Xavier FINAL (Men of Steel #4) (9 page)

BOOK: Xavier FINAL (Men of Steel #4)
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“There’s valet parking there?”

“What?” He looked confused.

“Valet parking. He tipped the valet and got in our vehicle and kissed that girl. He
kissed her hard too not like he kisses me. He tipped the valet, and kissed the girl


“No-- what?”

“I didn’t pay a valet.”

“He did. I am so stupid. I am so fucking stupid!”

“No you’re not--.”

“I am! You have no idea how -- God, how could I have not seen this!” I stood up and
walked to the door. “I need to get out of here! I need to…”

“To what? You aren’t going anywhere. Come on, sit down, and I don’t know -- talk?”

I couldn’t help but laugh at his expression. “I’m sure you’re pissed off at me for

“I’m not pissed anymore. I’m concerned about the fact that you seem to think you’re
stupid. I mean what; because he cheated you’re stupid? That’s fucked up Taelyn. You
didn’t do anything --.”

“I didn’t protect myself.”

“What do you mean like condoms and shit?”

I laughed again but now I was getting annoyed with him. “I’m going home. You either
take me or I’ll fucking call a cab.” As soon as the words left my mouth I laughed
out loud. “I gave him a check. I don’t have any money to pay for a cab because instead
or enjoying the college experience I am working to pay for car insurance and part
of his fuck place in --.”

“Hold up. He takes money from you?”

I opened the door and walked out, he was right behind me. “I want to be alone!”

“Then be alone in the damn house Taelyn. It’s fucking cold outside.”

He grabbed me again and I tried to pull away. He threw me over his shoulder and smacked
me on the ass. Which made me cry.

“If I get fucking frost bite and lose a toe I’m gonna kick his ass and yours.” He
grumbled as he walked into the house and kicked the door shut. “You’ll be taking a
bath and getting cleaned up, because yeah you kind of smell like vomit. Then you’ll
drink enough to pass out and sleep until noon. Then and only then I will take you
home to deal with your shit.”


“Fight me all you want but I’ll win.”

He walked in the bathroom with his hand on my butt and started the shower.

“I suggest you put me down damn it!! I have done a real good job keeping my temper
in check. You really don’t want me to unleash…”

“Do whatever you need to.” He laughed and then walked into the shower.

“What the hell!”

He dropped me on my feet and held me under the water.

“You’ll feel better.”

“Get out!”

“You gonna wash up or you gonna be--.”

“Screw you!”

I tried to move around him and he turned me around and pulled me against his chest.

“I’ve wrestled two hundred pound drunks in the shower. You’re not all that…”

“I don’t think I’d be sharing that information with many people asshole.”

“That’s not what I meant.”

“Your story, tell it however you want.”

“Drunk buddies who smelled far worse than you…”

“Again you shouldn’t be--.” He turned me around and let go of me.

“You’ll be just fine.”

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. He grabbed the back of my hair and pulled
it back so that my head was under the water. I stood and let the water pour over me.
I opened my eyes when I felt him start to massage my hair.

“I can do that.”

He held his finger over my lips and continued. I should have stopped him but it felt
good. Like when my mom washed my hair as a child.

He was done and I finally leaned forward and opened my eyes.

“Do you have conditioner? If I don’t use it my hair will…”

“Look like Shawn Whites?” He smirked

“You’re picking on me when I’m hurting?”

“Sorry just trying to make you smile.”

“How would you like it if I said with initials like XS, I wonder why you would be
so impressed with--.”

“Oh, this is not the time or the place to have that discussion.” He laughed and so
did I. “Wasn’t trying to hurt your feelings Taelyn.”

“I know. I was just trying to make this situation well -- I have no clue. This is
messed up.”

He reached over and grabbed the conditioner and I held out my hand.

“Which part is messed up?” He laughed and motioned around us.

“All of it.”

“Okay I will leave you to finish up.” He stepped back completely soaked and laughed.

“What’s so funny?”


“No tell me. I could use a laugh.”

“I’ve never been in the shower with a girl who was clothed and so was I.”

“Kind of funny.” I rubbed the conditioner through my hair.

He stepped out of the shower and I could see him through the curtain. He pulled his
shirt off and dropped it in the sink and then he let his pants fall to the ground.
I stepped back and closed my eyes.

