Wolf's Head, Wolf's Heart (98 page)

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Authors: Jane Lindskold

Tags: #epic, #Fantasy - Epic

BOOK: Wolf's Head, Wolf's Heart
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"Why won't you go west?" Bold asked. "The Beasts will honor you for your courage and tenacity. I myself will sing your praises."

Firekeeper felt a smile trying to surface at the thought of a singing crow, but the smile died without reaching her lips.

"I have done what they asked," she said in explanation, "but maybe not in the manner of their asking. They said that I was to bring the artifacts to them and they would secure them against misuse. Instead I myself have secured them against misuse by destroying them. Right now I don't have the patience to debate such fine points with those who still see me as an odd pup with fingers."

Elation laughed. "Then I will carry the news to them. Bold and I will spread your news to the ears that wish to hear it. Then I will join you in the North Woods. There is good hunting there and I wish to see what Derian does to improve Earl Kestrel's stables."

"Tell us your message," Bold agreed. "I will sing to all, not just to the Mothers of my kind."

"Tell them," Firekeeper said slowly. "Tell them that I have kept my promise. The things are found and though I will not bring them back, they are broken beyond use—they will hurt no one."

To her eye, the shattered ruins of the moonstone ring were still visible, though the rock that held them was being swallowed by the swamp. The beast's features were battered and dented, but she could see them, remember how she had hoped to make them her own.

Looking at the ruined ring, Firekeeper was not so certain that no one had been hurt. Certainly, her own heart was breaking.

Blind Seer came up to her as she finished speaking, nudging her with his head, forcing her to look him in those unwolfish eyes, blue as a mountain pool but holding sight.

Seeing the still livid scar that bisected the wolf's eyelid, Firekeeper was forced to admit that she was not the only one who had accepted loss to fulfill this promise. Blind Seer could have been truly blinded—or killed.

The great grey wolf nudged her again.

"Catch me," he suggested, beginning to run, leaping from hummock to hummock.

Firekeeper reached for his tail as it trailed behind him. It slipped through her fingers, but in the reaching she did indeed begin to run.

Blood flowed through her veins, tracing the crack in her broken heart, making it whole, though leaving behind a scar.


Glossary Of Characters

Agneta Norwood
: (H.H.) daughter of Norvin Norwood and Luella Stanbrook; sister of Edlin, Tait, and Lillis Norwood; adopted sister of Blysse Norwood (Firekeeper).

Aksel Trueheart
: (Lord, H.H.) scholar of Hawk Haven; spouse of Zorana Archer; father of Purcel, Nydia, Deste, and Kenre Trueheart

Albert Eagle
: (H.H.) son of Princess Marras and Lorimer Stanbrook. In keeping with principles of Zorana I, he was given no title, as he died in infancy.

Alin Brave
: (H.H.) husband of Grace Trueheart; father of Baxter Trueheart.

Allister I
: (King, H.H.), called King Allister of the Pledge, sometimes the Pledge Child; formerly Allister Seaglearn. Son of Tavis Seagleam (B.B.) and Caryl Eagle (H.H.); spouse of Pearl Oyster; father of Shad, Tavis, Anemone, and Minnow.

Alt Rosen
: (Opulence, Waterland): ambassador to Bright Bay.

Amery Pelican
: (King, B.B.) Spouse of Gustin II; father of Basil, Seastar, and Tavis Seagleam. Deceased.

: (Princess, B.B.) formerly Anemone Oyster. Daughter of Allister I and Pearl Oyster; sister of Shad and Tavis; twin of Minnow.

: (Dragon Speaker, N.K.) long-time elected official of New Kelvin.

Aurella Wellward
: (Lady, H.H.) confidant of Queen Elexa; spouse of Ivon Archer; mother of Elise Archer.

Characters are detailed under first name or best-known name. The initials B.B. (Bright Bay), H.H. (Hawk Haven, or N.K. (New Kelvin) in parentheses following a character's name indicate nationality. Titles are indicated in parentheses.

Hawk Haven and Bright Bay noble houses both follow a naming system where the children take the surname of the higher ranking parent, with the exception that only the immediate royal family bear the name of that house. If the parents are of the same rank, then rank is designated from the birth house, greater over lesser, lesser by seniority. The Great Houses are ranked in the following order: Eagle, Shield, Wellward, Trueheart, Redbriar, Stanbrook, Norwood.

