Woods (Aces MC Series Book 5) (2 page)

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Authors: Aimee-Louise Foster

BOOK: Woods (Aces MC Series Book 5)
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"Stop fidgeting babe you look
lovely." We stood on the front porch of a huge house in the middle of
nowhere. It had taken the taxi driver some time to find the property and we
only found it because of the directions given by Malik, Brooke's on off
boyfriend as he was already at the address. "We're gonna meet the boys
inside," she shouted over the loud music as she pushed the front door
The smell of weed was overpowering as we stepped into the front porch and I
immediately regretted coming here this evening. I should've stayed at the
clubhouse with Ramsey, we were getting along great. I enjoyed his banter and if
I was totally honest with myself he wasn't bad looking either.
"What you smiling at?"
I shook my head and glanced at Brooke, "What?"
"You're smiling, what you smiling at?" my gormless expression annoyed
her and she grabbed my arm spitefully, "Never mind I don't have time for
this. We'll grab a beer from the kitchen and then, go and find the boys."
The feeling of dread washed over me, Malik was obviously with his mates and I'd
be expected to make idle conversation with people I had nothing in common with.
I let out a low groan, "What's the matter with you?" Brooke asked
increasingly getting annoyed with me.
 "Oh nothing, I've just got a little bit of a headache," I lied shouting
over the music.
Brooke grabbed two beers from the kitchen worktop and used the bottle opener to
remove the lids. "Here, drink this and stop your bloody moaning. Don't
show me up tonight, I told Reece that you were cool." Brooke handed me the
bottle and took a sip of her drink.
I held the bottle firmly but didn't take a swig, I wanted to keep my wits about
me this evening. "And Reece is who exactly?" I asked not having a
clue who she was talking about.
Brooke rolled her eyes, "The man of the moment. Only the most popular guy
around town Lauren, you really need to get out more."
How was I supposed to know who these people were, I had thrown myself into my
studies recently and therefore didn't have much of a social life but I actually
liked it that way. I only agreed to come as Brooke made me feel bad every time
I turned her invitations down and this made it awkward around school.

Brooke made her way through the
crowd and I followed closely behind not wanting to get lost among the throngs
of people.
"Hey babe," Brooke snuggled into Malik's embrace. He wrapped his arms
around her tightly and peered over her shoulder checking me out in the process.
He stared at my face and slowly took every part of my body in before nodding
with approval.
"You're right, your mate's fit."
Brooke pulled away from Malik and slapped his arm, "Oi enough of
Malik smirked, "Come here, you know I only have eyes for you."
"That's why he got Trudy pregnant," I said under my breath. I heard
someone snigger and turned towards the noise, a guy of around twenty wearing a
baseball cap caught my eye and stepped closer.
"Pretty with a sense of humour," he winked and I immediately felt
"I...erm...oh," Shit! Why weren't the words coming out?
He sniggered and rested his hand on my arm, "It's ok babe, I love a smart
I took a sip from my bottle of beer hoping it would calm the nerves mounting
inside me but I knew that I couldn't consume a lot of alcohol as my body wasn't
used to it and I needed to keep my wits about me.
"My name's Reece and you are?" he waited for me to respond but I
didn't find social situations easy and I was finding it difficult to interact.
Something caught my attention and I turned to see Brooke flapping her arms
around and looking angry. I narrowed my eyes not understanding what she was
trying to say and Reece turned around at the same time.
"This is Lauren, my friend I was telling you about."
Reece returned his attention to me, "Come and sit with me babe." I glanced
towards Brooke and she nodded her head for me to do as I was told. I
reluctantly followed Reece to the sofa and was a little uncomfortable by his
close proximity.
What the hell was I doing here and why had she put me in this situation? I was
annoyed that Brooke had purposely put me out of my comfort zone and I'd be
speaking to her later about how she'd made me feel uncomfortable this evening.

