Wolf's Captive (8 page)

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Authors: Selena Cross

BOOK: Wolf's Captive
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“Tell me you’re mine, Sidney,” he said again, and she heard the desperation in his voice. It was a desperation she felt as well as her entire body burned alive in need to have him inside her.

“Yes—I’m yours,” she croaked out, her voice almost gone from screaming so much. “I’ve always been yours,” she admitted.

He slammed into her, stretching her beyond belief, but she begged him for more. He pulled back and slammed back again, and her body burned as her climax began to build again.

He blanketed her as he pulled back out, and licked her where her shoulder met her neck.

“Mine,” he growled before he slammed back into her and dug his teeth into her neck at the same time.

She lost her breath as she exploded with the largest orgasm she had ever had, and held on to him so tightly her nails dug into his shoulders drawing blood.

He drank from her neck as he came inside her womb, continuing to thrust into her as he emptied himself into her core. Then he pulled away, licking the wound he had made on her throat before he grabbed her hair and directed her face toward one of the bloodied marks her nails had made.

“Drink it, Sidney, and stay with me forever,” he commanded, and she was too far gone to resist.

She licked the coppery tasting liquid, and found that she didn’t hate the taste. It tasted sweet and spicy to her, and she couldn’t get enough. Her mouth latched onto the wound and she drank it down as if it were her lifeline. She heard him howl as she drank from him, but she didn’t want to ever stop.

Finally, he pulled her head away, and slammed his mouth onto hers mixing their tastes together as his tongue invaded her mouth. Their tongues dueled but she surrendered, letting him have control.

As they came down, his kiss got less aggressive and more playful, then he ended it by nibbling on her lip before he rolled off her, dragging her into his arms onto his chest.

They laid there in silence as their breathing leveled, and she was almost asleep when he spoke.

“I wasn’t avoiding you because I didn’t want you anymore,” he stated, and she opened her eyes to look at him. “I was avoiding you because I wanted you so badly it hurt and I wanted to give you time to come to me. I’m in love with you, Sidney.”

She saw how much it took him to admit his love for her, but something inside her made her hold back. She placed her head back on his chest, and acted as if she had fallen asleep until she heard his breathing even out.

Her heart hurt not admitting how she felt about him, but she still feared giving him that last piece to her surrender.



Chapter Six


Russ watched as the human woman named Sidney hugged Adam to her, soothing the boy’s beast and helping Adam relax back into his human form. He knew just by watching the awe on the Pack’s faces, and the power she had over Adam’s beast, that it was true, she was Josh’s mate, and their true she-Alpha.

Something in him tugged at him to go and worship her, to beg her forgiveness, but he held his ground. As the rest of the Pack hailed her as Alpha, he watched Josh yank her from the arms of one of the Pack members and drag her back to his home. Josh did not look please, at all. He had caught a glimpse of his old friend’s face before he turned to drag his mate off and saw the anger, which knowing Josh, probably came from fear for his mate’s safety. Under any other circumstances, what Sidney had done when she held that boy would have been foolish, but she was their Alpha and the only one who had the power to tame the boy’s beast. It seemed she had instinctively knew this.

He sighed heavily. He knew Alana would not be pleased. He decided he would omit the part about Sidney taming the boy’s beast, and just stick with how Josh dragged her away, angrily.

He switched back into his wolf form and bounded through the woods until he came to the large, black SUV he had parked behind some brush to hide it from prying eyes. He got in and turned on the engine but sat there for just a moment as sadness and loss washed over him.

He knew he had made a grave mistake leaving with Alana. It had only taken a couple of days to realize that.

As soon as they were away from the Pack, Alana turned on him. She called him weak and feeble-minded, berating him for not challenging Josh’s authority. Every day she would constantly remind him of how she didn’t want him but Josh because Josh was Alpha and he was nothing now.

He endured her taunts and used money he had saved to pay for a hotel room for them to stay in, and all other accommodations. Alana spent her days spending his money on clothes and material things, while he would hunt for jobs for himself because Alana refused to work.

He pulled out of his hiding place and onto the dirt road that led to the rundown hotel they had rented off of. As soon as he pulled into the parking lot of the hotel and parked in front of their room, he just sat there and stared at the door, wondering how easy it would be to just turn back around and grovel to Josh for forgiveness.

He dragged himself out of the SUV and walked to the door of their room, which he opened, stepped through, and then closed with a soft click. Alana slept most days and he didn’t want to wake her.

