Xavier FINAL (Men of Steel #4) (18 page)

BOOK: Xavier FINAL (Men of Steel #4)
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He didn’t answer.

“You scared the hell out of me and that’s not okay. You tell Xavier that I don’t appreciate

I let out a loud whistle and a cab pulled up. “Let’s go Tally.”

Tally sat beside me in the cab and looked at me curiously.

“What?” I asked her.

“When you say Xavier do you mean Xavier Steel? The one on the news and on You-Tube

“Yes. He’s my boss, sort of. Well his mom is my boss.”

“Damn he’s hot.” She laughed, “So the rumors are true?”

“What rumors?”

“The girl on the internet with him is you?”

“Tally whose talking about that?”

“Everyone,” she laughed. “I told them no way. You weren’t the kind of girl to give

“That wasn’t me. I swear to you that wasn’t me.”

“Don’t get pissed off, let’s have a good time okay? Maybe we’ll run into your boss
or whatever he is. Hot dang T. Lyn he is hawt!”

We would certainly be running into him but his hotness had nothing to do with it.



Chapter 15


Venus - X


“She what? You what!” I snapped.

“She refused a ride and I lost the cab.”

“Did she say where she was going?”

“No sir I’m pretty certain she wasn’t impressed that I was here. She also knew the
car was here last night. She said she didn’t appreciate it--.”

“You fucking told her the car was mine.”

“No sir, I didn't answer her.”

“Well that’s just as good as saying yes for fuck sake!”

“She said it scared her.”

“I don’t have time for this shit! I’m knee deep in trying to get things rolling here
James. Find the fucking cab.”

“Will do.”

“You better or your job is on the damn line. She has a crazy ex and the fucking photographers
trying to figure out who I’m banging now sniffing around her--.”

“Might I suggest you stop--?”

“No.” I hung up the phone looked at the time. I was gonna be late meeting Finn Beckett,
a kick ass bass player and vocalist Taelyn had found on You-Tube playing at Club Venus.
I pulled over and grabbed my phone and typed in Taelyn phone information in the find
my phone app. The little bulb was moving so I was fucked until she hit her destination.

I was pretty damn close to calling her but now she was pissed about last night, and
the car I had watching her. What the fuck was with me? This shit wasn’t going as planned.
I wasn’t like my brothers. No bitch was gonna jack me up by the balls and twist me
up like this.

Twenty five minutes later I called James and told him the general vicinity of where
she was. I wasn’t about to fuck this up over a girl. Not even Taelyn. I pulled back
on the road and headed towards the club.

When I pulled in I looked at the app again and the phone rang at the same time.

“She’s arrived at--.”

“Yeah I know. Get some sleep; I’ll call you if I need you.”

“Sir, my niece has a dance recital and will be broken hearted if I don’t show up.”

“James she’s a kid she’ll get over it. Besides you don’t work at Disney, I’m not paying
you to be nice to kids.”

I hung up the phone and hit the accelerator.

I pulled into the club twenty minutes late, because of a girl. A girl who I would
be ignoring from this point on. I sent James a text telling him go see his nieces’
dance thing. I would find someone to cover.

His reply was thank you sir. Okay so I was sir. I didn’t want to be fucking sir. I
also didn’t want to be walking into a club knowing that the girl with the platinum
pussy was in there. I kid you not, my fucking mouth watered thinking about tasting
that again. And I would be, tonight. She would be begging for it. I’d give it to her,
after she sucked me off. She fucking owed me one. Fuck she owed me more than one,
she came at least three times yesterday morning and, fuck yes, I was keeping score.

I walked in and saw her immediately. She was off to the left of the stage and laughing
with some chick and who I assume was Finn Beckett. Her black dress wasn’t one of those
little black dress staples that all women needed. It was a tiny black dress. Short
as fuck. And heels, holy hell they were tall.
Easy boy
, I told my dick.

She shook his hand and stepped back. The little brunette beside her was grinning from
ear to ear at Finn when the band started playing a cover of
Wake Me Up
by Avicii. Taelyn and the other chick were standing in front of the stage dancing.