"Lauren, is that you?" I
turned to see Aiden a guy from one of my classes at school. I didn't know him
that well but he was a little animated and I suspected he'd taken drugs this
evening. I smiled sweetly as he joined us on the sofa wedging me between them. "Can
I get you another drink gorgeous?" he asked resting his arm along the back
of the sofa bringing his body into closer contact.
"No I'm fine thank you, I've still got this." I held up my bottle,
the contents were now warm but I wasn't accepting a drink from anyone.
"I don't usually see you out at places like this and I've never seen you
dressed like that." Aiden leered at me and I immediately pushed myself up
from the sofa.
"Brooke!" I shouted across the living room. She drew her brows
confused as to what I wanted, "Where's the bathroom."
Brooke pointed to a door directly in the hall, "The cloakroom's in

I quickly made my way across the
living room and out into the corridor. I reached out for the handle and gave it
a rattle but it was occupied. I didn't even want to use the bathroom but this
allowed me some space as the evening was getting intense. The music had
changed, it was now much darker than before and this had affected the mood of
the party. Drugs were freely available and this really wasn't my scene, I was
going to use the bathroom to freshen up and then I was going to leave. I'd have
to call a taxi rather than Mark because he'd go nuts knowing that I was here
with Brooke but it was worth it to keep myself out of trouble.

The door to the cloakroom opened
and a girl who looked no older than fourteen stumbled from the room. Where in
the hell had Brooke brought me? I waited for her to eventually get out of the
way before I entered the small space and eagerly locked the door behind me.
Drug paraphernalia littered the top of the toilet cistern and there looked to
be urine on the floor and around the toilet seat. I sighed as I closed the lid and
nestled on the cold surface, I just needed a few minutes to get my head
together before I thought about leaving.
I was an acquired taste, I wasn't a go getter or a regular partygoer but I
still had many likeable qualities. If these were the sort of parties I needed
to attend in order to be popular, then I was pleased that I wasn't on
everyone's list of friends. I enjoyed having fun as much as the next person but
this wasn't how I was going to get my kicks. I needed to work hard in order to
pass my exams and then I would have all the time in the world for fun and being
honest with myself, it wouldn't involve parties like this.

Bang! Bang! Bang! "Hurry up I
need to take a slash!"
I rolled my eyes and stood to assess myself in the mirror. A small giggle left
my lips as I saw my reflection, this dress was so different from my usual
attire and I never wore this much make-up.
Bang! Bang! Bang!
"Okay, okay I'm coming out!" I unlocked the door and it was
forcefully opened by a guy who looked as high as a kite. I was surprised he
even remembered to use the toilet in that state. I stepped out and he barged
past me, slamming the door in my wake.
I was certainly ready to go home, I needed to find Brooke and make my excuses
before it got too late.

Walking back into the living room
I glanced around my surroundings, I couldn't see Brooke and immediately started
to panic. I took my phone from my handbag and noticed I had multiple missed
calls from Mark. I knew I'd be in trouble, he'd obviously realised that I'd left
the clubhouse without letting him know. I eagerly flicked through the missed
calls but there was nothing from Brooke, where was she?
I felt an arm snake around my waist and turned to see Reece smiling.
"Where's Brooke?" I asked trying to step from his embrace but he held
Reece grinned, "Stop worrying, she said to tell you she's upstairs."
"Upstairs? Why's she gone up there?" I looked around trying to see if
there was anyone I recognised.
"Something about it being quieter, come on I'll take you to her."
Reece grabbed my hand and led me through the living room and into the corridor.
This was just like Brooke, thinking about herself and leaving me with strangers
with no regards to my safety. I know Reece stayed here to tell me but I wasn't
his responsibility. I followed him up the three flights of stairs, stepping
over incoherent people in the process until we reached the top landing of the
house. "She's in there babe," Reece pointed to a door to my left.
"Oh okay," I was still a little perplexed but it was certainly
quieter up here. Placing my hand on the brass knob I turned towards Reece,
"They may want to be left alone. Are you sure she said to come up here?"
I didn't want to burst into the room if they were getting down and dirty
although that probably wouldn't bother Brooke, I'd be mortified.
Reece smiled, "She's cool babe."
I nodded and turned the handle. As I entered the room I noticed it was dark and
fumbled to my right trying to find a switch on the wall. The only light came
from the moon shining through the window on the far wall but it was still hard
to see anything.
I found the switch and pressed it to illuminate the bedroom but I still couldn't
see Brooke. I turned to Reece confused, "She's not here she must've left
already." I flipped the clasp and rummaged around in my handbag for my
phone, "I'll just give her a call." As I swiped the screen, it was
knocked abruptly from my hand. I spun on my heels turning to Reece in shock to
see the aggression on his face but couldn't understand why. He stepped forward
pushing me further into the room and slammed the door behind him.

