Woman Thou Art Loosed! 20th Anniversary Expanded Edition (10 page)

BOOK: Woman Thou Art Loosed! 20th Anniversary Expanded Edition
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Instead of focusing on the tragedies of your life, focus on the victories. Make a list of the things you can praise God for, amidst the troubles in your life. Then actively praise God for them.




















Chapter 6

Nearly every home in America is wired for electricity. Walls are covered with receptacles which deliver the electric current. In order to take advantage of the power, something must be plugged into the receptacle. The receptacle is the female and the plug is the male.

Women were made like receptacles. They were made to be receivers. Men were made to be givers, physically, sexually and emotionally, and by providing for others. In every area, women were made to receive.

omen were made to be receivers.

The woman was made, fashioned out of the man, to be a help meet. Through their union, they find wholeness in each other. She helps him meet and accomplish his task. In other words, if you have a power saw, it has great potential for cutting. However, it is ineffective until it is plugged in. The receptacle helps the power saw meet its purpose. Without that receptacle, the power saw, although mighty, remains limited.

However, there is a vulnerability about the receptacle. The vulnerability exists because receptacles must be careful what kind of plug they are connected with. Receptacles are open. Women are open by nature and design. Men are closed. You must be careful what you allow to plug into you and draw strength from you. The wrong plugs may seek your help and drain your power.

God recognizes your vulnerability; therefore, He has designed that the one who plugs into a woman sexually will have a covenant with that woman. God never intended for humanity to have casual sex. His design always included the commitment of a covenant. He purposed that a man who has sexual relations with a woman would be committed to that same woman for life. Nothing short of this commitment meets His standard. God wants you covered like an outlet is covered, in order that no one tamper with your intended purpose. The married woman is covered by her husband. The single woman is covered by her chastity and morality. It is dangerous to be uncovered.

Originally, God created humanity perfect and good. “
And God said, Let Us make man in Our image, after Our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth
” (Gen. 1:26).

God placed Adam in the garden He had prepared for him. The only rule was man should not eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. God wanted mankind to rely on Him for moral decisions. After the Fall, history records the consequences of man trying to make moral decisions for himself.

Although God had made a wonderful place for Adam to live, the man remained less than complete. He needed a woman. Keep in mind, though, that she completed his purpose, not his person. If you’re not complete as a person, marriage will not help you.

f you’re not complete as a person, marriage will not help you.

And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and He took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof; and the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made He a woman, and brought her unto the man.
Genesis 2:21-22

In Genesis chapter 3, we see that Eve allowed herself to be taken advantage of by satan, who plugged into her desire to see, taste and be wise. The enemy took advantage of her weakness. “
And the man said, The woman whom Thou gavest to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I did eat
” (Gen. 3:12).

Eve had given her attention over to someone else. “
And the Lord God said unto the woman, What is this that thou hast done? And the woman said, The serpent beguiled me, and I did eat
” (Gen. 3:13). Adam’s anger is shown by his statement, “You gave her to be with me.” The woman answered, “Well, I couldn’t help it. He plugged into me, or he beguiled me.”

You’ve got to be careful who you let uncover you, because they can lead you to complete destruction. Notice what God did next:

And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life: and I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; and it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.
Genesis 3:14-15

There is a special enmity between femininity and the enemy. There is a special conflict between the woman and the enemy. That’s why you must do spiritual warfare. You must do spiritual warfare against the enemy because you are vulnerable in certain areas and there is enmity between you and the enemy. You must be on your guard. Women tend to be more prayerful than men, once they are committed. If you are a woman living today, and you’re not learning spiritual warfare, you’re in trouble. The enemy may be taking advantage of you.

ou must do spiritual warfare because you are vulnerable in certain areas.

He is attracted to you because he knows that you were designed as a receptacle to help meet someone’s vision. If he can get you to help meet his vision, you will have great problems. God said, “
And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed
” (Gen. 3:15a).

Now, God didn’t say only “her seed and your seed.” He said, “Between you and the woman.” There is a fight between you and the devil. Who are the victims of the most rapes in this country? Who are the victims of the most child abuse? Who are the victims of much of the sexual discrimination in the job market? Who has the most trouble getting together, unifying with each other and collaborating? Over and over again, satan is attacking and assaulting your femininity.

Satan is continually attacking women. If godly women do not learn how to start praying and doing effective spiritual warfare, they will not discern what is plugging into them. Perhaps you become completely vulnerable to moods and attitudes and dispositions. Perhaps you are doing things and you don’t know why. Something’s plugging into you. If you are tempted to rationalize, “I’m just in a bad mood. I don’t know just what it is. I’m just evil. I’m tough,” don’t believe it. Something’s plugging into you.

