X Descending (45 page)

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Authors: Christian Lambright

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MSFC Revolutionary Propulsion Research: 101

MSFC: (see Marshal Space Flight Center)

MUFON Journal: 190

MUFON Symposium: 180, 214, 215

MUFON: 65, 66, 168, 180, 190, 212, 214, 215

Mutual UFO Network: 65

MWSA: (see Manzano Weapons Storage Area)

Myrabo, Leik N.: 48-51, 53-55, 57-59, 61-63, 65-68, 72-76, 79-87, 91-97, 100-101, 109, 222

Nakhon Phanom (Thailand): 177

Nakhon Phanom Royal Thai Air Force Base: 177, 227, 232-233, 236

Namebase.org: 252

NASA Telex: 206

NASA: 53, 54, 64, 68, 72, 78, 81, 92-94, 99, 100, 160, 206, 207, 277, 278

National Archives: 201

National Defense Counsel: 87

National Investigation Committee: 190

National Personnel Records Center: 237

National Press Club: 214, 215

National Security Agency: 88, 89, 102, 103, 113, 207

Navajo River canyon: 124

Naval Surface Warfare Center: 190

Navy: 147, 216, 232

Nebraska: 201

Nevada: 93, 160, 161, 173, 198

New Mexico State Police: 176, 242

New Scientist (magazine article): 267, 267

New York: 238, 240, 242, 276

Nicaragua: 253

NIDS: 93, 94

NKP: (see Nakhon Phanom Royal Thai Air Force Base)

NORAD: 89, 90

Northrop-Grumman: 87

NSA: 85, 102, 108, 110, 114, 159, 160, 162, 164, 166, 167, 169, 206-209, 260, 265

Nuclear weapons: 16, 55, 173

Nung (of Laos): 253

O.H. Krill: 214, 216, 218

Occupants: 195, 269

Odeen, Philip: 87, 91

Office of Naval Intelligence: 85

Offutt Air Force Base (Nebraska): 201

Ohio: 92

Omaha: 201-203

ONI: 85

Ortega, Sam: 151-154, 184

OSI: 147, 181

Packard, David: 147

Pain beam: 262

Pao, Vang: 182, 249, 254

Paranet: 202

Passplanet: 250-252

PELT: 267

Pentagon: 38, 266, 270, 274

Phan Rang, (Vietnam-Air Base): 236

PHaSR: 267

Phillips Laboratory: 21, 86, 88, 92, 95, 97

Phillips Labs: 92

Phillips, Harold E.: 89

Phoenix: 203

Phongsali (Laos): 177, 249-251, 255

Photonics.com: 67

Phou Pha Thi (Laos): 175, 223, 253

PM&AM Research: 81

Podkletnov, Eugene: 78, 79

Popular Mechanics: 50, 57, 100, 109, 110, 275, 277

Pratt, Robert (Bob): 180-182

Presidential Rank Award: 170

Project Aquarius: 166, 188, 198, 206-209, 214, 215

Project Beta: 24, 102, 143, 149, 169, 173, 198, 259-261, 265

Project Blue Book: 22, 38, 123, 162, 173, 178, 184, 273

Project Serpo: 226, 239

Project Starlight: 39, 66

Propellants Branch: 92

Propulsion Directorate: 86, 91, 92, 95

Propulsion Sciences: 92

Pursuit Of Shadows: 146

Puthoff, Hal: 92-94, 107

Quintanilla, Hector: 38, 273

Qwest Communications: 238, 242

Rachel (Nevada): 161

Radar: 18, 156, 175, 230, 233-235, 262, 264

Raizer, Yu. P.: 66

Ravens: 249

Ravnitzky, Michael: 114

Reagan, Ronald: 87

Remote viewers: 88, 89, 93

Remote Viewing: 88-90, 92, 93, 107

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (New York): 47-50, 57-58, 62, 67, 75, 86, 87, 91, 94, 101, 276

Rensselaer Polytechnic Review: 62

Reverse spectrum analyzer: 134

Robinson (Texas): 30

Rockets: 45, 101

Rosenthal (Texas): 30

Roswell (New Mexico): 33, 34, 98, 138, 199, 201

Rotating disc: 78

Rotating superconducting disc: 79

Rotating superconductor: 78

RPI: (see Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)

