Wrecking Ball (3 page)

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Authors: B. N. Toler

BOOK: Wrecking Ball
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Yep, she knows
Dear God this woman is a ball buster.
All of the blood drained from my face. There was no more pretending. This girl didn’t waste any time. My heart pounded in my chest.
What the hell is wrong with me? Why am I acting like such a pussy?

Before I could come up with some coherent response she said, “I tell you what. You seem to be a little…” She paused and looked to the sky as if waiting for h
er next word to fall from it. “Confused.” She finished as she put her hands on her hips. “Maybe that ball hit you a little harder on your head than I thought. When you think of what you want to say, I bartend over at Bradley’s just outside of campus. Maybe I’ll see you in there sometime.” With that she rushed out of the water and back to her friends.

With a heavy sigh I made my way back to shore. I knew deep down I acted like a
n idiot in front of her and she probably thought I was an ass, but I knew one thing for sure. Sophia would be mine.

, that was…” Jake let his last word trail off.

Pathetic.” Ryan finished for him, laughing.

I shrugged as if I had no idea what they were talking about.

“First, you practically latched on to her leg and started dry humping her
,” Ryan noted before chugging the remainder of his beer.

“You looked like a jack
ass out there playing volleyball. They must all play for the school or something. They were good,” Jake added and I rolled my eyes.

“I wasn’t that bad,” I grimaced.

“Brandon.” Ryan said my name as he stared at me blankly. “You sucked dick man. It was bad. You fucking head-bunted her.”

I squeezed m
y eyes shut. “Shit,” I breathed. It was bad.

, did you ask her out?” Ryan flipped up the lid of the cooler and tossed me a beer.

“Not exactly.” I groaned as I turned and spotted Sophia folding up her towel as she and her friends prepared to leave. She caught me looking at her and her mouth curved slightly as she pulled her gaze away.

“She’s hot. If you don’t go for it, I just might.” Ryan moved to walk towards her, and I punched him in the nuts. “You mother fucker!” He groaned as he keeled over. I immediately backed away before he retaliated.

“She’s off limits
,” I laughed enjoying Ryan’s misery even though I knew it would come back to me tenfold.

laughed hysterically. “Nailed him!” Then Ryan struck an arm out lightning quick, nailing Jake right in the nuts. Jake fell to his knees with a groan, cupping his crotch. “You
asshole!” he moaned. Everyone was staring at them as they cupped their balls, lurched over on their knees.

“That’s for laughing.” Ryan managed to force himself up.
“Jesus, Brandon. Are you pussytized or something?”


“You know, it’s like being hypnotized, but by the pussy.”

“Where do you come up with this shit
, Ryan?” I shook my head and popped open my beer.

“I dunno.”
He shrugged, staring at Sophia and her friends as they headed to their cars.

“Stop staring at her
, Ryan,” I growled.

“Wow. You are officially
pathetic. And I’m going to get you back for hitting me in the nuts.”
That was a definite.

Just then,
what’s her name
, slid an arm around my waist and I jerked away. “I gotta go,” I murmured and bee-lined for my car. Sophia had left already, it’s not like she would’ve seen me with another girl, but once you see a girl like Soph, all others fail in comparison.

“Don’t worry
, you sexy little thing.” Ryan swooped in on her and I could hear her giggles before I reached the parking lot.








“What’s wrong
, Daddy?” Ferrah asks as she curls up on my lap while I read an email from Sophia.



Tia just got back into town and we’ve decided to travel a little bit this summer. Apparently it’s a surprise where w
e’re going. You know my sister—Ms. Spontaneity. Anyway, I’ve asked Arlene next door to check our mail and ship it to you weekly. She also agreed to water the plants out front, too.

I’ll call as soon as I know where we’re going. I’ll have my cell so if there’s an emergency or the girls just want to say hi, call me. I hope you’re having a good time with your parents. Give them my best. Please kiss Chloe and Ferrah for me.



She didn’t write ‘love’ Sophia. That can’t be good. Shit! Who knows what Tia has planned for them. Probably nude beaches in Spain or some shit like that.

I can just imagine Tia’s having a
field day with news of my wrongdoing. Ten loyal years to her sister and still every time I see her, she
threatens to castrate me if I hurt Sophia.


Ferrah says my name snapping my attention back to her.

“Yes, I’m fine baby. I was just reading an email from Mommy. She’s going on a trip with Aunt Tia.” I kiss the top of her head.

“Where are they going?” Her big brown eyes stare up at me, making my heart squeeze because they remind me of Sophia. Ferrah favors Sophia more with brown eyes and blonde hair, but Chloe looks just like me with chestnut brown hair. They’re beautiful girls.

