Worth Fighting For (Little Blue Book 1) (14 page)

BOOK: Worth Fighting For (Little Blue Book 1)
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Her stomach did a slight twist. “I’m so sorry to hear that. What happened?”

“We are still investigating it,” he paused and gave her guards a pointed look while continuing, “but it looks as if the equipment was tampered with. We think whoever sabotaged the equipment was interrupted because it could have been much worse.”

Juno gasped.

Tasid looked down at her with a grim expression. “You must promise me that you will not go anywhere without your protection escorts.”

Juno nodded. Tasid looked satisfied with her response. He continued to lead them down the hall. When they reached their quarters, the two males stood on each side of the door. Juno said a quick goodbye to Jeri and then followed Tasid through the door. As soon as the door closed behind them, she was lifted up into Tasid’s arms. His wings surrounded her, and her legs wrapped around him automatically. She didn’t know where the plate of food went, but when he pressed their lips together and began kissing her fervently, she didn’t care about the plate.

Tasid’s mouth was soft and warm. She felt two of his hands knead the cheeks of her ass, and the other two rubbed up and down her back. Heat began to build up in her core. She moaned with pleasure, which had a positive effect on Tasid. His hands pulled her closer to him. His kiss opened up and was more earnest. His rigid length was engorged and rubbing hard between the folds of her sex.

Juno felt her body respond. Her nipples tingled as they hardened, her breathing sped up, and the ache to be filled by him intensified. Her hips rolled, grinding her clit against his length.

Two of Tasid’s hands slid up under her shirt and pulled at the latch on her bra, breaking it. Normally, she would have cringed, but at the moment, it was a show of his strength and desperation for her, which made it hot. A whimper escaped and was swallowed up by his intense kiss.

Tasid pulled back, breaking the kiss. Both of them were breathing hard. He grabbed the hem of her shirt and pulled it up and off. She didn’t look to see where it had gone, as she was too focused on the heated look he was giving her.

She hissed, and arched her back when his fingers flicked her nipples. His hands cupped each breast, and squeezed, as he rolled the tipples in his fingers. Juno threw her head back and cried out. Her eyes were shut in pleasure.

“Ah!” she groaned.

Tasid’s voice was gruff. “So beautiful. So responsive.”

His heated lips grazed down her neck, suckling small kisses along the way. Juno leaned forward and did the same to him.

“Juno.” Tasid’s voice was strained. “I do not wish to scare you, but I have an intense desire to rip your lower garments off of you.”

She smiled against his skin. “That would be so hot. I won’t mind if you don’t.”

Juno didn’t get any more warning. She heard tearing and felt cooler in between her legs. She felt the tip of his erection glide between her slickened folds, causing her to groan loudly.

“That’s it, my beloved. Let me hear you, so that I may gauge what you like best,” he groaned.

His lower hands stopped massaging her butt as he aligned her body to accommodate his large girth. Juno knew approximately what his size was. As the head of his phallus pushed into her, she focused on relaxing her muscles, to let him in.

Tasid gave a pained whimper. “So tight,” he grunted out.

Juno didn’t know how long it took, but Tasid didn’t rush. He was careful as he slowly sat her down on his full length. When she was fully seated, she felt as if she would split open.

Tasid’s heated mouth wrapped around one of her nipples, and he tugged on it as he suckled and nipped at it. He had sharp canines, but she didn’t feel them scratch her. Then Tasid flexed his hips, and he began moving in and out of her. She felt his bulbous head rub the nerves in her core and electric pleasure shot through her, and she lost herself in a fog of pleasure.

Juno’s orgasm exploded through her body, taking her breath away. Her body locked, and she was barely aware of Tasid shouting out over her before she felt heat flooding her quaking core.

When Juno’s euphoric fog began to clear, she felt Tasid was wrapped tightly around her, possibly leaning against a wall, and his erection hadn’t softened, and was still linking them together. She wiggled just slightly, which caused Tasid to growl, as if in pain, and tense up.

Tasid looked down at her, but his expression was one of wonder and desire. “My father was right. I feel like I can fly. I do not know how any of the other males were able to stay standing when they mated with their females. That was so intense. I am glad I waited until we were in private.”

Juno giggled. “Maybe I’m just special,” she said, then frowned. “What do you mean, ‘any of the other males’? You said you decided you weren’t going to let the males claim us humans, like your people do with your females. Did other males mate some of the girls in front of anyone?”

“No, I am referring to the Zori matings back on my home planet.”

