Wolf at the Door: Salvation Pack, Book 1 (20 page)

BOOK: Wolf at the Door: Salvation Pack, Book 1
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Jacque slid the zipper of his jeans down and his cock sprang out, hard and ready. He lifted Gwen’s thighs, parted them and slid into her welcoming heat. He gritted his teeth as the aftershocks of her orgasm gripped him.

He wasn’t ready to come. Not yet.


Gwen wasn’t sure if she was still alive, but if she wasn’t, what a way to go. Every muscle in her body was loose except for her pussy, which still rippled with aftershocks of her incredible orgasm.

She licked her lips and tried to open her eyes. That wasn’t happening. Not yet. She wasn’t certain she could face Jacque just yet. She’d just let him take her on her desk in his study with the door wide open for crying out loud. Anyone could have walked by and seen them. She hadn’t even thought about protesting. Not really.

Her breath was still uneven when she felt him leaving her. She opened her eyes and was caught by the primal picture he made standing over her. He’d undone his jeans and his cock was rigid and thick, his balls full and heavy. She licked her lips again and gulped to catch her breath.

He lifted her thighs, parted them and slid into her body, filling her completely. Her sheath undulated around him, trying to accommodate his girth and length. The sensation wasn’t uncomfortable, not in the least. It was having the opposite effect on her body. She’d thought she was sated, done for the moment. But having Jacque’s hard cock pulsing inside her was quickly bringing her libido back to life.

He planted his hands on the table beside her head and leaned down, the motion driving him even deeper. They both groaned. He kissed her softly on the lips. “I told you I’d make you scream my name while I ate your pussy. Now I’m going to fuck you.” As if to punctuate his point, he withdrew his cock almost all the way before plunging back in again.

Her inner muscles rippled and she was shocked to find she was on the verge of another orgasm. She had a vague memory of calling his name. Had she really screamed it? And had Louis or anyone else heard?

She started to tense, but Jacque kissed her again, quickly driving out all thoughts. Only Jacque and what was happening between them mattered.

He pumped in and out of her slick channel, keeping an even rhythm until she thought she’d go mad. It wasn’t enough to push her over the edge and into another orgasm. She pulled her lips from his. “More. I need more.”

Jacque growled and pulled his cock out of her. Before she could begin to wonder what was wrong, he pulled her to her feet and whirled her around so she was facing the desk, her back to him. “Lean down and use the table to support yourself.”

Excitement pounded in her veins. She knew what he wanted. Knew what he was going to do. She put her hands flat on the tabletop and leaned forward.

“Spread your legs. Let me see that hot, wet pussy.”

His blatantly sexual words aroused her to a fevered pitch. Who knew she’d like this kind of sex talk? She sure hadn’t. And if it were anyone other than Jacque she wasn’t sure she would. She let her legs slide open, exposing herself totally to him.

A broad hand covered one ass cheek. He squeezed the mound before going on to the other. “I love your ass. It’s so tight and firm.”

A sound much like a squawk left her lips when sharp teeth nipped her butt.

Jacque laughed and lapped at the sensual bite. Heat rushed to her sex and she felt her face getting warm as well. Just as well he couldn’t see her blushing.

Fingers stroked over her inner thighs. Up and down but never quite touching her core where she needed it most. She moved with his hand, trying to get him to do as she wanted, but the devil wasn’t done teasing her.

He slid his hands around to her front until he was cupping her breasts. He thumbed her nipples as he nestled his cock against her ass.

“Jacque.” Frustration filled her.

He kissed her nape and then let his teeth scrape over her skin. “I’ll give you what you want, what we both want.” He shifted then and she felt the blunt head of his penis against her opening. She held her breath as he pressed inward, pushing past the swollen flesh.

His hands covered hers where they rested on the table, closing his fingers around hers. Then he began to move. His strokes were short but hard, devastating to her senses. Her breasts swayed each time he pushed into her. She caught his rhythm and met him stroke for stroke, shoving her butt back each time he surged forward.

