Woods (Aces MC Series Book 5) (7 page)

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Authors: Aimee-Louise Foster

BOOK: Woods (Aces MC Series Book 5)
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I turned towards the group and folded my arms across my
chest, "You have two options mate, you either give me your colours or I'm
going to take them."
He frowned and looked down at his cut. He was a member of the Skulls and
although we didn't have any beef with them, we couldn't allow anyone to be in
our territory without permission.
"It's more than my life's worth giving you these," he answered as if
he had an option.
I sniggered, "I don't think you understand the severity of the situation.
Now I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt coz you're a probate for the Skulls
but I want your colours and I need to see some ID."
I had now piqued Recon's interest and he slowly made his way towards me. The
probate gave me his wallet and I removed his driving licence. "Jarrod
Baker," I handed back his wallet and took my mobile from my pocket to call

"What's up?"
"We've come across a probate for the Skulls at the bar," I glanced in
his direction to see Recon play with him like a cat would a mouse. He was man
handling him and removing his colours roughly and I could see the anguish on
the young lads face.
"What's his name?"
"Jarrod Baker."
"Okay well you know what to do, take it and I'll call Flex to come and
pick it up at a convenient time. If he doesn't put up a fight just give him a
slap to remind him how fucking stupid he's been but I'm sure he'll get worse
from his club."
"Alright then mate."
"Anything regarding Amber?"
"Not a dicky bird, it's as if no one wants to talk about her."
"Interesting, okay keep me posted of any other events." He ended the
call and I returned my phone to my pocket. I heard a commotion and turned to
see Recon holding the lad by the scruff of his neck and giving him a few slaps
across his cheeks. Not hard enough to break anything but enough to scare.
"I'm sorry I just didn't know," his head moved from side to side with
every slap that Recon gave.
"Well now you do and Flex ain't gonna be happy that we have this," he
lifted his cut and shook it.
"Right there's nothing else here that will help us, let's do one." I
nodded towards the door and Recon followed. It was only then that I realised
how quiet the bar had become as the punters watched the altercation.

"For fucks sake, everywhere I go there's drama,"
Recon chuckled as I pushed on the door. A bloke dressed in protective leathers
and wearing a full motorcycle helmet met me. He took one look at myself and
Recon entering the car park from the bar and took off at speed. I glanced at
Recon confused before I took chase. I was making ground on him when a bin flew
over my head and caught the bloke's legs sending him flying through the air
before he slid across the gravel. I scrambled on the ground and grabbed his legs
to pin him before he could get away.
"Get the fuck off, you're squashing me." That wasn't a bloke that was
a bird, I quickly moved and lifted her visor but didn't recognise the girl.
"What you doing running from us?" I asked getting to my feet and
brushing down my jeans.
"Oops you've got his boots dirty," Recon sniggered joining us. He
held out his hand and she grasped it pulling herself to her feet.
She unclasped her helmet and held it under her arm, "I thought you were
someone else."
"Who?" Recon asked aggressively.
"That's none of your fucking business."
She was fiery and brave to take on the two of us with such a mouth. "But
I'm making it my business. You ran away from us so you're obviously hiding
"Not necessarily," she answered petulantly.
Recon narrowed his eyes frustrated by her lack of respect, he was used to
getting what he wanted especially from females.
I snatched the photo from Recons pocket and unfolded it to show the young girl,
"Do you know Amber?"
"Yeah I know Amber, she used to work here. Spent most of her time fucked
up on drugs but when she was clean she was alright."
I was surprised how honest she was, "Do you know of anyone that may want
to hurt her?"
"Why is she injured?"
I glanced at Recon before looking back at the girl, "She's dead."
"Shit!" She seemed genuinely surprised but I was intrigued as to what
she knew. "Have you spoken to her ex, apparently they didn't get on."
I sniggered, "That's a fucking understatement." She cocked her brow,
"It wasn't him."
"She used to go off with a few punters, you know offered services to pay
for her habit but like I say I didn't know her that well."
"Okay..." I gestured with my hand asking for a name.
"Jen," she replied.
"Okay, well thank you Jen."
We turned and walked back towards our motorcycles, "Erm lads, guys
whatever your names are." I heard her jog after us. "Any chance
you've seen this girl on your travels?" she took a flyer from her pocket
and handed it to me. She was a good looking girl but she didn't ring any bells,
I passed it to Recon for him to take a look also. "Who is she to
"My sister, she's been missing for a couple of weeks now." I saw a
flash on sincerity and this was the first time she'd dropped her guard.
"What's her story?" Recon asked.
"Erm...I think she was running away from someone or if she hadn't been she
"And is that someone a member of a particular club?" Jen nodded and I
"Can I take this and ask some of the guys?" Recon held the flyer in
his hand.
"Would you do that for me? Thank you so much I really appreciate
that." Her tone had now changed and I thought this may be the real Jen
rather than the stuck up bitch we met earlier.
"And that's your mobile number on the bottom should I find out
anything." I shook my head understanding what Recon was playing at, her
level of challenge had obviously intrigued him.
"Yes and how should I get hold of you should I remember anything regarding
He smiled knowing that she may be interested, "The clubhouse, come to the
clubhouse in Waltham Abbey and ask for Recon."
"Okay and thank you once again."
I strolled towards our motorcycles in silence, "What?"
I turned to Recon, "What?" I shrugged with a smile on my face.
"You want to say something I know you do."
"Clubhouse, come to the clubhouse and ask for Recon." I air quoted
taking the piss.
He sniggered, "Well did you see her? A good looking bird in leather and
can ride."
"Yeah a sports bike," I sniggered.
"Look if a girl can ride a girl can ride, you know what I'm saying?"
he gyrated his hips mimicking a sex act. I shook my head, sometimes I'm sure that
blokes' brains were in his pants.
"Come on stop fucking about and let's get back to the clubhouse. I have a
feeling they'll be waiting for that." I referred to the cut that Recon was
folding and stuffing inside his cut.
He smiled, "I think we're in for a fun evening."

