Woods (Aces MC Series Book 5) (8 page)

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Authors: Aimee-Louise Foster

BOOK: Woods (Aces MC Series Book 5)
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"She's the same girl,"
Recon stated flicking the photo in his hand.
"Yep, now what would he want with her?" Jen had said that she was or
should've been running so if Flex didn't know where she was then she'd
obviously got away. So where was she and was she significant to anything to do
with the Aces?
"Do I need to know?" Duke asked snatching the photo from Recon so he
could have a proper look.
"Not at this stage but should it develop we'll let you know." I
wasn't quite sure whether it was important or not but I was planning on doing a
bit of digging to be on the safe side.
"Good coz my fucking brains hurting from all this shit." Duke rubbed
his forehead to ease the tension before he turned back to myself and Recon,
"And don't wander off too far tonight as I'm sending you two on another
job tomorrow." I groaned, "Got a problem with that Woods?"
"No it's just I'm forgetting to remember what Lauren looks like." I'd
been staying away more frequently and I was worried that this may upset Lauren.
"She'll be fine, I'll make sure the girls go round there tomorrow to give
her a makeover or something equally as girlie."
What choice did I have? I knew that I needed to do as I was told considering
the shit I had caused lately concerning Chloe. "Okay, where are we
"I need you two to conduct some research for me."
"What kind of research?" He'd piqued my interest.
"I need you to visit a variety of strip joints for me and feed back what
you find out."
Recons mouth fell open, "Are you having me on?"
"No I'm deadly serious, I want to know how I can generate more money? What
are they doing that we aren't?"
Duke strutted back to the van leaving me utterly gobsmacked, there was only one
bird that I wanted to be researching with and that was Chloe.

Chapter 4


I was alone yet again. Duke had
kept Mark busy recently, he'd been sending him on all the excursions lately,
which was unheard of but Mark had said Duke wanted to keep him away from Chloe.
I sniggered at the thought, they were perfect for each other, even with such a
big age difference they just seemed to get on well but Duke didn't want their
relationship to flourish.

I walked into the living room
holding my cup of coffee and heard a knock on the front door. I rarely had
visitors when Mark was away although I had my extensive list and knew that I
could contact various people should I need anything. I placed my cup on the
coffee table and slowly made my way over to the front door to peek through the
spy hole.
I smiled when I saw Ink and Chloe and opened the door to greet them.
"Good morning ladies," I moved to the side giving them enough space
to enter the living room.
"You're looking a little tired Lauren," Ink stated giving me a gentle
kiss on the cheek.
"I've just been studying hard and staying up late, I'm going to have a day
off the books," I lied.
"Good coz all work and no play is not good for you babe," Ink looked
around the living room giving it a quick once over to make sure everything was
"We're going to the cinema tonight if you fancy coming," Chloe stood
on the front porch with her hands firmly in her pockets.
"Can I let you know, it's just that I want to catch up on some well
deserved sleep."
She nodded, "That's fine no pressure this end but it would be good to see
you out for a change."
I sniggered at her comment although more for her than me, I enjoyed my own company
and was quite happy to study. I know I came across as a bit of a bore but there
were so many different sides to me that I only allowed certain people to see.
"Okay well we'll leave you to it." Ink stepped from the house onto
the front porch and glanced around the front garden.
"Is everything okay Ink you're acting a little strange."
She giggled, "Instructions from Woods."
I rolled my eyes, "I'm fine honestly and I have my list of numbers if I'm
Chloe laughed and pulled out her phone to swipe through her photos, "Does
it look like this?" she held it up so both Ink and I could see and I
"What are they like?" Chloe locked her phone and placed it back into
her pocket.
"They'd say it's because they care, I'd say it's because they're over
protective." Ink flicked her hair revealing her beautiful tattoo's on her
"High five to that," I leaned on the doorframe as Chloe and Ink
walked away from the house.
"Well hopefully we'll see you tonight. If not I'll catch up with you real
soon," Chloe waved and they made their way to her car.
I waved back and closed the door behind them, making my way over to the coffee
table to grab my cup. I couldn't function without my morning coffee although
this tasted off, maybe the milk was turning.

