Wyatt (14 page)

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Authors: Susan Fisher-Davis

BOOK: Wyatt
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Olivia raised her eyebrows in shock.

“Not because of you. I have no feelings whatsoever for you
but that man of yours, now he would be worth sticking around for.” Sharon
turned away from her even as Olivia wanted to rip the woman’s hair out. “I mean
it, Olivia. I want money.”

“I told you. I. Don’t. Have. Any,” Olivia replied through
clenched teeth.

Jake suddenly appeared from the hallway.
What’s going on?”

Olivia wanted to groan when she saw Sharon’s eyes widen at
the sight of Jake. She saw her grin at him, and then it grew when Gabe
sauntered in a moment later.

“Well. The scenery really is amazing around here.” Sharon
glanced at Olivia. “Why didn’t you tell me there were more of them?” She strode
toward the men, stopping in front of them. “You have to be related to Olivia’s

“If you mean Wyatt, we’re his older brothers,” Jake informed
her. “Who are you?”

Olivia snorted. “This is my…the woman who gave birth to me.”

Sharon put her hand out. “Sharon Winters and you are…?”

“Jake Stone and this is my brother Gabe.” Jake didn’t put
his hand in hers.

“I can certainly see why you live in this godforsaken town,

Becca and Emma arrived next and stood by their husbands.
Sharon burst out laughing. “This is priceless. Is this your own little army,

Olivia strode around the desk and stood close to Sharon. “I
don’t need an army. I can take care of you myself.” She grinned. “Want to see?”

Sharon stepped back. “I’m going for a little drive.” She
glared at Olivia. “You and I will talk later.” She went out the front door
without looking back.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when she disappeared.

“I hate that woman,” Olivia cried. “I need to see Wyatt. I
think I’ll go…what?” she asked when she saw a look pass between all of them.

“Nothing,” Jake told her.

“Bullshit, Jake. You are a horrible liar.” Olivia glanced at
Becca. “There’s something you’re not telling me. Is he all right? Did something
happen?” Her voice rose as panic began to set in.

“Let’s go to your room and we’ll talk.” Becca led her away.

Once in the apartment, Becca told Olivia about the
conversation she’d had with Wyatt. Olivia jumped up from the sofa and clenched
her fists.

“What?” she shouted at Becca. “He’s breaking things off with
Through you?”

“Liv, just give him time to think about what it’s like
without you,” Becca suggested.

“No. I’m going over there right now. He’s not breaking it
off with me through his sister in-law,” Olivia muttered as she grabbed her car
keys and ran out the door.


* * * *

Wyatt was riding Cochise around the arena when the door
opened. He glanced over and swore under his breath as he reigned in the horse
and dismounted. Cochise put his ears back.

“We just can’t get rid of her can we, buddy.” Wyatt rubbed
the horse’s neck and led him to the stall where he wiped him down, fed, and
watered him.

“You can’t just ignore me, Wyatt.”

“I can sure give it a hell of a good try, Stephanie.” He
glanced at her. “I thought I told you not to come back here.”

“I heard you weren’t seeing your little slut anymore, so I
decided to come over and see you.” She smiled at him.

He glared at her. “I don’t want you talking about Olivia
that way and I sure as hell don’t want you here.” He strode away from her but
she grabbed his T-shirt in her hands and stopped him.

“Wyatt. I forgive you for seeing her. We can be together

Wyatt clasped her arms in his hands. “Look, I know this is
all an act with you but I can’t figure out why. You don’t want me back any more
than I want you back.” He gave her a small shove. “Go away.”

He moved past her and headed out of the barn. That’s when he
saw Olivia pull up in her SUV. He groaned thinking he must be in hell. He
watched her march across the yard to him and come to a halt in front of him.
Those beautiful eyes of hers were shooting flames at him.

“You can’t break it off with me in person? You had to have
your sister in-law tell me?” Olivia had her hands on her hips, and her lips
tightened into a flat line.

Wyatt opened his mouth but Stephanie came up behind him.
“This is why you’re telling me to leave? Because
was coming here?”

Wyatt didn’t shift his gaze away from Olivia but instead
watched as her mouth dropped open and her eyes widened, and then


Olivia folded her arms over her chest as she stared up at
him and then she moved her eyes to Stephanie, who was staring right back at
her. He had a bad feeling about this. He saw Stephanie swallow and nearly
laughed because she was not quite as tough as she wanted to appear. He ran his
hand down over his face.
Christ, why me?

“You want him? You got him,” Olivia exclaimed as she spun
around to head back toward her car.

Wyatt moved fast and wrapped his hands around her waist,
pulling her close to put his mouth next to her ear. “Do you seriously think I’d
have her here?”

