Authors: Monica Luke

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You, with the red hair and face,” Aderac said this time to get his attention.

Arrogant himself,
and still in his morose mood, Lord Aderac’s words annoyed him, but Belon made himself respectfully answer.

Belon, first in command, my lord, and was Lord Bayl’s guard,” he answered, but while he did, he looked at him indifferent that he was the grandson of a king.

Dare he guard me?” he mockingly asked those who rode alongside him, but loud enough for the others to hear him, as he now controlled his breathing, “I would always fear the worse with him.”

When Belon heard his remark, his look to Aderac now be
came sharp.

Fear what you will,” his piercing reply, “But let it rest well within your head that it was a branch that brought him down, not a man.”

Aderac felt the knick of Belon
’s sharp words, but said nothing else and began to ride off, but as the others with him turned to follow him, he turned once more, and stared at him hard before he spurred his horse away.

Belon.” Laad turned to him. “Mind your place. He is a lord and could command your head on a spike.”

Command what he will,” Belon responded unafraid, “Dare I fear death, when I feel nothing inside me.”

Gathering Belon
still upset by Bayl’s death and other personal matters, Laad ignored his disrespectful words.

Hold your tongue,” he only said, and gave him a stern look.

As they watched, Aderac
rode back to his grandfather and spoke to him for a while before all looked at them, then began riding again; but when King Hurus rode pass, when all bowed their heads, as they did Aderac gazed at Belon until he raised his head, then quickly turned it.

st as he said he would, King Rone, and Baric waited at the front gate to greet him; then walked out.

The seasons have not changed you much,” King Hurus said to King Rone, “Yet, gray has found that long hair. Such toil to have it Rone, why will you not cut it?”

King Rone smiled respectfully.
“Then shall we all look alike?”

Kink Hurus looked left and right; then up at WorrlgenHall.

“Since last I was here,” he commented, “You have built it up more.”

Such is true and we have many rooms for you and yours.”

The men will camp in the glens,” he said sarcastically, “To not be so close within. It is still small if scaled with Ivodgald.”

You see,” Loth whispered to Laad from his comment, “Haughty.”

After King Hurus spoke, he looked to Baric.

“You have your mother’s eyes,” he said, as he looked right into them; then nodded pleased, “But you have grown into a fierce looking young man.”

Still arrogant, but respectful of his tragic lose; he put his hand on King Rone
’s shoulder.

Such sorrow,” he said solemnly with a saddened face, “Take me to him that I may grieve for him and for my daughter.”

After giving homage to his grandson and daughter, right away all rode into WorrlgenHall, then knowing he was probably tired from his long journey, King Rone suggested he rest.

“I will rest later,” King Hurus inhaled deep and rubbed his stomach, “Feed me, I am hungry.”

Nodding to Laad, all rode back to WorrlgenHall and went to the king
’s hall, where knowing he loved to eat; King Rone had a feast already waiting.

Ah,” King Hurus said well pleased.

Once all sat at table in king
’s hall, when the wives walked in to eat with their men, King Hurus looked up at Seda, Ecia, and Liha when they came to the table and nodded politely, then when Nona came to the table, last because Laad, although high in place was still under the others, his eyes widened.

Never have I seen one so beautiful,” he said and stood; then walked to her to kiss her hand, “Should you want to be a queen at Ivodgald, the chair is empty.”

Embarrassingly blushing, Nona g
ratefully bowed and thanked him, then smiled at Laad.

She is well wed to another, great king,” Laad was quick to say, “And it is me.”

King Hurus smiled. “
Ah, I see.”

All quiet, none knew what to say to King Hurus
’s words, as all wondered if he was only jesting or serious, until he burst into laughter.

Let us eat,” he said cheerfully, then went back to his chair.

While all ate, Aderac, seemingly bored with his visit, kept his attention only on his plate eating quietly, that is, until Belon walked inside
the hall.

Noticing him at once from all the way across the hall, when he saw how tall and stalwart his body actually was, swallowed food not chewed in his mouth and began choking.

As Belon casually stood talking, his hair informal and now resting on his shoulders unlike earlier, after Aderac recovered from the brief choking incident, he gaped at him the entire time he talked and didn’t take another bite.

