Wrestling With Desire (19 page)

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Authors: D.H. Starr

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Wrestling With Desire

by D.H. Starr

The team continued practicing the suplex for the next few days, and a few of the guys had gotten pretty good at it. At the end of practice, on the day of the school musical, Scott asked Derek to hang back so they could practice a little longer. He had been having difficulty with the suplex and had been bitching about it non-stop since Sean had demonstrated it a few days earlier. Derek wasn't sure whether it was pride at wanting to learn and perfect the move or competitive jealousy that Sean could do something that he couldn't that was causing him to become so salty. Either way, if helping Scott would put him back in a better mood, Derek was more than willing to be a throw doll for a while.

"I don't get it. I'm doing exactly what Sean did, but I can't get my partner onto his back. I don't know which part I'm screwing up." Derek shrugged and said nothing. He had practiced with Scott enough to know that Scott was working this out for himself by talking out loud and wasn't expecting an actual answer or comment. They began circling each other. Scott secured Derek's arms, bent his knees, and arched, shoving his hips forward and up. Derek felt himself lift off the ground as he had with Sean. His legs swung up, but once in mid-air, he did not feel the twisting motion of being turned towards his back that he had felt with Sean. He landed on Scott's chest. "DAMN! What am I missing?"

Although grumpiness was not one of Scott's more appealing traits, Derek always admired his dedication and commitment. "Can I make an observation?" Derek cringed internally, hoping that his intrusion on Scott's focus wouldn't make him even more upset.


Wrestling With Desire

by D.H. Starr

Shaking his head, Scott let out a heavy sigh. "You may as well. I'm not improving at all."

Good. He's willing to accept my help.
"When Sean did the move, it felt exactly the same as when you just did it, except for when I was in the air." Scott just listened, placing his hands on his knees and pacing his breathing. Sweat was dripping down the sides of his face and his arms were coated in a damp sheen. Derek had to clear his mind before he continued speaking. His thoughts were definitely not focused on wrestling with Scott looking like that. "What I felt when Sean had me in the air, just at the moment when my feet began to swing up in the air, was a tug on my arm, almost like he was pulling me sideways as well as backwards.

Whenever I watched the move in the Olympics, it always looked like the wrestlers were arching completely backwards, but it's not like that. It's more like you begin with the arch and then turn sideways the rest of the way." Scott looked up and bit his lower lip. Once again, Derek lost momentary focus as the image of Scott's plump lower lip pressed against his filled his mind. Scott stood and walked to the middle of the mat. Shaking his head, Derek followed and took neutral position.

Scott began circling Derek, playing for arm control. Once securing his right arm Scott simultaneously bent his knees and hooked Derek's left arm tightly. Shoving forward and up with his hips, Scott arched backwards. Derek felt himself being lifted off the ground. Once his feet began to swing up, he felt a sharp tug on his arm and his body began to twist towards the mat. For a split second, both he and Scott were 167

Wrestling With Desire

by D.H. Starr

airborne, and then Derek was on his back, Scott landing on top of him so they were chest to chest.

There was a brief pause as Scott's mind registered that he had successfully executed the suplex. When he looked at Derek his eyes were sparkling and his dimple was pronounced in the center of his cheek. "I did it. You were right. As soon as I pulled your arm, it was like something clicked. Your body weight did all the work and all I had to do was follow through with the motion of the throw. Thank you, Derek!"

Before Derek could answer, Scott leaned down and locked their lips together. Scott's arms still held control of Derek's, so Derek was prone and unable to do anything but receive the kiss. Responding to Scott's excitement, Derek opened his mouth and their tongues intertwined, massaging each other.

Derek treated himself to Scott's lower lip, nibbling on it gently. Having his arms pinned to his sides and Scott controlling his body, Derek felt himself become aroused and wiggled his hips to create some friction. Scott's own excitement became immediately obvious. After a few minutes of kissing and writhing, Scott loosened his grip on Derek and sat up. "Thank you, Derek. That was awesome."

Unsure whether he was referring to the suplex or to the kissing, Derek turned to gaze into Scott's eyes and smiled.

