Wrestling Against Myself (62 page)

BOOK: Wrestling Against Myself
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“You would never do that,” Courtney said sternly.


“I know, but they don't know that.” Tony couldn't keep but laughing.


“I think you like people being afraid of you, but I know better.”


“You do, do you?”


“Yes. You're nothing but a big teddy bear that wouldn't hurt a flea if it bit you on the bottom.”


“I might be your teddy bear, but don't let it get out that I'm a big softy.”


“Your secret is safe with me,” Courtney said as they pulled into her driveway.


“Good, because I hate keeping my secrets to myself and it's nice that I found someone special I could share them with.”


Courtney blushed. “You're too good to me.”


“Only giving you what you deserve. I hope you don't ever forget it.”


“I won't.”


“You better get going. Your mom is spying on us through the window again and I'm half tempted to have a full make out session just to teach her a lesson.”


“I wouldn't mind,” Courtney said hopefully.


Tony felt guilty for getting the girl's hopes up. He leaned over and gave her a small, soft kiss on the lips, even though that wasn't his normal way of parting with her. “You be good, okay.”


“I couldn't be better,” Courtney said as she got out of the car. “I'll see you tomorrow.”


Tony smiled as the girl staggered to her front door.



Chapter 64

Tony finished with his homework and chores around the house and decided he would keep his preseason schedule and go for a jog around the school's track. In two weeks, the wrestling team would have mandatory preseason conditioning workouts and he would augment his schedule then. For now, he was going to continue as he had most of the summer.


The drive to the school took longer than usual, but rush hour normally bogged things down. He took some of the back roads, not really in a hurry to get there. Since he already had a partial workout on the mat after school, he figured he would not run the entire five miles.


The parking lot was empty as Tony pulled in. Instead of parking in his regular space, he pulled into the spot closest to the track.


No one was around, but the gate to the track was open. Tony took a few stairs down along the chain-link fence and then was on the concrete oval. He wished the school would convert the track to clay or something gentler on the knees, but since he lost the weight it wasn't as big of an issue as it was in the past.


Tony made his way to the starting line, doing lunges along the way to stretch his quads and hamstrings. He knew Coach Walker would have a fit if he pulled a muscle doing extracurricular workouts. He saw no reason to risk injury and waited until he was properly stretched out.


The large wrestler started slowly, and made his way down the first straight away. He would ease into a comfortable pace, but unlike some of the younger guys, he wouldn't start in a sprint and then slow down. He took a deep breath of the sticky early evening air through his nose and let it out slowly through his mouth. Though he was getting a workout, Antonio found it calming and relaxing.


It wasn't long until Tony hit his stride and had in his mind to complete two miles. It was peaceful with just his thoughts to keep him company. Here, around the track, he didn't have to worry about being snubbed or people tormenting Courtney. He was at ease and his faith in the world was being renewed with every footfall.


Tony worked up quite a sweat as he finished his final lap. He felt good, both physically and mentally. Things would work out at the school, given enough time, he just knew it. He grabbed his towel from off the grass and began to dry off as he made his way back to his car.


Immediately, Tony knew something was up and didn't like the look of things. Peter's truck was parked behind his Firebird, effectively blocking it in. Antonio knew that in a pinch he could drive onto the practice field and loop back to the parking lot, there was no way that the large Ford pickup could keep up with his muscle car.


As he made his way down the paved incline that separated the parking lot from the football stadium, Tony saw Peter and his three cronies were waiting for him. Antonio figured he could handle himself, even against four people, but the aluminum bat Peter wielded gave him concern.


“What's going on,” Tony said casually even though his muscles tensed and he was ready to respond.


“We have unfinished business,” Peter said as the others formed a semi circle around the wrestler.


Tony backed his way towards his Firebird. By the look in their eyes and their posture, Tony figured there was going to be little talking. “What business is that?”


“Our little fight in the hall,” Peter spat.


“I don't want to fight you.”


“Too late for that, fagot,” Peter continued.


Tony circled around to where he was on the driver's side of his car with his back against the rear quarter panel. “It's never too late in order to do the right thing.”


“You should have thought about that before you decided to be a queer and make it with the freak.”


“That's your issue, not mine.” Tony reached to the side and opened the car door.  “It has nothing to do with you and like I said, I'm not getting into it with you or your friends.”


“Not only did you turn out to be a queer, but also a coward. People use to think so highly of you. Now look at you, running scared.”


Tony went to start the car and leave, but found his keys were taken from the ignition.


“Except this time there is no place to run,” Peter said as he dangled the keys to the Firebird in his hand. “Like it or not, we're finishing this tonight.”


