really?” Tom said, oozing distrust. He furrowed his eyebrows so low I could barely see his eyes.

“I’m not meeting my high school boyfriend. It’s an appointment with the creative director. At two.”

He went to his closet and said nothing while he dressed in the full Connecticut—khakis, pink button-down shirt, navy sport coat, rep tie, and boat shoes.

“In case you’re wondering, I didn’t forget about your mother’s birthday lunch,” I said to his back. “I’ll only have to leave a little early.” I would peel away from the Met at one-fifteen and splurge on a taxi all the way downtown. Extraordinary times call for extraordinary measures.

“I see. And when were you planning on telling me this?”

“I’m telling you now.”

He left the room, gave Henry and Pontoon their usual exuberant goodbye, and shouted its feeble echo to me before the front door slammed.

Since I’d reported my job opportunity, Tom had acted wigged out, my ambition putting his lack of it in bold relief. I should have handled the day’s change of plans with more finesse, and could hear my father say,
Talia Rose, those who fail to plan, plan to fail
. But this was no time to analyze whether Tom’s ire was reasonable or deserved. In ten minutes I’d
packed Henry’s bag of books and snacks and helped him dress, and we started to walk to the subway stop for the ride to midtown Manhattan.

Big Tom and Abigail were waiting for us by the monkey house, admiring a newly born offspring in the form of a wizened old man. My father-in-law, a more distinguished, even taller version of my Tom, spotted us, gave me a cheery wave, and picked up Henry in one long swoop—“Good to see you, buddy”—while Mother Monkey and Mother Wells offered matching approach-at-your-own-risk glares. I walked in their direction.

I come from a family of smoochers. My parents, Bubbe, and I exchange kisses all the livelong day. “You got an A,
?” Kiss, kiss. “You’re having a bath, dahlink?” Kiss, kiss. “You’re having an appendectomy?” Kiss, kiss. With Tom’s “people”—their way of referring to the extended family, as if they were an indigenous tribe nearing extinction, which they might be—you might get a kiss if you were, say, going off to war. Thus, I never know how to greet Abigail, whom I generally stand in front of until she notices me and starts talking.

Today she looked especially bony and stony. I was late, but only by five minutes, which in New York City practically qualifies as early. I’d stowed my belt in Henry’s bag along with the heels, temporarily traded for sneakers. I thought I could pass for a Colonial Dame; Abigail’s demeanor couldn’t be on account of my appearance, unless it was the ’do. Like Big Tom, she has a head of thick silver hair, though I’d only ever seen it girdled in a bun. I once asked Tom if behind closed doors he thought his mother let loose, because if Abigail wanted to be a vixen, she could. I’d seen her plenty of times in a bathing suit that, baggy as it might be, revealed a nothing-hanging body, and in one of her drawers I’d discovered a well-thumbed
Kama Sutra
when I was, swear to God, simply looking for warm socks. But on the subject of his parents’ private life, Tom has never cared to speculate. Around his people Tom turns back into one of them, and the husband I love has a hard time having a hard time: along with his sense of humor, he loses the ability to perform the most basic marital function besides taking out garbage.

“Good morning, Talia,” Abigail said, giving my ensemble a thorough
review. “If we hurry, we can make the penguin feeding.” With that she took a balloon from her hand and handed it to Henry. From his perch in his grandfather’s arms he gave a great squeal, and the corners of Abigail’s mouth began to approximate an expression much like a smile.

“Say ‘Thank you, Grandma Abigail,’” I instructed. One juncture between our two families is, at least, good manners.

“Thank you, Gammagail,” Henry repeated, his fingers poking the balloon.

If, in gratitude, I’d been able to plant a tree in Israel then and there, I would have.

, young man,” Abigail said, and turned to Big Tom. “Doesn’t he look exactly like Third as a boy?”

I hate that name, so bronze medal. But Abigail is correct, even though despite his big blue eyes and 95th-percentile height, my squat, brown-eyed
think Henry is all Fisher. “Got the
of Uncle Solly, the boxer,” my father says. “In the old country they called him the Cossack of Kiev.” I have not shared this lore with my in-laws. Producing an heir who looks pressed out by a Christmas cookie cutter in the tradition of Wells menfolk has been my shining achievement, which I wouldn’t dream of tarnishing.

The four of us proceeded to the penguins. While Tom and Abigail gave Henry a freshman-year grounding in penguin ethology, I tried to spot Roy and Silo, the real-life inspiration for the heroes of one of Henry’s books. They’d refused to socialize with the females and had done a swell job of incubating an extra fertilized egg and raising Tango, its eventual chick. But all the penguins—gay or straight—looked the same, beaked babies dressed as Whiffenpoofs.

