Wolves for the Bears: Book 5, Grey Wolf Pack Romance Novellas (6 page)

BOOK: Wolves for the Bears: Book 5, Grey Wolf Pack Romance Novellas
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Moving quickly
he pushed her backwards until she was leaning against a tree.  He kissed his way down her body, brushing over her breasts and her navel until he was kneeling before her.  Without hesitating he pulled apart her legs and swept his tongue over her from her tiny rosette up to her nub.

She gasped at the delicious
feeling of having his flat wide tongue moving over her sensitive folds.  Her honey was virtually pouring from her, he licked his lips as he lapped it up.  He thrust his tongue into her tight channel a few times before moving up to her nub.  He swirled his tongue around it before sucking it into his mouth, nipping it with his teeth before soothing it with his tongue.

Her fingers clutched into the bark of the tree as white
hot heat bloomed within her.  He thrust a thick finger into her channel and she squealed in delight.

Her stilted little moans spurred him on as he quickened his movements, adding another finger and then another. 
God his fingers alone felt huge, would she even manage to take his shaft?!

She began panting desperately as the heat grew and grew.  He gave a hard thrust of his fingers as he bit down on her clit and she came apart. 

Her claws thrust into the bark of the tree as she howled his name. Her wolf roared in contentment.  He held his fingers inside her as she convulsed around him rhythmically.  His tongue continued to lave her nub languidly as she rode out her orgasm.

She rested her head back on the tree willing her rapid heartbeat to slow.  Andy withdrew from her, sitting on his haunches he stared up at her as he rubbed his hands over her thighs.  Through hooded eyes she l
ooked down at her mate, they were dusky amber and filled with passion.

Her insides still throbbed with aftershocks but she longed for him to be inside her, to take her completely.

Her lips quivered. 
One orgasm virtually rendered her speechless!
  “Please...”  She whispered.

He stood up
quickly pushing her body up against the tree.  The bark scraped her skin and she moaned.  He placed his shaft at her entrance and pushed inside with a hard thrust.

She squealed as she adjusted to the sudden intrusion.
  His fingers really hadn’t prepared her for him.  He was deliciously big.  She panted as she forced herself to relax around him.

“Fuck Delilah you’re perfect.”
  He breathed into her neck.

She was perfect.  Her tight sheath fit him like a glove.
A very, very tight glove

He suspected she hadn’t had many lovers, for which his bear was practically beating his chest at.

He wanted to be gentle, to wait for her to become accustomed to his size but he couldn’t.  He’d been waiting for this for four weeks. 
He couldn’t wait a moment longer

He pulled out of her and then pushed back in more forcefully.  She gasped and nipped at his neck.  He growled and slid out of her only to slam back in.  She pushed against him.  He thrust harder and faster into her, and she matched him thrust for thrust.
  Her eagerness spurring him on.

He was pounding into her frantically, his fingers dug into the flesh of her hips with bruising
force, holding her still.  She pulled her claws out of the tree and pressed them into his biceps. 

He and his bear yowled at the pain, but delighted in
the unleashing of the animal within her.  He pushed his own claws into her hips and she and her wolf roared at him in return.

She felt her body caught up in a
frenzied race to completion.  The pace ever quickening.  She ground herself down on his manhood as he crashed inside her.

They had given into the passions of their beasts.  They were just vessels for their animals to sate their own needs, and they were enjoying every minute.
  She clamped her fangs into his shoulder giving him a substantial love bite.  Pulling back she licked her lips groaning at his taste.

Andy felt himself become even harder and hotter.  He was so close, but he wouldn’t come before her.  He desperately wanted to be inside her when she found her release. 

Pulling his claws out of her he pushed one hand between them and flicked her clit.  She shattered as the orgasm ripped through her.  She roared as her channel clamped around his shaft.

He let out a roar of his own as he rammed into her as deep as possible and he felt his own release.  He held himself still inside her allowing her intense contractions to massage the seed from his body.
  He closed his eyes, and relaxed, allowing himself to just revel in the feel of having his mate’s body wrapped so tightly around him.

delicately licked the wound she had inflicted.  Her wolf was wagging her tail at seeing her mark on her mate.

She felt
him slowly softening inside her and sighed. 
Reality came crashing back.
  Any second now he would withdraw from her and again they would be left with the same problems.  Well just the one problem really...
his wife

Oh god Andy had just cheated on his wife with her!