Rumsfeld, Donald: 87

Sagan, Carl: 222

Saint Girons, Benoit: 251

San Antonio (Texas): 39

Sandia Base: 21, 88

Sandia Labs: 142

Sandia Military Reservation: 7, 13, 16, 55, 133

Sandia National Laboratories: 262

Sandia Security: 13, 14, 151, 153, 184

São José dos Campos (Brazil): 67, 276

Scheidel, P. Neal (Brig. General): 154

ScorpWorks: 266-268

Scottsdale (Arizona): 65

Screenwriter: 229, 243

SDIO: (see Strategic Defense Initiative Organization)

Sebastian, Kurt: 80

Seismogram: 259

Semipalatinsk: 107

Serpo: 226, 239

Shadow War: 253

Shock Tunnel: 45, 80

Shock Wave Drag Reduction: 81

Shu, Chi-Wang: 80

Site 5: 176, 177, 227, 236, 237, 249, 252, 255

Skunkworks Digest: 47

Skunkworks: 47, 267, 278

Slawson, Thomas M.: 146-147

Socorro: 37-39, 41, 50, 269, 270, 272-274

Space Vehicles Directorate: 96

Spacetoday.org: 101

Sparks, Brad: 180

Sparks: 136, 180

Special Forces: 235, 250, 252, 253

Special Operations: 252

Sprinkle, Leo: 193, 197

Squires, Stephen: 92

SR-71: 46, 47

SRI International: 93

STAIF-2007: 94

Stanford University: 93

Stanford, Ray: 37-51, 54, 55-68, 71-86, 93-101, 107-109, 114-115, 221-223, 252-253, 266, 270

Star Wars: 87, 265

Starfire (Optical Range): 169, 170, 172

Stavatti Corporation: 266

Stone, Don: 151-154, 184

Strategic Air Command: 234

Strategic Defense Initiative Organization: 91

Strategic Defense Initiative: 86, 87, 91, 265

Stubblebine, Albert N.: 89-90, 93

Sullivan, William H. (Ambassador to Laos): 234

Superconducting disc: 78, 79

SuperLab: 95

Supersonic: 66, 80, 81, 275

TACAN: (see Tactical Air Control and Navigation)

Tactical Air Control and Navigation: 175, 230, 231

Tactical Infantry System-1: 266

Tactical Technology Office: 81

Targ, Russell: 93

TAVD: (see Transatmospheric Vehicle Design)

Taylor, Chris Y.: 79

Technical Intelligence: 102, 103

Teleportation Physics Study: 92

Teleportation Physics: 92

Telex: 164, 166, 168, 172, 203, 206-209

Thermonuclear Research Division: 65

TIS-1: 266

Tormé, Tracy: 203

Transatmospheric Laser Propulsion: 91

Transatmospheric Vehicle Design: 57, 58, 67, 101

Transatmospheric vehicles: 64, 97, 277

Tri-Nine Airlines: 254

Troy (New York): 276

TRW: 87, 91, 266

TTO: (see Tactical Technology Office)

Tucson (Arizona): 81, 148, 157

Udorn Royal Thai Air Force Base (Thailand): 233, 234

UFO Working Group: 89, 90, 93


University of Alabama: 78

University of Arizona Aerospace: 81

University of New Mexico: 81

University of North Texas: 46

USAF: 21, 151, 178, 227

Usenet (newsgroups): 46

Valdez, Gabe: 9, 123, 126, 127, 193

Victorian, Armen: 89

Video signals: 18

Video transmissions: 122

Vientienne: 183, 254

Vietnam War forum: 176, 180, 255

Vietnam War: 174-176, 180, 182, 250, 255

Vietnam: 174-176, 180, 182, 183, 216, 227, 228, 236, 247, 250, 254, 255

Virtually Strange Network: 76

Visions Of Tomorrow: 63

W.J. Schafer Associates, Inc.: 65

W.O.W.(Radio station): 201

Wannabe(s): 228, 243, 247

Warner, Roger: 234

Warp Drive Metrics: 93

Warren, John: 65, 152

Washington D.C.: 25, 49, 88, 201, 202, 214

Weitzel Letter: 157-159, 164, 165, 167, 195, 197, 200, 203, 204, 206

Weitzel, Craig: 195, 196, 198

White House: 152, 165, 274

White Sands (New Mexico): 86, 91-92, 100

Williams, Earle: 88

Wilson, Jim: 110

Wind tunnel: 47

Wright brothers: 45, 46

Wright-Patterson AFB (Ohio): 92

WSMR: (see White Sands)

Zamora, Lonnie: 37, 38, 269-274

Zechel, Todd: 191

Zero-point energy: 92

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