Wolves for the Bears: Book 5, Grey Wolf Pack Romance Novellas (5 page)

BOOK: Wolves for the Bears: Book 5, Grey Wolf Pack Romance Novellas
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God why weren’t things ever easy?!


Chapter Four


let himself into his house, he forgot to duck and slammed his head into the door frame.  He let out a loud yelp. 
Great, fucking great!

Why the fuck was he living in this tiny house anyway – it was built for freaking munchkins!
Oh yeah right of course, Esther wanted to live here and he didn’t want to disappoint her.

No of course not, good old Andy never wants to disappoint anyone.  He’s always helping out, doing favours, bowing to the will of others, letting other
s have their way.  God forbid he ever got his own way! 
God forbid he ever took something for himself!

It was midnight.
  His shift at Bar Luna had been...
.  When he hadn’t been pulling apart horny young wolves fighting over the same girl, he had to put up a newly mated puma shifter couple fawning over each other. 
It made him acutely aware of his own lack of progress in that area.

The worst part was having to listen to a young wolf called Luke, the same young wolf that Mac had hugged at her party, telling intimate stories about him and Mac when they were younger.
  His bear wanted to rip the male apart.  How dare he talk about Andy’s mate, he had no right to speak of her in such a familiar way. 
Mac belonged to him damnit!

Even worse that that, Luke called her Delilah. 
His mate allowed the other male to call her Delilah, she wouldn’t even allow him that luxury!

All in all he wasn’t exactly in the best of tempers...

He heard the TV blaring.  He looked in to find Esther asleep on the couch.  She always fell asleep with the TV on.  For heavens sake, why didn’t she turn off the TV if she was tired and drag her ass up to bed?!  But no, virtually every night she did this.  It was a waste of electricity.

With irritation he switched the TV off
and then started snapping lights off.  Every single light and lamp was switched on.  Why did she need so much light anyway?  The place was lit like a freaking football stadium!

He tramped into the kitchen
.  He was exasperated to find a sizeable amount of dirty dishes dumped in the sink.  For fucks sake?!  Couldn’t she even wash her dishes?  Was it so much to ask that she at least rinsed them out?!

Ugh!  What else could go fucking wrong?!
He and his animal roared in fury.

Esther shuffled into the room yawning and stretching.  “Were you roaring?”

Andy slammed a bowl down on the counter so hard it shattered.  He gave another roar before he started yelling at her in wild abandon.  “Yes I fucking was!  You know why?  I come home to this fucking shit little house after a long fucking day working in that shithole bar and what do I find?  The TV blaring, every fucking light in the house on and a sink full of dirty dishes.  I mean for fucks sake Esther!”

Esther blinked at him in surprise.  “
Andy, you seem a little tense... how long has it been since you shifted and just went for a run?”

Andy’s chest heaved as he breathed heavily.
  He was assuaged by guilt.

He was angry and frustrated at not being with his mate and he had taken it out on her.  The tension within his body had been building up since the moment he met Mac
and now it was ready to explode,
and it didn’t seem to matter who was in the blast zone... 

He loved Esther, really he did. 
But he couldn’t control his temper enough not to hurt her.

Andy slapped his hands over his face.  “Ess I’m... I’m sorry, I... I don’t know what came over me...”

She looked at him with concern.  “It’s okay, I know I have bad habits... although I’d rather you didn’t yell them out in future.  I think you might feel better if you shifted more often, it’s been ages since you did.  That’s probably all it is.”

“Yeah you’re probably right.” 
If only it was just that
.  “I think I’ll go out for a run right now.”

“Sounds like a plan.  Well I’m going to bed, see you tomorrow sweetie... hopefully in a better mood.”  She winked at him.  “But seriously if you need to talk about anything that’s bothering you, you know where I am.”

“Thanks Ess.”  He forced himself to smile, to show her he would be okay. 
Even if he really didn’t believe it.

She left and he heard her soft footfalls on the stairs.

He sighed.  Who knows?  Maybe a run really would calm him down a little.  Maybe if he wore himself out he would be too tired to obsess over his mate.  He doubted it but he didn’t have any better ideas.

Oh well, time to let the bear roam free...


The bear slumped onto the ground heavily.
  He groaned roughly.  He’d been running in the woods for hours.  The Alpha allowed other shifters to use the pack woods just as long as they didn’t interfere with pack members and stayed away on the full moon.  Although he suspected that was mostly for their protection rather than the pack. 
Wolves were especially aggressive at that time of the month.

His body was getting tired but the tension he felt
was just ratcheting up.  Perhaps it wasn’t wise to come running in her family’s woods.  In spite of all the conflicting scents, in spite of all the other animals that had run through here he could still pick out her scent. 
Mmmmmm honeybuns

His ears pricked up.
  Another creature was near.  He could hear the soft tread of paws.  He sat motionless, waiting.  He was ready to attack but wait... he sniffed the air.  Elation flowed through his giant body. 
It was his mate

He waited patiently, tail figuratively wagging.

Mac’s wolf padded through the woods.  She hadn’t been sleeping properly since.... well since she met her mate.  The moment her head hit the pillows she was assaulted by visions of him. 
They haunted her
.  Sleep eluded her.  So each night she shifted and went for a run.