Are you well?” Baric finally asked when he noticed he was just sitting there with his mouth wide open.

I am fine,” Aderac’s abrupt reply, after he snapped himself out of a self- imposed trance of staring at Belon and began eating again.

That night, as Loth and Laad were about to retire for the night, Loth spoke to Laad away from the ears of others.

“He is in the men’s hall. It shall be done this night as he sits and drinks.”

Laad inhaled hesitant. His hands had indeed had blood upon them, and he knew would again, but in this way, he couldn
’t do it.

Fate is fate,” he confided to Loth. “I cannot take his life for what he heard. His blood would stay with me until I die.”

Frustrated, Loth shook his head.

“Are you sure?” he questioned. His mind already resolved to carry out the deed.

Laad rested his hand on Loth
’s shoulder. “Well sure.”

After Laad left
him, Loth still slightly worried walked into the men’s hall and sat in the far back watching Ober drink; then when he was done, he followed him.

Ober a word,” he said, as he walked to him.

Unsure what he wanted, but wary, Ober kept his distance.

“No need for you to stand your ground with me,” Loth commented casually when he noticed,” My words to you shall be few.

What words?”

Speak what you heard while under the wall,” he answered. His tone light and pleasant, “And I will murder you and everyone you know.”




The next morning after eating breakfast, King Hurus wanted to see the land instead of lying around, and as he passed the glens with King Rone along with the others, when he saw the guilds out training, wanted to watch them.

Let me see the worth of your men,” he said to King Rone, as he sat on his horse, who nodded to Laad.

Laad nodded back and rode over to Aron and Gath.
“Gather guilds to vie for show, King Hurus wants to watch them.”

Right away, Aron gathered several and lined them to vie,
and while they did, King Hurus looked to King Rone.

Shall they now vie with mine?” he questioned.

I see no harm.”

Quickly, several from Ivodgald gathered in the open to vie with the guilds of Worrlgen, and after they spared back and forth for awhile, he
noticed all were even in match.

All are well trained,” King Hurus commented surprised.

Aderac sat on his horse watching slightly entertained, yet he could not help but wonder where the red haired man that beguiled him was, and diligently looked for him a
mong them; then when he just happened to turn his head to his left and noticed Belon on his horse also watching, became excited.

The red haired one,” Aderac said, as almost giddy, he jumped from his horse, “I must vie with him. 

Belon.” Laad turned to Belon. “Join us.”

Thinking nothing of it Belon rode to him, but from the way Laad looked at him,
he frowned.

What is it?” he asked, annoyed he beckoned him over.

Vie with Lord Aderac,” he ordered, but knowing he would object immediately, Laad was ready to cut his words short.

In no mood to vie, just as Laad knew, Belon was about to object, until Laad lowered his brows and looked at him sternly.

“Very well.” Belon nodded, and jumped off his horse.

Belon stood in front of Aderac, who although tall
still had to look up to him.

I shall begin when you begin, my lord,” Belon said politely, and already bored.

At once, Aderac charged him, and surprised he did it with such fervor arrogantly, Belon stepped back caught off guard, but said nothing.

“Do not hold back for the reason I am a lord trained by only the most skilled,” Aderac boasted, “Vie with me as you would any other if you can.”

When Laad heard him speak to Belon arrogantly, he sighed and looked to Loth, who already knew what he was thinking.

“I wish he could take back those words,” Laad said, and shook his head.

Aderac, excited to vie with Belon moved enthusiastically, as he strutted around wielding his sword using dramatic movements, and although skilled, he was no match for him.

“Do not bore me by standing around like a giant tree stump!” Aderac taunted loudly because Belon hadn’t moved, and again Laad shook his head, “Let me see the fire that is known to be in those with red hair.”

Loth leaned over to Laad.

“Why is he so taken with Belon’s hair?” Loth asked sarcastically, “Are there none with red hair where he is from?”

Belon looked at him and stepped forward, and when Aderac again came towards him, he mocked him.

“Tire yourself if you will,” Belon said, “You have muscles, but are thinner than you should be.”

Insulted, Aderac stopped and frowned.