From penguins we migrated to the polar bears and from the polar bears to the fruit bats. Only then did we push off for lunch. By the time we’d walked twenty blocks to the Met, trekked through the European sculptures, and arrived at the Trustees Dining Room, Tom had been waiting for ten minutes.

“Happy birthday,” he said, raising a glass after we’d gotten settled and ordered. “To Mother!”

“To Mother!” Big Tom said.

“To Mother,” I managed, although I’ve never called her that, not even when she requested that I did.

“No one alive is truer than you!” Tom said. Whatever that means, his family says this to one another on every birthday. I’ve always wondered if it’s a line from an Episcopal hymn.

Tom turned to me. “No one alive is truer than you!” I chimed in, though a court stenographer would have omitted the exclamation point. Tom was seated next to me and touched my foot with his. But my mind kept drifting to this afternoon’s interview and, dammit, to Chloe. Did she know?

“Talia?” Tom said. “Are you with us?”

I was puzzled. “Oh,
,” I offered. “To life!” This is how Fishers toast.

“Hear, hear,” Big Tom said. “La high am.”

“High am, Mommy,” Henry repeated, raising his cup as if he was going to recite the kiddush.

Abigail managed to join in a group laugh. I began to relax, until Tom touched my foot again. This time I got it, the cue to bring out Abigail’s present. Weeks ago, I’d ordered a broad-brimmed straw garden hat with a long gray ribbon to match Abigail’s wintry eyes. I could picture the hat now, forgotten next to our front door, good intentions gone to hell.

“Abigail, we have something for you that I—” I started to say, but Tom interrupted.

“That we want to give you when you come back to the apartment later this afternoon. We’ve planned a special dinner.”

We had now.

“You are the most thoughtful young man,” Abigail said. I spotted mist in her eyes as our oysters arrived.

“How’s the dissertation coming, son?” Big Tom asked.

“It’s coming.” Tom proceeded to detail his progress to Henry Thomas Wells Jr., Ph.D., Dartmouth’s most noted John Milton scholar. The discussion lasted well past the arrival of our main course. I was four bites into my Gruyère soufflé, discreetly checking my watch, when Tom surprised me again. “Talia has good news, too—she’s being considered for a new job. I’m so proud of her.”

He was? All eyes turned in my direction. “Proud of you, Mommy,” Henry said.

Two glasses of sherry had made Abigail curious. “Tell us about it,” she requested.

I couldn’t. To discuss the job out loud was
. Who was I to thumb my nose at fate in the most obvious, arrogant way?

“It’s the same as what I do now,” I said, picking my words with caution, “but at a different agency.” Even that explanation, dull and evasive, seemed too elaborate for my ears. Abigail and Big Tom turned away in disappointment. I wished I could shout,
But it pays twice as much—one of us has to make some real money

“Talia’s too modest. It’s a great job,” Tom said. I thought I detected an edge of contempt that no one else would notice. “In fact, I’m worried she might be late for the interview. Don’t you think you should leave?
” Passive-aggressive, all right.

Skip the birthday cake I’d ordered? Have Abigail furious until I could make it up to her five years from now, when she turned seventy? But she said, “Tom’s right. Chop-chop. You know what Dickens said: ‘I never could have done what I have done without the habits of punctuality, order, and diligence.’”

Did she think
wasn’t diligent? I separated from my soufflé, hugged Henry and Tom, blew kisses at his parents, grabbed my interview-worthy accessories, and wound my way out of the museum.

Finding a taxi took twice as long as I’d planned. The president was in town, causing gridlock
. I arrived at the agency five minutes late.




Sheila Frumkes, M.D., is my gynecologist, and thanks to me, Talia, Chloe, and Quincy use her as well. Only I, however, get a free ride. I help Sheila put together her wardrobe whenever she’s on TV; she waives the fees for my yearly appointment. Tat for tit, since spot-checking my boobs for suspicious lumps is part of the deal.

“What brings you here, love?” she said, looking at my chart. “We usually see you in January.” I couldn’t tell if Sheila was worried. Her husband is one of the city’s cosmetic dermatology czars, and her face hasn’t expressed concern, sadness, or shock in years.

“What brings me here is my fervent hope you’ll tell me my pee-on-a-stick tests have been bullshit,” I said, feeling as ridiculous as the next woman wearing a blue paper gown, dangling her bare legs off the edge of an examining table. If the definition of insane is repeating the same activity, expecting a different outcome, I was certifiable; I’d done four more pregnancy tests.

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