Xavier FINAL (Men of Steel #4) (8 page)

BOOK: Xavier FINAL (Men of Steel #4)
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“Work stuff Abe, chill out.”

“You trying to bang her?”

“No. I don’t fuck around with chicks who aren’t interested.”

“But you’re being careful of who you bed?”

I thought about last night and the chick in the alley. “I’m fine man.”

“Just be careful.”

I reached in my pocket and pulled out a cock sock, “Never leave home without it.”


The wall went up fast. A little over half way up it was brick and then a huge window
letting in much needed light. I decided to go get something to eat and stop by the
home improvement store.

I sat alone in the restaurant just a few blocks away from Steel. I was dog ass tired
and it was only noon. I grabbed my phone and sent a text to Taelyn telling her to
take the day off. She should spend it with her guy and that it was cold at the office.
She didn’t reply.

I have no clue why it pissed me off that she was probably in bed with that douche
but it did. I needed to put some distance between her and I. Two weeks straight of
spending more time than necessary wasn’t cool, not at all. I never hung out with chicks.
Never talked about my life, past or future with them and I needed to nip that shit
in the bud.

It needed to be more professional, but I didn’t want that type of atmosphere for Forever
Four either. Forever Four, what the fuck was I thinking when I sketched the logo?
She saw it. I hadn’t even recognized it but she fucking saw it.

I had no clue what I was gonna do because she was creeping in. I was kissing a girl
last night while I looked at her. I wanted it to be her. I wanted her to get jealous,
fucking jealous, like I was that she was hanging on that fucktard!

‘You drank the water,’ Ricco had laughed at me. It was funny shit too, unless it’s
your dumb ass self being sucked in by the girl. And the most fucked up part of this
was if I wanted to see where it led I couldn’t. Why? Because she was with Harvey,
Dr. Douche, fucking Daniel.

My phone rang in my pocket and I was hoping it was her. It wasn’t, it was Gabe Falcon.

“What’s up Falcon?”

“Don’t plan on coming back. The fucking window fell and smashed all over the fucking
place. Because SOME IDIOT wasn’t paying attention to FUCKING detail!”

I laughed knowing some poor son of a bitch was in trouble.

“Not funny X. It’ll be three business days before another one comes in, it’s Friday
and its fucking cold. We can still work in this shit but your, lady friend, probably
won’t fair well.”

“Lady Friend?”

“Oh that’s right she’s an employee right.”


“Man you need to get laid.”

“Did last night.”

“Maybe you where plugged into the wrong hole.”


“Yeah man?”

“Go fuck yourself. Have a good weekend. And don’t call, send me a text.”

I hung up and thumbed through my messages. Angel had sent one. Good she’d be tonight’s

There was another from Ricco.

Jessie G is playing in the city. Just left with a new piece. I think you should check
him out. Meet me at eleven if you want. He’s one hell of a guitarist.

Perfect, I could bang Angel, then go out and call it work. Maybe pick up something
else while I’m there to fuck. I’d find the right hole to plug into tonight to wipe
the thought of Taelyn right out of my head.

I messaged Ricco back

-Sounds perfect

I dialed Taelyn to let her know what’s up. She and I would meet in the office on Monday.


The fuck answered her phone.

“Taelyn around?”

“Who is this?”

“Xavier Steel.”

“She’s in the shower. Can I give her a message?”

“This Daniel?”

“Yes, who else would it be?”

“No idea. Let her know she doesn’t have to work tonight. And that on Monday we’ll
meet at the office.”

“I will tell her. I’ll be joining my
in the shower in a couple minutes.”

“Good for you man.”

“You know she’s not some whore you bang in the alley.”

“Why is that any of my concern?”

“I was wondering the same thing. Then she laughed at me when I asked her if you hit
on her.”

“Makes no sense but I’ll humor you. When did I hit on her?”

“Watch yourself man.”

“Are you for real? That girl loves you right?”

“Sure does. Takes care of me very nicely too.”

“Great. I don’t need to fuck a girl who is already fucking someone else. There is
plenty of pussy out there.”

“But you have to be careful about who you choose. That’s what Taelyn said in her drunken
stupor last night. So if that’s a way of leading her into considering an affair with
you, I’m gonna tell you, back off or you’ll be sorry.”