However, it didn’t matter she was already awake, and pounced on him before he even had a chance to sit down at the broken table that counted as their minimal furnishings. Another thing Alana had done once they got the room was destroy almost all of the furniture in a fit of rage. Russ had tried to put it back together, but he knew he would be paying a hefty repair bill once they left that hotel.

“Where were you?” Alana sneered. “Spying on your precious Alpha?”

She stood in front of him with a scowl on her face, and Russ wondered what he had ever found beautiful about her.

At one time he had thought himself in love with Alana, but not anymore. He had followed her around like a puppy on a leash, always doing her bidding for just a little bit of her attention, which she never really gave. She had fucked almost every male member of their Pack—except for him. She would tease him with her body and use him for what she wanted, then when the time came for them to go any further, she would always find an excuse not to. Her biggest reason was that she said she was in love with Josh. But Russ figured out quickly that she was just in love with his power.

“Actually yes, I was,” he admitted, not feeling the need to lie about it.

Her face twisted, and then she huffed, folding her arms under breasts he no longer found tempting, “Well? What did you see?”

Russ took a seat at the only chair she hadn’t broken and leaned on his knees with his elbows before he spoke. He knew he was about to lie, he just needed it to sound convincing.

“I saw Sidney and Josh get into a fight in front of the whole Pack, and Josh drag her off to punish her,” he guessed the last part, knowing Josh’s form of punishment on women was much like his own, and more pleasurable for both participants than actual punishment.

Alana cackled and Russ wanted to cover his ears at the screeching sound.
Man, he hated her laugh

“Oh, this is just what I needed to hear,” she said, flopping onto the bed. “I just wonder when he’ll finally get tired of her and kill her. I’m so tired of waiting.”

“She’s his mate, he won’t kill her,” Russ said without thinking, and then regretted it.

She popped up, with a snarl on her face, “Well, I will. Just as soon as she drops her guard, I will make my attack and Josh will be all mine.”

“And you think Josh will want you after what you did to his mate?” Russ responded.

“He won’t know about it because no one will tell him,” she snapped. “Will they?”

Russ just glared at her, and then turned away. “Whatever, Alana. Do what you want.”

“I will do what I want because I am the one that deserves to be she-Alpha, not that filthy human,” Alana yelled the last part. “It is what my parents worked so hard for me to have and I refuse to have all their hard work go to waste.”

Russ looked at her, curious about what she meant, “What do your parents have to do with this?”

“They have everything to do with this,” she retorted. “If my parents hadn’t killed Josh’s mother, his father would have never gone crazy and challenged their Alpha for the Pack. He would have never done my parents’ bidding and kept our Pack separate from the disgusting humans, like we should be. He would have been content to just be a Beta and live out his useless life as nothing.”

“If your parents killed Josh’s mother, why did his father listen to a damn thing they said?” Russ asked, blown away by this revelation.

“Oh, he didn’t know about it, stupid,” Alana said, as if it was nothing. “Josh’s father thought our old Alpha killed her because he wanted her for himself. My parents talked him into challenging the old Alpha, and he killed him, securing the Alpha position and my parents’ plans.”

Russ felt bile rise up into his throat, but he pushed it down. Alana’s family was nothing but a bunch of sociopaths, and she was the sickest of them all.

He knew then he had to do something to stop Alana from whatever she planned. He would continue to play along with her, until he knew her plans, and then he would stop her.

He watched her get up with a smile on her face, and make her way to the small bathroom of the hotel room.

“I’m going to take a shower, and then you’re taking me out tonight,” she demanded. “We’re going to celebrate because this time tomorrow, Josh will be mine, and I will be she-Alpha.”

With that, she slammed the door, and Russ slumped in his seat, regretting ever laying eyes on the she-wolf.




Sidney awoke in Josh’s arms, her head on his chest, and her legs wrapped around his waist. At first, she wanted to just snuggle into him and never move, but then the memory of what happened the day before came back to her in full swing.

He had bitten her and she drank his blood. He had claimed her, and now she was forever tied to him.

She scrambled off the bed, wanting to be as far from him as possible. Luckily, he didn’t seem to have noticed her movements because he just continued to snore and cuddled the pillow she had used. She went to the dresser and pulled out some fresh clothes, which she dressed in quickly, before going to the bathroom to brush her hair out and pull it back in a ponytail. Then she slipped on her socks and shoes, and left the room with a soft click when she shut the door.

What had she done?
She had allowed him to claim her. She had even begged for it.

Why would she do that? Now she was stuck here.

