Wolf Hills (11 page)

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Authors: Bianca D'arc

BOOK: Wolf Hills
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She surprised him by laughing. “Guess we shouldn’t tell him about my handcuffs and zip ties then.”

Damn. This woman continued to surprise him.

“I can think of a few hundred good uses for the cuffs, but the zip ties might bite into your delicate skin. The only thing I want biting you from now on is me.” He nipped her hip to emphasize his point. Satisfaction filled him when she shivered under his hands.

“That can be arranged.” The sexy lilt of her voice made him even harder than he already was. The return of passion was as instantaneous as it was fierce. He’d never been so hot for a woman.

“Are you sure?” They both knew he was asking the big question. Did she really want this? Did she really want him? He thought he knew the answer, but it was only polite to ask.

She moaned as his hand moved downward, under the panties, finding her clit, her opening already slick with her juices. He rubbed and her knees buckled but he was there to catch her. He placed her on the wide couch which was luckily only a foot or two away.

“Sally?” he asked again, wanting her answer in words, not just a physical surrender.

“I’ve never been surer of anything in my life. Besides, I owe you for this afternoon.”

Well, that was good enough for him. He pulled her jeans and panties downward, pausing only when he encountered the difficulty of her shoes. Damn. He’d been too eager to notice he was going to have to stop to get those things off first.

She sat up and helped him, tackling one foot while he handled the other. She giggled and suddenly he didn’t feel so clumsy. She made even a tense moment like this fun. What a woman.

She removed her jacket and shoulder holster and gave them to him. He placed the gun, still in its holster, on the end table off to one side. The handcuffs in the pocket of her jacket rattled a bit when he folded it and set it down. He took a moment to place his own ankle holster, with the Magnum in it, alongside hers. They made short work of her footwear.

She then removed her shirt, leaving the bra for him to handle. No way was he leaving her in it this time, though having her slightly immobilized had been fun this afternoon. He hadn’t expected her playfulness but liked it. More than he probably should have considering she was mostly human.

But she smelled like his mate. The conundrum had kept him up half the night, thinking, until he finally decided not to think at all and just go with it. The future would take care of itself somehow.

Jason kicked off his boots and slid his jeans down slowly, enjoying the way she licked her lips when she saw him for the first time. No doubt about it, Sally was more than interested in his body. He liked that she didn’t hide her appreciation and he hoped she’d be appreciating him in the flesh, so to speak, real soon. But he wouldn’t push her. Not anymore than he already had. She had to come to him. She was an Alpha bitch, after all, even if she was only a tiny bit wolf.

When two Alphas mated, fur could fly if one tried too hard to dominate the other. His father had always said it was important to let the woman have the upper hand in sex once in a while when dealing with an Alpha female. Jason hadn’t been with any true Alpha bitches—only a handful of younger women with the potential to be Alphas. They hadn’t known their own inner strength yet and he’d been able to dominate them easily.

He didn’t think he’d have as easy a time with this woman. He’d seen the way she handled herself in the woods with those hunters. He’d seen her glee in a situation that would have sent most women running for cover. Sally knew exactly who she was and what she was capable of. She knew her inner core of strength and had been tested many times in her dangerous job. She was a woman worthy of the title Alpha, whether she could shift form or not. She’d earned it. And she lived it every day.

Jason admired her. That was something new. There were few people in this world he could truly say he admired, but Sally Decker was most definitely one of them. And there she was, lying almost naked on his office couch.

It wasn’t the best place for seduction, but he’d tried to plan something idyllic and fate had led them here instead. He needed her too badly to wait any longer. If their first time had to be in less than a perfect setting, he promised himself he’d make it up to her later. Setting could be controlled. Passion couldn’t. At least not this kind of passion between two mature Alphas.

She might not understand what that meant, but he certainly did. A mating of equals. Something he’d never experienced before, though he had looked for it all his life. He’d seen the example of his parents, before all hell had broken loose within the Pack. He remembered how it could be when two people shared their lives equally. He wanted that. Had always wanted it. He only regretted his parents hadn’t lived long enough to see him find it.

Although, he wasn’t sure what they would have said about a human mate for their son. They’d been so proud of their shifter heritage. They’d been almost snobbish about it, never mixing with humans unless they had to. Oh, they didn’t despise humans the way some of the old ones did, but they had little use for them, preferring to stay within the Pack for most of their lives.

Jason was different. His worldview had been altered during the clan war that had killed his parents. He’d seen the future and knew that things had to change. Shifters had to be tolerant of those who seemed weaker. In the years since he’d taken control of the Pack, he’d learned many things. Among them was the fact that those
humans had somehow managed to foment the unrest that had caused the clan war in the first place.

But how could he be thinking of things like that at a time like this? He had the most luscious woman he’d ever met, spread out, naked on his couch. Her scent washed over him like a drug. She wore only that lovely, lacy bra. Her pussy wept for him. Her heat called to him. Daring him to take her, to make her his in the most basic way.

With a growl, he tore his shirt off over his head and joined her. He’d had the couch built long and wide for those nights when Pack business kept him in his office ‘til all hours and he could only catch quick naps between crises.

This would be the first time he’d put it to such pleasurable use. He couldn’t wait.

Sally made room for him as he lay on one hip beside her. She was up against the back of the couch while he took up the rest of the cushion. It was a tight squeeze, but he wanted to give her pleasure before he sought his own. Crowding her also satisfied his wolf on some basic level. He was so much bigger than she was, it felt good to curl her into him, to surround her with his protective presence. The wolf rumbled low in his chest.

Sally’s fingers covered his heart. “I like it when you do that,” she whispered.