Tony got out of the car and was happy to see that when he took a step forward they all took a step back. “Really, four against one.”


“No, just you and me.”


“And Louisville slugger.”


Peter patted the barrel of the bat in his open palm. “The great equalizer.”


“You don't have to do this,” Tony implored. 


“You brought this on yourself,” Peter said as he took a swing at the wrestler's head.


Without a moment to spare, Tony sprawled to the ground as the barrel of the bat flew where his head once was. The swing left Peter's left side open and as he was popping back to his feet, Tony pounced forward, driving his shoulder into Peter's ribs.


With a grunt, Peter dropped both the bat and the set of car keys.


Tony grabbed his keys but when he went to get into his car, Peter's three friends blocked his path. “Get out of my way before I move you myself.”


Peter struggled to get to his feet. “I didn't know pansies could hit so hard.”


Tony turned around, worried he would have to watch out for another swing of the bat.


“Get him,” Peter shouted.


Tony didn't know who grabbed him at first and tried to hold his arms down, but when he broke the grip and got behind the teenager he saw that it was Roger. He pushed the teen into Peter and knocked them both down.


“Don't you think this is enough,” Tony said as the two scrambled back to their feet.


“Not until you pay. The great Tiny, the one parents want us to be like turns out to be a cock-sucking little queer.”


“Don't be crass,” Antonio said as he measured his next move.


“Don't be a queer,” Peter spat.


Tony took a deep breath when he saw another figure approaching. He didn't know exactly when Shannon got there or where he came from, he was glad for some support. Even though Shannon took his stand the way he did, at least he could provide enough time for Tony to drive off.


“Am I glad to see you,” Tony said as Shannon walked right behind him, creating a buffer between the two men behind him so he could concentrate on the two in front of him.


“Doubtful,” Shannon said.


Caught completely off guard, Tony found his arms locked behind his back. Before he could break Shannon's grip, Peter swung the bat with all his might and connected with Tony's ribs.


Tony could feel the air escape him, but didn't give them the pleasure of watching him fall to his knees. He fought to keep the tears from stinging his eyes.


“A real man's man,” Peter said. “To proud to fall.”


Tony could feel that his arms were let go, but only to feel another blow to the back of his knees. His legs buckled, but he kept his balance until a second blow behind his knee brought him to the ground. Four sets of legs were stomping Tony as he covered his head to keep it safe as Peter was banging the bat against it. He didn't know how far they were willing to go, but figured he was in real trouble.


“What do you think you're doing?” Tony heard a familiar voice yell. “Get away from him.”


“Get lost John,” Peter shouted as the stomping stopped.


Tony looked to his side and could see John Sharp hop off of his bike and reach into his pocket.


“I said back up,” John said with more bravery than Tony ever saw him display, knowing this time it wasn't some sort of act. “I swear to God I'll take you all out.”


Considering John's size, Tony thought the threat audacious as he rolled to his side and struggled to his feet. It was then that he saw the five inch blade in his friend’s hand.


“You're not going to be able to take care of all of us,” Peter said as he kicked the back of Tony's leg and brought him back to his knees.


“No, just you.”


Tony was in no position to help, but found that it was a moot point as sirens and lights could be seen approaching the school.


“It's the fuzz,” Shannon said. “Let's get out of here.”


In an instant, the assailants piled into the pickup and sped off.


“What are you doing here,” Tony said as he tried to make his way back to his feet.


“I told you I got your back. I don't know why you never believe me.”


“Sorry,” Tony mumbled. “I don't feel so good.”


The lights and the sirens were upon the two. Tony looked up and saw two Pinellas County Sheriff cars before him. He was having trouble holding his head up and looked down, he then saw the ground fast approaching his face and then suddenly he didn't hear or see anything.


Chapter 65

Antonio was
lying in a hospital room, with the bed arranged so he could sit up and entertain his guest. It was a nice room, as far as hospital rooms went. After two days of having nothing but medical tests done and mindlessly watching television, the athlete was ready to go. His legs were sore, but thankfully nothing was broken from the repeated blows he took to the back of the knee and the stomping on his hips and thighs. He felt lucky that Peter and his group didn't know enough to wear steal toed work boots or things might be different. The cops talked to him on several different occasions, but his story never changed. He wasn't going to lie about who did what or why.


“You sure you don't need anything,” Mrs. LaMano asked for the sixth times as she looked around the room filled with get well cards and balloons.


“Mom, I'm fine,” Antonio said softly, trying not to sound impatient. He knew it was his mother's way to show her love was to wait on him hand and foot.


“Just as long as your sure. Maybe I could bring your wrestling magazine, or how about a shake from Ruby's. I know you worry about your diet, but I think you can make an exception this month.”

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