“I’ll leave a couple towels out here and grab you some clothes. Just drop yours in
the sink with mine.”

I heard the door shut and leaned against the wall and cried some more as I undressed.

When the water started to get cold I turned it off and stepped out.


I walked out into the kitchen drying my hair. He was sitting on the island.

“Water or this?” He held up a bottle.

“What is it?”

“Jameson’s Irish Whiskey. You’re Irish so I thought maybe you’d like some.” He poured
two shots and handed me one. I hesitated and he smiled, “You deserve this. Take it.”

“To getting fucked over.” I held up my shot.

“To showers in clothes.” He tapped my shot. “That was very sweet by the way, thank

“I’m not sweet. But we are on the same team. Someone fucks with my buddy, they fuck
with me.” He poured two more shots. “To buddies.”

“To buddies.”

I drank it down again.

“You hungry?”

“Not at all. This is good though.” I reached over and poured another shot for each
of us.

“You trying to get me drunk?”

“No, I’m trying to take my buddy’s advice. Get drunk, sleep till noon, and then deal
with my shit.”

He walked over and turned on the sound system and then came back and leaned over the
island and poured two more shots.

“What are you thinking?”

“So many things.”

“You think your brothers are gonna--.”

“Oh God. They’ll go crazy. I hadn’t even thought of that.”

“Let ‘em.”

“Xavier, they don’t need to know. God! How fucked up is this? It can’t even be just
my hurt. It’s everyone’s.”

“Say’s the girl who told me to accept family help.”

“It’s different.”

“I know. Just trying to change the subject. Didn’t mean to pile more on you.”

“No, I wanna talk about it. I wanna talk it out of my system so that tomorrow I can
tell him to go straight to hell.” I grabbed the bottle and took a swig and handed
it to him.

“Do you think you’ll see him? I mean it is still the Sabbath.” He bit his lip.

“See how stupid I was? We didn’t have sex on the weekends because of his religious
beliefs. We lived together and he was gone every weekend because I was too much of
a temptation? What the hell was I blinded by?”

“Good sex?”

“No, I don’t know? Not much to compare it to except, well I can get myself off.”

“Did he ever watch you?”

“No,” I laughed and took another drink. “Are you kidding, he’d have flipped his switch.”

“He’s an idiot. There’s nothing hotter than watching a girl get herself off.”

“You had girlfriends do that?” My voice squeaked and I took another drink.

“No girlfriends.”

“Oh that’s right. So how the hell are you gonna help me?” I laughed.

“Well, I can tell you for damn sure if you were my girlfriend I would fuck you all
night Friday and Saturday.”

“If you were my boyfriend, I’d make you.”

“Oh yeah?” He smiled.

“Hell yes, your one of those guys. I wouldn’t trust you when you weren’t in my bed.”

He frowned, “Not just because I look like this?”

I laughed and took another drink and handed him the bottle, he took a drink.

“If you were mine, I’d watch you get yourself off.”

“How kind of you.” I rolled my eyes.

“I’d give you a hand or a tongue if you needed my help. See, I would be a nice boyfriend.”

“If you were into that I’m sure you’d try.” I took another drink and laughed. “If
you were my boyfriend I would tattoo my name on your forehead.”

“Why’s that?”

“So whenever you were on top of someone else they’d see my name.”

“Well if you were mine, I would make sure you truly understood what the benefits of
having a guy like me were.”

“Oh please humor me. What would they be?”

“If you were mine, I would kiss you until you thought your lips were on fire.”

I laughed. “That’s it?”

“I’d be in the shower with you when I stayed over, not answering a god damn phone
call. I would wake you up every weekend with deep long licks between your thighs.
If you were mine, you wouldn’t be going out on a Friday night alone because I would
be with you. If you were mine, we wouldn’t be out all that much because I would be
thinking about licking your pussy all the damn time. If you were mine, no one would
hurt you and live to see the next day. If you were mine, Taelyn Patrick, I would cut
my balls off and sell them before I asked you to pay for my fucking place or car insurance
or money to tip a fucking valet. If you were mine, the only crying you’d be doing
would be my name in bed or wherever it was that my cock was between your legs. If
you were mine, you’d be happy and free. If you were mine, I’d be damn sure I would
ruin you for anyone else who was waiting in the wings for me to fuck up. And if you
were mine, they’d have to wait for a long fucking time for that to happen.”

