Wolf Hills (13 page)

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Authors: Bianca D'arc

BOOK: Wolf Hills
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He grabbed pieces of clothing off the floor and shook them out, frustration clear in his movements. He handed her underwear over after pausing to admire it. The silly smile that graced his features when he fingered the little bows on her panties and bra were enough to make her blush.

“What?” she demanded, snatching the ultra feminine garments out of his hand.

“It’s kind of cute that you would choose frilly things when you’re Alpha to the core. I didn’t expect it. Then again, you continue to amaze me at every turn. I’m going to have a perpetual hard-on wondering what little frills you have on under your clothes.”

His words warmed her but something he’d said caught her attention.

“You think I’m Alpha? In what way? Can humans even be that?” She slipped into her bra as she asked the question.

“Definitely. There’s a hierarchy in every society. Some are just more subtle than others. If you were a full-blooded werewolf, you’d be an Alpha bitch. There is no doubt in my mind. Even as a human, you’re a force to be reckoned with.”

He dropped a kiss on her lips before standing and walking across the room to the desk. He grabbed a box of tissues and came back to her. Taking a handful from the box, he slid his hand between her thighs without so much as a by your leave. She jumped, unwittingly giving him just the access he sought to clean up the mess he’d made between her thighs.

He did it so matter-of-factly, as if taking care of her and cleaning her most intimate places was something he’d done for a long time. She couldn’t find the words to object, merely watching his face and the little smile of satisfaction there when he had to go back for more tissues.

“Stand up and spread your legs.” The tone of command caught her off guard and started a renewed fire in the pit of her stomach.

“What’s in it for me?” she challenged.

“A clean pussy, for one thing,” he shot back. “More if you’re a good girl and obey my orders.”

His eyes promised pleasure and she couldn’t resist. She stood and spread her legs as far apart as she could while standing before him. His head was on level with her crotch and he wasted no time sliding a clean tissue between her thighs to rub in the renewed flow of his come from inside her as gravity took control.

It was the most intimate thing a man had ever done for her. Somewhat gross if she thought about it in the harsh light of day, but totally hot as his gaze met hers and he discarded the tissue, opting instead to push one of his long, calloused fingers up inside her.

“Just want to make sure it’s all out before I go through any more tissues. And we might have time for a bit more if you’re willing to live dangerously.” His challenging look made her want to take yet another walk on the wild side.

“Do it,” was all she could say as her knees began to tremble.

He held her gaze as he began a slow, steady rhythm, pumping his finger in and out of her slick hole. When her breathing grew rapid, he added another finger and slid his free hand around to support her backside as she swayed on her feet.

Her knees bent but somehow she stayed upright, shocks running from his fingers, deep inside her, up her spine and back as his pace increased. When he leaned forward to lick her distended clit, she blew apart in his embrace.

His mouth guided her climax and his hands supported her as his fingers drove her out of her ever-loving mind. Damn, he was good. His merest touch set her off like a firework on the Fourth of July. She’d never been finger fucked so expertly before today. Jason seemed to enjoy watching her come on his hand and she wasn’t objecting. He could do that any time, it felt so damn good.

She drifted down, barely aware of him completing the cleanup job with another wad of tissues. When he was done and she could speak again, he patted the neat curls that barely covered her throbbing clit and grinned.

“You were a very good girl,” he rumbled in that deep, sexy voice of his. “And for the record, I like the way you trim your bush. Ever tried shaving?” His gaze rose to meet hers and the devil was in his eyes. The devil who dared her, who pushed her boundaries. She liked that devil and feared she might follow wherever he led.

“No,” was all she could get out in reply through a suddenly dry mouth.

“Think about it. I’d be glad to act as your barber.” He winked and slid his fingers through her short curls, pressing just enough to make her clit recall the pleasure it had received a few moments earlier.

Able to breathe again, she thought about what he’d said and it made her chuckle.

“What’s so funny?” he asked, a smile lingering around the corners of his mouth.

“Don’t you think it’s a little hypocritical for a werewolf to want me to shave?”

He laughed outright at her words and she joined him.

“You’ve got me there, sweetheart.” He stroked his fingers gently over her abdomen, then lower. “I may be a wolf, but I’m also a man.” His gaze turned hot again as he watched his hand rub over her skin. “A man who likes to look at beautiful things. And you’re the most beautiful I’ve seen in a good long while.”

Having made his point, he removed his hand and held out her panties so she could step into them.

“It’s a shame to cover this up,” he said, sliding the fabric up her thighs, his gaze resting on her crotch. “If I had my way, you’d be naked all the time. Ready to take me. Ready for me to lick and taste.”

“If you don’t cut it out, we’ll never leave this room,” she mumbled, vaguely aware of the hesitant footsteps pausing outside the door yet again. That made three tries. Who knew how much more patience the woman had?

Jason sighed theatrically. “You’re right. Okay, I’ll behave.” He stood, allowing her to move away, and slid his jeans on sans underwear.

“Commando? Really?” She raised one eyebrow.

“When you have to strip to change shape, the fewer items to remove the better off you are.”

She buttoned her pants and reached for her shirt, thinking about it.

“I can see your point, but isn’t that a little uncomfortable?” She gestured toward the bulge of his semi-hard erection that was visible under the layer of thick cloth.

“Maybe a little.” He shrugged, reaching for his own shirt, which he’d flung on the floor in his earlier haste. “But you get used to it, I suppose.”

“I’ll take your word for it.” She put on her shoes while he finished dressing, then folded her shoulder holster and stowed it in a jacket pocket. She wouldn’t put the jacket back on until they left the house, though she’d keep it with her. She was already a little overheated from their recent activity. She didn’t need the extra layer of cloth to make it worse.