Andy felt her tense with his arms.  Slowly he withdrew from her, and settled her back on the ground
taking a step backwards from her. He surveyed her body, still flushed from their lovemaking, she had his claw marks in her hips and he loved it. 

He couldn’t help but feel it was a shame that they would heal in a few days time, as would the marks she inflicted on him.  Soon there would be no evidence left of their lovemaking... except for his memories, he doubted he could ever forget this night. 
The glorious feeling of being with his mate would last forever.

She was staring at him with a blend of unhappiness and
shame.  “We shouldn’t have done that.”  She said quietly.

Honey I wish we had done that the day we met.”

She pursed her lips.  “How can you say that?  What about Esther?”

He looked away from her guiltily. 
Should he tell her the truth about his relationship with Esther?  Would she understand?  It wasn’t really his truth to tell...

“You’re not going to leave her are you?”  Asked Mac bitterly.

A look of pain flitted across his face.  “I can’t, it’s complicated...”

Tears sprang into her eyes.  “So what we did... you were just using me as... as a fucktoy!”

His bear was howling at him to make this right. 
.  “No Delilah I...”  He reached a hand to her but she angrily batted it away.

“My fucking name is Mac!”  She snapped.

Within seconds she shifted to her wolf and started sprinting away.

He watched her leave.  Every instinct he had told him to shift and follow her but what would be the point?  He couldn’t tell her what she needed to hear... chasing her down would only make things worse.

His bear was snarling at him and for once the man snarled back.  The bear quietened in surprise.  Watching his mate run from him was the hardest fucking thing he had ever had to endure, he was in no mood for his asshole of a bear to be kicking up trouble.

Andy raked his fingers through his hair.
  God he hoped the situation with Esther resolved itself soon.  He was starting to come apart.  He needed to be with his mate. 
He just hoped that she would forgive him.

Mac sped away from him as fast as she could. 
That’s all she was to him, a quick fuck in the middle of the night before he went home to his wife.  He sated himself with her against a cold tree before returning to his beautiful wife warming his bed.

How the fuck could he treat her this way?
  Maybe having a mate didn’t mean as much to a bear as it did to a wolf.  She felt like her heart was being ripped apart, and he barely even cared.  She felt like such a fool.

A weak, stupid fool.
  She needed to stay away from him.  Her resolve seemed to weaken the moment she saw him.  So easy solution – she wouldn’t see him again. 
Out of sight out of mind... yeah right

Chapter Five


Mac pulled into the parking lot of Bar Luna whistling lightly.
  She was actually looking forward to getting a drink.  She got out of her car and waited.

She’d avoided the bar like the plague since she came home,
too fearful of running into Andy
.  Her anxiety about seeing him round town had escalated to dizzying heights after the last time she had
into him.  How could she face him after the things they had done together?  Worse yet, how could she face his wife?

She had turned Andy into an adulterer and she was the other woman. 
The mistress.
  The thought made her shudder.  She’d always considered herself a good person, but with Andy she didn’t seem to have a lot of self-control.

The bruises and marks inflicted from their night together had soon faded. 
Thank heavens for shifter healing genes.
  But she couldn’t forget what had happened.

Every detail
was ingrained into her memory.  His touch, his scent, the feel of his rock hard body against her, the pleasurable sensations he gave her.  Part of her wished she could forget.  She’d lain awake every night since thinking about it.

Thank god she was on the pill.
  Neither one of them had been restrained enough to even consider the implications of their lovemaking.  The idea of a baby coming along to complicate matters even further was horrifying.  Shifters generally eschewed birth control saying it wasn’t ‘natural’. 
Although she suspected it was mostly males who said that.

Yet the thought of having a baby... Andy’s baby
, did give her some warm and fuzzy feelings.  Her wolf yipped contentedly at the thought of them raising their young together.  Would it be a bear or a wolf?  Honestly she wouldn’t care either way.  Andy would make a great dad she thought dreamily. 
Maybe he should have a baby with his wife then...

She sighed. 
She did that a lot these days.  She seemed to be in a constant state of sighing
.  Or sighage perhaps?  Did she just create a word?!  A word to describe the state when someone can do nothing but sigh.  Yeah it’s a pretty lame thing to invent.

