Worth the Wait (Crimson Romance) (13 page)

Read Worth the Wait (Crimson Romance) Online

Authors: Synithia Williams

Tags: #romance, #contemporary

BOOK: Worth the Wait (Crimson Romance)
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“That makes absolutely no sense.”

“Really, so you’re telling me you would marry someone without sleeping with them?”

He cringed. “No, but I don’t plan to ever get married. You caved in to the pressure.”

tired of waiting. I’m thirty years old. My best friend has amazing sex apparently with every guy she meets and I have to hear about it. My sister is married and I have to walk in on her and my brother-in-law feeling each other up in every room at their home. I’m the only single person I know and I want a husband, but I’m tired of scaring guys away with my ‘wait until marriage’ speech. Especially when I don’t believe waiting will make a man love me any more or less. I want to meet a guy, go out, feel attracted to him, and if it’s right,
sleep with him.”

His brows furled, the afternoon sunlight reflected in his eyes making them appear light brown instead of their usual chocolate. “And if it doesn’t work out, then what? You’ve slept with someone no good and you’re still single. Except now you’re heartbroken.”

“Are you going to break my heart?”

He shook his head and laughed quietly. “Tasha … ”

“What we’re doing isn’t much different. I know you. I’m attracted to you, so we slept together. When it’s done my heart won’t be broken.”

“That’s because we aren’t dating. What if you fall in love and the guy doesn’t feel the same?”

She looked away. “Why do you act like you care? What happens after we’re finished doesn’t matter. I’m not going to sleep with every guy I meet. I can’t do the things I’ve done with you with just anyone. He has to be special.”

She dropped his hand and rushed ahead to the parking lot. He plan wasn’t fool proof. There was a likelihood that she’d still meet a guy just as sorry as Charles. But it was none of Jared’s business. Him acting as if he cared about her possibly getting hurt in the future caused her emotions, already wrapped into him more than they should be, to swell into dangerous territory.

They reached his car and she stopped her before getting in. “I didn’t mean to upset you. I was just curious, ya know?”

“Let’s just forget about it.” She said with a wave of the hand.

They rode back to his condo in companionable silence. Her heart rate picked up once they parked in the garage. Her body still ached wonderfully from the night before, but after spending the day with him just the idea of sleeping with him again made her wet.

“Hey, let’s walk down to the harbor.” He said once they got out of the car.

She groaned. “Really? We’ve walked all day. I’m tired.”

He took her hand and pulled her along. “Come on. I indulged you all day, you can give me this one thing.”

“Yeah, but it’s

The breezed carried the sound of his chuckle back to her. With a sigh, she stopped dragging her feet and followed him around the block to the front of the condominium. A guy dressed in jeans and a plaid shirt with long red hair pulled into a ponytail leaned against the building. He held a guitar in his hands and jumped up when they rounded the corner. Jared stopped and pulled her against his side.

“Why are we … ” her voice trailed off as the guy started singing happy birthday. His smooth alto voice glided over the words into the night air. Tasha gasped and looked to Jared, who grinned at her.

“Malcolm got the singing voice in our family. So I found someone to sing for me. Happy birthday, Tasha.”

She was in trouble. Deep trouble. Jared was more than the playboy she’d taken him form. His softer side was playing a number on her romantic’s heart and she was perilously close to wishing there was more to this situation.

“You didn’t have to.” She said after the guy finished singing.

Jared shrugged as if it were no big deal. “Hey, you only turn thirty once.” He turned to the guy and gave him pound. “Thanks, man.”

“No problem, Jared.” He smiled at Tasha. “Happy birthday, beautiful.” He saluted then turned and ambled down the street.

She tried to hide how much she appreciated the effort as she met Jared’s eye. “I can’t believe — ” He cut her off with a kiss. His warm tongue gently probed her mouth open. With a sigh, she wrapped he arms around his neck.

His dark eyes burned with desire when he broke the kiss. “Instead of telling me what I shouldn’t do, let’s go upstairs and end your birthday right.”

Without a word, she took his hand and rushed back to the entrance.