“She doesn’t want you, Wyatt. She said so.” Stephanie
stepped up beside them.

Olivia jerked out of his arms. “You didn’t even have the
balls to break it off with me in person.”

He sighed. “I was upset. You told me you didn’t need me. How
was that supposed to make me feel?”

“You were upset because you thought I didn’t need you?”
Olivia asked.

me. You told me you didn’t need a babysitter but I wasn’t being a babysitter, I
was there for you because Sharon was here.” Wyatt stared into her eyes and
hoped she could see he was telling her the truth. He had missed her so much.

Stephanie huffed. “You’re going to come crawling back to me
one day, Wyatt Stone. When your little slut’s done with you and moving on to
the next cowboy, you’ll come back to me.”

“That’s it,” Olivia growled and reached out to grab
Stephanie. Wyatt quickly grabbed her around the waist, picking her up so her
feet dangled off the ground. “Put me down,” she hissed.

“I think it’s time you got the hell out of here. I’m not
sure how long I can hold her,” he told Stephanie. When she hesitated, Wyatt
shrugged and started to lower Olivia to her feet.

“This is just great. You told me to come here, Wyatt, then
she shows up and you act like I don’t even exist,” Stephanie shouted at him.

“Are you still here?” he asked Stephanie.

Wyatt kept his hold on Olivia as Stephanie ranted. Finally,
she stormed away from them and left. He blew out an exasperated breath.

“Christ, she’s a pain in the ass,” he muttered.

“Put me down. Now,” Olivia told him.

He slowly lowered her to her feet. She turned and glared up
at him. Wyatt tilted his head as he gazed down at her. When her mouth twitched,
he reached out and pulled her close to him.

“I’ve missed you, sweetheart,” he whispered in her ear. He
grinned when she shivered.

“You know, you could be married to her right now,” Olivia
told him.

“That shit’s not even funny,” he muttered.

Olivia laughed and wrapped her arms around him. “I’m so glad
you’re not.” She squealed when he threw her over his shoulder and headed for
the house. “Must you always carry me this way, and just where do you think
you’re taking me, cowboy?”

“I seem to recall you saying something about me not having
any balls. I need to prove that I do and I like carrying you this way. It gives
me great access to your fantastic ass.” Wyatt ran his hand over her
jean-covered ass while carrying her into the house.

Sometime later, Wyatt woke up with Olivia’s head on his
shoulder. He knew the minute she woke up because she blew out a breath. “What
was that for?” he asked in a sleepy voice.

Olivia jerked. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you up.”

Wyatt moved away from her and sat up. “It’s fine. I’m

“Me too.”
Olivia smiled up at him.

“You’re always hungry.”

Olivia sat up and wrapped her arms around his neck. “Always
hungry for you, cowboy,” she said with a laugh that made him feel great.

Wyatt wrapped his arms around her. “I’ll fix us something.”
He stood up.

Olivia flopped back on the bed. “Are you sure? I can wait a
little longer.”

He gazed down at her and shook his head. “I can’t. If I get
back in that bed with you, I’ll die of starvation. You wouldn’t want that,
would you?”

She laughed with a naughty glint in her amazing eyes. “No.
You need your strength, cowboy.”

“I sure as hell do where you’re concerned.”


* * * *

Three days later, Olivia was sitting at the front counter
when Sharon came striding in. She halted at the desk, and glanced around as if
to make sure they were alone then leaned forward.

“I want seventy-five thousand dollars, and I want it within
the week. I’ll stay in town until you get it for me then I’ll leave, and you’ll
never hear from me again.”

“Are you out of your fucking mind? I don’t have that kind of
money,” Olivia exclaimed, trying to keep her voice down.

Sharon smiled slyly. “You might not, but I bet that hunk of
yours does.”

Olivia gasped. “I can’t ask Wyatt for that kind of money.”

“I guess we’ll be seeing quite a lot of each other then.
Until you give me the money, I’ll be staying right here in Clifton.” Sharon
turned away from her with a grin, and glided up the stairs to her room.

Olivia blinked tears from her eyes. She knew she had no
choice. To get rid of Sharon, she’d have to give her money. She marched to her
apartment and found the number for the bank where the Daniels had deposited
money into an account in her name. She groaned at the thought of doing this.
Becca could never know about it. It would be the end of their friendship if she
found out Olivia had used the money to pay off Sharon.

She was heading back through the main kitchen but turned
toward the foyer when she heard the front door open. She watched as Wyatt
walked toward her and for the first time ever, she was wishing he hadn’t come
by—not right now anyway.