You know how hard it is to concentrate on the music while your eyes are glued to an
ass, and then you look around and it’s real fucking obvious that so are a bunch of
other eyes?
Fucking hard. Worse was this feeling that I wanted to annihilate every one of them.
And the cherry topper, I was already in the fucking dog house so I needed to play
this game, better, smarter, and harder than she was.

I walked to the corner of the dance floor where if she looked she wouldn’t miss me.
I had to close my eyes to concentrate on listening to his playing. He was good. The
way he locked rhythms with the drummer was perfection. I would love to see if it where
something that came naturally or if it came from practice.

He could sing too. He did his own thing with the cover, not just simply copying the
original. Playing bass while singing wasn’t something a lot of people could do while
staying locked in with the drums. His fills were natural and brought the song from
verse to chorus flawlessly.

I swear I could feel eyes burning into me and I glanced towards Taelyn on the dance
floor. She swung her hips and did a small circle so she wasn’t facing me. I watched
as her hips moved slowly to the beat.

I also took special interest in the natural confidence so exuded. When any one of
those hungry ass fucks tried to dance with her she gave them a cold glance, rolled
her eyes ever so slightly, and then turned her back to them. Fucking hot!

They played three more songs that showcased Finn’s vocal talents before ending the
set. I went to the bar and asked the bartender to fill a tray with whatever the band
is drinking and some shooters.

I walked up to the table that sat beside the stage and sat the tray down.

“Finn Beckett, I’m Xavier Steel. You’re one hell of a bass guitarist.” I stuck my
hand out and shook his.

“Thanks man.” He gave me a firm hand shake and smiled.

He looked past me as he took a drink and stared at the girls who were now beside me.
I knew that look. He wanted to tap that ass.

“She yours?” He pointed his straw to Taelyn and her friend.

“Which one?” I asked and then I felt a heel, a very sharp heel pressing into my foot.

“Either one.”

“If this one was mine she wouldn’t be wearing that dress in public that’s for damn
sure.” I laughed and pulled my foot out from under hers.

“If he were mine he’d be a little less caveman and a little more Romeo,” she shot

Beckett laughed and looked past us at the girl.

I pulled out a chair and pointed, “Have a seat Taelyn.” She huffed and sat down. “Sorry
I don’t know your name.”

“Tally. My names Tally.”

I pulled out a chair and looked up; she and Beckett were looking at one another.

“Tally would you like to sit?”

“She can sit here.” Beckett patted his knee and she sat on his lap.

I sat down next to Taelyn and whispered, “What a good girl she is.”

She glared at me and it made me hard. Focus. His bandmates were busy doing body shots
of some of the local ass so he was all mine.

We chatted about his schedule and it became apparent that meeting here like this wasn’t
a great idea. Beckett was focused on Tally and getting laid. So before they took stage
I gave him my card and told him if he was interested in furthering his career I would
love to sit down and talk. He nodded and dropped my card in his guitar case.

He wasn’t taking me seriously. What the fuck. I saw Taelyn trying not to laugh.

“Did you tell him I was some rich fuck that he shouldn’t take seriously?”

Then she laughed in my face. “Yes, that’s what I said right after I gave him a card
from my new business.”

“Your new business huh?”

“Yep, I decided to become an agent. So you need to get through me before you get to

“Are you fucking kidding me?”

“Nope,” she laughed. “You have a lot of ass to kiss buddy.”

“You mean pussy to eat?” Her jaw dropped. “Let’s make a deal Irish. I hook him; you
and me, my place and you’ll be on your knees swallowing two days’ worth of cum. You
hook him I’ll eat your pussy raw. You can have tomorrow off cause you’re gonna be
laying in bed with an ice pack on between your legs.”

“You’re a pig,” she laughed.

“You’re drunk.”

“You should shut your mouth and save your strength. I’ve got an ace up my sleeve.”
She nodded towards Tally.

“Pussy is pussy. It’s bros before hoes Irish.”

I grabbed her hand and pulled her out on the dance floor.

“I didn’t agree to dance with you.”

“I didn’t ask.”

