Xavier FINAL (Men of Steel #4) (19 page)

BOOK: Xavier FINAL (Men of Steel #4)
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“Okay then say sorry for stalking me.” She leaned back against the seat and her hand
was now moving up and down me un-provoked.

“I won’t apologize for worrying about you. You got your ass kicked--.”

“I hit him first,” she yawned.

“Okay tough guy, fine you hit him first, but tell me how did you sleep last night,
in that place, without me being there with you?”

“Only because I’m drunk I will tell you. I slept like shit. But I would have been
fine if he didn’t text me. So you--.”

“He sent you a text?”

“Sure did.” She slurred. “Apparently I was only good for money. He wanted to know
what I planned on doing about my name being on the lease. I don’t want to talk about
him. I wanna play with your big old cock and have emotionless sex with the tattooed
alpha male who eats my--.”

I held my hand over hers stopping her strokes. “How did he get your new number?”

She looked over at me and shook her head back and forth. “How? Oh my God I didn’t
even think --.”

She looked scared, real scared and it shook me up pretty bad. “Come here.” I lifted
the console and she moved over towards me. “I won’t say I told you so.”

She smiled sadly, “You just did.”

“I’m not playing a game, no bets are being made right now and you will do as I say.
You’ll stay at Carly’s place until I figure this shit out.”

“Why is he--?”

“If you were ever mine, and I fucked it up, I would sure as hell be trying to find
a way back Taelyn. Nothing would keep me away.”

I pulled her head on my shoulder, kissed the top of her head, and shoved my cock back
in my pants. She nuzzled into my neck and wrapped her arm around in front of me and
just stayed right there. Accepting what I was offering, finally.

We pulled through the gates and she was passed out. I pulled into the driveway and
turned off the vehicle. I leaned her over in her seat and walked around the SUV and
opened the door and picked her up and carried her into the house.

I walked up the stairs, laid her in bed, and then, hell yes, I started at the shoes
and then the knee high stockings attached to a fuck me garter belt. I stripped her
drunken ass naked and grabbed a tee shirt out of the closet and covered her beautiful
naked body with a shirt and then pulled the blankets over her.

I took a quick shower, climbed in beside her and held her while I fell asleep.


Chapter 16


Bite Me


I woke wrapped around Xavier. When I moved just a bit his strong arms held me still.
I didn’t want to get up. I knew as soon as I opened my eyes my head was going to hurt
just like it should after doing shots of vodka and tying one on last night. He was
so warm and comfortable. As always he smelled clean and masculine. His warm breath
against my cheek reminded me of a gentle breeze. The comfort of his body mixed with
the sweet sounds coming from him pulled me back into a restful slumber.

I woke again when he was kissing my hair and then sliding out from under me.

“What time is it?” I asked without opening my eyes.

“Go back to sleep. I’ll be back.”

I couldn’t go back to sleep. It just wasn’t going to happen. I sat up as soon as he
walked out of the bedroom and scooted off the bed and went in to the bathroom.

When I had showered and brushed my teeth I walked down the stairs and heard Xavier
on the phone. He was talking to someone about Daniel. I walked down the last stair
and it creaked alerting him I was here.

He covered the phone, “You need something?”

“Water.” I walked into the kitchen and opened the refrigerator and grabbed a bottle

“Hey. How are you feeling?” He walked around me and stood against the counter.

He stood there in basketball shorts and nothing else. His hair was a sexy mess and
his body was so hard to look away from. Not just because he was ripped but because
there was a lot to look at. His tattoos, piercings, six pack, and the damn V muscles.

His shorts rested low enough that you could see the beginning of a nicely manscaped
area that led to the most perfect…

“Cat got your tongue?” He smirked that sexy as hell smirk. The one that said,
keep looking, that’s what I’m here for,
and I did keep looking, until my mouth was able to form words.


“I bet. You tied one on last night.”

“Who were you talking to?”


“Very funny.” I rolled my eyes at him.

“There’s no one else here.”

“On the phone, about Daniel.”

His jaw clenched and the muscles flexed. The timing wasn’t probably appropriate to
be thinking about how sexy he was, but damn. I had to close my eyes and turn away
from him or I may have been tempted to touch the ink.