“Hey darlin’,” Wyatt said with a smile. She glanced away and
didn’t respond. She felt his hand at her chin lifting it to force her to look
at him. “What’s wrong, sweetheart?” he asked as he moved his hand up to cup her
cheek. She leaned into his hand. It would be so easy to tell him what Sharon
wanted, but she didn’t want to burden anyone else with her problem.

I guess I’m just tired,”
she whispered.

Wyatt frowned at her. “Tired, huh?” He smiled. “Then I guess
that means I’ll be sleeping alone tonight.”

“I said I was tired cowboy, not dead.” Olivia glared at him.

He chuckled. “Will you come over later? I’ll fix dinner. God
knows, I know you’ll be hungry.”

She swatted at him and laughed. “I’ll be there. I get off at

Wyatt gave her a wicked grin. “I’ll make sure you get off
again after dinner.”

This drew another chuckle from her. “You are so bad, Wyatt

He leaned down and kissed her fast and hard.
“Later, darlin’.”

Olivia sighed as she watched him saunter away. She was so in
love with him and in way over her head. She was going to end up with a broken
heart yet. It was already beginning to crack, but if she didn’t get rid of
Sharon soon, she was also going to go insane.


Chapter Thirteen


Wyatt, Jake, and Gabe sat at a table in the diner having
lunch when Sam sauntered toward them. Wyatt pushed a chair out with his foot.

“Have a seat, Sam,” he said with a nod of his head.

“Thanks. I
just going to pick something up, but Betty Lou’s driving me crazy today,” Sam
said with a smirk.

The men chuckled. Betty Lou Harper was sixty-five years old
and the sheriff’s dispatcher slash secretary. Sam hired her because his mother
asked him to and soon discovered Betty Lou could drive a crazy person sane, but
he loved her.

“What’s she on you about today, Sam?” Gabe asked.

“That I should be married by now.
She’s not getting any younger, she says.” Sam rubbed his chin. “My own mother
doesn’t get on me like Betty Lou does.”

Wyatt chuckled. “You’re like a son to her, Sam. Of course
she wants to see you have kids.”

Sam snorted. “I have to have a woman first.”

After they finished their lunches, they all headed outside
onto the street. Wyatt nudged Jake. “Look over there.” He jerked his chin
toward the sidewalk across the street and heard Jake swear.

“What’s going on?” Sam asked, curious and looking in the
direction of their gazes.

Wyatt couldn’t believe what he was seeing. Sharon Winters
stood on the sidewalk talking with Stephanie as if they were old friends. He
saw Sharon glance their way, and then she crossed the street toward them. She
stopped in front of them.

“It must be my lucky day.” She smiled at them.

Wyatt watched as she boldly ran her eyes over Sam. “What
makes you think it’s your lucky day?” he scoffed.

“I’m going in for lunch. Maybe one of you gorgeous men could
join me.” She glanced at Wyatt.
“Or all of you.”

“I don’t believe I’ve had the pleasure,” Sam said smiling at

Wyatt laughed. Jake coughed. Gabe swore. Sam frowned.

“This…” Wyatt muttered, “
woman who gave birth to Olivia.”

“Hello, Sheriff,” Sharon purred.

“She’s up to no good,” Wyatt informed Sam none too quietly.

“Is that so?” Sam’s mouth tightened as he looked at her.

“I’m just here to see my daughter.” Sharon glared at Wyatt.

“That’s a damn lie. Why would you suddenly want to see her
after twenty-eight years?” Wyatt was pissed and not worrying about hiding the

“I just want to get to know her…”

“Bullshit,” Wyatt growled. He jerked his eyes to Jake when
his brother gripped his bicep.

“Let it go, Wyatt. Eventually, we’ll find out why she’s
really here,” Jake told him.

Sharon huffed, tossed her hair back, and proceeded into the
diner. Wyatt blew out a breath.

“You want to tell me what’s going on? Do I need to look into
this woman?” Sam asked them with a scowl as he watched her walk away.

“I wish you would,” Gabe said. “Liv says she goes by Sharon
Winters now but that isn’t the name she remembers her by. She thinks it was
Charlotte something.”

Sam was writing down what Gabe said. He nodded. “I’ll let
you know what I find out.”

Sam left them and strode down the street, waving to someone
who yelled a greeting.

Wyatt glanced behind him to stare into the diner where he
could see Sharon had taken a seat and was watching them.

“She’s here for no other reason than to hurt Olivia in some
way,” he said, turning toward his brothers.

“I agree.” Jake nodded. “Why would she be here after all
these years? And how the hell did she ever find Liv?”

“I’m sure we’ll find out what she’s up to with Sam looking
into her.” Gabe glanced over his shoulder into the diner.