I let Recon enter the clubhouse first, he loved the drama
and I was happy for him to tell the story of how we got the probate's colours.
That would be a lesson learned very quickly for that poor lad and I wouldn't
want to be in his shoes when he returned without it. The code was that you
didn't give your colours to anyone not even for your old lady to hold, as they
were sacred to you. Now I know that I would fight with every breath to keep
mine so for a probate as the Skulls called their prospects to just hand it
over, he'd most certainly get a kicking if not worse if they wanted to make an
example of him.

"Good evening lads," Recon held up the cut and
threw it on top of the bar.
Duke walked over to us, "What was he thinking?"
"I don't know but it was as if he didn't know."
Duke frowned, "Really?"
"Yeah, look I may be talking completely out of turn but I think this was a
"What do you mean?" Diesel had now pulled up a stool and sat at the
"We tell our prospects about territories and where you can and can't wear
your colours. I just don't believe the Skulls wouldn't have told him. He'd been
probating for the club for four months."
Duke grasped his chin and rubbed it thoughtfully, "What they going to gain
by doing it? I just don't understand talk to me, what are you thinking Woods?"
"Despite all what's gone on and how friendly Flex pretends to be, I just
don't trust him Duke. You know you had a feeling regarding Rev, well I have
that feeling regarding Flex."
"But we've had him and the club under surveillance for a long time now and
nothing has come up that would concern me."
"I'm not saying there should be, I'm just saying that I don't trust
"Well I've said we'll meet him at the industrial estate." I was
usually the person to sort out arrangements regarding meetings but the
industrial estate in Waltham Cross was perfect for such a meeting.
"What did he say, when you told him we'd taken the boys colours?" I
asked taking a bottle of water from the fridge.
"He wasn't amused, said we were taking the piss but I reminded him that
actually the lad was taking the piss," Diesel chuckled.
"Well this should be a fun meeting." Recon rested his feet on one of
the stools, "Who you taking?"
"We're gonna have a few of us there but we're high profile so I don't want
us all to have toys." Duke was right, we couldn't all carry just in case
we were pulled over but it was protocol that the Sergeant at Arms and prospects
were armed.
"I want Recon, Buster, Cade and Ramsey with toys and the rest of you can
be a little nondescript with blades. Should you wish to take other weapons
that's up to you but I'm not being responsible should you get caught."
"Woods look over this for me, we put this together quickly but can you see
any issues?" I glanced over the map they'd put together. There were men on
each side of the car park, a car to block off their exit and two further
vehicles in strategic positions should we need to chase.
"Looks fine to me but I'd put a look out here and here," I said
pointing to the drawing. I knew the estate well and there was a blind spot, I
didn't want us being caught unawares.
"Okay we can do that." Duke glanced at his watch, "Right we
better be going to get everyone in place on time."
"Do you think they'll cause trouble?" Lyric looked concerned.
I shrugged, "Who knows if they have a hidden agenda then yes."
The group armed themselves with various weapons and we looked like a force to
be reckoned with as we drove from the yard in unison.