“George,” was all he said and he turned away from me, grabbed the coffee pot, and
poured two cups of coffee.


“He works for Steel. Looks into things you know?”

I knew, of course I knew, that’s what my brothers did,
looked into things
. “Yeah I know. Xavier?”

“What’s up?” He turned and looked at me.

“Why are you doing all this?”

“You work for me.” He handed me a cup of coffee.

“I work for your Mom. She hired me.”

He shook his head and looked down then shrugged his shoulders. “I didn’t like seeing
you hurt.”

“I see.” I took a sip of my coffee. “My brothers would look into it if I were really
that worried--.”

“I’m that worried. I can handle this. I got you into this--.”

“No you didn’t. He cheated on me. You didn’t do anything wrong. Well you did, but--.”

“Taelyn, I like you. I don’t like chicks.”

I laughed and his eyes grew large and he gasped.

“Sorry, go on.”

“Don’t fucking laugh again. This shit isn’t easy you know.” He pouted.

“I like you too. Is that better?”

“No Taelyn, girls like me, that’s nothing new. But this thing.” He stopped and groaned.
“Fuck I don’t know. You didn’t throw yourself at me.” He stopped and paced back and
forth and I was laughing inside. “When I found out my mom hired you, I was pissed.
I saw your picture and I knew she was trying to put some sort of cock block on me.”

“You think your mother would try to cock block you?” I laughed out loud this time.

He looked at me with the most serious expression I had ever seen on his face. “You
don’t know Josephina Steel.”

I stopped laughing immediately. “She’s gonna hate me.” His expression changed. His
lip started to curl up in a smirk. “It’s not funny.”

He laughed, “Why do you care what she thinks about you?”

I didn’t know how to answer him without admitting I had feelings for him. “I don’t
know.” I turned so I wasn’t looking at him.

“You care what Momma Joe thinks?” He laughed again.

“I suppose I do. She’s my boss right? I’m fucking my -- whatever you are and her son.”
My voice squeaked and I started getting anxious. “She’s gonna fire me before I even
get a paycheck Xavier.”

“Oh shit, I have your paycheck from Friday. I must have forgotten it. So that’s not
gonna happen Irish.” He was still laughing.

“Listen you smug--.”

“No this is perfect. So I was thinking, if you don’t keep banging me I could tell
my Momma that you seduced me and are forcing me to eat your pussy or you’ll--.”

“You wouldn’t!”

“Just to see you blush, I absolutely would.”

“Why do you like me to blush and be uncomfortable?”

“Because it makes my dick hard.”

“That’s sick.” I tried to walk past him just so he wouldn’t see me blush.

He grabbed my arm and pulled me hard up against him. “It’s the truth Irish.”

He lifted my leg and bent slightly so his erection was pushing against my pajama pants.
I tried to pull away and he rubbed against me again.

“You are so--.”

“Hard,” his mouth covered mine and the taste of coffee and cinnamon mixed. That mixed
with his clean masculine smell and the fact that I was already wet from just looking
at him made me cave.

His tongue rubbed against mine and all I could think about was how much I loved to
kiss Xavier Steel. God he was so good at this. So good at everything. He tried to
pull away and I grabbed his face.

“Mmm,” he said as I licked his tongue.

His hands cupped my ass and he lifted me up. I held his neck with one hand and pushed
his shorts down with the other.

“Fuck Irish.” He hissed when I bit his lower lip and wiggled down so that I was standing.
I pushed my pants down and grabbed his neck and jumped up.

He caught my ass and laughed, “You need something babe?”

“Your -- thing. Now.”

He smiled and pushed against me, “This?”

“Yes,” I leaned in to kiss him and he leaned back.

“You’re so fucking hot do you know that?”

“I do now. Thanks. Now would you?”

“Would I what?”

He was trying to embarrass me.

I reached between us and grabbed his dick and rubbed it against myself.

“Damn.” He groaned. “You want my cock just say so.”

“No need, I got it.”

He laughed and leaned in to kiss me. This time I pulled back and laughed to myself.
He pushed just inside me. That hot steel nudged my G spot and I leaned forward and
bit his shoulder to stop the sound of my screams.