“Your tongue is well beyond your place,” a now indignant Aderac said, and again charged him, “I believe spurred by that red hair of yours as well. I shall teach you to be humble.”

As Belon watched Aderac char
ge forward; one hand holding his sword, the other free, when their swords clashed, he quickly grabbed Aderac with free hand by his clothes and pulled him close; then as he intensely stared directly into his eyes, as if again in a trance, Aderac could neither speak, nor move.

There is more to a battle than how you swing your sword as you dance about looking foolish.” Belon’s grit before he pushed him away for taunting him about his red hair, and he did it with such force Aderac went tumbling backwards hard to the ground.

When he landed on the ground, still annoyed with him, Belon walked over and put his boot on the inside of his thigh, then pressed hard with the weight of his body.

“Spurred by my red hair,” his comment, as he looked down at him.

When Aderac
cried out in pain, at once King Hurus’s men withdrew their swords; but when they did, the guilds under Belon withdrew theirs as well.

As Belon stood with his boot still pressed hard inside Aderac
’s thigh, all looked at each other contemptuously waiting for a command.

The tension thick, Belon glared at King Hurus
’s men; then looked back down at Aderac right into his eyes, and when he did, Aderac slowly raised his hand high.

There is no need for this,” he said, “He only obeyed my words that we vie against the other as if I were any other man.”

Quickly, all put away their swords; then Belon looked down at Aderac and removed his foot, but didn
’t help him rise.

Train harder and build your muscles so that should this be our course again, perhaps it will be me on the ground and not you,” he said sarcastically, then turned, sheathed his sword, and walked away.

Embarrassed, Aderac grumbled; then got off the ground, and after he looked over to his grandfather; then at those around him, brushed the dirt of himself
and limped away.

Forgive him King Hurus,” Laad spoke, seeking clemency on Belon’s behalf right away, “He still mourns for our lord.”

King Hurus nodded and said nothing, yet deep within, pleased at how Belon behaved towards his grandson by humbling him,
just as he knew he probably would, liked him.


Chapter 29


lthough King Hurus’s stay at WorrlgenHall was a festive one instead of dreadful, Ovfren and Ogorec still behaved indifferent to the other, but one night in the king’s hall, as King Hurus drank and watched those around him dance until long into the night, their want for the other overcame them.

Standing close to Baric
watching all, when Ogorec saw Ovfren walk in and stand by the outer wall next to other men who were drinking and talking, long since they had intimately embraced other than secretly kissing here and there, he wanted him.

Careful not to bring any attention
to himself, casually Ogorec made his way across the hall, then just before he walked out of the door, gave Ovfren a quick glance, and Ovfren, who couldn’t help himself and had secretly watched him, knew he wanted him to follow.

After Ogorec walked out, Ov
fren waited a short while before he walked out to follow him, but unsure where he went, after he looked here and there, when he didn’t see him, began walking back to the king’s hall.

As he walked down a dimly light hallway on his way back, he was startled
when suddenly someone pulled him into the shadows, and reached for his sword until he saw it was Ogorec.

Curses,” he warned, “You grab for me out of the shadows in such a way, what if I had run you through?”

Sssshhh.” Ogorec shushed him, before he kissed him passionately, “Others may hear you.”

Returning his kisses just as passionately, Ovfren pushed him farther back into the shadows against the stone and began rubbing on him feverishly.

“Let me please you,” he pleaded as he did, “Long has it been.”

Noooo,” Ogorec said anguished, although he was so swollen, he ached.

Be inside me,” again his plea, “Dare I feel what is between your thighs so tight and offer you no release.”

Longing for his intimate embrace and unable to resist him, Ogorec gave in to
his want for Ovfren.

No moans or pants Ovfren. You must be silent,” he warned, “Dare we be heard.”

Our passion is such,” Ovfren warned as well, “You know I cannot hold within my sounds of pleasure from you.”

Then speak them into my hand,” Ogorec said, as his lips merged with Ovfren’s while he unbuckled their belts and lowered their pants halfway before Ovfren turned and felt Ogorec press his body against his back.

Hidden in a darkened corner, quietly both felt the love and passion of the other secretl
y away from all; then once done and dressed, when Ovfren turned and looked at Ogorec, he touched his face slightly saddened they had to embrace so quickly in a dark hallway secretly.