His harsh moans mixed with her breathy sighs. He rode her hard and the heat built until she knew it was going to explode. She called his name as she came, felt his orgasm ripple up his cock and the hot flood of his release. There was no condom, but there was no need for one. And she was glad. She wanted him like this, flesh to flesh with nothing between them.

And a part of her was no longer concerned about getting pregnant. If it happened, she’d cherish the child and the man who gave it to her. Gwen let her orgasm sweep her away, let the flood of sensations rip through her veins and engulf her body.


Jacque came back to himself slowly. He’d had sex many times in his long life, but he’d never experienced anything quite like this. This was more than sex. It was more a melding of two souls. He let his head fall to her shoulder and breathed in her musky scent.

His cock was still rippling inside Gwen’s sheath and he was in no hurry to leave, couldn’t yet in any case. Not with his shaft still swollen and locked inside her. The contractions of her inner muscles squeezed more pleasure from him. He felt drained yet energized. His wolf was silent inside him, calm and at peace.

When Gwen’s hands slipped on the table, he caught her so she didn’t fall and hurt herself. His cock was still swollen, but it had gone down enough that he was able to withdraw. It wasn’t easy and they both moaned when his hard dick dragged across the sensitive inner muscles of her pussy. He hitched up his jeans and carefully zipped them.

Her knees seemed to give out and her body began to sag. He quickly lifted her into his arms. Leaving the office behind, he carried her into his room and set her on the bed. She barely stirred when he covered her.

Her pale hair was like a beacon against his navy-blue sheets. He wanted to join her but knew he had work to do. He touched her hair and her shoulder. She made a snuffling sound and settled deeper into the pillow.

Jacque silently left the room and returned to his office. He’d pulled on his T-shirt and did up the button on his jeans. Gwen’s clothes were scattered around, so he gathered them and her sneakers and took all of it to the bedroom, setting the bundle on the chair where she would see it when she woke from her nap.

She gave a soft snore and he smiled. This time he pulled the door shut to keep the noise out and went straight back to his office. He had some paperwork that couldn’t wait. They were all independently wealthy due to investments they’d made, but it took time and effort to manage that kind of money.

He sat at his desk but didn’t bother to turn on his computer. His gaze was drawn to the table across from him. Swearing, he pushed out of his chair and strode to the boxes. He opened one and found it was filled with reference books. He was going to need a bookshelf.

Chapter Fifteen

Once again, Gwen woke alone in bed. This was getting a bit ridiculous. She was sleeping more than she ever had in her entire life. Sex with Jacque had drained her, physically and emotionally, but she was awake now and feeling surprisingly energized.

She sat up and spied the pile of clothes on the chair and gave a silent thanks to Jacque. The last thing she wanted was for one of the others to find her panties or bra lying around. She grabbed the bundle and headed to the bathroom for a quick wash, using his soap that was in the dish by the sink. In no time at all, she was feeling fresh and was dressed in the same clothes she’d worn earlier. No need to change. That would certainly lead to speculation.

She paused at the bedroom door and leaned her head against the wood panel. Who was she kidding? They all had to know she’d slept with Jacque. They weren’t stupid and they did possess a keen sense of smell. But she could pretend if they could. It would help her feel less awkward about things.

Gwen decided she’d go to the office and finish unpacking her belongings. She really needed to work. It would help her feel somewhat normal, a sentiment she hadn’t had in what seemed like forever even though it had only been a matter of days since she’d met Hector outside the cemetery.

No one else seemed to be around, but she wasn’t fool enough to believe she’d been left alone. One or more of the men would be outside the cabin, keeping watch. Funny how she no longer thought of them as keeping her prisoner, but that they were protecting her. Maybe it was stupid of her, but there was no arguing with her heart. Her brain didn’t stand a chance.

She paused just inside the office door and stared at the table. She would forever remember what she and Jacque did here. Those erotic memories were forever etched on her body and soul. But the room had certainly changed in the time she’d been asleep. Someone had been very busy.