Juno studied his face for a moment, as she tried to organize her thoughts.

“Tasid, have you ever had sex before?” she asked.

“Not with a female,” he answered.

Juno felt her brows rise with her shock. “Oh, I didn’t know you swung that way.”

His face turned down in confusion. “I do not know what you mean. I don’t swing.”

Juno giggled. “It means that you are attracted to the other sex. You’ve had sex with males?”

Tasid’s eyes grew big, and he shook his head. “No! No, males of my kind are not like your males. We are attracted to females only, but we do not have sex with them unless they are our mate. So until we mate, males use a machine that is programmed to give us our release, as well as to teach us how to figure out how to pleasure our mates.”

“Wait, so you were a virgin?”

Tasid looked embarrassed when he shrugged and answered. “Technically, yes.”

“Wow! You were awesome to a level I would have thought you were a pro. Kudos to whatever sex toy or program you’ve been using. We didn’t even need to have any foreplay.”

Juno saw Tasid’s relieved smile turn into a look of pride. “We treasure our mates, and consider it an honor to her to wait for her and pleasure her as best that we can.”

“You totally did. I guess human and Zori females are kind of the same then, if you knew how to pleasure me, like I was a Zori?”

Tasid moved away from the wall, and while still keeping them connected, laid her down on the bed. “Our females can enjoy different things, so the program teaches us how to find what will bring our female pleasure. It teaches us different techniques, and it instructs us how to search for what will pleasure her. That is why I asked you to be vocal. It is one tool, of many, that will show me what you like, and to what degree.”

Juno let her hands rub up and down Tasid’s muscular upper arms. She wrapped her legs around his waist, carful of the wings, and smiled coyly up at him. “Is that so? How ‘bout you show me some more … tools.”

Tasid gave a sexy growl and smiled down at her. She felt his still erect length jerk inside of her.

“Anything you desire, my beloved mate,” his low voice rumbled right before he smashed their lips together and began his ministrations anew.


Chapter Sixteen


Tasid felt more relaxed than he would have been normally, under the circumstances. The weight of leadership was grossly strenuous, but since taking Juno as his mate, just a few days prior, his life felt infinitely brighter and lighter. He even took the time to enjoy teasing his second.

“You told my mother that you would ‘emphatically enjoy providing’ her ‘with grandchildren to adore’. So why are you so pale every time your mate talks about having kids?”

“I don’t go pale,” Errim said, looking and sounding as if he took offense.

Burren laughed, from his seat at the helm. “Yes, you do, and it’s the funniest thing I’ve ever seen.”

“I wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes,” Skane added with a chuckle.

“You two have no room to talk. Neither of you chose to take part in the mating ceremonies,” Errim said defensively.

“I have to admit,” Qurriq said almost as if to himself, “I haven’t figured out how you were able to obtain enough strength to catch a mate. Your color does diminish a great deal with even the mention of your mate.”

Tasid couldn’t stop chuckling. It was good to see the crew in such great spirits.

“Fine, I might get a wee bit … concerned.” Errim squirmed a little bit. “She is my life now, so I take her life and wellbeing very seriously. Having young, for any female, is very dangerous to her health, but I read the reports on the human females. There are
who actually
because of their pregnancies, or during deliveries. With each child she creates, she is risking her life, and she wants many.

Tasid stopped laughing. “Calm, Errim. Many good males feel the same way.”

“Yeah? Like who?” Errim asked doubtfully.

“My father for one, and I hate the idea of allowing my Juno to be put at such risks as well, but as my mother told my father, ‘to risk one’s life to create life is a great honor, and for every life created, it is an irreplaceable gift that gives happiness, purpose, and hope to the parents, the family, and the future’.”

Tasid saw Errim slump down in his seat.

The control room door opened, and Sharrow stomped in. He headed straight to his station. Tasid’s brows rose as he watched the male angrily access his systems.

“Something wrong, Sharrow?” Tasid asked.

Sharrow growled, but Tasid knew it wasn’t directed at him.

“The girls’ tactics make it impossible for me to argue with them. Jeri is stubborn, and Juno gives me these sad and frightened looks that make me feel completely guilty for even considering keeping Jeri away on a professional basis.”

Tasid hid his smile knowing exactly how Sharrow was likely feeling. He had given up arguing with Juno. She was a master at winning arguments—all the sisters were. And truth be told, he liked knowing one of her sisters was always there for her. They were all very supportive of one another, and that was not a bad thing, especially with all the dramatic changes their lives had taken in such a short period of time.