"I'm here to please."

It was while they were sitting in the middle of the mat that Josh entered the wrestling room. "Hey, what are you guys still doin' up here? Aren't you gonna grab dinner with the team before the show tonight?"


Wrestling With Desire

by D.H. Starr

Derek became acutely aware that his cock was stretching at his shorts. Relieved that he was sitting with his back to the door, Derek turned his head. "We were just practicing a little.

Scott wanted to get the suplex down right. We'll catch up with you guys in a few. You're headed to the Square for pizza, right?"

"Yeah. See you guys there."

As Josh left the room, Derek let out a deep breath. Scott turned to him and grinned. "That was close." He leaned over, gave Derek a sweet peck on the cheek, and hopped up. "Let's do two minutes of spins each to make ourselves a bit less obvious before we head out."

* * * *

The auditorium was filling up quickly by the time Derek, Scott and the rest of the wrestling team showed up for the musical. Derek handed two tickets to the ninth grader collecting them at the door and headed with Scott towards the back row. There were two seats in the back corner which were unoccupied and Derek claimed them, removing his jacket and draping it over the back of his seat. The rest of the guys took random seats throughout the auditorium, so Derek had Scott all to himself.

Looking through the makeshift playbill that one of the cast members had designed, Derek began to read the cast profiles to Scott. "Let's read Beck's. She loves writing these."

Appearing in her fourth musical at Brampton, Ms. Rebecca
Stoltz is thrilled to be playing the part of Tracy Turnblad in
this year's production of Hairspray. A fierce and fiery girl,

Wrestling With Desire

by D.H. Starr

Tracy gives new meaning to the poignant phrase 'I like big

Scott snapped his head towards Derek and grabbed the playbill. Reading Beck's profile he laughed and gave Derek a shove. "It doesn't say that. I actually believed you though.

It's definitely something she would write. Let me read it."

Scott began reading out loud. "
Appearing in her fourth
musical at Brampton, Ms. Rebecca Stoltz is thrilled to portray
the leading role of Tracy Turnblad, a revolutionary high school
girl who proves that beauty comes from within. Beck hopes
that her performance will inspire the audience to cast aside
their fears and doubts and to grab life by the balls.

Derek ripped the playbill from Scott's hands, scanning the profile. "It says
cast aside their fears and doubts and go for
their dreams.
" Scott shrugged, smiling his crooked grin, and looked at Derek with a sinister twinkle in his eyes. They continued reading profiles until the lights went down and the orchestra began playing the introductory medley.

The shadowy darkness of the audience gave Derek and Scott a great deal of privacy, as music, the colorful set, and elaborate fifties era costumes filled the auditorium. Leaning back, Derek stretched his legs and then crossed one over the other, resting his hands in the space the position created between his legs. The opening medley was a preview of the main songs of the musical and Derek found himself thinking how similar medleys were to the mixing he loved to do.

His reflection was cut short as he felt something brush against his hand. Looking down, he caught his breath as Scott took his hand and intertwined their fingers. Scott's eyes were 170

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by D.H. Starr

peering directly into his as he gave Derek's hand a short squeeze and then turned to the stage just as Beck entered.

Derek squeezed Scott's hand in return. Sitting in the back row and cast in darkness, their hand-holding was furtive. The excitement was electrifying even if he and Scott were the only two who knew.

Derek had to admit the musical was the best one the school had produced yet. As the cast came out to give their bows, the audience cheered and applauded. When Beck came out, the cheering rose to a roar of hoots and hollers and the entire audience stood to show their adoration. Derek glanced at the cast. Bryce had a huge grin on his face as the whole cast took a bow together. He then pushed Beck out from the lineup of actors and the audience began a new round of rapturous acclaim. Derek saw that Malinda had a momentary look of disgust on her face which she quickly replaced with a beaming grin.
Well, I'll give her credit. She may hate Beck,
but she can sure act like she's pleased as punch about Beck's
adoring fans.