It wasn’t that she hated being there. The Pack was nice and she had really felt a connection with everyone, especially Tricia and Emily. She just didn’t want to become what she knew she would once Josh claimed her, a servant and a prisoner—forever.

Now it was too late and she had given up her freedom to become what she feared the most.

She ran out of the house, stopping at the top step of the porch, afraid to take another step or else Josh would tackle her and drag her back. However, when she stood there for long minutes and nothing happened, she mustered up the courage to go down the steps and walk very quickly but not suspiciously toward the forest border.

She had almost made it to the tree line when a large hand landed on her shoulder and spun her around.

“Where are you going?” Josh growled, looking disheveled and barely dressed.

“I-I just wanted to take a walk,” she lied.

“Is that why you jumped out of bed and ran out of the house like your ass was on fire?” he asked, crossing his arms in front of him.

“Look, Josh,” she started, becoming irritated. “I just need some space to think. What happened yesterday was a lot to take in and I need a moment, alone, to adjust to the fact that I’m stuck here for the rest of my life and my life at home is gone.”

She saw the hurt in his eyes and felt guilty for her words, but she refused to take them back.

“This is your home now,” he snapped. “If you didn’t want to be
here, you shouldn’t have begged me to claim you.”

His voice rose when his said the word “stuck” placing emphasis on the fact that he didn’t like the way she described her lack of freedom.

“I didn’t beg you to claim me,” she argued. “I begged you to fuck me—big difference.”

“You agreed you were mine,” he stated, and Sidney automatically felt the flush of embarrassment on her cheeks because she knew he was right. “You stated you always had been.”

She lowered her eyes, not wanting him to see the fear his revelation brought. However, he wasn’t having any of it. He pushed her chin up with his fingers and forced her to face him.

“Don’t turn away now, you’ve already racked up your punishment for later, you might as well make it good,” he warned, but she saw the teasing glint in his eyes.

“I don’t want to be your slave,” she stated, as tears burned her eyes. “And have you kill me when you’re done with me.”

He reeled as if she had hit him, and the teasing disappeared from his expression. At first, he looked confused and even a bit angry, but then his facial expression softened, as if he realized something.

“You think that’s what this is?” he asked, almost as if he could barely choke out the words, but she still nodded. “I told you last night that I’m in love with you. I don’t want you to be my slave and I would never hurt you. You’re my mate, my partner in everything. Hell, you
my everything.”

She saw the sincerity in his words, but something still made her hold back. Something inside her still held the fear when she confessed her love he would use it against her. Perhaps it was because Brian had hurt her more than she realized when she found him with his secretary. Not that she truly loved him. Not the way she loved Josh. But he did betray her trust.

“Who is this Brian guy?” Josh suddenly asked and Sidney shot him a surprised look.

“I didn’t say anything about Brian,” she answered.

“You were thinking about him,” he stated. “Something you should probably know about shifters when they mate with their true mates. We can read each others thoughts.”

She pulled away from him, shocked by his news, but stood her ground, “Then you should already know how I feel and who Brian is to me.”

He smiled, but it was cold, “Yes, but I want to hear you say it out loud, and I want to kill this Brian guy for putting this mistrust in you.”

“He isn’t the only one who put this mistrust in me,” she stated.

He frowned, “Then who else? So I can kill them too.”

“I doubt you would, unless you’re suicidal,” she retorted. “You put it in me when you said I was below you and your Pack because I’m human.”

“I said I was sorry for saying that,” he growled. “I was angry and I didn’t mean it.”

Before she could argue against him, he grabbed her wrapping his arms around her waist and kissed her hard. She gasped and his tongue shot out, sinking into her mouth to duel with her tongue. At first she stiffened, wanting to fight him, but as the kiss went on she relaxed into the spell his lips were weaving and wrapped her arms around his neck in surrender.

After what felt like an eternity of sweet kisses, he pulled away from her lips, trailing his mouth down her jaw, until he pulled away completely to rest his forehead against hers and look into her eyes.

“I meant what I said when I said I love you, Sidney,” he whispered. “You should be able to hear it in my mind and know it through our connection.”

She closed her eyes, trying to listen to his thoughts, then an overwhelming sense of love and possessiveness swept over her. Her eyes popped open when she realized they were his emotions and not hers, and he smiled.

“I know how you feel, too,” he stated. “But I can wait to have you say it, if I need to prove to you this is forever to gain your trust. Then I will.”

Sadness crept into his features, and Sidney felt guilty. However, before she could apologize, he kissed her fleetingly and pulled away completely before walking away from her, leaving her stunned and alone in the middle of the village.


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