I turned to walk into the kitchen
but heard a faint knock on the door. "I told them I'd let them know about
the cinema this evening," I said to myself huffing as I opened the door.
"What's that face for? You should be pleased to see me." Ramsey stood
on my front porch with a bag from the local bakery. "I've brought a couple
of rolls, cakes and cans of drink as I didn't know what you'd have in." He
brushed passed me and walked into the living room without an invite.
"Erm...okay...please come in and make yourself at home." I was still
confused as to why he was here but he'd brought lunch so I could hardly send
him away.
"So how you doing without Woods around?" He took a ham roll from the
bag and sat on the sofa taking a large bite. I watched at how comfortable and
at ease he was.
"I'm used to it to be honest, he's out quite a bit and I appreciate the
quiet so I can study."
Ramsey waved with his hand toward the food on the table as he took another bite
of his roll, the crumbs fell onto the sofa and I was annoyed that he hadn't
asked for a plate. I smiled politely as I took the paper bag containing the
roll and sat beside him on the sofa.
"Do you get out much?"
"No but that's by choice, I obviously have friends but I limit my
socialising." This was a fib but he didn't need to know the truth at this
"You're very headstrong." His statement surprised me.
"I just know what I want to achieve in life."
"There's nothing wrong with that," Ramsey took another bite of his
"So what do you want out of life?" I asked intrigued to see if he had
any plans.
"I'm looking to become a patched member and then find a job within the
club that I'm suited to. I'm currently studying for a sports degree so the
natural progression would be to work at the gym with CJ and possibly become a
personal trainer." He sniggered, "Do you want to close that it's a
little unsightly?"
Ramsey was referring to me gawking at his response. "Oh sorry, I'm just a
little surprised." I could feel my blush by his comment.
"That's okay."
"No it's not, it's very rude of me to just presume." I was annoyed
with myself for judging.
"Well you should never judge a book by its cover that's true."
"You're certainly right and I can only apologise." I picked at my
roll and placed it on top of the bag on the coffee table.
"You not hungry?"
"Not really, to be honest I haven't been up long."
Ramsey sniggered, "Well you obviously needed the sleep then."
"Yeah, I've been working through the night I'm a bit of a night owl should
we say."
"I know how that feels. The guys at the club have me running errands at
all times of the day and night that my body clock is all over the place."
"See I don't get this, you're obviously educated to be able to study for a
degree so why would you join the Aces especially at the age you are?"
"Are you saying that only uneducated people should join the club
then?" Ramsey didn't ask the question horribly, it was as if he genuinely
wanted to know my thoughts.
"Not at all but why would you not complete your studies, get your dream
job and then join the club?" I'd often thought this of some of the newer
guys that joined. Diesel, Duke and Spike all had family members involved in the
club, even Whip and Jayden so I just didn't get it with the other guys.
"It's that sense of belonging, why does anyone join a club? Sports,
crafts, cooking, reading, it's no different they're just a group of guys that
enjoy motorcycles."
"Erm...I'm not a police officer."
He sniggered, "Well you get my drift. The other stuff just sort of happens
and is part of the experience of being in a club."
"Ok, I sort of get it. They've been good to me over the years and I see
what they do with the charity runs and the giving of Easter eggs."
"Exactly, it's about family and the togetherness a big group like ours
"You've surprised me again Ramsey," I smiled and picked up the can of
drink that he'd bought me.
"Is that a good thing?"
I opened the ring pull and took a swig, "Yes I suppose it is."
"Are you wanting the rest of your roll?"
I laughed and waved my hand towards it, "Be my guest."
He gave me a wink and picked up the half eaten roll, "I love ham come to
think of it I'm a right foodie and eat most things. I've even been known to
steal food from other people's plates." I raised my brows making Ramsey
snigger, "Do you eat steak."
"Yeah why?" I asked confused by his question.
"I bet you're a well done kind of girl?" I giggled, "I bloody
knew it." He seemed pleased with his analysis of my eating habits.
"And I suppose you're a rare kind of boy, the bloodier the better?"
He smiled, "How did you know?"
"That's disgusting."
"Ever tried it?"
"Ah then you can't judge!"
I was enjoying the banter between us, he had an easy manner about him that made
me feel comfortable. I yawned and covered my mouth quickly looking at him
"Oh, am I boring you?"
I sniggered, "I'm sorry that's so rude of me."
"That's okay babe, have a lay down." I looked at him confused,
"Go on have a lay down I don't mind." He took the cushion from behind
him and placed it on his lap, "I don't have to be anywhere for a while,
I'll keep an eye on you and make sure you're safe." Ramsey leaned forward
and untied the laces of his boots and slipped them from his feet, he then out
stretched his legs placing one onto the coffee table and crossed the second
over at the ankle. "Ah," he picked up the remote and turned on the
television to flick through the sky channels until he found a documentary on
the police force. Ramsey glanced in my direction, nodded towards his lap before
placing his hands behind his head and slouched further into the sofa consumed
in the programme. I hesitantly took the cushion from his lap and propped it
against his leg to snuggle into the sofa. I closed my eyes just resting them
while I listened to the programme but found myself drifting in and out of
sleep. I tried to stay awake but sleep consumed me quickly before I could do
anything about it.