“Oh you just fucked up Irish,” he groaned. “You squeeze there and I will fuck you
into oblivion. You bite it, you bypass that shit and I fuck you stupid. Hang on.”

He slammed into me so hard that I’m sure it hurt, but he just kept hammering and hammering
into me. I was panting, screaming and coming so hard already that his hand was on
my back keeping me upright.

My ass hit the table and he pushed me back. He grabbed me behind my knees, held my
legs up, and kept fucking me. “Oh. God.”

I watched his face and the look on it was intense. When he looked away from where
we were connected and into my eyes he sighed and then closed his eyes. “Fucking. Perfect,”
he whispered.

I pushed my body up and he let my legs down.

“Sit,” I panted.

He pulled me up. “Legs, Irish.” He buried his face in my neck and his teeth grazed
up slowly and he panted, “Don’t fucking break us apart.”

He sat down in a chair and brought me down hard on him. My feet touched the ground
and his hands seized my waist in his firm, needy, grip.

“My turn,” I held my forehead to his.

“Show me the stars Irish,” he smiled.

I raised and lowered myself onto him slowly at first, allowing my body the chance
to conform to the new position. His groans when I came down mixed with the sensation
of topping him and being in control made me feel sexy. The way he watched me made
me feel beautiful, the twinkling and wonder in his dark hooded eyes made me want to
give him everything I knew I had held back for years now.

I held the back of the chair and rode him hard, “Fuck. God Irish .You -- fuck!”

He was ready to come. I felt him growing even more inside of me.

“Come, please come,” I pleaded.

I couldn’t keep up the pace; I was slipping into yet another earth shattering orgasm.
He lifted me up and sat me on the counter and fucking me hard until he stilled, grunted,
and I felt him jerk, spilling inside of me.

He reached up cupping my breasts and rubbing the pad of his thumb across my nipple
as I rested my head on his shoulder.

“I’m gonna shower and head into Steel. There’s a list of things on the desk I need
you to go over. I will swing back at seven to pick you up.”


“What Taelyn?” He kissed my head and rubbed his lips across it.

“Office rule, no work talk when you’re still inside me.”

“Right.” He kissed me again and pulled out. “Shower with me?”

“Give me a minute so I can feel my legs.”

He turned around and pulled my arms over his shoulders, “Hang on.”

“It’ll get all over you,” I laughed.

“We’re going to the shower not church.”


I spent the rest if the morning daydreaming about Xavier. Then my mother called. She
asked a lot of questions about how I was doing with the break up with Daniel. I mentioned
that he had texted me. She tried not to act concerned, but she’s a cop’s wife. She’s
naturally suspicious.

I ended up telling her my new boss’s sister was away and I was staying in her apartment.
She thought it was a good idea. She asked about my boss, and I told her I hadn’t met
her yet. That Xavier wasn’t my boss.

She laughed, “Do you like him Taelyn? More than you thought before?”

It took a minute to answer her but I finally did, “Yes.”

“How much?”

“A lot.” She didn’t say anything. “Mom, he’s a lot like the boys but I’m smart. I
know what I’m doing.”

“I won’t mention it to the boys--.”

“Or Dad, Mom. It’s not like he’ll be around that long. But right now he’s really good
for me,” and very bad too but I didn’t mention that.

“Don’t get yourself hurt and don’t hurt him. Boys will be boys but they have hearts.
If he’s a rebound let him know.”

“We understand each other. It’s nothing really.”

“Then why do you sound sad?”

“I don’t know. I don’t like the way things went down with Daniel. I can’t believe
what a fool I was.”

“Why don’t you come home for the weekend? Hang out with me.”

“I suppose I could come home. Maybe Saturday--.”

“We have work to do Taelyn,” hearing Xavier behind me made me jump.

“When did you get here?” I asked holding my chest.

“Who are you talking to?”

He was pissed and I didn’t know why. I looked down and he had bags in his hands. My
bags, from my apartment, and shopping bags.

“My Mom. What the hell are you doing?”

“Making sure you stay safe. That’s what I’m doing.” He set the bags down and snatched
the phone out of my hand and hit speaker. “Mrs. Patrick how are you?”

“I’m well, Xavier is it?”

“It sure is. Has she always been this strong willed?”

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