• • •

Tasha stood at one of the windows in Jared’s condo and stared at the boats gliding along the water in the Cooper River. It was Sunday. Time to go home and the end the best birthday weekend she’d ever had. It wasn’t just losing her virginity — although the sex had been amazing — it was spending time with Jared. The effort he’d put into making her birthday special was a gift she’d cherish forever. Despite his playboy persona, the man knew how to make a woman feel wonderful. It may be old hat for him, but she decided to accept it for what it was and celebrate in the fact that her thirtieth birthday and loss of virginity was a memory worth cherishing. Memories of the way he’d slowly made love to her the night before hijacked her mind causing her nipples to pebble beneath her shirt.

She shook her head and pressed her temples. They did not make love. It was sex. Sweet, wonderful, perfect sex, but that was all. Love had no place in this.

He came out of the bedroom carrying their overnight bags. His biceps, revealed by the red cutoff shirt he wore, flexed as he dropped them by the door. He was in basketball shorts and her gaze dropped to the crotch. Her face burned; just looking at the man summoned memories of what they’d done. When he walked over to stand beside her at the window, it took everything in her not to lean into him.

What do you say at the end of an affair? She looked to him for guidance, but he was scowling.

She touched her face. “What?”

He reached over and pulled the clip out of her hair. “Wear your hair down when we’re together.”

His long fingers caressed the base of her scalp. Her eyes fluttered, heat infused her, but she straightened her shoulders and stepped away. “I think we should stop before it gets out of hand.”

His scowl deepened. “Out of hand?”

She tucked her hair behind her ears. “Jared, I did this so that it would take the pressure off of dating. I still hope to find a husband. I can’t do that if I’m sleeping with you.”

He smiled devilishly and took her elbow to pull her close. “No one will be hurt if we sleep together until you meet someone else.”

She laughed softly, but pulled away. “Says the man with a trail of broken hearts behind him. No, this weekend was it. Thank you, for everything.”

He rolled his eyes and looked out the window. “You can stop thanking me for sex. The pleasure was all mine.”

“It’s not just the sex. Yesterday was … the best birthday I’ve ever had. Despite your mom’s call, you helped me celebrate in a beautiful city and now we can go home as friends. Nothing more.” She stared at him, hoping he wouldn’t see how hard it was for her to say those words.

Jared cocked a brow. Crossing his arms, he leaned against the window and watched her. “You’ve gotten a taste, Tasha. It won’t be so easy to forget.”

“You’re pretty confident.”

He shrugged and grinned. “I have a reason to be.” He motioned with his head for her to come closer.

A smart woman would refuse, but the smoldering of his dark eyes and curve of his lips was a temptation hard to deny. Her feet slid across the hardwoods as she approached. He wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her closer. She melted against the heat of his body. Something flared in his eyes as they stared into hers. “You’ll call me when you want me, and I’ll be ready.”

She shivered. “I’m not calling.”

His head lowered until their lips barely touched. Gently he rubbed his nose across hers. Her face lifted, her breathing hitched, and he pressed her body against his.

Jared’s lips curved in a knowing grin. “I’ll be waiting.”

Straightening, he let her go and damned if she didn’t sway slightly with the loss of contact. Shaking the fog out of her head, she glared at him. His smile didn’t waiver. “I’ll take the bags down and we can go.”

She didn’t respond to his goading. God help her. She’d have to pray constantly to resist calling him.


“Tasha, did you hear a word I said?”

Tasha blinked several times and turned to her dad. “What?”

He shook his head and smiled, his white teeth gleaming in his tan face. Seeing the thin man with dark-framed glasses and a receding hairline sitting at the head of the table, you would never expect he could preach a sermon loud enough to shake the rafters in the church. Luckily, Angie’s daughters hadn’t done anything this Sunday to warrant a sermon. “You haven’t paid attention to anything going on at the table,” he said. “You’ve spent the entire dinner staring off. Have you met a man?”

She shook her head frantically. “No! It’s work, that’s all. I’ve got a lot on my plate.”

“You work too hard, Tasha,” her mom said from across the table. “You didn’t even get to celebrate your birthday two weeks ago. Are you sure you don’t need to take a vacation?”

Tasha avoided her mom’s gaze by looking at the meatloaf on her plate. “No, the conference wasn’t so bad. It was almost like a vacation.”

