Worth Taking The Risk (5 page)

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Authors: Kate Bennie

BOOK: Worth Taking The Risk
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The way was quiet. Well Mitch will occasionally grunt and we are barely half way. His arms must feel sore, guilt raced through my veins. “Mitch do you want to rest some?”

Slightly surprised he turned to me, then his gaze turned hard again. “Whatever.”

I scrunched my nose. That’s not an answer. “Alright, go sit down on that bench, I’m going to the store around the corner. I’m thirsty, want anything?”

Mitch shrugged, looked up at the sky then at me. Eyes penetrating. “Water.” he said flatly but didn’t look away from me, even as I walked away I felt his eyes on the back of my neck. What a creep.

Sure enough there was the store, I grabbed two bottles of water and paid the old lady and left to where I had left Mitch. Only he wasn’t there. A wave of panic made me struggle to stay on my feet. Why am I worrying so much? He’s old enough to take care of himself.
He’s on crutches.
“Mitch?” I called, maybe he’s playing a prank on me. “Mitch? It’s not funny. Come on, I have your water.” nothing. “Mitch I swear if it’s a prank I’m going to beat you down with your own crutches. I’m not kidding. Mitch!”

Where the hell is he? Then I heard it. A bunch of voices colliding with one another. A fight? Oh hell. I ran towards the sound. My heart pounded in my ears. What if they were trying to hurt him? Oh god.

There he was. Standing in the middle, looking mildly pissed. There was also a smaller guy behind him. Looking really scared. Without really thinking I ran inside the middle of the crowd. “Mitch are you okay? What’s going on?” I ran my eyes over him, no injuries.


“This your chick? She’s mighty fine.” one of them said and pulled me to his chest, the bottles in my hands went flying. I let out a low shriek and struggled to get free. “Shh-shh.” he said and brought his hand up to my boob. My body jerked. I elbowed him and that set me free, swirling around I kneed him and then punched him on the nose. I didn’t bleak it but I’m sure it hurt, my hand was throbbing so that meant something right? Before the guy recovered I walked over to Mitch’s side. Unlike the kid I wasn’t going to let Mitch know I was terrified, believe me I am. This guys can easily beat the crap out of us. I shuddered.

The guy stood up and looked straight at me, glaring darts at me. Wait. “Curt Lennon ?” I asked the boy. He looked surprised, then game me a once over.

“Hester Adzharia? Girl I’m sorry I did that, what are you doing here?” Curt asked a bit too casual. The guys behind him moved uncomfortably and confused. Was there something between Curt and my sister?

I frowned. “What are you doing here? Messing with my-my…uh…with this guy?” I demanded. Curt’s face grew dark.

“You’re not Hester. She’s way nicer than you. What brings low Keller here?” Curt smirked. “Want to get some baby? I’ll give you something alright.” seriously? Mood swinger.

“Don’t push it.” I mumbled, my face grew hot. Damn it. Please don’t make a scene in front of Mitch. Please.

“Oh I heard you did Andrew’s brother. And his best bud at the same time.” Curt smirked again.

Whoa. Okay that’s gross. Disgusting. I felt like throwing up. Really? A three some? “Lies.”

Curt rolled his eyes. “How’s Hester taking all this? I bet she’s so ashamed to be your-”

“She’s dead.” I sad flatly. Curt’s eyes went round and wide. Hurt visibly on them. Curiosity was eating me. Did they have something?

“What did you say?” he choked.

“Hester died.” I said slowly. It still hurt to say it.


“Three years ago.”


“Enough! I’m not going to spill family business to some brute! You stay away from me and my dad. I swear if you go and bother him with questions I’ll murder you myself. Heard that Curt? I wont hesitate, you know that.” I paused. This façade will only last so long. To Mitch: “Let’s go.”

We walked for around twenty minutes, I could hear Mitch panting as he tried to keep up. Also the kid behind him. Ignoring them I kept walking.