When Adam had asked her
scratch that ordered her
, to join him at Bar Luna that night, to make Alec look good in front of a young witch he was trying to impress, Mac had been reticent.  There was no way she wanted to risk running into Andy. 
Yeah she was a total chicken

However after a few circumspect questions she found out that Andy wasn’t actually working that night.  An older bobcat shifter called
Joe was instead.  Kim had reluctantly hired him at the behest of her mother, he was currently the love of her life.  Joe was, quite frankly, a wastrel but having him get her order wrong and give her incorrect change was much more preferable to seeing Andy again.

In an effort to try and move on with her life she had invited Luke to join them.  Just as a friend. 
She had made that abundantly clear
.  Nevertheless he had jumped at her invitation. 
Oh and here he was!

Luke bounded over to her, his lips curled up.
  He was handsome but for some reason he had a cold smile.  It never seemed to reach his eyes. 
Why had she never noticed this before?

Not like Andy’s.  His smile was beautiful, infectious, traffic stopping...  Rats!  She had to stop comparing Luke to Andy. 
It set a dangerous precedent

She was just being overly critical,
Luke had a perfectly fine smile. 
It just wasn’t heart stoppingly gorgeous...

Luke kissed her on the cheek and she froze. 
It was just a friendly kiss, so what?

Luke didn’t notice anything amiss.  “Shall we?”

She nodded dumbly but brightened when she saw Carly the pack Omega coming towards them waving.

guys, I heard Winston was on the loose again, little bird told me it took Gabe an hour to catch him.  Apparently old Winston took a shine to you and was annoyed you weren’t arresting him, so he decided to make things as difficult as possible for Gabe.”

Luke smiled. 
“Yeah, once you’ve been arrested by Mac you never go back!”

They chuckled
as they pushed their way into the bar.  They quickly joined her brother Adam, who gave Luke a stern glare.  Adam never did like Luke. 
Although Mac suspected that Adam would never like any man she dated

Mac appraised the object of Alec’s affection.  She was very pretty, but somewhat plumper, shorter and a lot younger than she expected. 
Going by Alec’s previous conquests
.  Still no one got to choose their mates.  If they could she wouldn’t have a picked a married one,
that was for damn sure

They were all introduced and Mac was pleased to meet Liv and hoped things worked out with Alec
.  He seriously deserved a little happiness.  She was also intrigued to meet Liv’s friend Ed. 
A red wolf shifter.

e’d never met one before.  She’d heard that red wolves were the yuppies of the shifter world.  Their packs preferred to live in cities than out in, what they considered was, the wild.  Red wolves looked down on grey wolves for giving in to their animal urges.

Ed was maybe a couple of years older than her and was not what she expected.  He was definitely a city wolf, but he was funny and charming. 
And if the lascivious looks he was throwing Kim were anything to go by, he didn’t have a problem with grey wolves. 
If anything he was more apt to start worshipping her

Mac’s wolf suddenly perked up.  She had been sulking in protest ever since Luke gave her a friendly kiss.  Now unexpectedly she was animated and leaping around.

Mac scented the air.
Oh crap! 
The intoxicating mixture of orange and ginger enriched her senses. 

She started as the man himself slapped some drinks down on the bar
.  Andy was eyeing her gloomily, and Luke with revulsion.

She felt faint.  She sidled away from Luke unobtrusively.  How could she make it clear to Andy that she and Luke were just friends without blurting it out like an idiot?

“Andy, I didn’t think you were working tonight...” 

He was looking at her in anger and pain.  She felt infinitely guilty...
Wait a second, how dare he? 
It wasn’t like she was the one who was married... 
She was a free agent.

“Joe called in sick.  Drink?” 
Yeah right, lazy bastard that Joe was he was probably still drunk from the previous night’s bender.

“Two bears thanks bro’” said Luke, inching his way back to Mac.

Andy turned to get their beers watching them out of the corner of his eye. 

Luke placed a hand on her
back and rubbed it up and down slowly.  “You okay?”

She nodded but her face still looked unhappy and her
gaze kept flicking to Andy.

Andy’s bear was snarling, he wanted to rip this other male apart limb from limb.
  His muscles quivered from the exertion of holding onto his human shape.

He gave them their drinks and took Luke’s money wordlessly.
  “Keep the change bro’.”

Andy didn’t bother to say thank you, he simply moved away to serve other customers.
  Mac tracked his movements mournfully. 