A bookshelf sat alongside the makeshift desk, the shelves filled with books she recognized very well. Her laptop sat on top of the table surrounded by her pencil holder, notebooks and pads of yellow paper that she used to make notes. The setup was very similar to the one she’d had in her dining room back in Tennessee.

A huge lump formed in her throat. Jacque had done this for her.

She felt a familiar whisper of air behind her and then a pair of strong arms wrapped around her. She leaned her head back against his broad shoulder, cursing herself for her weakness. The closer she got to him now, the harder it would be when she had to leave. She couldn’t ever forget that she was human and he wasn’t. There was no way it could work between them.

“Thank you for this.” She motioned to the work he’d done while she was sleeping.

“My pleasure,
. If you need anything else to make you comfortable just let me know and I’ll see that you get it.”

And he would too. Gwen had no doubt about it. His hand rested on her stomach and she placed her hand over it. “You know my stay here is only temporary,” she began.

Jacque nipped the sensitive curve of her neck, giving her a feel of his sharp teeth but not breaking the skin. Shivers raced down her spine and her body responded. Her nipples peaked and her skin flushed.

“Jacque.” She didn’t know if she was trying to warn him off or encourage him. The man confused her totally. No, not a man, a werewolf. And that was the crux of the problem.

“Come and eat some dinner. Gator’s been cooking.”

She knew he wanted to drop the subject of her leaving, so she let it go for now. “Good, I’m starving.”

Jacque laughed. “Then let’s feed you.” He released his hold on her, taking his time removing his hands from her belly, letting them slide over her sides as he released her. He took her hand and led her down the hallway to the kitchen.

Cole was sprawled in his chair in what she was beginning to think was his usual pose. He nodded but said nothing, his green eyes hooded and watchful.

Gator was standing in front of the stove, a towel tucked in the front of his jeans. He was stirring something that smelled heavenly in a huge pot that sat on the stove. He removed the ladle and set it on the counter before offering her a smile. “Hope you brought your appetite.”

He was such an unusual man. They all were. They were all deadly predators. Killers. Protectors. Yet here was Gator cooking dinner for all of them. It was all so…normal.

“It smells wonderful.” She tugged away from Jacque and walked over to the pot. “What is it?”

“My specialty. Cajun chili. Spicy goodness.” He pulled open a drawer and took out a teaspoon, which he dipped into the pot before offering it to her. “Taste, but be careful. It’s hot.”

Gwen blew on the chili before tasting it. The hot peppers and spices made her taste buds tingle. She let the flavors sit for a moment before swallowing. “That is amazing. Hot but amazing.” She waved her hand in front of her mouth.

Gator laughed. “You’ll get used to it,

Once again, another reference to her staying with them for a long time. She couldn’t let this continue. “How are werewolves made? Did you get bitten at some point?” Time to ask some questions.

Jacque frowned and she wasn’t sure he was going to answer her, but to her surprise, he did. “We were all born werewolves.”

So they were an entirely separate species. Fascinating. Yet, they lived alongside humans without detection. “So the whole being bitten by a werewolf is nothing but fiction?”

Gator pulled a tea towel off a large tray to reveal a pan of freshly risen dough shaped as dinner rolls. He popped the tray in the oven and set the timer. “You can’t believe everything you read.” He wiped his hands on the towel hanging from the front of his jeans. “But there is some truth to that myth.”

“What do you mean?” Her curiosity had been aroused and she knew she wouldn’t rest until she got answers.

“You don’t want to know,” Jacque muttered.

She rounded on him, arms crossed over her chest. “But I do. According to you, I’m damned for simply talking to Hector, so I might as well know everything.”

Jacque held out a chair. “Come sit down.”

She thought about remaining standing but gave in simply because she knew she’d have to pick and choose her battles with Jacque. And whether she was sitting or standing wasn’t worth an argument. “Fine. I’m sitting.” She sat on the chair, placed her elbows on the table and steepled her fingers together. “I’m waiting.”

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