“Girl, wait.” Mitch gasped and sat down on the grass. Yeah we reached the park around five minutes ago. He hasn’t mentioned anything about the incident.

With a grunt I landed on the grass across from Mitch. Then to the kid behind him: “What’s your name?”

“Marcus. Thanks for saving my neck back there. I really appreciate it.” he said the rest to Mitch who raised an eyebrow.

“You’re still here?”

“Mitch!” I scolded.


“Don’t be mean to the kid!”

“it’s the truth, the kiddo is stalking us. Then don’t blame it on me if he tags with us for all eternity. I’ve heard of that before.” Mitch said seriously, but his eyes were playful. The men had a great poker face, but his eyes betrayed him. That’s what I know so far. Not to mention how bipolar he is.

“What have you been smoking all this time?” I asked in the same serious tone.

Mitch shrugged. “I’m telling the truth. Next thing you know we’ll be his bodyguard earning the minimum salary. We’ll be poor and all because we let him tag along!”

I bit my lower to not laugh and turned to Marcus. Empty space smiled at me. I turned around and saw the kid walking away. “Hey, Marcus?!” I yelled. The kid turned around and smiled.


“You scared him off.” I accused Mitch.

“Whatever.” he scowled and turned away.

We were like that, in silence, for about a full hour. It was really awkward, it was comfortable to say the truth. Somehow we ended up seating next to each other. Eventually Mitch lay back on the grass, arms behind his head, and stared at the sky. Me? I was leaning back on my elbows, also staring openly at the sky. It was full of clouds. Flash.

Confused I turned to a girl, probably around thirteen, holding a camera. She took a picture of us? The girl smiled and took another picture.

“Hey!” Mitch sat up and glared at the girl, she didn’t seem to be disturbed by that. “What do you think you’re doing?”

The girl smiled and took another picture. Okay annoying. “I’m Samantha, but people call me Sam. I’m doing a report on couples, love, and stuff like that. It’s for English class.” since when do kids do reports like that?

“Aha. And?” Mitch asked really pissed now. See? Bipolar.

“And, I’m doing the report on you two. Would you mind answering some questions?” she sat down across from us and took out a small notebook and a pen.

“Yes, actually I do.” Mitch said furiously and the girl stared back at him with a look that said: it-doesn’t-really-matter.

“There’s a couple over there.” I pointed to a couple who was holding hands and standing in the middle of the park awkwardly.

Sam shrugged. “Boring. I like you two. Now.” she went through her notebook. “Aha! When did you two meet?” she asked eagerly.

“Eh…a week ago.” I said after thinking about it. It seemed like a century. Dealing with Mitch isn’t that easy. Mitch turned to me, really annoyed. Sam scribbled down the answer.

“What are your names again?” she turned to Mitch expectantly. He sighed and answered.



Sam nodded. “Alright. So you’ve been dating a week. Anything in special you like about each other?”

“No we aren’t-”

“Anything?” she interrupted me.

“Er. . . Her shirt?” Mitch said it more like a question. Sam made a weird face but wrote down her answer.

“Uh…” I looked at him. “His jacket.”

“But he’s not wearing one.” she frowned.

“I’m sure he has one.” not really sure but I want this girl to leave already.

“Have you made love?” Sam asked bluntly.

“What?!” I shrieked. Oh my lord, she’s so young and asking if Mitch and I had sex.

“No. don’t ask weird questions kid.” Mitch scowled at the girl.

“Then why are you two dating each other?”

“We aren’t.” I said slowly. Maybe she’ll get it through her small head.

“Oh. doesn’t matter. Get closer I want another picture for the cover.” she stood up and glared down at us expectantly. What a weird girl. “Come on!”

I moved a bit closer to Mitch and the girl groaned. Personally she told us how to pose.

“We don’t want to do this, Samantha.” I said.

“So? If you don’t I’ll fail my English report and my parents will ground me for life and then I wont be able to get a scholarship on journalism and then-”

“Fine! Just shut up and promise to leave once you take your picture!” Mitch said exasperated.