Wyatt wanted to know why she was talking to Stephanie too.
Did Stephanie have something to do with her being here? He suddenly turned on
his heel and headed back into the diner. Jake and Gabe followed him as he
weaved his way through the tables to where Sharon was sitting, stopping
alongside her table.

“Why were you talking with Stephanie?” Wyatt asked through
clenched teeth.

Sharon blinked up at him
with an innocent expression or as innocent as the viper could look.

Wyatt grumbled. “Don’t give me that shit. You were talking
with Stephanie Taylor before you came across the street.”

Sharon’s eyes widened. “Oh, I only asked her where I could
get something to eat. I don’t know her.”

“I don’t believe you,” Wyatt said.

“I really don’t care what you believe, gorgeous. It’s the
truth. Now, if you don’t mind, I’d like to eat my lunch.”

Wyatt’s jaw clenched. He was about to say something when
Jake stepped forward.

“We’ll find out what you’re doing here and if you’re here to
hurt Liv, we will run your ass out of town.” Jake glared at her.

Wyatt watched as she shifted her eyes around the diner.
Everyone was looking at them. He nudged Jake and nodded for them to leave. The
brothers left the diner and headed for their trucks. Wyatt drove home wondering
what Sharon Winters was up to, and he knew in his gut that she was up to
something no good. He just needed to find out what.

Two days later, he walked through the door of the B and B
and almost ran over Sharon. He instinctively put his hands on her hips to
steady her. She gazed up at him with Olivia’s eyes. He mentally shook his head.
No. They weren’t Olivia’s eyes. Sharon’s eyes were cold and calculating whereas
Olivia’s were warm, and sparkled when she gazed up at him.

“Thank you, Wyatt,” Sharon said in a husky voice.

He gave her a terse nod and stepped back from her. She
stepped closer.

“You know, anytime you change your mind, I’m just up the
stairs,” she whispered as she put her hand over his fly.

Wyatt jumped back from her as if her touch had burned him.
Olivia chose just that moment to enter the foyer. Sharon didn’t take her eyes
off him. Olivia moved beside him and wrapped her arms around his waist. He put
his arm around her shoulder.

Sharon looked over at Olivia and met her gaze. “Remember
what I told you.” Then she walked out the front door.

“What is it you’re supposed to remember?” Wyatt asked
looking down at Olivia.

“Nothing,” she whispered glancing away.

Not believing her, Wyatt took her hand and led her back to
her apartment. Once inside, he insisted she sit on the couch, closed the door,
and then joined her there.

“Tell me, sweetheart.”

Olivia burst into tears. He wrapped his arms around her and
waited for her to calm down. When she finally quieted, he tilted her chin up
and kissed her tenderly.

“Tell me,” he whispered against her lips, and then listened
as she explained everything to him. What Sharon wanted and how she threatened
to harm Wyatt if Olivia didn’t comply.

Anger tightened his body so much that he had to get to his
feet. “You are not to give her any money.” He put his hand up when Olivia
started to object. “No. I mean it, Olivia. Do not give her one red cent.”

Olivia stood, wearing an expression of defeat. “I don’t have
a choice, Wyatt. It’s the only way she’ll leave and get out of my life.” She
put her hand on his arm. “I saw her touching you.”

He closed
his eyes wishing she hadn’t seen that. “It shocked the hell out of me too.”

“She’s one crazy bitch and I want her out of my life.”

“That doesn’t mean you give her money in the hope of getting
rid of her. She’s the kind to keep coming back for more. Sam is going to check
into her. Do you remember what last name she used when she was going by

“I think it was Mitchell, but I’m not positive about that.”
She shrugged. “It could’ve been Roberts, since that’s mine.”

He nodded. “I’ll let Sam know.”

“What are you doing here anyway?” Olivia gazed up at him.

Wyatt grinned. “I was just heading back from town so I
thought I’d stop in and see how you’re doing.”

Olivia wrapped her arms around him, pulled his head down,
and kissed him. He wrapped his arms around her, lifted her up, and deepened the

“I want you, darlin’,” he murmured against her lips.

“I want you too.” Olivia smiled. They sprang apart when a
sudden knock sounded on her door.

Wyatt groaned and set her down, but raised his hand when she
started for the door. He strode over to it and opened it to find Stacy standing

“Oh…hi, Wyatt, I just wanted to let Liv know I’m leaving.
She needs to cover the desk until seven tonight.”

He heard Olivia swear behind him. He glanced back at her.
“You have to work?”

“I forgot. Stacy told me yesterday she was leaving early
today.” She shrugged and stuck her bottom lip out in disappointment. She wasn’t
the only one disappointed by the news.