Barden Eagle
: (Prince, H.H.) third son of Tedric I and Elexa Wellward. Disowned. Spouse of Eirene Norwood; father of Blysse Eagle. Presumed deceased.

Basil Seagleam
: see Gustin III.

Baxter Trueheart
. (Earl, H.H.) infant son of Grace Trueheart and Alin Brave. Technically not a title holder until he has survived his first two years.

Bee Biter
. Royal Kestrel; guide and messenger.

Bevan Seal
: see Calico.

Blind Seer
. Royal Wolf; companion to Firekeeper.

Blysse Eagle
: (Lady, H.H.) daughter of Prince Barden and Eirene Norwood.

Blysse Kestrel
: see Firekeeper.

: Royal Crow; eastern agent; sometime companion to Firekeeper.

Brina Dolphin
: (Lady or Queen, B.B.) first spouse of Gustin HE, divorced as barren.

Brock Carter
. (H.H.) son of Colby and Vernita Carter; brother of Derian and Damita Carter.

: (B.B.) proper name, Bevan Seal. Confidential secretary to Allister I. Member of a cadet branch of House Seal.

Caryl Eagle
: (Princess, H.H.) daughter of King Chalmer I; married to Prince Tavis Seagleam; mother of Allister Seagleam. Deceased.

Ceece Dolphin
: (Lady, B.B.) sister to current Duke Dolphin.

Chalmer I
: (King, H.H.) born Chalmer Elkwood; son of Queen Zorana the Great; spouse of Rose Rosewood; father of Marras; Tedric, Gadman, and Rosene Eagle. Deceased.

Chalmer Eagle
: (Crown Prince, H.H.) son of Tedric Eagle and Elexa Wellward. Deceased.

: (N.K.) Illuminator. Wife of Grateful Peace. Deceased.

Citrine Shield
: (H.H.) daughter of Melina Shield and Rolfston Redrbriar; sister of Sapphire, Jet, Opal, and Ruby Shield.

Colby Carter
. (H.H.) livery stable owner and carter; spouse of Vernita Carter; father of Derian, Damita, and Brock Carter.

: (N.K.) retired Prime of the Sodality of Lapidaries.

Culver Pelican
: (Lord, H.H.): son of Seastar Seagleam; brother of Dillon Pelican. Merchant ship captain.

Damita Carter
. (H.H.) daughter of Colby and Vernita Carter; sister of Derian and Brock Carter.

Derian Carter
. (H.H.) also called Derian Counselor; assistant to Norvin Norwood; son of Colby and Vernita Carter; brother of Damita and Brock Carter.

Deste Trueheart
: (H.H.) daughter of Aksel Trueheart and Zorana Archer; sister of Purcel, Nydia, and Kenre Trueheart.

Dia Trueheart
. see Nydia Trueheart.

Dillon Pelican
: (Lord, B.B.) son of Seastar Seagleam; brother of Culver Pelican.

Dirkin Eastbranch
: (knight, H.H.) King Tedric's personal bodyguard.

Donal Hunter
. (H.H.) member of Barden Eagle's expedition; spouse of Sarena; father of Tamara. Deceased.

Edlin Norwood
: (Lord, H.H.) son of Norvin Norwood and Luella Kite; brother of Tait, Lillis, Agneta and Blysse Norwood.

Eirene Norwood
: (Lady, H.H.) spouse of Barden Eagle; mother of Blysse Eagle; sister of Norvin Norwood. Presumed deceased.

: Royal Falcon, companion to Firekeeper.

Elexa Wellward
: (Queen, H.H.) spouse of Tedric I; mother of Chalmer, Lovella, and Barden.

Elise Archer
. (Lady, H.H.) daughter of Ivon Archer and Aurella Wellward; heir to Archer Grant.

: (N.K.) senior apprentice in the Beast Lore sodality.

Evie Cook
: (H.H.) servant in the Carter household.

Faelene Lobster
. (Duchess, B.B.) new head of House Lobster; sister of Marek, Duke of Half-Moon Island; aunt of King Harwill.

Farand Briarcott
: (Lady, H.H.) assistant to Tedric I, former military commander.