“Aunt Tia’s surprising her. Isn’t that exciting?”

“I miss her.”

Sophia and I never let on there were any issues between us where the girls were concerned. As far as they know, everything is dandy. Spending the summer with their grandparents was something that had been planned for a while, but me being here with them was not. We made up an excuse saying Sophia had to help a friend remodel their house. Luckily the girls are so young they didn’t question it.

“I’ll let her know, princess. Go out and play with your sister.”

Taking a deep breath I read her email again wondering if I should email her back. What could I say?



Be safe.



I hit send and try to swallow b
ack the dread I feel inside. Call me a selfish asshole, but knowing she won’t be home, but instead traveling with her sister makes me nervous. At home, I’d hoped she would realize she was miserable without me.

Scratching my head
, I close my laptop
and head to the kitchen for a beer. I need something to calm my nerves. My wife is going to spend the summer practically single and roaming the world while I’m here miserable praying she’ll forgive me and ask me to come home.

Sophia used to be so forward. I never had any doubt about what she was thinking because she never held back. Her indecisiveness now makes me antsy.




When I went to Bradley’s the first night, she was off. So I went back every night for three nights straight dragging Ryan and Jake with me.

On the third night, she was behind the bar with a short stalky guy who looked like he choked down steroids every day. She didn’t notice me at first, but I stared at her, following her every move. She was charismatic, graceful in a way only an athlete could be.

My attention moved away from her momentarily when I noticed shorty behind the bar with her, checking out her ass every time she bent down or reached for something. I bit down my jealousy, realizing I had no right to be jealous—
, and pushed aside the urge to punt his little ass across the bar like a football. This girl would be mine and
I could act like a jealous dick all I wanted to.

When Sophia finally noticed me, it took a second glance for her to register she recognized me. With a coy smirk, she meandered ov
er and leaned on the bar in front of me. “What’s your poison?” she asked casually.

eungling,” I croaked, my mouth going dry as my eyes focused on her perfect pink lips, soft and plump.

out another word she turned and grabbed a pint glass out of the cooler in front of the drafts and started filling it. When she slid my beer to me, she leaned on one elbow. “You here by yourself?”

“Nah, my two buddies are with me, but they found some people they know.” I shrugged and sipped the lager.

“How’s your head? That ball hit you pretty hard.” Her tone was teasing and to play along I rubbed the back of my head.

“Still pretty sore,
” I grumbled.

,” she mumbled, her lips pressed together as is fighting a bigger smile she didn’t want me to see.

“Do you play volleyball
for the university” I asked when an awkward moment of silence slipped between us and I grabbed at anything to say to keep her near me.

“I played in high school. I broke my ankle skiing my senior year and I can only do limited activity on it. I had a scholarship for track that I lost. Running was my real sport.”

Well, that explained why her body was primed. “Do you still run?”

day almost, just not like I used to.” Her gaze met the floor momentarily as she reflected on what she lost, but then rose back to me. “You in to any sports? I mean, anyone could see you’re a stellar volleyball player, but anything else?” The sarcasm in her voice was almost choking.

smirked, embarrassed somewhat. “I could give you some pointers on the game sometime if you’d like.” Her smile turned into a laugh that made my chest feel tight.

“Is that so? Perhaps you could also give me tips on how to ask someone out. You seem to be a pro at that
, too.” Although I laughed, I wasn’t sure if her comment referenced my nervousness at the lake or if it was a stab at me for being a ladies man.

“Then how
‘bout it?” I asked, cutting to the chase. I had no desire to discuss the poor impression she had of me and I didn’t want her to think I was too chicken-shit to ask her out.

,” she mumbled as she took a bar towel and wiped a clean spot on the bar. “I’m going to need to think about it.” She shrugged.

“Oh yeah? What’s ther—”

“Soph, your order’s up. Old man’s outside waiting.” A tall, skinny man placed a bag with Styrofoam to go boxes inside on the bar.

, Reg,” she called as she pulled a twenty out of her back pocket, went to her register, and ring something up.

“I’ll be back in a sec
,” she called to shorty as she took the bag and headed out the front door. I watched her round the bar and as I did, I caught shorty on steroids behind the bar watching her, too.

s she doing?” I asked as we made eye contact.

“Old man, homeless. She buys him a meal every shift.” Shorty snorted before greeting some girls that had just sat down at the bar.
I got the feeling he didn’t like me for the same reason I didn’t like him. We were both wanting the same woman.

Wow. My mind felt fuddled. Brains, be
auty, athlete,
a good heart? Is she for real?