“Oh, baby. You haven’t even heard me growl yet.”

He promised her things with his eyes but he couldn’t be sure she fully understood. She hadn’t been born into shifter society. Who knew what she expected? He only hoped she was ready for him. He’d do his best to temper his animal instincts, but there was only so much holding back he could do.

“I look forward to it.” Her fingers traced patterns down his chest and it was his turn to shiver.

“Do you?” He stilled her hand, covering it with his own. “Things might get a little rough.”

She tugged her hand free and placed one finger over his lips, her smile still in place.

“I can defend myself, even against you, big boy. Do your worst.”

He wasn’t completely convinced of her ability to fight him off, if she felt the need, but he would be as gentle as possible. He’d watch her to see how far he could let himself go. If she responded well, he’d push her a little farther, then farther still. Judging by her earlier climaxes, she could handle more than he’d imagined when he’d first met her. He’d been imagining her beneath him almost from the first moment he caught her scent. It was his fondest dream that she could take him all the way—that he wouldn’t have to hold back. Time would tell and urgency was riding him.

“Hang on for the ride of your life, Detective.”

“Promises, promises,” she teased, but he knew it was a challenge. One he would gladly accept.

Jason climbed over her, making more room on the seat of the couch. She slid over so that she lay squarely under him. He insinuated one knee between hers and she eagerly spread her legs. Damn. He liked the way she joined in and took charge.

“This has got to go.” He supported his weight on one arm and used one hand to trace the strap of her bra.

“It closes in the front. I think you were moving too fast to notice before.” A charming touch of shyness entered her tone while her eyes challenged him to do things he didn’t dare try yet. Not with a brand-new lover.

“Do tell?” He reached down and snapped the clasp open, allowing the weight of her breasts to part the cups. She was shapely enough that the cups didn’t fall off by themselves. No, that pleasure would be his and his alone.

Jason lowered his head. He had her under him and he hadn’t even kissed her yet. Was he a fool? Ah, well, that was soon rectified.

He connected with her lips, sinking his tongue inside her mouth with a groan. He might’ve growled then. He wasn’t sure. She certainly responded with all her might, joining in and tangling her tongue with his. He was quickly becoming addicted to the taste of her. Her soft breaths panting against his face when he let her up for air, then dived back in with reckless abandon. He could kiss her for hours…or years.

But her squirming was getting to him in all too delicious ways. He’d been raw with need most of the day, but he wanted to sample every part of her skin. He wanted to learn the taste of her body from nipples to pussy and everywhere in between.

He dragged himself away from the temptation of her lips to nuzzle her neck. He paused at her earlobe to nip and suck, then trailed his mouth downward to her chest. The cups of the bra teased him. It was like opening presents on Christmas morning, only much, much naughtier. He slid his tongue under the first cup, easing it away from the soft skin of her breast until he could take the fabric between his teeth. Her skin was driving him mad. Never before had he wanted a woman this badly, and never a human.

Sally, bless her adventurous soul, wasn’t content to just lie beneath him and await his pleasure. No, she was more a hands on girl—as he learned when she reached down and grabbed his cock.

Then he growled.


Sally shivered when he made the sound that drove her wild. It was deeper this time, throatier and much louder. And it was continuous as she stroked his hard length with her hand. He was growling, but not in anger or aggression. No, this was a growl of pure pleasure.

He paused with the edge of her bra cup between his teeth, his bristly chin resting on the swell of her breast. Mmm. That felt good. She knew something that would feel even better, but while she had a moment to think, she had to ask him some important questions.

“What about protection?” she whispered, hoping he wasn’t too distracted to hear her question. She wasn’t sure she had the wherewithal to repeat it.

“Weres don’t get STDs,” he answered in a short burst, his breath coming in rapid pants as she continued to stroke him. “And we’re usually only fertile with our mates. That’s how our population stays so low.”

“Good to know.” She was breathing hard too, as if she’d just finished a marathon, but they had hardly even started yet.

She squeezed him hard and reveled in the way his muscles clenched. The man was so beautiful, though he’d probably hate that description. She just couldn’t get enough of looking at him, especially now, his taut muscles straining above her. She couldn’t wait to see how he looked when he came. Now
would be a memory to take home with her.

When she eased off, he took the hint and resumed his position, his teeth on her bra cup, which still hadn’t come off. Her nipples wanted some attention and they wanted it now. They ached with the rigidity he had created and needed the relief only he could give.

Jason seemed to understand. He pulled back the cup of her bra with his teeth, rasping his cheek over her sensitive, puckered skin. She moaned. She couldn’t help it. That felt so damn

He paused for a moment to lick her aching nipple before treating the other to the same attention. This time, after uncovering her, he took his time, sucking her inside his hot mouth and nibbling on her sensitive flesh with sharp teeth that stopped just short of pain. Lightning bolts of sensation raced from her nipples to her pussy and back again. After their earlier interlude in the woods, he knew exactly how far to push her, how to touch her, how to please her and make her want to give him everything she had.

He sucked hard for a few moments before moving downward once more. His free hand toyed with the sharp points of her nipples while his mouth explored her waist and belly button. He licked over the scar on her hip, then moved lower still.

Her thighs parted wide as he settled between them. She thanked the powers that be that the couch was extra long and wide enough for this. She didn’t think she could wait another second to have him. She’d take him on the bare floor if she had to. The couch would do, though. It was well cushioned and the leather was soft and supple beneath her back.

“Holy hell!” Jason’s tongue plunged into her without warning and her muscles went rigid with surprised bliss. He fucked her with strokes of his tongue that seemed impossibly long and somewhat rough.

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