I swallowed hard. “But you’re not that kind of guy.”

“Apparently not.” He took a drink and handed it to me. “But what I am is your buddy
and if there is anything you need, I will do my best to give it to you.”

I looked around the room that now seemed to be alive and moving a bit.

“I blame my brothers.”

“Oh yeah? Why’s that?”

“I never dated. Anyone I was remotely interested in got beat up.” He laughed. “I never
even dressed like a girl, did my hair, or makeup. Shit you saw the pictures. I may
as well have been a boy. But when I went away, it all changed. So I blame them for
all this. I should’ve lived like they did. Like you do.”

“I would be one hell of a wing man.”

“Oh yeah?” I went to grab the bottle, he took it, and handed me a water. “Yeah, you’d
be a hoot.”

“You need to be at least half alive tomorrow girl.”

“Buzz kill.”

“I will take that as a challenge. Monday me and you are gonna live it up. I’m gonna
show you one hell of a time.”


“Yes I do. I will be the best wing man you’ve ever seen.”


Chapter 9


Wings -X


She started to sway on her stool and I went and helped her stand up. “Let’s tuck you

“Xavier?” She slurred.


“Thank you.”


“You got me drunk again.”

“I did.” I grabbed her as she stumbled towards the hall. “Buddies fuck.”

“Wow, okay?”

“We’re not that kind of buddies right?”

“Not tonight.”

She laughed. “Maybe we should. I’m sure he’s fucking her, so why would it be so bad?”

“Because you’d be thinking about him and I don’t want that shit.”

“I’ve never had an orgasm, well not with him. I’ve had plenty by myself.”

We walked into the bedroom and I let her plop on the bed.
What the fuck was I doing

“I’m sure the next guy will help you out.”

“You. You’re the next guy.” She yawned and laid down. “That way I know my rebound
fuck won’t expect more from me than a piece of ass.”

“You sayin’ you want me as your rebound fuck?”
Say yes, say yes

“Uh huh,” she smiled and her eyes closed.

I picked up her legs and put them on the bed and her eyes popped open.

“I’m not wearing any panties. You got them all wet.”

“See? I am that good.”

She giggled and rolled to her side.

“I liked you washing my hair.”

“Tell me what else you liked.”

“I liked you --.I just like you.” And she fell asleep.

I should have gotten that shit on tape. Had a contract drawn up, done something so
she’d remember that in the morning.
Damn. Damn. Damn

I turned out the light and started to walk out the door.


I stopped and turned around.


“Will you stay? I mean just to sleep. Not fuck. Will you stay in here with me so when
I wake up I don’t wake up alone? I’m so tired of being alone.”

I walked over and got into bed.

“I never thought someone could be so lonely when they were with someone. Not just
because of tonight but since we moved in together. Isn’t that weird?”

“I thought you were asleep.”

“I was but the room moved.” She tried to sit up and laughed at herself when she couldn’t.
“So don’t you think it’s bad? I mean if you love someone--. This sucks.”

“Sorry girl.”

“Do you have clothes on still?”

“Jogging pants.”

“Do I?”

“Yes Taelyn, you do.”

“Can you hold me?”

I moved over and put my arm behind her head and she rolled onto me. One arm across
my chest and one knee bent, resting real close to my dick.

“You always smell good. And warm, you’re always warm.”

“You too. Go to sleep
.” Please go to sleep before I fuck you proper
at an improper time

It was foreign to me to have a female sleep in my bed that I actually wanted there.
It wasn’t because I wanted to do her either, not yet anyway. I was less pissed off
that I was falling for her and more accepting the idea that she may be someone who
I could explore the idea of a relationship with. I wouldn’t be promising her forever
but, when she was ready, I would be promising her that while we were doing all the
filthy, nasty, hot as fuck things running around in my head, I wouldn’t be doing it
with anyone else. And then I stole a kiss. Just one and not one that was full of lust
or desire. Not one because I was prepping her for what was coming next. But one kiss,
my lips to hers just to see how it felt. And fuck if it didn’t feel right.

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