“Sir,” Burren calmly called out. “Ambassador Jurresh is asking to speak with you.”

“As the Ambassador or as his father?” Errim asked.

“Does it matter? He’s a scary male in any capacity,” Skane responded.

Tasid grunted affirmatively. “I’ll take it in my quarters, Burren.”

Moments later, Tasid entered his quarters. He brought up the screen and connected the call. His father appeared on the floating screen.

Tasid cautiously regarded him. Nothing in his father’s face indicated his intentions. Keeping his face and voice neutral, he said, “I am here.”

“I saw the ship you chose. Nice pick. Some of the added upgrades are very curious, but I trust that you knew what you wanted.”

“Thank you, but I wasn’t the one who picked the ship, or most of the upgrades. It was Juno and the other females. I did, of course, look it over. They even chose some necessary military upgrades. I only had to add a few things to the mechanics.”

“Impressive. And you have plenty of room for even more crew than you planned for, which is the main reason I called. The Crown has sent a ship, destined for Earth, with all the applicants from their alliance, for your final choosing. They understand you do not have room at the moment, so they are willing to stick around, to continue to house them until your ship arrives. However, I would suggest they not get closer than the moon.”

Tasid nodded his head. “I’m very careful who I let near the planet. They will not be allowed past the moon.”

“The ship you ordered was sent on its way shortly before I contacted you. The upgrades left to complete are cosmetic, and inside, so I convinced them to finish it on the way to you. It is being escorted by a UPALE military cruiser and two fleet battleships, along with two heavily armed, large supply ships. The military ships will also be dropping off more personnel for both the space station and moon station. Once your ship is completed, all the workers on it will board one of the supply ships, and the cruiser and battleships will escort them back to our territory.”

“Two supply ships? One for the moon construction and the other for the space station?”

“Yes, mostly. Your supplies will be grouped with the one for the space station. You should be getting a shipment every one of Earth’s weeks. One will be from our alliance and another from the CROWN. The space station they requested is huge.”

Tasid nodded in comprehension. “Earth’s galactic council chose the space station design, and I approved it. I believe they are going to need a large one.”

“I agree with you. It will be needed for them. I got to talk a lot with Adam Nuntz. Interesting male to talk to, far better than the other, so-called world leaders. I got a better understanding of just how inquisitive and audacious their race is, and how much they have to offer other races.”

“Yes,” Tasid agreed. “I find dealing with him pleasant.”

Jurresh leaned forward slightly, with a serious look on his face. “Have you gotten any further with your investigation?”

Tasid’s face darkened. “No, but I have increased their security measures, and ours on board this ship.”

Jurresh nodded his head in understanding. “When the military escort arrives, their presence should help.”

Tasid refrained from commenting, but he didn’t hide his grim expression.

Jurresh’s brow knitted. “You do not think so?”

“I can’t help but feel the incident was just a test. I suspect they have something much bigger planned. If that’s the case, I am concerned the reinforcements will not arrive in time. They will know reinforcements will be arriving, and therefore possibly strike sooner.”

Tasid heard the door swish open behind him. He turned to see Juno entering. Her face lit up when she saw him, and it pleased him greatly when she rushed over to him. He opened his arms and folded them around her. She pulled back and looked at the floating screen.

“Oh, I’m sorry, am I interrupting something?” She looked up at him. “I can go, and come back later.”

“Not at all,” he heard Jurresh say. “Hello, my daughter. You are looking very well. By that smile on your face, can I correctly assume that Tasid is treating you well?”

Tasid watched as she turned and smiled to his father. “Yes. I’ve been so happy. How’s Adonna?”

“She’s well. Thank you for asking. I’m sorry she isn’t here right now, to talk to you. She’s in our quarters. She’ll be disappointed to learn she missed a chance to talk to you.”

“Give her my love, and tell her we’ll talk soon.” Juno kissed her hand and waved at his father.

“I will. Tasid, we’ll talk again later.”

The screen disappeared, and the room fell silent. Tasid looked down at his mate, and took in her beauty. He still couldn’t get over his good fortune at getting her.
All I need to do now is find a way to keep her safe.
That thought sobered him.

Juno got a concerned look on her face. “What is it?”

Tasid shook his head. He didn’t want to worry her, when all he had was a hunch. “If there becomes a problem, I promise I will tell you, but right now, nothing is wrong. In fact, with you here, I feel so much better.”