"Is everyone in
position?" Duke asked over the mic. Various people answered and I
sniggered knowing that Duke would respond. "Alright smart arses, try not
to deafen me this time. Is there anyone that is not in position?" The
radio was quiet, "Thank you that's better."
"Right, Stoney and Lyric you're our lookouts. Let us know when you see
"Will do Woods, it's all quiet at the minute." Stoney responded.
"Yep all quiet here also mate." I could hear the nervousness in
Lyrics voice.
Duke and I sat in the van, I glanced at my watch and knew that they were due
any minute now and couldn't help but tap my feet. Duke glared at me,
"Sorry mate but I'm fucking nervous about this shit. You know I'm a lover
not a hater."
Duke sniggered, "As long as you're loving the right people I don't
mind." I rolled my eyes at his comment in reference to Chloe, this was
neither the time nor the place to discuss her.

"Right we have two vehicles
entering the estate, a 4x4 and a people carrier so a maximum of twelve people,"
Stoney stated over the Mic.
"Show time," Duke rubbed his hands together and stepped from the van,
I followed suit to stand in the middle of the car park.
The 4x4 pulled up beside us and I was worried that they may just get out and
take us down but the driver turned off the engine and the passenger door
"Good evening gentlemen, this is quite the welcoming committee." Flex
extended his arms to the guys positioned around the car park. I noticed that
the people carrier had hung back but Justice had moved his car forward so he
was blocking the 4x4 in the car park should there be any trouble.
"Well you know Flex it's better to cover your arse than not. How you
"Yeah not bad, I've brought someone to see you." Flex indicated to the
4x4 and the rear door opened. A badly beaten lad got out and as he neared I
realised it was the young boy from the bar.
"And what do you have to say Jarrod?" Flex asked not even looking at
He held his side and stepped closer with a limp, "I'm sorry for
disrespecting you and wearing my colours in your territory."
Duke nodded at me and I stepped forward to pass the cut to Flex. He didn't make
any attempt to take it he simply waited for the young lad to hobble over to
"Thank you," he whispered.
I almost felt sorry for him, being a prospect was like an apprenticeship this is
where you learned your craft and proved yourself in order to be offered a position
at the end of the training. This was also the time when you could fuck up
because you were still learning and this kid certainly did that. I knew one
thing for sure, he wouldn't give up his colours so easily next time.
"So are we cool?" Flex asked as Recon joined us from across the car
"We certainly are as long as you keep your guys in check." Recon
folded his arms across his chest looking menacing.
"Oh they're in check mate don't you worry about that." Flex turned to
leave, "Oh I nearly forgot." He dug around in his pocket and pulled
out a photograph. "I don't suppose you've seen this girl on your travels
have you?"
I took the photo and noticed that it was the same girl, that Jen had shown us
earlier on in the evening. I shook my head, "Not that I recall." I
passed it to Recon and raised my brows as our eyes met.
"Who is she?" Recon asked.
"Just a friend's sister, we're worried about her. Could you pass that
around to see if any of the guys recognise her?"
Duke nodded his head, "Of course I can man that's the least I can
do." Flex extended his arm and they shook hands. "I'll be in touch should
any of the guys know anything."
"Thank you." Flex turned on his heels and walked towards the 4x4. As
he entered the vehicle, I let out a sigh of relief although it wasn't totally
over until they'd gone.
The driver reversed and pulled up at the exit that Justice was still blocking,
once Duke gave the nod he reversed the vehicle allowing Flex to leave. The
people carrier followed and they made their way up the road out of sight.

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