"What...hold on...Reece
you're scaring me." I held my hands up trying to calm the situation as he
surged forward. The force of his body hitting mine winded me as I flew back
onto the bed. I quickly got my bearings but it was too late he was upon me.
Reece grabbed my wrists and forced them either side of my head placing his
weight onto my arms as he leaned forward. I tried to wriggle from his clutches
but he moved further onto the bed pushing my legs further apart to lie between
The room was silent apart from my heavy breathing, I twisted my head from side
to side looking for something, anything that would help me get me out of this
situation but I was slowly becoming out of my depth.

"We can do this the easy or
hard way babe!" My eyes widened and I felt my heart lurch at the
realisation of what he was implying. Water pricked my eyes and his small smile
spread into a grin as he lowered his head towards my face. I turned quickly not
wanting him to put his lips on me, he simply sniggered and I felt his warm
moist tongue as he licked my cheek. "Mmmm...I love the taste of fear!"
My breathing quickened and my chest heaved, I felt claustrophobic but I needed
to keep it together. Reece moved his head just inches from mine as he looked at
me with maddening eyes, "Let's see if this has turned you on." He
moved my arms aggressively and clutched both wrists in one hand, his movements
meant that he released his body weight from my torso and I bucked my hips
trying to find some kind of advantage.

Whack! My head whipped to the side
from the impact of his slap. I closed my eyes trying to contain the pain from
the stinging sensation, my thoughts were elsewhere but I was all too aware of
his hand lifting up the material of my dress. I bucked again and twisted with
all I had trying to find my release, opening my eyes I saw his aggression as
his hand came towards me and wrapped around my neck. He squeezed tightly
restricting my airways, my chest convulsed as I tried desperately to breath. He
squeezed further cutting off my airways, I felt lightheaded and things slowly
became blurry.
"You thrashing around babe and getting upset only arouses me
further." Reece grinned as he slowly released his grip, I wheezed sucking
in air hard which made me cough. I tried to sit up to aid my breathing but he
pushed me back down again into the mattress. His eyes remained focused on me as
his hand went to my crotch. Reece grabbed the top of my panties and pulled, ripping
the thin material in the process. The friction stung my thighs but I was still
struggling to breathe and tried to ignore the pain. Without warning he rammed
two fingers deep into my tight opening, I let out a high pitched scream at the
intrusion as the pain ripped through my body. I coughed and spluttered, saliva
fell upon my lips and chin in the process. I gurgled, it felt as if I was
drowning. Tears now streamed down my cheeks as he retracted his fingers and
shoved them in again aggressively.
"Please stop," I whimpered asking for his mercy. My chest heaved as
my breathing continued to accelerate through fear.
"You fucking love it, little cock tease that you are." He pulled out
his fingers and I was relieved until I heard his zip unfasten.
"No, no you can't do this," I sobbed trying to free my legs by twisting
my body. He pinched my skin tightly around my wrists and pinned me with his
torso as he shuffled his jeans down his thighs.
He smirked, "That's where you're wrong babe, I'm untouchable."
"You can have anything, please...my family have money...please stop...just
please stop." The last words were inaudible as he pushed inside me letting
out a satisfied moan. I instantly closed my eyes hoping that this was a bad
dream but his grunts were a rude awakening. Turning my head to the side my
tears found a steady flow and followed the same path to the duvet beneath me as
his momentum rocked me back and forth. The noises he made became louder as he
quickened his pace, this turn of events had happened so quickly and I was
slowly stating to realise that there was no one around to save me. I lay completely
still, hoping that my lack of struggle would be less appealing but I was wrong,
he was just evil and was enjoying every second of the assault.
I continued to sob quietly not wanting to draw any attention to myself, I
didn't want him to up his game and consider doing more harm although from where
I was laying I didn't think things could get worse.
"Ah baby you feel good," Reece grabbed my leg roughly and held it high
so he could penetrate deeper.
The pain was immense but I tried to reason in my head and calculate how long he
could possibly keep going for. Once he had finished he may allow me to go, I
could do this I could get through this I repeated over and over in my head, I
so needed to get through this. I bit my lip trying to deal with the pain as it
ripped through my body but quickly tasted blood as I cut myself.

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