Authors: Monica Luke

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Gracefully, she made her way down the long row, and as a great many watched, kept he
r eyes forward towards Bayl who also watched her intently.

Once she was by his side, she put her hand upon his, as the priest spoke words to them both. After he pierced their fingers, each drank wine from their cups, before Bayl who already wore his bronze
and gold crown with only two rings, placed Liha’s upon her head and kissed her making one.

As they moved to the left and right to make room, King Rone stood in front of his chair and nodded to the priest, and as again, they chanted, Seda slowly made her w
ay down the aisle to him.

Careful not to look at his face, she looked at the priest; then down at her feet, yet she could tell that King Rone watched her closely; then once right in front of him, he stepped away from his chair and turned to face the priest
with her, hand in hand.

Again, after words from the priest, both pierced their fingers and drank from their cups; but unlike Bayl
’s ceremony where Liha stood, as King Rone held the crown of the high queen up for all to see, just as he was about to place it on his beloved’s head, she kneeled humbly on both knees for him to do it.

As all watched Seda, their hearts moved by her humility, just as she had won King Rone, she now won the crowd, as whispered words of approval spread throughout the church.

Proudly, King Rone placed the crown on her head, and not part of ceremony, as he did kissed her lips gently.

You even make me want to bow before you,” he whispered, “Great is my love for you.”

After, another kiss upon her lips, he had her turn to face all watchi

Behold, your high queen!” he shouted. His voice filled with commanding passion, as all bowed.




Right away, the feasting began in the great gathering hall with tables covered from end to end with food. There were roasted boars, duck, geese, quail, and pheasant, seasoned with wild garlic and onions along with roasted and boiled potatoes, spiced apples, pears, and turnips served beside them that all could eat to their heart’s content.

There was also enough beer for everyone and for those who did no
t want beer, fermented cider or berries, and after most had their fill of drinking, they danced together in merriment in the center of the hall, while others sat around them on long heavy wooden benches watching.

As all danced and talked, the king at the t
able’s head with Bayl beside him, along with their wives, none of them danced, yet thoughts of passion danced in their heads while all four cursed the sun for lingering bright so long.

Finally, as darkness fell upon the land, bot
h king and queen gave leave, followed by Bayl and Liha, but those who wished it remained in the great gathering hall to carry on their merriment.

Once in her chamber, unable to remove her wedding gown herself, women undressed her; then after she again bath
ed to wash away the days sweat and put on silk bed gown, as she prepared to go to the king, slowly her door opened.

I was on my way to you,” she whispered, as he stood by the door, but he didn’t reply as he closed the door; then came closer.

I have waited all day and could no more,” he whispered, now removing the gown she went to the trouble of putting on.

Shall we sleep?” she asked, as a mischievous smile swept across her face before she yawned, “My day was such that I am tired.”

Sleep!” the king blared, “How can you speak of sleep on this night?”

At first, believing she was serious, he saw her smile and smiled too. “
This night, you nor I, or the bed we lay upon will know of sleep or quiet,” and with that, King Rone carried Seda to bed.

As Bayl and Lih
a walked to their chamber, his hand upon hers both remained quiet with anticipation as they did, but when they rounded the corner, two guild warriors approached Bayl hastily.

My lord,” they said and bowed, “You are needed. It is Lord Baric.”

’s expression went instantly from joy to worry. “Has he taken ill?”

Far worse.”

Go to him,” Liha quickly said understanding, “I will wait for you.”

With haste, Bayl rushed to Baric and burst into his chamber before immediately noticing many sullen faces gathered
around him, and at first baffled why his father or Orhan were not there, saw Belon and rushed to Baric’s bed.

What has happened?” he asked Belon

Such that we cannot speak of it,” Belon said and looked away.

Bayl braced as strong emotion came over him
that his brother’s heath had not improved as he had hoped, then slowly; he pulled the covering that was half over his face so he could look at him closely.

He must have gone back into a deep sleep,” he said anguished, as he sat down hard next to him, “Such woe I have.”

As he spoke, Baric
’s eyes twitched, then his lips curled on one side to keep from laughter, and when Bayl noticed it, he seethed and knew they had tricked him.

I swear this day I will strike all of you down!” he shouted, as he stood and pulled the cover more off Baric, “And you brother will be the first.”

Unable to contain himself, Baric burst into laughter, followed by all the men into the chamber.

“I could not attend your wedding or the feast for my state to taunt you, but this will do.”

This is my wedding night.” Bayl eyes squinted, “How dare you keep me from her.”

Such passion in those words,” Baric said, still laughing, “I fear you will tear her apart.”

Enough,” Bayl said, as his anger left him, again glad that his brother was able again to taunt him as always, “I am leaving.”

Brother,” Baric called out when Bayl began to walk towards the door to leave.

Bayl turned and looked at him annoyed.

His expression now serious, Baric looked at his brother unable to hide the love and
pride he had for him in his eyes. “I am happy for you.”