Sam grinned and nodded. Then she told us how to pose. At the end I was sitting between Mitch’s legs, my back pressed to his. One of his arms around my waist and the other holding my hand. His head rested on my shoulder, I could hear and feel his breathing. It sent goose bumps all over. She ordered us to smile and she took her picture.

“One more. Keller put your hand on his cheek and turn to him. Mitch look down at her lips, yeah like that. Lean close but don’t kiss or I’ll get detention.” we did as told, Mitch was staring intently at my lips and I licked them unconsciously. His gaze turned to my eyes and then back at
my lips. Sam took the picture. “Now Mitch kiss her cheek, only her cheek okay? Yeah stay like that don’t move.” Mitch lips on my skin made me shiver. I felt a smirk on his lips and resisted the urge to smack him. “Alright, thank you guys! I’ll see you around.” like that she left and Mitch hasn’t moved away from me. His lips still on my cheek.


“I make you nervous.” he didn’t ask. His lips ran swiftly to my ear and he nibbled my lobe after licking it.

“N-no.” Damn it.

“Sure, you believe that.” then he pulled away and stood up. “I want to go home, I’m hungry.”

Frowning I helped him up and we started walking back to his house, this time slower since he was tired. It’s barely one and I’m already annoyed. This is going to be a long day. Damn I hate driving that late, accidents can happen…like the one with my mom. I blinked furiously as the tears threatened to fall.

“Girl?” Confused I looked at Mitch, he was several feet away from me. “I’m getting old here.”

Nodding I followed him. It’s all lies, your wounds don’t heal with time. Because mine are still wide open and bleeding.














“Nuggets or Pizza?”


I took out the frozen pizza and placed it on the oven. Mitch sat on the small table at the kitchen, unlike his parents he often ate here. We waited for the pizza to cook while that happened I took out cups, plates and some soda. Mitch had his head resting on his chin, watching my every move. Freaking creep. In a rush the events of the morning at the park came back to me. If I knew better I’ll say what we had here was something good and growing. All the blame goes to Sam, that little sneaky stubborn kid.

The oven made a peeping sound and I took out the hot pizza and placed it on the middle of the table. I served the soda and we started eating, not crossing a word. It was a comfortable silence in a way. Then the bell rung.

“I’ll get it.” I mumbled and got up. Practically ran all the way to it and opened the door. Two guys around my age eyed me strangely. The red head had deep brown eyes, the built of a football player: broad shoulders and thin waist. He wore a plain white shirt and black pants. The black haired guy with emerald green eyes wore jeans and a black shirt with red letters on it, he kept staring at me. “Uh…”

“Is Mitch home?” the red head asked.

“Yeah, the kitchen. Follow me.” I nodded and walked ahead of them. Mitch was taking a bite of his pizza when I came in. “Some guys here to see you.” I pointed behind him and he looked back confused. I sat down and took a bite of my food, watched the mixed reactions in Mitch’s face.

“What are you two doing here?” he snapped. Wow how welcoming.

“Come on man, we weren’t going to be gone forever.” the black hair guy rolled his eyes. Maybe used to Mitch’s bitchiness?

Mitch growled. “Leave.”

“Mitch, stop being a bitch.” the red head chuckled. Then guess what happened?! Mitch smiled and hugged the two dudes and said something that left me in la-la land for about five full minutes.

“I’ve missed you guys!”

Oh dear lord.

“Never had manners, did you Mitch? Who’s this pretty chick?” the black hair guy punched Mitch arm. He sat down and took a sip of his soda.


“His sitter.” I said it just to annoy him but it made me feel weird. Both guys laughed and turned red, they had to hold onto each other to stay up.

“That’s sad.” the red head laughed. “I’m Nathan.”

“I’m Alan.” he got too close for my liking, I was about to mention that when the bell rung again. “Saved by the bell honey.” Alan winked. He walked to the door. At first there wasn’t noise and then there were a few yells. Mitch, Nathan and I looked at each other and then headed to the door.

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