They were covering
by Gavin DeGraw. She was shaking her ass and I was making damn sure she was shaking
it for me. I held her hips in my hands and pulled her back against my chest, guiding
her body as I rocked against her. My hand moved up her side and her arms rose in the
air. We moved to the beat of the song, our bodies in sync. It was hot as fuck.

I moved my hand in front of her letting it rest low enough that rested just below
the sexiest little belly button my tongue had ever dipped inside. I moved my hand
slowly up and then used just my finger drawing an imaginary line between her tits
until my hand rested at the base of her throat. I pushed her chin up with a finger
and she rested her head on my shoulder and looked up at me. I bent down and nipped
her upper lip and she closed her eyes allowing her body to relax against mine.

The next cover started and it was
by Three Days Grace. I was just about ready to drag her out back when a loud bang
and an even louder
what the fuck
came through the speakers.

I turned to see what the hell was going on and the drummer was passed out cold on
the stage. I saw the bar owner fly out of the back and start screaming at Beckett.

“I fucking told you one more fuck up and you guys were done here. This is one more
time. Beckett you’re better than this but I’m fucking done. Pack your shit and get

“We can finish the set man. I need the cash Joey.”

“We already agreed. You don’t get paid if you don’t finish.”

I walked Taelyn over to Tally and took her face in my hands, “Prepare yourself Irish.
You’ll be on your knees soon.”

I walked up and told the owner I could fill in. He laughed at me and Beckett hung
his head.

“Are you kidding me?” The owner asked.

“Give me a shot man. That’s all anyone needs right is someone to take a chance on
them. I fuck it up you don’t pay them, I don’t fuck up they get paid. Either way the
set gets finished, your customers go home with on hell of a story about your place

He laughed and waved his hand in the air, “The nights fucked up anyway.” And then
he walked away.

Beckett looked at me, “Thanks man but …”

“But nothing. You get paid tonight, you give me a shot.”

“My music is for me. No offense man but I looked you up on the internet. I love to
rock the stage and I get paid in pussy either way.”

“I hear you man I really do but this isn’t a game for me either.”

He let out a deep breath and shook his head, “If you’re for real we talk, but there
are three of us hear.”

“But only two of you seem serious. Your drummer is holding you back.”

The crowd was getting restless and I looked at Beckett. “I’ll show you how serious
I am if you’ll do the same.”

“Fuck it, let’s rock.”

Beckett got on stage and took the mic, “This guy thinks he can rock. What do you say
we give him a chance?”

“Take your shirt off!” Someone screamed from the audience and I looked over and it
was Taelyn. “Take. It. Off.” She chanted and the crowd followed suit.

Beckett looked at me and I shrugged my shoulders and pulled my shirt off over my head.
The crowd went wild and Beckett laughed.

“What can you do man?”

“You lead, I’ll follow.” I grabbed the sticks off the floor and sat behind the drum

“How about some Zeppelin?” Beckett yelled into the mic.

Tally and Taelyn screamed and whistled.

Beckett started
Black Dog
by Led Zeppelin and I was happy as fuck. I knew old rock and this was one I could
play on drums and guitar. We fucking nailed it. Beckett moved onto
by Van Halen, and we finished with Kisses
Lick It Up

Beckett and the boys got paid, we scheduled a meeting at Steel on Monday, and Tally
left with the band.

“You owe me big,” I laughed as I took Taelyns' hand.

“We didn’t shake on it,” She smiled a big bright drunken smile at me and yeah that
shit made me smile. “Besides I’m mad at you.”

I opened the door to the SUV and helped her in.

I got in the driver’s seat and started up the SUV. I reached down and unbuttoned my
pants and pulled my dick out. “You can start now.”

I pulled out onto the street and she laughed. “I don’t think so buddy.”

I reached over and grabbed her hand and put it on my growing erection.

“He says start thinking differently.” I wrapped my hands around hers and stroked back
and forth. “A bet’s a bet.”

She looked up at me, “Say you’re sorry.”

“Sorry for what?” I asked still stroking myself with her hand.

“Beating up poor Bill.”

“I didn’t beat him up. You screamed and I thought someone was hurting you.”

“Fine. Say sorry for licking my face,” she scowled and it was so cute.

“It was either that or your pussy. I figured the other would get me in more trouble.”

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