She was distressed at the thought that he hated her for being out with another man, and yet shouldn’t she be the one who hated him? 
It’s not like she was sleeping with someone else...

Mac forced her eyes away from Andy.
  Her gaze had settled on his butt and it was starting to get creepy...

Her brother was looking at her with disapproval. 
Shit!  Was it really that obvious that something was going on? 
The last thing she wanted was a lecture right now.

She made herself listen to the rest of the group’s conversation.  Joining in with as much zeal as she could manage.
  They were soon joined by another member of her pack, a teenager called Mal Tanner and his older human girlfriend Terri.

Mac forgot her troubles for a few minutes as she chuckled at Mal’s attempts to get Kim to serve him alcohol. 
He was underage after all...

Luke gently tugged on her arm, breaking her away from the group.  “I’m glad you called, I feel like I’ve barely seen you since you got back.”  He watched her searchingly.

Her heart sank a little at that.  In spite of what he had promised she doubted Luke was going to be very patient with her. 
He never had been in the past...

“What have you been up to?”  He asked with a hint of an accusation.

Her cheeks pinkened a little thinking of what happened with Andy.  “Oh nothing much.  I’ve been really busy settling in and starting my new job.  I’ve been to lots of seminars and workshops, they’ve all been really interesting...”

In a rush she started recounting them all. 
In detail
.  She didn’t even notice Alec, her boss and pack Beta, come into the bar.

That soon changed when he started roaring and trying to strangle Ed the red wolf. 
He apparently took exception to Ed being too close to Liv, his intended mate...

Mac looked round the bar,
where the hell was Adam? 
He must be out back.

“Luke go get Adam!”  She ordered pointing to the back hallway that led to the toilets and the office.

He hesitated slightly before doing as she said.

No one other than Adam could take Alec down physically... except for Andy maybe. 
Yeah there was no way she was allowing her mate to get hurt, she would die before she allowed that!

The red wolf clawed at Alec’s arms desperately trying to get them away from his throat.  God Alec was going to kill him!  Mac ran towards Alec, she had to do something.  But before she got there Andy leapt over the bar to intercept her. 

He pushed her behind him and stood in front of her protectively, blocking her from either getting to Alec, or Alec getting to her.  His whole body was tense, his muscles flexed preparing to fight.  He held onto Mac tightly with one arm, ensuring she could not get past him.  She wriggled under his grasp but his grip was like steel.

Terri tried to move to Ed but Mal held her tightly in his arms.  Carly froze.  Kim, ignoring warnings, rushed to Ed and started pulling at Alec’s arms.

Alec’s fangs elongated and he roared at the red wolf in front of him.  “You will not touch Liv again!  She is my mate! 
She is mine!

“Stop, please stop, you’re hurting him.”
  Whimpered Liv.

Alec dropped
the red wolf instantly.  Kim got on her knees to check that Ed was okay. 

Adam rushed back into the
bar closely followed by Luke.  “Alec!  Get out now!”  Adam snarled at him. 

stomped away toward the bathroom.  Adam calmed himself and moved to check that Ed was going to be alright. 
Thank god Ed was a shifter, she didn’t like to think about what would have happened if he was human.

Andy turned around to her slowly.
  His face a mask of rage and concern, his eyes had turned pitch black.  “Are you alright?”  His voice was hoarse. 

She put her hands on his biceps, they trembled under her touch.  His bear was still trying to force the shift.

“I’m fine, are you?”

“Yes, as long as you’re safe.”  He rumbled.

She darted her eyes around the room.  No one had heard him, everyone was focussing on Ed. 
It might have been a bit tricky to explain what he meant by that.

Luke caught her eye and looked at her curiously.
  She dropped her hands from Andy’s arms, and reluctantly so did he.

His fangs and claws were still out.  “Are you sure you’re okay?”  She asked with concern.

Truthfully he wasn’t
.  Seeing Alec enraged made him fear for his mate’s safety.  Made him worry about losing her. 
All it would take was a rogue wolf shifter or an out of control bear and she would be gone.
  They hadn’t really spent any time together, and the thought of never doing so troubled him.

“I errr, just need a minute.”  Not looking at her he tramped outside into the cool night air.  His body was on fire, both with the need to take his mate and the need to protect her.
He needed to calm the fuck down.

He leaned against the wall of the bar, eyes closed, willing his bear to retreat.
The bear didn’t want to co-operate, the damn thing rarely did

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