Authors: Monica Luke

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And?” he urged. Well aware he had other reasons for not wanting him to go.

You will be gone so long from me.”

Belon turned, and looked at him lovingly.

Be again close to him -” Aderac finally admitted.

Knowing that was partly his true reason, Belon shook his head and smiled amused by his jealous

Should my love burn with such jealously?” he teased, “When he knows how much I love him.”

Your love fears,” more admission, “You will weaken when you see his face after so long away him.”

Your fear is without cause,” his simple response, while looking out at the men, “I am not that weak.”

I am not so sure of that,” Aderac’s scathing jealous comment, “You followed behind him panting and begging hopelessly as would a discarded starving dog, even after he found another. I fear you could again if he pitied you and tossed you scraps when you have one who feeds you well.

His words trenchant, Belon
’s head spun to Aderac with a glare he had never seen before. His eyes fixed right into his, there was no misunderstanding he angered, as well as, wounded him, but Belon held within his temper, and said nothing.

Instead, he jumped onto his horse and rode away to train his men again without saying goodbye or looking back, which hurt Aderac more than any angry retaliated words ever would have.

When he rode away, Aderac’s backbone refused to hold him erect making his body slump, and he longed to swallow his cruel escaped words, but knew he couldn’t, so looking forlorn he stared out at Belon.

As he did, he wrestled to keep from going to him and tenderly kissing him as
he begged for forgiveness in front of all, then when Belon got on his horse and suddenly rode off, he jumped onto his horse to catch up with him.

Quickly, he rode pass the men lined in rows, but once he got over the hill, Belon had vanished.

All the rest of the day, Aderac didn’t see Belon and ordered the guards vigilantly watch for him everywhere, then as night came, when still no one had seen him, anxiety overcame him and he began to feel himself literally struggling to breathe.

Now miserable, Aderac cal
med himself as best he could, as he paced back and forth within their hidden room, and vowed to do nothing until words of love flooded out his mouth to him, as well as, words of remorse for them.

Steadfast, he rocked back and forth while he waited in a ch
air he put right in front of the door when he tired from pacing, and repeatedly he went over in his mind what he would say when he walked thought it.

Even though, Belon waited until very late to go to the room, Aderac stayed alertly awake with his eyes fi
xed on the door; then when he walked inside, he sprang forward in front of him, before he barely got both feet inside.

I was wrong. I was so wrong,” Aderac’s lamenting rant while he stood in front of him practically blocking the door. Always repeating his words when truly upset or excited, his head frenetically shook back and forth emphasizing his great remorse, “So wrong Belon to speak to you how I did.”

Belon said nothing, as finally Aderac step back slightly enough so he could come inside and close the
door, then after he did, he took off his sword, walked to the end of the bed and sat.

Aderac hurried beside him.

“My life is such that I may speak freely to anyone what comes to mind even if cruel without regard to their feelings.” Aderac tried to give a good reason for his behavior. “I know Belon, I must learn when I speak to you to guard my tongue not to be cruel, and I will.”

After he spoke, Belon stood; then pulled him up
to look at him.

I am with you and love you of my own will,” Belon assured him, as both now stood. “And not for the reason you are the grandson of a king, but know this well, I am our head and you must choose now if you really can hold your tongue, heed my words, and obey me when it comes to us?”

Aderac sighed, and knew Belon had alr
eady forgiven him, but decided to ask for his forgiveness out of love.

I will Belon, I will,” Aderac readily agreed, “Will you forgive me?” 

I am back within this room to forgive,” Belon said, and pulled him close so he could wrap him in his arms, “And love.”

As both quickly got undressed, they lay on the bed and kissed more.

“You will leave me soon,” Aderac now sadly spoke, “What shall I do all my miserable days and nights without you?”

Long for me,” Belon replied, as he glided his hand down Aderac’s side, “Just as I shall long for you.”

That I do now and you have not yet left my side,” Aderac said, already tormented.

I shall leave in spring instead.” Belon changed his mind, and now palmed Aderac’s rear, “And from this night until, make it such that you are weak from me being inside you, as well as, from all the love I shall smother you with so you will not miss me as much.”

Command me,” Aderac said enthralled by Belon’s strong charge of him.

Open your thighs wide for me Aderac,” Belon said, as he now caressed Aderac’s quickly hardening shaft, “And as I crawl between them, and we breathe into the others mouth well into the night, we shall forget this unpleasant day.”

With that said, and nothing else said between them until long into the early morning
, as they held each other to finally sleep, Belon affectionately spoke to Aderac.

He is no longer within me,” his truth, as he stared into the green eyes that now entranced him as well, “You are deep within me and will remain,” and Aderac spoke nothing else against Belon riding to WorrlgenHall again.

As not a night passed all winter without passionate embraces; Belon waited until after spring to leave, and all winter Aderac pleaded with him to take many men for his well being, but on the morning he decide
d to leave, he chose only a few to go and Aderac, although upset, didn’t speak against his choice.

Solemnly, Aderac rode alongside him to the bordered wall of Ivodgald; then after both rode away from the men; got off their horses to tenderly kiss goodbye.

This will be our first away from the other with you at WorrlgenHall, and I shall miss you,” Aderac sadly said, as he looked up at him, “Make your way back like the wind to who deeply loves you.”