When Sophia came back in, she made a few drinks before returning to me. Just as she reached me
and her mouth opened to speak, I felt a small hand on my shoulder as someone pressed against me.

“Brandon Dalton.
” A sultry voice said my name. “What brings you in here?” Laura Vanseen giggled in my ear. Her top showed every bit of her flat stomach and pert rack, leaving only her nipples to the imagination. Of course I’d seen her nips, twice, so I didn’t really have to imagine.

,” I said blankly, a little thrown off by her interruption. Why the fuck would she come and talk to me now? I’d seen her at countless parties and bars in the two years since we hooked up over Spring Break and she never spoke to me. But of course, she had to do it in front of Soph. I glanced at Sophia briefly to see her watching us with her arms crossed, and a look on her face that said she wasn’t surprised by someone like Laura approaching me. I knew she’d summed me up as a player just trying to get in her pants.

“We should dance
, Brandon. Maybe you could give me a ride home tonight.” Laura smiled devilishly as her fingers traced my shoulder. My eyes moved to Sophia as she met my gaze with an arched brow.

“You two love
birds have fun,” she glowered and walked away.


“I’m not interested, Laura. Now go away,” I spat as I peeled her hand from my shoulder.

She immediately recoiled before hissing, “Fine. Be a dick.” Then
she sauntered back to her friends.

Six beers later, all served by shorty, I realized Sophia was purposely avoiding me. A little drunk, okay—
drunk because I hadn’t eaten anything since breakfast and finished seven beers in under an hour, I stood, knocking the stool I was sitting on over. Sophia’s gaze darted to me and she gave me a pitted look. Great, now she thinks I’m a drunk and a man whore.

“I’m okay
,” I grumbled as I pulled my wallet out and tossed random bills on the bar. “I’ll be back for that yes, Sophia.” I half yelled half slurred and everyone at the bar turned their heads, chuckling at the sight of me. Just before I stumbled back and landed on my ass, Jake caught me.

, buddy,” he laughed. “I think we need to get you out of here.”

“I think you’re right,” I answered, mildly aware of what an ass I looked like.

My friends took me home that night and six more beers later and four shots of Tequila, I passed out on my living room floor. When I woke up, it was early afternoon and Ryan sat on our sofa eating Captain Crunch out of a Tupperware bowl, staring at the television.

“You sound like a fucki
ng horse chomping on grain,” I groaned. He didn’t have to look at me for me to know I probably had dicks drawn all over my face. Rule number one when partying: don’t fall asleep before everyone else.

My head pounded, but I made no effort to move. “How bad is it?” I grumbled when Ryan looked down at me, a smirk across his face.

Considering we couldn’t find a pen, only a black sharpie… pretty bad.”

“You used permanent marker?” My tone lacked the anger I felt. I was too exhausted to be angry.

“Yeah, Jake actually colored the dick in this time, too.”

“Fuck,” I moaned as I rolled over. “You guys suck.”

“Hey, Teague Jefferson showed up and wanted to shave your eyebrows off. I didn’t let him.”

re a real friend, Ryan,” I said dryly as I pushed myself up and headed to the bathroom.

“I know. I know.” He laughed.

After a hot shower where I scrubbed my face repeatedly, the permanent marker remained, even though I was sure I’d scrubbed off all seven layers of skin. As I stared at the black penis with testicles
that covered my forehead in the mirror, I cursed my friends and swore revenge. When I emerged from the bathroom, big black dick and
I give great head
still clear as day on my face, Ryan took pity and looked up how to remove permanent marker from skin on the internet. Unfortunately it would involve a trip to the drug store and Ryan’s pity only went so far as he refused to go for me.


There was a CVS around the corner from my apartment so I pulled a ball cap on, which didn’t cover the
I give great head
that was written across my cheek, but at least it hid the big cock on my forehead. No one really seemed to be paying attention to me as I quickly scanned the aisles for baby oil to remove the marker. Just as I picked up a bottle, I caught someone looking at me through my peripheral vision.

Shit! Sophia!

We stared at each other for a moment before her lips began curving into a smile. “I see you passed out before your friends.” She didn’t laugh, but her lips pressed together as if she wanted to. She was wearing a pair of faded blue jeans with holes all over and a white tank top with a black bra underneath. My mouth went dry at the sight of her.

“Yeah, they got me good.” I sort of chuckled tearing my gaze away. Shit like this happened all the time, but standing in front of her with
I give great head
written on my cheek made me feel like even more of an ass. “I’m going to try the baby oil to get it off. Bastards used permanent marker.”

,” she mumbled as she took the baby oil from my hand and placed it back on the shelf. “I can help you. Come with me.” She crooked her finger indicating she wanted me to follow her.

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