Fess Bones
: a pirate with some medical skills.

: (Lady, H.H.) feral child raised by wolves, adopted by Norvin Norwood and given the name Blysse Norwood.

Fleet Herald
: a pirate messenger.

Fox Driver
. (H.H.) given name, Orin. Skilled driver in the employ of Waln Endbrook.

Gadman Eagle
: (Grand Duke, H.H.) fourth child of King Chalmer and Queen Rose; brother to Marras, Tedric, Rosene; spouse of Riki Redbriar; father of Rolfston and Nydia Redbriar.

Gayl Minter
. see Gayl Seagleam.

Gayl Seagleam
: (Queen, B.B.) spouse of Gustin I; first queen of Bright Bay; mother of Gustin, Merry (later Gustin II), and Lyra. Note: Gayl was the only queen to assume the name "Seagleam." Later tradition paralleled that of Hawk Haven, where the name of the birth house was retained even after marriage to the monarch. Deceased.

: (H.H.) a soldier.

Grace Trueheart
: (Duchess Merlin, H.H.) military commander; spouse of Alin Brave; mother of Baxter Trueheart.

Grateful Peace
: (Dragon's Eye, N.K.) also, Trausholo. Illuminator; Prime of New Kelvin; member of the Dragon's Three. A very influential person. Husband to Chutia.

Gustin I
: (King, B.B.) born Gustin Sailor, assumed the name Seagleam upon his coronation; first monarch of Bright Bay; spouse of Gayl Minter, later Gayl Seagleam; father of Gustin, Merry, and Lyra Seagleam. Deceased.

Gustin II
: (Queen, B.B.) born Merry Seagleam, assumed the name Gustin upon her coronation; second monarch of Bright Bay; spouse of Amery Pelican; mother of Basil, Seastar, and Tavis Seagleam. Deceased.

Gustin III
: (King, B.B.) born Basil Seagleam, assumed the name Gustin upon his coronation; third monarch of Bright Bay; spouse of Brina Dolphin, later of Viona Seal; father of Valora Seagleam. Deceased.

Gustin IV
: (Queen, B.B.) see Valora I.

Gustin Sailor
, see Gustin I.

Harwill Lobster
. (King, the Isles) spouse of Valora I; during her reign as Gustin IV, also king of Bright Bay. Son of Marek.

: (N.K.) a landlady.

Hazel Healer
: (H.H.) apothecary, herbalist, perfumer resident in the town of Hope.

Heather Baker
. (H.H.) baker in Eagle's Nest; former sweetheart of Derian Carter.

Holly Gardener
: (H.H.) former Head Gardener for Eagle's Nest Castle, possessor of the Green Thumb, a talent for horticulture. Mother of Timin and Sarena Gardener.

Honey Endbrook
: (Isles) mother of Waln Endbrook.

Hya Grimsel
: (General, Stonehold) commander of Stonehold troops.

: (N.K.) young member of the Sodality of Artificers.

Ivon Archer
: (Baron, H.H.) master of the Archer Grant; son of Purcel Archer and Rosene Eagle; brother of Zorana Archer; spouse of Aurella Wellward; father of Elise Archer.

Ivory Pelican
: (Lord, B.B.) Keeper of the Keys, an honored post in Bright Bay.

Jared Surcliffe
: (knight, H.H.) knight of the Order of the White Eagle; possessor of the healing talent; distant cousin of Norvin Norwood who serves as his patron. Widower, no children.

: (B.B.) deserter from Bright Bay's army.

Jet Shield
: (H.H.) son of Melina Shield and Rolfston Redbriar; brother of Sapphire, Opal, Ruby, and Citrine shield. Heir apparent to his parents' properties upon the adoption of his sister Sapphire by Tedric I.

Joy Spinner
. (H.H.) scout in the service of Earle Kite. Deceased.

: (Prime, N.K.) thaumaturge, Sodality of Sericulturists.

: (H.H.) servant to Newell Shield.

Kenre Trueheart
: (H.H.) son of Zorana Archer and Aksel Trueheart; brother of Purcel, Nydia, and Deste Trueheart

: (N.K.) clerk in Thendulla Lypella. Nephew of Grateful Peace.