As swiftly as it will carry me,” Belon said, and put his arms around his waist, “Will I fly back to you.”

Pausing again for a brief moment, they looked at each other lovingly; then before they got back on their horses to go back to the trail, Belon took off one of his decorated wristbands, and put it around Ader
ac’s wrist.

You shall wear it, and I the other,” he said, as he did.

It shall mean more to me than the king’s ring,” Aderac said, as he stared at it on his wrist; then looked up and kissed him, “And I shall wear it just as proudly.”

Again tenderly kiss
ing, unable to prolong the agony of parting any longer, both did, and as Belon rode away, Aderac watched him until he was completely out of his sight.




For almost two full moons Belon stayed at WorrlgenHall and with Ovfren’s consent one day, as he and Ogorec talked freely, Ogorec teased Belon about his missing beard and short hair, which made him laugh.

His laugh a loud and robust one. Ogorec saw the glint in
Belon’s eyes as his cheeks lifted and his lips spread far apart practically showing all his teeth, and knew Belon had fallen for someone.

Dare I speak the words?” he voiced, “But I can see in your eyes and hear from your laugh, you are smitten.”

Belon kept his smile wide, unable to deny it.

“Well true,” he admitted freely, as he remembered what Ogorec told him once about seeds of love planted withering or rooting, and just as with Ogorec for Ovfren, love rooted deep within him for Aderac.

His curiosity peaked of who could have won Belon
’s heart, Ogorec had to ask, “Who, is it Moura?

Belon hesita
ted to answer, but knew just as with him and Ovfren, if others saw them together, they would soon realize it by how they looked at each other, and braced for the ridicule. “It is… Lord Aderac -”

Ogorec held his tongue
and noticed the slight flinched cheek Belon made when he revealed whom.

A lord,” Ogorec instead said surprised, “I tell you Belon, you have always been one for fire and flare, and as I look at your fine mare I see he does tend to you well.”

Surprised there were no taunts, which he was
sure he would have gotten because Ogorec knew him quite well, and knew he only desired those attractive, he relaxed and laughed.

Such is so,” Belon admitted, as now his laughter turned into a reminiscing smile as he thought of him, “I refused it, but when it saddened him. I agreed.”

Also very familiar with his ways, or to be more tactful bad habits, although hesitant, Ogorec did voice a concern that came to him, and as a friend decided it best to mention it.

“So long you have been away from him,” Ogorec warned, knowing Belon’s weakness for pleasure while on journeys, “And Moura is within these walls.”

’s reply sailed off his tongue with truthful ease.

Worry not,” he revealed with certain resolve, “Yes, I know of what you speak and why, but I have grown from those ways, or dare I confess been humbled from them by you. I am gladly true to him such that when I return from here or there, I have no words to scale the passion that comes out of me towards him from wanting him so badly.

Ogorec gave him a questioni
ng stare. “Then my words of you smitten I used to lightly, and it is more.”

Well more,” Belon proclaimed almost cutting off Ogorec’s sentence, “I must confess I have given all of my heart over to him.”

Ogorec shook his head partly from disbelief and asto
nishment. “I would not trust it as truth, if it had not come from your own mouth to me.”

Trust as truth,” Belon’s simple reply. Knowing deeds spoke a truth far more effectively than any words ever could.

Both men nodded and parted ways, and although set
to leave in a few days, anxious to get back to Aderac, Belon and his men left early the next morning.




Although Belon away, Aderac did not touch his wife and even slept in their secret room to feel close to him, and many nights he would roll over to reach for Belon, then awaken when he didn’t feel him, suddenly remembering he was away.

Always after he reached for him and found his side empty, he would sit up and groan.

“Errrrrrr.” His sounds when he did, before he longingly put Belon’s wristband to his cheek, “Such torment, as well as, joy to truly love.”

His grandfather now held to his bed ill, Aderac took his place on the throne, and each morning during court, he called the messengers to him anxiously asking if any letters from Belon came during t
he night.

Concerned why he hadn
’t sent anything, he began to worry, until one mid afternoon; a messenger walked into court after the others had left with an important sealed message.

Come, come,” Aderac impatiently said. So anxious to get it, he hastily sprang off the throne, and met him halfway.

Frantically, he broke the seal. His hands shaking with nervous excitement, then after he read it; his eyes opened wide with surprise.

“Take over court!” he excitedly ordered the council of men, and hurried away.

At once, Aderac hurried outside to the gate.

“As soon as you see Commander Belon,” he commanded, “Bring word to me.”

Belon expected any day; Aderac had his
hair cut and his whole body groomed, and became so anxious he wanted to ride out to him, but his grandfather ill; he didn’t want to be away from the kingdom.

When a fourth day had passed, Aderac became worried certain he should be back, and fearing something had happened to him, he decided to send men out to search, but each time about to give that com
mand, feared his decision hasty, and stopped.

On the six day, his resolve set, he ordered the search, but as he sat on the throne listening while those before him asked for this or that, again his eyes turned wide when he looked beyond them.

Belon standing far back watching him, waiting for him to look up and finally see him, once he did, he walked to the right down the thin corridor, as Aderac’s eyes beamed and followed him.

Take over court!” he excitedly told the council of men, then sprang off the throne, and again hurried away. 

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