Worlds Without End (25 page)

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Authors: Caroline Spector

Tags: #Science Fiction, #Fantasy

BOOK: Worlds Without End
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The term “Awakened Beings” is coined to describe the metahumans and other emerging life forms.


First simsense entertainment unit (a kind of sensory VCR) becomes available.

President Jarman is reelected U.S. President in a landslide victory based on the first use of the remote-vote system. Opposition parties claim fraud.


Several prestigious U.S. universities establish the first undergraduate programs in occult studies.


The U.S. Constitution is amended to include all metahumans.

The first cyberterminal (a room-sized isolation chamber for a single operator) is developed. Funded by various intelligence agencies, the goal of the research is to make it possible for strike teams of “cybercommandos” to raid data systems.


First commercial fusion reactor power plant comes on-line.


In the United States, the CIA, NSA, and IRS pool their resources to recruit and train Echo Mirage, the first team of “cybercommandos.”


Computer Crash of
A mystery virus attacks databases worldwide, resulting in total financial chaos. The government and the megacorps attempt to fight the virus with their own cybercommandos, but eventually must recruit maverick hackers to fight the virus. In the course of fighting the virus and attempting to rebuild the world data system, the Matrix is bom. The surviving hackers now have knowledge of cyberdecks and begin to cobble together their own units.

NAN declares that the emerging metahuman races are welcome in tribal lands.


The remaining United States of America merges with Canada to form the United Canadian and American States (UCAS). A coalition of southern states opposes the idea.


Euro-Wars. In this twelve-year period, Europe and Asia are rocked by a series of wars that result in a complete political transformation.

The European Economic Community collapses. Awakened species come to dominate vast wilderness areas, including portions of Siberia, Mongolia, and the mountains of northeastern China. In a return to city-state politics, Italy, southern France, and southeastern Europe fragment into hundreds of tiny sovereignties.


A coup ousts President McGoldrick of Ireland. The coup was subtly masterminded by Liam O’Connor, whose Tir Republican Corps rose out of a dying IRA. Liam is asked to impose a state of emergency by acting President McCarthy. Liam uses this request to his advantage and creates a Tir out of Ireland: Tír na nÓg.

The first “gray market” cyberdecks become available.

The government of Brazil topples in the aftermath of an invasion by Awakened forces, including three dragons. The Awakened declare the new state of Amazonia.

A coalition of ten southern states secedes from UCAS to form the Confederated American States (CAS).


The Elves of the Pacific Northwest secede from NAN, declaring themselves the nation of Tir Tairngire (Land of Promise) and confiscating Native American land for themselves. Violent clashes between Amerindian and elven tribes break out.

California declares independence from UCAS and is immediately recognized by Japan. Japanese land troops to protect their interests.

Texas secedes from CAS and makes an unsuccessful attempt to seize portions of southwestern Texas ceded to the tribes of Aztlan by the Treaty of Denver. In 2035, the Tsimshian tribal coalition withdraws from NAN.


A small community of Awakened beings in rural Ohio napalmed by Alamo 20,000, a terrorist group dedicated to destroying all Awakened beings. Over the next fifteen years, Alamo 20,000 is linked to the deaths of a thousand metahumans and openly sympathetic human supporters.


First simsense entertainment unit introduced.


Night of Rage. Racial violence breaks out in major urban centers of North America. Thousands die, most of them metahumans and their supporters.


EuroAir Flight 329, en route from London to Atlanta, is destroyed over the Atlantic, killing all passengers and crew. Though garbled, the last transmission seems to indicate that the dragon Sirrurg attacked the craft. Many believe the flight was sabotaged to retaliate for the Night of Rage.

Policlubs, youth-oriented associations devoted to spreading various political or social philosophies, first appear in Europe. Each club hopes to recruit the masses to its own viewpoint and thus play a leading role in the European Restoration.


Liam O’Connor, State President of Tír na nÓg, disappears. After Liam’s disappearance his wife of two years, Brane Deigh, proclaims herself “Queen” of the Seelie Court, a non-legislative body said to influence the spirits of elves, rather than their minds or bodies.

Four chapters of the Universal Brotherhood, an organization espousing a philosophy based on EST, New Age pseudo-mysticism, and a healthy dose of Madison Avenue marketing smarts, open in California.


Aztlan nationalizes all foreign-owned business. Semi-open war breaks out as some corporations fight to retain their holdings. Under cover of the fighting, Aztlan annexes most of what is left of Mexico except for the Yucatan, where Awakened forces halt all takeover attempts.


A Universal Brotherhood branch opens in Seattle.


The first simsense megahit, “Free Fall.” starring Honey Brighton, eventually sells 50 million copies.

The policlub idea spreads to North America, but with violence in its wake. The Humanis Policlub, in particular, attracts a major following that cuts across economic, social, and political divisions. In a series of paid advertisements, Mothers of Metahumans (MOM) denounces Humanis as an arm of the shadowy Alamo 20,000.


Tir Tairngire is admitted to the United Nations.


The Governor of Seattle signs an exclusive trade deal with representatives of Tir Tairngire. Seattle, already a major cultural and economic center for the UCAS, NAN, and large segments of the Awakened, now takes on new importance as the only access to elven goods and services.


The seventh-generation cyberdeck is introduced, now down to keyboard-size.


The Universal Brotherhood now has over 400 chapters across the globe. Their members are predominately male, and predominately human. The Universal Brotherhood is secretly a front for a number of Insect totem hives.


Major advances in cyber-and biotechnology. More and more humans and metahumans choose to enhance their bodies.


Insect-spirits infest Chicago. The UCAS military detonates a subtactical nuclear weapon to destroy the primary hive, creating chaos as well as destruction. The military quarantines the city, sealing it off from the rest of the country.


A Hawaiian nationalist group attempts to gain control of a magical site, intending to exploit the magic of the site to oust corps from Hawaii. Though their attempt fails, magic in the world spikes to a higher level.

About the Author

Caroline Spector has written three computer game books, published through Prima Publishing
(Ultima: The Avatar Adventures, Ultima VII and Ultima Underworld: More Avatar Adventures,
The Might and Magic Compendium).
She has edited for
Amazing Stories
magazine and done freelance editing work for various publishers.

Worlds Without End
is Spector’s first published novel and is the third book in her Immortals Trilogy, which will continue with prequels
Little Treasures
to be published by FASA Corporation in 1996.



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