Lillis Norwood
: (H.H.) daughter of Norvin Norwood and Luella Stanbrook; sister of Edlin, Tait, Agneta and Blysse Norwood.

Longsight Scrounger
, pirate, leader of those at Smuggler's Light.

Lorimer Stanbrook
: (Lord, H.H.) spouse of Marras Eagle; father of Marigolde and Alben Eagle. Deceased.

Lovella Eagle
: (Crown Princess, H.H.) military commander; daughter of Tedric Eagle and Elexa Wellward; spouse of Newell Shield. Deceased.

Lucky Shortleg
: a pirate.

Luella Stanbrook
: (Lady, H.H.) spouse of Norvin Norwood; mother of Edlin, Tait, Lillis, and Agneta Norwood.

: (Duke, Half-Moon Island) formerly Duke Lobster of Bright Bay but chose to follow the fate of his son, Harwill. Brother of Faelene, the current Duchess Lobster.

Marigolde Eagle
: (H.H.) daughter of Marras Eagle and Lorimer Stanbrook. In keeping with principles of Zorana I, given no title as died in infancy.

Marras Eagle
: (Crown Princess, H.H.) daughter of King Chalmer and Queen Rose; spouse of Lorimer

Stanbrook; mother of Marigolde and Alben Eagle. Deceased.

Melina Shield
: (Lady, H.H.) reputed sorceress; spouse of Rolfston Redbriar; mother of Sapphire, Jet, Opal, Ruby, and Citrine Shield.

Merri Jay
: (H.H.) daughter of Wendee Jay.

Merry Seagleam
: see Gustin II.

: (Princess, B.B.) formerly Minnow Oyster. Daughter of Allister I and Pearl Oyster; sister of Shad and Tavis; twin of Anemone.

: (H.H.) attendant to Melina Shield.

: (N.K.) member of the Sodality of Herbalists.

Newell Shield
: (Prince, H.H.) commander of marines; spouse of Lovella Eagle; brother of Melina Shield. Deceased.

Ninette Farmer
: (H.H.) relative of Ivon Archer; attendant of Elise Archer.

Norvin Norwood
: (Earl Kestrel, H.H.) heir to Kestrel Grant; brother of Eirene Norwood; spouse of Luella Stanbrook; father of Edlin, Tait, Lillis, Agneta, and Blysse (adopted).

Nydia Trueheart
: (H.H.) often called Dia; daughter of Aksel Trueheart and

Zorana Archer; sister of Purcel, Deste, and Kenre Trueheart.

: (N.K.) apothecary; member of the Sodality of Alchemists.

One Male
: formerly Rip; ruling male wolf of Firekeeper and Blind Seer's pack.

One Female
: formerly Shining Coat; ruling female wolf of Firekeeper and Blind Seer's pack.

Opal Shield
: (H.H.) daughter of Melina Shield and Rolfston Redbriar; sister of Sapphire, Jet, Ruby, and Citrine shield.

: (Isles) wife of Waln Endbrook.

: (H.H.) born Malvin Hogge; bodyguard to Norvin Norwood; renowned for his strength and good temper.

Pearl Oyster
. (Queen, B.B.) spouse of Allister I; mother of Shad, Tavis, Anemone, and Minnow.

Perce Potterford
: (B.B.) guard to Allister I.

. (H.H.) body servant to Ivon Archer.

: (Prime, N.K.) member of the Sodality of Illuminators.

Purcel Trueheart
: (H.H.) lieutenant Hawk Haven army; son of Aksel Trueheart and Zorana Archer; brother of Nydia, Deste, and Kenre Trueheart. Deceased.

Parcel Archer
. (Baron Archer, H.H.) first Baron Archer, born Purcel Farmer, elevated to the title for his prowess in battle; spouse of Rosene Eagle; father of Ivon and Zorana Archer. Deceased.

Race Forester
. (H.H.) scout under the patronage of Norvin Norwood; regarded by many as one of the best in his calling.

: (N.K.) member of the Sodality of Lapidaries.

Red Stripe
: also called Cime; a pirate.

Reed Oyster
. (Duke, B.B.) father of Queen Pearl. Among the strongest supporters of Allister I.

Riki Redbriar
. (Lady, H.H.) spouse of Gadman Eagle; mother of Rolfston and Nydia Redbriar. Deceased.

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