“Do you want to grab a shower?” he asked belatedly. It was clear the idea had just occurred to him. Men. She had to laugh inwardly. But at least he’d thought of it, if a bit late.

“Now that I’m dressed? Nah. I’ll wait ‘til I’m back at Carly’s where all my clothes are. It’s no fun putting on dirty clothes after you’ve made yourself all clean.”

“I might be able to find something you could borrow from one of the girls. Colleen was about your size.”

“No, thanks.” She held up her hands, palms outward. “I don’t want to make a big deal out of this. It’s bad enough Kathy’s been by here three times now and hasn’t had the courage to knock on your door. They all must know I’ve been in here with you for the past hour.”

“They all know what we’ve been doing too. And if they don’t now, they will as soon as they get a whiff of either of us. Our scents are all over each other.”

She sniffed the air, well aware of the wafting aroma of sex. Damn. If she could smell it, no doubt the wolves would pick up on it right away. Her panic must’ve shown on her face.

“Don’t worry.” Jason placed his hands on her shoulders and drew her against his chest, holding her close for a moment. She loved the feel of his big body next to hers. “Sex is not news to any of the adult wolves in my Pack. The only thing that might make them wonder is the fact that you’re human. We don’t get outsiders here often.” He squeezed her gently as if he didn’t want to let her go. “Now, how about some dinner before I take you back to your friends?”

Just like that, she remembered her obligations to Carly and Dmitri. She’d been having fun with Jason all day. Even stepped way out of her normal mode of behavior by having sex with a man she’d only just met. She’d never had a vacation fling before. Never wanted one. But something about Jason made her want to act out her wildest fantasies.

But all good things must come to an end and she had come here to visit Carly. She now had the added task of learning about her friends’ new lives and discovering if Carly was really doing as well with all the changes as it seemed. She’d been her friend for a long time and would still be her friend for many, many years to come. Sally’s first obligation was to her friend. There’d be time to pet the wolf again the next day, when her vampire friends had to sleep.

“Yeah, dinner sounds good. I doubt Carly has any real food in her house anymore.”

Jason laughed and let her go. “The wolves who work for her tend to leave snacks around. We have a higher metabolism than humans and have to eat a lot to compensate for the energy we expend when we shift. If you get the munchies, check the staff kitchenette. There’ll probably always be something in there, even if it’s just chips and cola. You’re welcome to eat here. In fact, I’d enjoy it if you spent your days with us. With me.”

He paused near the door as if nervous of her answer.

“I’d like that,” she answered, glad to see his triumphant grin as he opened the door and motioned politely for her to precede him.

She hadn’t gone two steps before Kathy was there, looking worried. She of the hesitant footsteps sighed in nervous relief when she saw Jason.

“What is it, Kathy?” Jason spoke from just over Sally’s shoulder.

Now that it was time to talk, Kathy seemed even more hesitant. “Sorry, Alpha. It’s Serena. She’s been eager to talk to you.”

Jason sighed. “She can wait.”

“Yes, Alpha. Dinner is ready when you are.”

“Thank you, Kathy.”

Chastised, Kathy bustled away down the hall.

She disappeared down the corridor as Jason escorted Sally at a more normal pace into a room she hadn’t seen on the way in. It was located toward the rear of the giant house, in a separate wing, almost. It was as if the room had been stuck on to the rest of the house as an afterthought. Or maybe it had been designed that way so this room was set apart from the rest of the place.

It was enormous. More like a great hall than a simple dining room, and it was filled with tables and chairs of various lengths and sizes. As Alpha, Jason had a place reserved for him at a nice table against one wall where he could see all parts of the room. He escorted her to his place and seated her at his side while a number of people looked on with various expressions of surprise, knowing smiles, or envy.

The envy was from the women, of course, who made up the majority of the crowd, though there were quite a few men. Some of them she recognized from the welcome party the night before. A couple of the younger ones waved in greeting and she discretely waved back.

“This is some place you’ve got here,” Sally commented as she sat.

“The hall is open to everyone for meals. And we use it for parties, meetings, and other kinds of get-togethers. Those living at the house share kitchen duties on a rotating schedule. Most of the time, we serve ourselves buffet style. Because you’re our special guest tonight, things are a little fancier.”

“I’m honored.”

Covered trays were already appearing from the kitchen, which she could see through a door on one side of the room. It was an industrial type kitchen with a homey touch from what she could see through the swinging door as tray after tray of steaming hot dishes were brought out.

It looked like there were lots and lots and
of meat dishes of every kind. There were also several casseroles and salad, thank goodness. She’d already had filet mignon for lunch. She was about at her meat quota for the day.

Thankfully there were no long speeches, just a lot of werewolves staring at the newcomer. A sharp look from their Alpha had them looking somewhere else in a hurry. Much to Sally’s relief, Josepha sat next to her, with Jason on her right.

When everyone was seated, it was Josepha who said grace over the bounty on the tables. Sally was surprised not only by the unexpected piety, but also by the fact that they gave thanks to the Goddess, not the male God most people of her acquaintance believed in.

Sally didn’t have any problem with it. Over the years she’d come to question why God had to be male when it made more sense to her that the supreme being could be just about anything It wanted to be.

As soon as grace was said, everyone started to eat. Jason served her from the steaming platters on the table, watching her cues for what she wanted and how much. She noted the heaping helpings the wolves served themselves and Jason’s raised eyebrow when she stopped him at quite a bit less.

“Don’t you want more than that?” he finally asked, looking at her plate with dismay.

“No, this is good. Great, in fact. I can’t afford two big meals in one day. I don’t burn off calories like you do.”

“That’s right, Jay,” Serena’s voice purred from farther down the table where she’d managed to finagle a seat. “She’s not a wolf, after all. Humans have to be careful or they get fat.”

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