When he leaves,” Ogorec promised him, knowing he felt the same way, “I will pleasure you such that you pant and moan as loud as you wish in our cottage until no breath is within you as we face each other.”

Ovfren looked at him pleased.“
Umm, I cannot wait.”

After looking this way and that way, Ogorec tenderly kissed him once
more; then hurried back into the king’s hall; then as he made his way beside the table where Baric was, he saw Ovfren quietly slip inside and again stand by the other men, and all night both struggled not to gaze over at the other miserably failing.

same night, Belon rode out into the plains. Summoned by a note given to him by one of Aderac’s servants, he at first resolved not to go, but changed his mind when his curiosity got the best of him of what he could want that he needed to meet with him so secretly.

As he rode to him, when realized the ride had become a long one, he became annoyed Aderac even summoned him because he had said nothing else to him since the vying incident, and once there, as soon as he saw Aderac on his horse waiting for him, spo
ke his mind.

Why did you send for me so far from WorrlgenHall?” he complained, “I was in no mood for such a long ride.”

As if he had motivated himself into a mild frenzy, Aderac jumped off his horse; then walked in front of Belon
’s horse and pointed at him.

Dare you be so bold to speak and behave with me the way you do!” Aderac blared, as he pointed up at him wanting to be furious with Belon’s open defiant words and deeds towards him. Yet, from those words and deeds Aderac became even more attracted to him, “Do you not know your place?”

While he pointed, Belon looked down at him perplexed and even more annoyed that he actually rode all that way to meet with him only so he could point at him, which he hated anyone doing, and be chastised.

“You send for me far from WorrlgenHall late into the night to shout and point at me, I have other matters to tend,” Belon said boldly; then turned his horse to ride away.

Come back!” Aderac shouted, but when he did, Belon only turned and looked at him.

Lord or not, I am in no mood to hear you shout or have you point at me!” Belon shouted back.

Come back to me, Belon?” Aderac said. The tone in his voice now sounding like a lover’s plea, instead of an angered command; the way he called out his name caught him off guard.

Belon stopped, surprised that the sound of his name rolling off Aderac
’s tongue pleased his ears. Never had he heard anyone say it with such feeling and rode back to him; then when he looked down at him, Aderac looked up.

Will you get down?” he calmly asked.

Although, he didn
’t want to, and if anyone would have asked him why, he could not have given a true answer, Belon jumped to his feet, but he remained by his horse and didn’t go to Aderac.

Closer,” Aderac said, but Belon didn’t move.

Come to me,” he obstinately replied.

Obeying, Aderac stepped closer.

“Dare you be so bold to speak and behave with me the way you do,” Aderac again said, as his jaws clenched fighting within his ambivalent emotion of anger and lust, “Do you know the power I have?”

Noticing he clenched his jaw as if angry, as his voice changed pitches from highs to lows, suddenly Belon grabbed him by his tunic, just as he did when they vied, and looked at him.

Aderac clean-shaven with a clear smooth complexioned apple shaped boyish face and natural rosy high cheeks, had short-cropped hair, as were most all from Ivodgald, was tall with a slightly slender muscular frame and round radiant eyes the color of fresh grass in spring with long black eyelashes shielding them.

He had a straight
none prominent nose above full reddish even lips, and after he looked at him closely, Belon again, just as what he thought when he first looked at him when he came to Ivodgald, saw nothing pleasing about him.

In truth, he thought he was barely fair to lo
ok upon and to slender, but something about Aderac, or maybe because Belon began to notice that he gazed at him constantly and would turn his head quickly if he happened to catch his gaze, now made him curious about him.

Not enough to resist me. Pull away and I will gather you do,” Belon boldly said. His face only a breath away from Aderac’s before he kissed him squarely on his mouth.

Now entranced by Belon, Aderac couldn
’t make himself pull away or even speak for that matter.

Attracted to him immediately
by his imposing handsome features and deep lustrous red hair, then his arrogant indifference towards him, although wed; he struggled within trying his utmost to contain within his simmering want for Belon or thoughts of him.