“We all have to be careful Daniel. But I can assure you I’m not into planning who
and when I fuck. And I’m certainly not into backing off if some stupid mother fucker
tries to challenge me at something. You want to do that Daniel? Make this a game?
Or do you want to listen to the fact that I am not into trying to bang some guy’s

“Not a challenge or a threat Steel. I’m telling you she is mine, step back.”

“Don’t you have a shower to take man?” This guy was a fucking tool.

“Yes. When I’m in her who do you think she’ll be thinking of?”

“No idea man but if you’re doing it right it’ll be you she’s thinking about.”

“Don’t you worry about how I do it.”

Game on mother fucker.

“When you get in the shower do me a favor. Turn her around facing the wall. Bend her
over and see if you think that little cluster of freckles on her right inner thigh
is shaped like an X. If it is give it a lick for me. Don’t stop there either. I bet
she tastes good. Keep moving up and try it out. Then text me the details…”

“You mother…”

“Nice chat douche.”

I hung up the phone. Fuck him! And fuck her. Why was she telling him my business?
What the fuck!

I walked across the street and ordered a drink. One turned into two, two turned into
three, and three turned into more, many more.

I ended up returning Angel’s text. She came to the bar, had a drink and she drove
my vehicle to Cyrus’s place.

I didn’t like the way things went down with Angel. She was asking where I had been
hiding all week. I explained to her that I was busy. Never had to before and never
would again. That hook up was done after tonight.

I finger fucked her hot little cunt all the way there. I needed to get laid. Not just
get laid I needed to fuck the life out of someone so I could shut this shit in my
head off.

I fucked her mouth first, then her pussy. And I fucked it again. She was passed out
when I got out of the shower. So I had accomplished what I set out to do.

I laid down and yanked at the blankets she was laying on top of and she opened her
eyes. She moved under them and yes, I covered her up. I fell asleep and when I woke
up it was nine thirty and she was gone. Thank God.

I had an hour to get something to eat and head to the city.


Jessie G was fantastic. He killed it on lead and base and his voice was gruff. Not
poppy. I couldn’t wait to get our, MY, place up and running.

I saw Ricco wave to someone and looked up.

“What is she doing here?” I hissed at him.

“She called the shop. Said you weren’t answering your phone and wanted to know if
everything was alright. I told her to stop over tonight.”

“Hey Ricco.” She slid in next to him. “This the guy?”

“Good huh? Xavier seems real interested.”

“That’s nice.” She smiled as she looked at her phone.

I reached in my pocket checking to see if I had mine and I didn’t. Shit.

“He plays base and lead.” Ricco told her.

“Did anyone record it?” She asked Ricco.

She was completely ignoring me.

“What the fuck do you have to be pissed off about?” I snapped at her.

She looked over and glared at me.

“Fuck that. I am pissed at you!”

“I’m going to grab some drinks.” Ricco slid out and smirked as he walked away.

“Let’s keep this professional shall we Mr. Steel?” She hissed.

“Sure thing Babe, how about confidentiality? You signed paperwork on that didn’t you

“Yeah sure, but you didn’t. You told Daniel to hop in the shower and check out my
inner thigh saying that…”

“Hold the fuck up. Your Dr. Dickweed answered your phone and told me to check myself.
Said you told him I was hitting on you? Then HE told me he was getting ready to take
a shower with you and I told him, have fun. That’s how that shit…”

“Now you hold up! I’ve known Daniel for a long time; he would never say something
like that. But guys like you, well that’s another story. You’re all legends in your
own minds. The fucking Alpha dogs who think…”

“You’re wrong! By the way, where is your little fucking liar tonight? He seemed hell
bent on keeping you away from me and well look at you now, stalking me…”

“Stalking you? Pfft. In your dreams…”

“What the fuck do you call it?”

“Work ethic Mr. Steel. Not let’s blow off, eat dinner, chit chat, and then go get
drunk and dance!”

“Is that so?”

“Yeah that’s…”

“You’re so fucking naive. Your boyfriend shows up at a bar a day early? So why don’t
you tell me about him?”