A true and genuine smile spread across Juno’s face. “You smooth talker, you. So what did you and your father talk about?”

“He was impressed with your choice of ships. And he also informed me that it is on its way.”

Juno looked surprised. “Already? Wow, I would have expected a much longer time to make the modifications we asked for.”

“Right now, anything regarding humans and Little Blue is high profile. It gives anyone who is offered the privilege to deal with them, high exposure. It is very important to their business to make us a priority. The external modifications weren’t that extensive, and Jurresh talked them into working as they traveled. His suggestion was a good marketing strategy for the company, so I am sure it wasn’t much of an inconvenience.”

Juno hopped slightly up and down. “That’s so cool. So when will it get here? Will it be done by the time it gets here?”

“I am unsure if it will be done by then, but it should arrive in about a week, or a week and a half, depending on how fast they are traveling.”

Tasid wanted to run the back of his fingers down Juno’s face, but she pulled away and jogged towards the door before he could.

“I’ve gotta tell the girls,” she said over her shoulder.

Juno stopped suddenly and ran back to him. She pulled him down to her eye level, as she stood on her tiptoes, and placed a much too chaste kiss on his lips, then hurried out the door. When the door opened, Juno lunged for Jeri, who was leaning against the opposite wall, and pulled her down the hall, talking excitedly, the other two male guards following behind.

Tasid didn’t know if he should growl in frustration at being denied the opportunity to enjoy his mate’s delectable body, or laugh at her high spirit and enthusiasm. He settled for a grunt, before leaving his quarters for the control room.
I will wait until tonight.

Tasid had to clamp down on the images of the things he was going to do to his mate that suddenly filled his mind. He did not want to be sporting an erection while he was commanding his males.


Juno sat at a table in the dining hall with Jeri, Benny, Kaycee, and Maggie, and several other girls, including Anna, chatting excitedly.

“I can’t wait for the new ship to get here,” Kaycee said. “The kitchen here is so inadequate to prepare for the number of people we have to serve, especially since they make several different menus to suit all of the different races on board.”

“I hear you on that,” Anna said. “I feel so guilty every time they make the single guys move, so we girls can sit because there isn’t enough seating for everyone.”

“Yeah, I don’t mind sitting on my mate’s lap, but eating like that, when he’s trying to eat too, is awkward,” Gracie, one of the other girls, said.

“I’m looking forward to the gym,” Jeri told them. “I made sure I left some areas empty so we can place some of our own equipment in it, including a climbing wall. Sharrow looked impressed with some of the ideas I had, in spite of his grumblings. I even convinced him to put on some classes, like yoga.”

“What? No kung fu classes?” Juno said teasingly.

“I thought I would start small, then work my way up. He’s gonna take some time to win over. At le—”

Jeri was cut off by a loud explosion that rocked the ship so hard some of the girls fell out of their chairs. She screamed along with the other girls. Juno felt hands wrap around her arms and pull her up.

“Everyone get back to your quarters!” Yewma yelled over her shoulder as he pulled her towards the door. Nahsee led the way, with his guns drawn, and Jeri followed close behind.

Yewma picked her up as they navigated through the halls, and he wrapped his guardian wings around her. Juno was glad she didn’t have to watch the pandemonium and the males running by with grim faces. A loud warning sound blared overhead, and more, smaller explosions could be heard, causing the floors and walls to vibrate as they continued, in haste, down the hall. Juno yelped in fright and covered her ears with her hands.

Another explosion rocked the ship. Fire, sparks, and smoke exploded around them. The concussion stunned Juno, even through Yewma’s wings, scrambling her thoughts and making her ears ring. The smoke burned her eyes and lungs. Her senses slowly returned, and she realized Yewma was still holding her, safe behind his guardian wings, but she felt they were on the ground.

“Juno?” Jeri cried out. “Juno, answer me. Are you all right?”

Juno coughed. “Yeah, I’m a bit dazed, but I’m all right. It’s hard to breathe with all of this smoke, though.”

“Hold on, I’ll get you out. Yewma got knocked out.”

“What about Nahsee?” Juno asked worriedly between bouts of coughing.

The guardian wings were pulled back, and Juno looked up. Jeri looked down at her, her concerned face haloed by sparks and smoke. The sparks rained down on them, stinging her skin. Juno coughed again and looked down at Yewma. His body lay sideways, under a large beam. Red blood trickled down his forehead, arms, and battle wings.

BOOK: Worth Fighting For (Little Blue Book 1)
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