Rest brother,” Bayl said and walked back to him and kissed his forehead, “I will deal with you harshly at a more fitting time,” and with that, again as the men laughed, Bayl left and rushed to his new bride.




Quickly, Liha undressed and bathed; then as she waited for Bayl, she paced back and forth. Uncertain if she should greet him in her silk gown or naked, she decided to have him remove her gown.

Her hair down upon her back, quickly she brush
ed it again to make it flow with ease and when she quietly heard her door open, she inhaled nervously; then quickly turned.

My wife,” Bayl whispered, and held out his hand for her to come to him.

How is your brother?”


Shyly she stood and walked
to him; then took his hand and swiftly before she even knew it, was in his arms and briskly on her way his, their, bedchamber.

Gazing into the others eyes, gently he put her down, and while he looked at the outline of her body under the silk, his groin st
iffened making Liha blushingly gasp knowing it would soon be thrusting inside her.

You waited those three days,” Liha whispered after her gasp, “All is yours.”

Her words almost unfinished, he was upon her and removing her breasts from her silk gown befor
e sensually licking the outline of her nipples, she buried her hands in his hair and inhaled until his strong hands seized them harder and squeezed before he began to suckle them.

Such strength you have,” she breathed heavily, her breasts coupled in his strong hands.

Breathing heavily, he stepped back to undress wanting to see her expression as he removed his clothes, and as she watched intently mesmerized, he did it slowly solely to taunt.

Her eyes widened at the sight of him, never had she seen a man naked and as she lowered her eyes and gazed upon his seemingly endless manhood, she felt her stomach tighten and her walls become wet.

I am at a weakness,” she whispered, “You have had many and as for me, I have had none. I have no skillful ways to please you.”

Will you yield to me?” he asked in a deep and lingering tone.


I am pleased just by the sight of you,” Bayl said, “How can I not be pleased at the touch or feel of you?”

His words beguiling her, Liha rushed into his arms and kissed him passionately.

“All is yours,” she cried out; as she felt her gown suddenly begin to tear.

As he ripped h
er gown from top to bottom to free her from it, Bayl seized her and took her to bed; then as he spread her legs to lie between them, he whispered his love for her tenderly.

Patiently, he rubbed his ready manhood along the outside of her folds until she be
gged to feel him; then his hands intertwined with hers, as he lifted her arms above her head, thrust into her.

When he did, such was her gasp, he feared he had hurt her badly, but soon a sigh came and she released from his hand
’s grip; then put her hands on his back.

You are deep,” she moaned amazed, “Deep within me.”

His pace fast, her breast joyfully jiggled from his thrusts as he breathed heavily into her ear, and as sweat dripped from them both, suddenly he slowed.

“I am holding you to your words.” He remembered, “Beg for mercy.”

Have mercy on me.” More pleas, “Such slow thrusts have made me quiver.”

Before the night passes,” Bayl vowed, “Your body will quiver to many times to count.”

Then to your pace I will keep, whether fast or slow.”

Their bodies drenched with
sweat, now long into the night, Bayl cried out before his muscles seized while all within him once again released into her.

Did I please you?” Liha whispered, as he lay upon her exhausted.”

Much,” Bayl said, after lying limp on her body until he recovered some of his strength, and moved to her side.

I have nothing of my own to give you,” Liha whispered, as she snuggled close to him, “But I thank you for loving me.”

Do not speak so bleak,” Bayl said as he raised his head and kissed her cheek, “You have all to give me.”

What, my lord?”

Sons and daughters...”




Later that night after Belon left Baric’s chamber, although it was dark, still too early to Ogorec, he decided to go to the men’s hall to pass the time, but as he walked there, he saw Tohlor leaving.

When about to pass him, Belon simply half smiled as he always did showing no signs of hostility, and because he did, Tohlor did not suspect he knew of his plan to try to replace him.

“Early is the time,” Belon casually spoke stopping in front of him, “Train with me.”

All day I have trained,” Tohlor said quickly.

But not with one of my skill,” Belon’s imperious tone, as he walked away, “Come.”

Tohlor frowned, and followed Belon to the gardens.

“If I attack you what would you do?” Belon asked, after he picked out one of the practice swords.

I have not picked a sword,” Tohlor said quickly, unsure if he should. “Nor do I have my own with me.”

Choose one,” Belon said, “Neither do I have my own with me.”

Cautiously, Tohlor l
ooked at Belon, his mind spinning with wonder of if he knew of his plan or if Ogorec had spoken anything to him.

If I train with you,” Tohlor said, still no sword in his hand, “Somehow I fear I will not come out of this unscathed.”

Why would you reason such a thing?” Belon asked, as a brandished the sword to loosen his arm.

I am tired,” Tohlor said, and feigned a yawn, but Belon knew he was lying.

As he turned to walk away, Belon spoke again, but kept his words nonthreatening, but stern.
“In battle one must know who his enemies are to strike them down.”

I would reason so,” Tohlor said.

Good,” he said; then walked to put the sword back, “I think such a mind would make a strong leader.”

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