I woke with a startle and felt
someone's hand on me. "Fuck!" I jumped from the sofa a little
disorientated to where I was but held my hands out in case anyone tried to grab
Ramsey slowly roused from his sleep and rubbed his eyes before trying to focus
on me, "What you doing babe?"
I lowered my hands as my breathing slowly returned to normal from my fright,
"You had your hand on me." I stated brushing the area trying to get
rid of the feeling.
Ramsey narrowed his eyes, "I apologise if I did but as you can see I was
I nodded, "Sorry I'm being silly." I let out a sigh and paced a small
area like a caged lion in captivity. I couldn't lose it in front of him, I'd
been so good keeping it together that I couldn't possibly have a break down.
"Do you want a drink?"
"Nah I'm good..."
"I'll make you a tea or a coffee or even get you a beer if you
prefer?" I noticed his reaction to me blabbering but ignored him and
walked into the kitchen to turn the kettle on.
"What you doing?" I jumped startled by his presence, I didn't know
he'd followed me into the kitchen.
"Making a hot drink silly!"
"I know that but why?"
"Coz everything is better after a cup of tea, isn't that right?"
"In the movies maybe but I fucking hate tea." Ramsey stepped closer
and placed his hands over mine as I shakily held a mug. I closed my eyes
fighting the feeling to pull away, "Who hurt you Lauren?"
I breathed in and out trying to keep my composure, "Honestly I'm
"That's not what I asked you." Ramsey's phone rang, "Shit! I
need to answer that." He removed his phone from his pocket and swiped the
screen, "Duke." I noticed the concern on his face, "Yeah I'll be
there in ten minutes at the most." He ended the call, "I've gotta
shoot Lauren." He turned and stomped into the living room to put on his
"Is everything okay?" I asked concerned. I knew that the guys weren't
allowed to divulge any information but I just wanted him to know that I cared.
"Hound's had a heart attack, I don't know any details I've just been told
to go to the hospital with the van." He stood to straighten his clothes,
"Sorry to run out on you, we'll catch up soon." He bent down and
kissed my cheek catching me unaware before he quickly made his way through the
living room to leave.

I threw myself onto the sofa, what
the fuck was all that about today? Why did he feel the need to stay with me or
had Mark asked him to? I sniggered, I very much doubt that after the way he
reacted when he found out Ramsey had given me a lift home. I sighed and placed
my arm over my face as I relaxed on the sofa, I could feel myself feeling tired
again, I really needed to find the correct work life balance as I was burning
myself out.