“He was surprising me! That’s what men like Daniel do. He’s kind and gentle. He doesn’t
hop in the shower when I’m trying to cleanse my body!”

I had to laugh at that. “So then where is Mr. Fucking Perfect tonight Babe?”

“It’s the Sabbath! He’s Jewish! Morals you know!”

“What the hell does that mean?”

“Moral?” She laughed an angry laugh.

“Nice Taelyn.”

“Not that it’s any of your business but we’ve been apart for a while. He doesn’t want
the temptation on…”

“You really need to wake up Babe. He’s not different than the rest of us. Worse if
you ask me. Us guys, guys like me, don’t make promise’s we won’t keep, and we don’t
lie to get the night off.”

“What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

“It means wake up! He’s playing you.”

“Delusional that’s what you are. Oh and P.S. It’s a birth mark not an X!”

Ricco sat a trey of drinks on the table and our spat stopped.


“No!” We both snapped.

We sat and listened to the last set. I couldn’t wait to get out of here. Prissy ass

The bar was starting to empty and I glanced over at Taelyn. She was looking towards
the exit. The look on her face was pure heartache.

“You okay?” I grabbed her elbow as she started to walk away.

She pulled it away. “I’m fine.” She looked at Ricco. “Nice to see you.” And she all
but ran out the door.




Chapter 8




I pushed through the crowd and saw the BMW pull up to the curb. Daniel took the keys
from the valet and opened the door for a blond and patted her ass when she got in.
He pulled money out of his pocket, tipped the valet, winked at him and grabbed his
own crotch. When he got in I saw him lean over and kiss her. My stomach turned and
I felt like I was going to throw up.

I should have ran up and beat on the window, let him know I was here. Let him know
I had watched him touch her. Kiss her. But I was frozen. My body began to shake and
I couldn’t move. My stomach lurched and I tried to cover my mouth but I wasn’t fast
enough. I threw up in the middle of the crowd.

“Awe dude she hurled!” I heard people laughing and some making sounds of disgust and
I finally gathered enough strength to move.

I ran towards the alley and tears began to fall like a late July rain. I felt an arm
grab me around the waist and pull me against him. I didn’t even have to look back
to know who it was. I could smell him. Feel his warmth consume me. I tried to pull
away and he held tighter.

My legs turned to jelly as I cried and he just stood there holding me up. I was trying
to stop and I couldn’t. I was hurt, ashamed, embarrassed, disgusted, and the pain
in my chest wouldn’t go away.

I don’t know how much time had passed when he grabbed behind my legs and scooped me
up like a baby, carried me to his SUV and sat me in the front seat. He got in and
drove. He didn’t say a word and neither did I.

We drove through the tunnel from the City back to Jersey and in less than an hour
he pulled into Cyrus’s place. He killed the engine and got out. My door opened and
he held his hand out for me. I took it and followed him in. After both of us removed
our shoes I walked into the kitchen behind him. He pulled out a chair and motioned
for me to sit.

“Water or booze?” He asked quietly.

I shrugged as the tears started falling again. I covered my face not wanting him to
see the ugly cry that was going to happen.

I heard him set something in front of me and then I felt his fingers push my hair
away from my face.

“Tell me what to do and I’ll do it.”

He tipped my chin up and pulled my hand away from my face.

“Tell me to go find him and kick his ass and I will.”

I shook my head no and took the tissue he handed me.

“I just want to go home and shower and sleep. I just want to forget what I saw. How
did you know? How did you…”

“You ran out the door. I followed you. You looked upset and I couldn’t get through
the crowd without making a commotion. You looked like you didn’t want that type of
attention. Then you got sick and ran.”

“All of it? You saw all of it?”

“I saw you. That’s what I saw. I saw you Taelyn.” He scowled and ran his hands through
his hair. “I’m not good at this shit. There’s a beer and water. You’re not going home,
you’ll stay here. I’m gonna run you a bath.”

“I stink.” I closed my eyes. “You were right. I am just a stupid naïve--.”

“No. Don’t say shit like that. You have a good heart. I’m sure when you fall like
that for someone, you expect them to be falling right alongside you. You sure as fuck
don’t expect that shit.”

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