As the auditorium cleared out, Derek and Scott hung back to wait for Beck so they could go to the cast party together.

Although most cast parties only included the cast and crew, Brampton prided itself on taking advantage of any opportunity to party. As a result, the bulk of the senior class would be present. It was going to be at George Davis' house since his parents were leaving for a weekend trip directly from the opening night of the musical.

About ten minutes later, Beck came into the auditorium, face cleared of stage makeup and wearing black jeans and a 171

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by D.H. Starr

bulky sweater. She was beaming. Derek ran over to her and caught her in a bear hug. "You were fantastic!"

Scott concurred and gave her a peck on the cheek.

Reaching into his pocket he pulled out a small gift-wrapped box. "I got you something. S'nothing much, but..."

Beck grabbed the gift from Scott's hands and tore the paper off. Opening the box, she pulled out a plastic keychain in the shape of a star with the name
written on it in bold black letters. "Scott, if that isn't the sweetest thing.

Thank you, come give mama a kiss."

Scott blushed. "I wanted to get one that said
but they didn't have any." He allowed himself to be crushed by Beck's embrace and she gave him a friendly smooch right on the lips. Scott shuffled his feet.

"Oh my God, look at him Derek, he's embarrassed. That is too cute." Beck flashed an elated grin at Scott and hugged him again. "Thank you, Scott. I love it." Derek had no idea that Scott had bought Beck a present. The fact that he had didn't come as a surprise and Derek had to fight the urge to push Beck aside so he could take her place hugging him.

The three of them left the school and headed to George's house. Once there, they had to circle around a couple of times looking for a space. Finally they gave up and drove a couple of blocks down Mt. Auburn Street before they found a place to park. Bundled in winter coats, they headed to the party arm-in-arm. They could hear the music three houses before they reached George's house, and when they opened the front door, Derek could feel the bass from the stereo rumbling through his chest. Making their way up the stairs, 172

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by D.H. Starr

they were directed to put their jackets in George's parents'


The guys on the wrestling team were already there and were congregated to one side of the living room. Derek and Scott made their way toward the group as Beck excused herself to join Bryce and a few of the other cast members in the kitchen. The guys were talking about the upcoming meet with Lexington.

"So, I found out that the team is going to be really strong after all, even though they lost three players—" Josh interrupted his own speech when he saw Derek and Scott.

"Hey guys. C'mon over. You'll want to hear about this." They joined the group as Josh continued. "So their three new members are at the 135, 167, and 179 weight classes." He turned his head towards Derek and Scott giving them a meaningful look. "That's you guys and me. Kinda sucks that they're our first meet because it would have been nice to go and watch them before having to wrestle them." The other team members began mulling over how they had performed against the Lexington wrestlers the previous year. Scott, being new and not knowing any of the Lexington team, was very interested.

Derek, not really wanting to talk about wrestling this evening, elbowed Scott. "I think I'll head to the kitchen and hang with Beck for a while. I'm kinda done with the whole wrestling talk for now." Scott smiled and nodded before turning back to the team.

Derek left them and headed to the kitchen. Looking around, he couldn't find Beck anywhere. He walked out onto 173

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by D.H. Starr

the porch off the kitchen, where a number of students were hanging out, and she wasn't there either. Turning to head back into the house, he bumped into Bryce, knocking him off balance. "Whoops, sorry, didn't see you there."

Bryce placed his hand on the wall to balance himself. "No problem."

"The play was awesome. It's definitely the best one yet."

Bryce smiled. "It was fun. I have to give the credit to Beck for helping me pull off this role though. I never would have been able to do it without her." Bryce shivered and started to rub his arms. "It's kind of cold out here. Want to head back inside?" Derek followed Bryce back into the house and into the living room where the bulk of students were located. The heat from their dancing bodies made the room comfortably warm.

Derek looked over to where Scott and the rest of the team were standing and saw that they were still engrossed in conversation. Scott turned, catching Derek's eye for an extended second, then smiled and turned back to the conversation he was having. "So you and Beck spent a lot of time together rehearsing. She said that you are about as serious about acting as she is."

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