Although, he struggled with h
is want and conquered it for a time, unable to do anything but think of him, he relented and longed to tell him of his now boiling desire, and even summoned him to do so, but as Belon sat on his horse in front of him, he became terrified he would reject him.

Should I pleasure myself with you?” Belon questioned, still holding him by his tunic.

Although not a weakling, when Belon grabbed and kissed him, Aderac
’s limbs became useless, as his mind and body begged for Belon unconditionally. He wanted to throw his arms around him and kiss him again, but didn’t out of fear he would not return his kiss.

I…I have not been with a man,” Aderac confessed when he regained the control of his tongue. The tone deep, as he exhaled hard anticipating how their first embrace would feel, “And fear I will have trouble sitting, and all will know the reason.” 

Then should I leave you?” he questioned, surprised he was so forthcoming about his fear, “Or stay and pleasure myself on one who will be tender when done. It is your first so you will be.”

Stay,” Aderac answered, succumbing to him completely “And do with me all you wish,” and Belon did just that.




When as often as possible Aderac found a reason to ride here or there alone to meet with Belon, who came without fail, King Hurus began to hear rumors about it.

He asked Aderac himself if they were true, and Aderac now so enamored with Belon that when around him he could hardly remember his own name professed they were, curious about Belon
’s intention with his grandson; King Hurus called for Belon to speak with him privately.

There is no need for us to hide behind words,” King Hurus spoke frankly to Belon, as he stood in front of him, “He has a wife that he did not wed for love, but by my will, and still does not love. He has faithfully held within his wants and kept himself from deeds, as well for my sake, until his eyes beheld you and that red hair of yours. Now no other name endlessly flows off his tongue other than that of yours.”

Belon said nothing, as he stood before

I see as well what he sees in you,” King Hurus commented, as he raised his chin and stared at him, “Arrogant, handsome, and strong, as well as strong willed you are, and have my grandson spellbound.”

Still Belon was silent.

“Speak,” King Hurus insisted.

Speak what?” Belon asked, “He asks me to meet him and I do. It has nothing to do with his place, and only to pleasure myself with him.”

King Hurus fell into silence, and his mouth opened wide, before suddenly he burst into laughter because Belon
’s boldness was uncommon to him, and he was certain to his grandson as well.

You are bold,” his response to Belon’s reply, as he stared at him impressed as much in person, as with the long heard rumors and stories of his skill, bravery, and arrogance.


You are first in command here,” King Hurus mentioned studying his expression to see if it would change from the offer he was about to make him, “What if I offer you a place within my kingdom? First in command as well, of all the horse guard and half the footmen, and give you more wages.”

’s head shook in combination with a raised eyebrow. “To be a pet for Lord Aderac, I am not one for such nor shall be.”

I reason not,” he said assuredly, noticing the offer didn’t seem to impress him, “You will command and not be under him other than he is lord of the kingdom.”

The right side of Belon
’s face scrunched, as he briefly considered his offer.

I must refuse,” he then respectfully said, “I am bonded to Worrlgen such that my loyalty will always be to it.”

What bonds you to Worrlgen,” King Hurus sarcastically replied. His spies most everywhere, he was well aware of what once was between two in high command, “Is not bonded to you, but to another?”

Knowing his comment meant exactly how it sounded
, like a sarcastic jab; Belon jabbed back just as hard.

Then all the more not go with you,” his retort to his sarcasm, “Shall I torment your grandson by having him love me and never return his love, as I have my way with any I please?”

I want you within my kingdom,” King Hurus got the hint Belon would not let anyone shame or humiliate him into doing anything, “And not for the sole reason of my grandson. Your strong command and bravery is well known and is such to command the men of Ivodgald.”

Then I will reason for a time,” he said, as he nodded; then turned after King Hurus nodded back, and walked away.

After he walked away, King Hurus
’s advisor commented on Belon.

Haughty is he,” Gueden said, disliking Belon right away, “And ruled by his fire within.”

I can well see it.” King Hurus noticed pleased, “And is what Aderac needs to strengthen him, as well as, be strong willed enough to stand up to him and challenge his haughty ways.”

A few days later, after Aderac heard about
his grandfather’s offer to Belon, he sent for him worried he might be upset with him.

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