She ran until she was exhausted, she forced herself to sleep. 
Although it was working, each night it took longer and longer to tire her out. 
She’d been out for three hours that night already

Her wolf, whilst mournful at Mac’s actions regarding her mate, was overjoyed to be let loose so often.  Whilst away at college and then whilst travelling Mac had only shifted on the full moon. 
When she had to
.  So the wolf found this turn of events quite exhilarating, and honestly so did Mac.  Shifting more regularly was so

Mac relaxed and allowed
her beast to take the lead.  The wolf had been starting to dawdle a little but suddenly she brightened a little.  With renewed enthusiasm the wolf changed direction and started trotting.

Where were they going?

Mac gasped as they came to a little clearing.  Sat there was a huge sleek black bear. 

She pawed the ground a little as the bear stared at her, black eyes boring into her.
  Should she turn and run?

Probably not a good idea.
  That might incite a chase and being hunted down by a horny bear three times her size wasn’t overly appealing. 
Time to face the music...

She shimmered as her shift took over
.  Before him stood the beautiful young woman.  His eyes feasted on the creamy skin, her small round breasts and dark pink nipples, already hardened from desire.  His eyes travelled down to her mound, it was dusted with a few beautiful black curls.

The bear groaned lustily as
he forced his own shift.  Mac gasped at the sight before him. 
He was unbelievably gorgeous
.  Being a wolf shifter meant that she was used to seeing male wolves naked, the full moon gatherings were a free for all on the sight of hunky men.  However, none of the wolves she had ever seen could hold a candle to the amazing specimen before her.

He was a perfectly proportioned giant man, with acres of naturally chiselled muscles.  His skin was lightly tan and smooth looking.
  She was a little surprised and pleased at how little chest hair he had, wolves tended to be hairy and it had never appealed to her. 
He was an Adonis, people should make statues of him.

He made her f
eel so tiny, petite even.  She’d always felt so goofy growing up, with her long uncontrollable limbs, but he made her feel feminine.  A thrill went through her at the thought of being dominated by him.

His enormous erection bobbed and waved at her invitingly.  It was long and so thick, she felt a little trepidation about taking him inside,
she was a little more slender than she-bears
.  Nonetheless she had the urge to move towards him and take him in her hands and then her mouth, to touch him, to taste him...

She half-heartedly tried to cover herself, but in truth she wanted him to see her, just as much as she wanted to see him.

Mac finally settled her hands on her hips and chewed on her lip.  “What are you doing out here?” 

“I needed a run... my bear was restless.  You?”  His breathing was already laboured from having to control himself, he wanted to leap over to her and plunge straight into her body.


She licked her lips and his arousal sky rocketed.
Either he needed to run away from her now or tonight he was going to take her.

“I’ve barely seen you since the day we met...”  He began uncertainly.
His legs didn’t seem to want to move which left only one option...

“How’s your wife?”  She interrupted, a trace of bitterness entering her voice.
  She crossed her arms, pushing her breasts up.

He groaned, in lust and unhappiness, and his face darkened.  “I don’t want to talk about my wife...”

“I’ll bet.”  She snapped.  She was furious at him.  Furious at him for being married, for marrying someone before she met him, for not waiting for her, and now she wanted to take those feelings out on him. 

What angered her more was how aroused she was, and her fury only made it worse.  She could tell by the state of his manhood how much he wanted her, and undoubtedly he could smell her lust for him.

“She has nothing to do with this...”  He rumbled.  His bear growled at him.  He could smell her arousal, he could tell she was already wet, and yet the man was stood arguing with her instead of dragging her down to the ground and making her his.

She threw up her arms in exasperation.  “This?  What is this?  What are we doing here?”

“I... I just wanted to go for a run that’s all.” 

She sneered at him.  “Well no one’s stopping you, go on, get on your way.” 
Yeah go home to your wife. 
Her whole body was heated with desire, the argument was only making it worse.

“I was here first
!”  He roared at her, moving closer to her.

She stood her ground, sticking out her chin at him
.  “This is my pack’s land!”

He moved even closer so they were only inches apart.  “I’m not going anywhere.”  He hissed through gritted teeth.

“Fine I’ll leave!”

She turned to move but he grabbed her arms and pulled her flush against his body.  Her nipples rubbed against him and she felt his hot erection pushing against her stomach, pre-cum smearing over her stomach.

“No, stay.”  He ordered firmly.  His beast roared in approval.

She growled at him.  “You don’t get to tell me what to do.”

“I’m your mate!”  He bellowed.

They both stilled for a second.  H
er wolf yipped in delight at his proclamation whilst his bear impatiently goaded him to mate with her.

Andy inhaled deeply before swiftly leaning down and crushing his lips to hers.
  He nipped her bottom lip until she opened for him.  His tongue hungrily invaded her mouth, sweeping through her mouth and tangling with her own tongue. 

She squirmed in his grip, reason told her she had to move.  To get away from him.  He was married, he belonged to another.  Yet her heart, her sex and her wolf all urged her to give in, to melt into his embrace. 
Her head was outnumbered three to one!

His fingers dug into her arms painfully and she moaned into his mouth.  He pulled away gasping for breath.  “
.”  He growled throatily. 

His eyes were pure black and the look of lust etc
hed into his face was a startling contrast to his normal calm appearance.

His bear pushed through to roar at their mate.  He held his breath waiting for her response.  He wanted this, he needed her, but he wouldn’t force her.

She looked at him indecisively.  Her body was shivering, a mixture of the cold and her own arousal.  Her animal wanted him, her head just wasn’t so sure yet. 
Perhaps she just needed a little encouragement.

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