Wyatt nodded and sighed. “Okay, I’ll call you later then.”
He smiled then kissed Olivia quickly on her mouth, and moved around Stacy to
make a fast exit.


* * * *

The next day, Olivia met Becca for lunch at the diner. As
they sat there enjoying their lunch, the door opened and Sharon came striding
in with Stephanie. Olivia almost choked on her drink.

“Are you all right, Liv?” Becca asked.

“Sharon just walked in with Stephanie,” Olivia whispered.

Becca glanced around. When she spotted them, she turned back
to face Olivia. “Why are they together?”

“Two people I can’t stand most, together. Imagine that.”

“I think we need to let Sam know about this. Sharon is here
for a reason and Sam needs to know she’s buddies with Stephanie.” Becca turned
to look at them again.

“They’re not sitting together. They went to separate
tables,” Olivia said as they stood to leave. She noticed Sharon looking her way
but Olivia refused to look at her.

After leaving the diner, Olivia and Becca crossed the street
and walked the few blocks to the Sheriff’s department. Betty Lou Harper smiled
up at both of them.

“Hi, girls,” she said with a big smile.

Olivia smiled. “Hello, Betty Lou. How are you?” Then she
mentally groaned when Betty Lou proceeded to tell her exactly how she was.
Becca nudged her as they tried not to laugh.

What are you two doing here?” Sam asked as he sauntered toward them. Olivia bit
back a sigh. Sam was so hot. Those baby blues were absolute killers.
If I weren’t so crazy about

“Hi, Sam.”
Olivia grinned up at

“Can we talk in your office a minute?” Becca asked.

Sam gave a worried frown but had them follow him. He nodded
for them to take seats and then he sat behind his desk. They sat in the chairs
opposite him.

“Olivia’s birth mother is in town and we’re sure she’s up to
no good. We just saw her and Stephanie Taylor talking,” Becca told him.

Sam nodded. “I know. It’s not the first time either. Wyatt,
Jake, Gabe, and I saw them talking the other day.”

“Could you check into her for me?” Olivia asked.

“I’m on it. I already called a friend at the U S Marshals’
Office in Butte. He’ll get back to me in a few days, I’m sure.”

“Is it possible Stephanie had Sharon come here to mess with
me?” Olivia asked.

“Anything’s possible, Liv. With the Internet the way it is
today, just about anyone can be found,” Sam told her. “Stephanie’s made it
clear she’s not happy about you and Wyatt so nothing would surprise me, but
what does she hope to gain? Wyatt’s not going back to her no matter what she

“I agree, but Stephanie won’t give up. I’m sure she’s behind
Sharon being here,” Becca said.

After talking a little longer with Sam, and confirming all
the information she had on Sharon, Olivia and Becca thanked him and left the
office. She felt Becca boring a stare through her.

“Spill it, Liv.”

“She wants money from me. I told her I didn’t have any, but
she knows your parents left me some.” She glanced at Becca, feeling guilty
about it all. “I don’t know what to do. Wyatt said I’m not to give her a single

“He’s right. Don’t you dare give her any money,” Becca

“Becca, she threatened to harm Wyatt.”

Becca gasped. “You need to march right back in there and
tell Sam that.”

“It’ll just be her word against mine, Becs.”

“I don’t know…I suppose you’re right. We’ll talk about it
later. You’re still coming tonight for Jake’s birthday party at the town hall,
aren’t you?”

Olivia smiled. “Of course, I am. Wyatt’s picking me up.” She
hugged her friend. “I’ll see you tonight. I love you, Becs.”

Becca waved goodbye, got into her vehicle, and drove away.
Olivia headed home as well and since she had a few hours before Wyatt was
picking her up, she decided she’d work on the website a while longer. Only a
few more days and the B and B would close and Sharon would be out of her hair.
But sadly, not out of Clifton.

Olivia bit her bottom lip with her teeth. If she gave Sharon
the money she could be rid of her, and she definitely wanted her gone and out
of her life, which made her ponder how Sharon had found her at all. As Sam had
reminded her, the Internet was full of information but why show up all of a
sudden? Becca’s parents died seven years ago and the coffee shop sold months
ago, so why had Sharon shown up now? It all seemed to come back to when Olivia
started seeing Wyatt, and that was why she suspected Stephanie had something to
do with it.

Too distracted to work, she returned to her apartment, fed
Punkin, took a shower, dressed, and sat down to wait for Wyatt to pick her up. She
was so anxious to see him. They hadn’t had much time together lately and she
missed him terribly. When someone knocked on her door, she jumped up and ran to
open the door, only to groan aloud when she saw Sharon standing there.

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