God wasn’t finished with His pronouncements to the serpent after the Fall. Next He addressed Eve directly.

Unto the woman He said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.
Genesis 3:16

God explained that birthing comes through sorrow. Everything you bring forth comes through pain. If it didn’t come through pain, it probably wasn’t worth much. If you’re going to bring forth—and I’m not merely talking about babies, I’m talking about birthing vision and purpose—you will do so with sorrow and pain. If you’re going to bring forth anything in your career, your marriage or your life, if you’re going to develop anything in your character, if you’re going to be a fruitful woman, it’s going to come through sorrow. It will come through the things you suffer. You will enter into strength through sorrow.

f it didn’t come through pain, it probably wasn’t worth much.

Sorrow is not the object; it’s simply the canal that the object comes through. Many of you are mistaking sorrow for the baby instead of the canal. In that case, all you have is pain. You ought to have a child for every sorrow. For every sorrow, for every intense groaning in your spirit, you ought to have something to show for it. Don’t let the devil give you sorrow without seed. Any time you have sorrow, it is a sign that God is trying to get something through you and to you.

Be careful that you don’t walk away with the pain and leave the baby in the store. You are the producers. You are the ones through whom life passes. Every child who enters into this world must come through you. Even Jesus Christ had to come through a woman to get legal entry into the world. He had to come through you. You are a channel and an expression of blessings. If there is to be any virtue, any praise, any victory, any deliverance, it’s got to come through you.

Satan wants to use you as a legal entry into this world or into your family. That’s how he destroyed the human race with the first family. He knows that you are the entrance of all things. You are the doors of life. Be careful what you let come through you. Close the doors to the planting of the enemy. Then know that when travail comes into your spirit, it’s because you’re going to give birth.

You will give birth! That’s why you have suffered pain. Your spirit is signaling you that something is trying to get through. Don’t become so preoccupied with the pain that you forget to push the baby. Sometimes you’re pushing the pain and not the baby, and you’re so engrossed with what’s hurting you that you’re not doing what it takes to produce fruit in your life.

When you see sorrow multiply, it is a sign that God is getting ready to send something to you. Don’t settle for the pain and not get the benefit. Hold out. Disregard the pain and get the promise. Understand that God has promised some things to you that He wants you to have, and you’ve got to stay there on the table until you get to the place where you ought to be in the Lord. After all, the pain is forgotten when the baby is born.

isregard the pain and get the promise.

What is the pain when compared with the baby? Some may have dropped the baby. That happens when you become so engrossed with the pain that you leave the reward behind you. Your attention gets focused on the wrong thing. You can be so preoccupied with how bad it hurts that you miss the joy of a vision giving birth.

Wouldn’t it be a foolish thing for a woman to go into labor, go through all of the pain, stay on the delivery table, stay in labor for hours and hours, and simply get up and walk out of the hospital? It would be foolish for her to concentrate on the pain to the extent that she would leave the baby lying in the hospital. However, that is exactly what happens when you become preoccupied with how bad the past hurts you. Maybe you have walked away and left the baby lying on the floor.

For every struggle in your life, God accomplished something in your character and in your spirit. Why hold the pain and drop the baby when you could hold the baby and drop the pain? You are holding on to the wrong thing if all you do is concentrate on past pain. Release the pain. Pain doesn’t fall off on its own. It’s got to be released. Release the pain. Allow God to loose you from the pain and separate you from what has afflicted you, and be left with the baby and not the problem.

or every struggle in your life, God accomplished something in your character and in your spirit.

He said, “
In sorrow thou shalt bring forth children
” (Gen. 3:16b). That includes every area of your life. That’s true in your character. That’s true in your personality. It is true in your spirit as well as in your finances. Bring forth, ladies! If it comes into this world, it has to come through you. If you’re in a financial rut, bring forth. If you’re in need of healing for your body, bring forth. Understand that it must be brought forth. It doesn’t just happen by accident.

The midwife tells a woman, “Push.” The baby will not come forth if you don’t push him. God will not allow you to become trapped in a situation without escape. But you’ve got to push while you are in pain if you intend to produce. I’m told that when the pain is at its height, that’s when they instruct you to push, not when the pain recedes. When the pain is at its ultimate expression, that is the time you need to push.

As you begin to push in spite of the pain, the pain recedes into the background because you become preoccupied with the change rather than the problem. Push! You don’t have time to cry. Push! You don’t have time to be suicidal. Push! This is not the time to give up. Push, because God is about to birth a promise through you. Cry if you must, and groan if you have to, but keep on pushing because God has promised that if it is to come into the world, it’s got to pass through you.

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