I burst through the doors to the A&E department,
"Where is he mum?" Tears were streaming down my face as I franticly
glanced around the room.
"He's okay baby, calm yourself down he's going to be okay."
"Are you sure? How do you know? Have you seen a doctor?" So many
questions, I had so many questions that my head was hurting as I looked for
answers. I clasped my fingers around the back of my head and paced the waiting
area as I tried to calm down.
"Yes I've spoken to a doctor, it was a mild heart attack and your dad will
now need to make some serious changes to his lifestyle."
"He's going to be a nightmare," I released my hands and flexed my fingers
not knowing quite what to do with myself.
"He already is, why do you think I'm out here." I looked at her
confused, "He's getting them to draw up the paperwork so he can go home
"You're fucking kidding me!"
"Watch your mouth!" I rolled my eyes, "He wants to go home,
states he knows what to do and can look after himself."
"You've got to stop him mum, tell him that he has to stay here for as long
as the doctors want him too."
She sighed, "I have and he's not listening."
"What about Duke or Diesel? Can't they convince him to stay?" I was
annoyed that he'd be so stupid as to leave the hospital.
"They're in there now, trying to talk some sense into him but he ain't

We turned to the sound of raised voices, "Mr Watson, in
my professional opinion you should not be leaving the hospital."
"I appreciate that Doc but I'm feeling much better. There's still some
life in the old dog yet." He took off the hospital gown in the middle of
the waiting area, and I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw that he'd already
put on his jeans. "Right where do you need me to sign?" Dad pulled
his t-shirt over his head and turned to face the frustrated doctor.
"Dad, what are you doing?" I joined the group that had now
congregated including Duke and Diesel.
"Chloe, how you doing babe?"
I frowned, "How am I doing? For fucks sake dad you've just had a heart
attack, why are you leaving the hospital?"
A few of the guys sniggered at my outburst as they'd never heard me curse.
"Watch your mouth young lady," I rolled my eyes again as he
reprimanded me like my mum had earlier.
"Well? I'm waiting." I placed my hands on my hips and tapped my foot
"Well what, there's nothing to say. I'm feeling better so I'm going
home." He snatched the paperwork and pen from the doctor. "Turn
around," he ordered shouting at Ramsey. He leaned on Ramsey's back to sign
in the places required to be discharged.
"By you signing that form Mr Watson, it means that we're not liable if
your condition worsens."
"That's fine mate, does that mean that I'm now free to go?"
"You are," the doctor nodded his head and took the paperwork and pen
from my dad. I could see the frustration on his face but he was a professional
and didn't say anymore.
My dad stretched and I saw a grimace on his face, he caught me looking and
smiled. "Stop worrying Chloe, I'll be fine trust me." He turned his
attention to Ramsey, "Right boy are you giving me a lift home?"
Ramsey nodded and walked through the waiting area, my dad's pace was a little
slower than usual but I saw that he was doing his best to not register the
"He shouldn't be leaving Duke." I vented feeling frustrated that I
couldn't stop him.
"You know that, I know that but he won't listen babe. He's a grown man, I
can't force him."
"Are you coming to the house?" I turned to see Mum with the same
feeling of frustration.
I nodded, "There's a few things I need to take care of first but I'll come
by later." Mum smiled briefly before walking to the exit.
"Are you okay for a lift?"
Diesel was ever the gentleman making sure I was ok. "Yeah I'm fine, I've
got my car."
"Okay, we'll see you back at the house."
Duke and Diesel followed Mum from the waiting area. Once they were out of
sight, I rummaged around in my handbag for my iPhone. I hadn't spoken to Woods
in some time now, I'd asked after him in a roundabout kind of way as to not
draw attention but I found myself wanting to talk to him about my dad. I knew
that he'd find out anyway from the club but I knew he'd make me feel better
about the situation. I hovered my thumb over his name contemplating what I'd
say if he answered. Would he still feel the same way as he did or would it be
out of sight out of mind? I pressed his number not giving me the chance to
change my mind. I listened impatiently as his phone rang and it eventually went
to answer phone. I didn't want to leave a message so I quickly ended the call
and returned my phone to my handbag. I sighed upset that he hadn't picked up, I
knew that he was probably busy but I could've really done with a friend right

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