Angie snorted. “I bet.”

Tasha glared at her sister before turning to her dad. “What were you asking?”

Her dad leaned back in his chair. “I asked what you thought of my sermon today. Some people think it’s old fashioned when I preach about saving yourself until marriage, but you’ve been able to keep yourself pure for thirty years. I almost used you for an example.” He laughed.

Tasha’s eyes widened. “Please don’t do that. I really don’t want that type of attention.”

“Why not, Tasha? It’s something to be proud of,” Angie said with a twisted smile and raised eyebrow.

She hadn’t told her sister about her weekend with Jared, although Angie had probably figured it out. She hadn’t talked to anyone about it, including Shayla. It was hard enough to not think about Jared, no need to purposefully talk about him.

“I don’t want to talk about my personal life any more than you do. It’s not the congregation’s business,” she said to her sister.

Angie shook her head and took a bite of the meatloaf.

Her dad waved his hand to get their attention. “I wouldn’t do you like that, but I am proud of you. So many women out there get caught up in temptation. That’s why we have so many diseases and babies out of wedlock. Whenever people tell me I’m being old-fashioned, I want to say, ‘Hold up. Look at my two girls.’ One gave herself only to her husband and the other is still waiting. You girls are a true blessing.”

“Amen,” her mom agreed with a smile.

Angie caught Tasha’s gaze and both of them nodded frozenly. What would her dad say if he knew that at this moment she wanted to leave their house and run straight to Jared’s? He promised to be ready when she called, and God help her she wanted to call him every day. Pride stopped her. Pride, and the fact he hadn’t called her.

Memories of the way he’d kissed her from head to toe were her constant companion. She squirmed in her seat and her breathing became shallow. Every time he’d slid inside of her, it had felt so right, so wonderful.

“Tasha, are you okay? You look flushed.” Her mom’s voice broke into her thoughts.

She looked up with a start, her cheeks flaming. Here her dad was talking about how proud he was of his virgin daughter and she was fantasizing about her only sexual partner.

“I’m not feeling too good. I think I’m going to go home early,” she said as she slid her chair from the table.

“You can always stay here if you’re feeling bad,” her dad offered, concern in his eyes.

“No, I just think I’m tired.” She grabbed her plate from the table and hurried into the kitchen. She dropped her plate in the sink and rested her forehead in her hand. She would not call him.

She hurried from the kitchen before her sister could follow and question her mood, quickly kissed her parents goodbye, and left, avoiding Angie’s gaze the entire time.

When she got home she cleaned the house from top to bottom, but it didn’t distract her. All it did was make it easier for memories of her weekend in Charleston to hijack her exhausted brain when she finally lay down to go to sleep. Her breasts and the wet spot between her legs ached for more. With a groan, she hit the pillow and rolled over, willing herself to go to sleep.

The next day work was a typical Monday. Although summer camp at the center wouldn’t start for another two months, they had to arrange the schedules and confirm locations for traveling field trips. The water park they always took the kids to was under new management and wanted to raise the price for the field trip. After a frustrating call where she negotiated the new price, she then had to get with the various counselors about the after school schedule. Standardized testing was starting and they tried to supplement the student’s studies with information that would help them on the tests. After lunch, she got with the head of the local League of Women’s voters to arrange the group’s rental of the facility for a fundraiser later that month. By the time three o’clock hit, Tasha had a screaming headache.

Latiffa came when she got out of school at three to work the front desk. The teenager poked her head in after knocking. “Ms. Tasha, you have a call on line one. You want me to send it over?”

She didn’t want to talk with anyone, but was expecting a call from one of the councilmen about funding for the center. The city was in the middle of budget talks and now was the time to press the case for continued funding.

“Sure, Latiffa.”

The girl nodded and went back to the desk. A few seconds later, her phone rang. “Central Midlands Rec Commission, Tasha speaking.”

“It’s been two weeks.” Jared’s voice came through the phone. A deep tremor ran through her body. Her heart vibrated and her thighs clenched.

She took a deep breath before answering. “Jared. It’s nice to hear from you.”

He chuckled. “Nice to hear from me? Okay, so you want to keep up the fight.”

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