Read XSLT 2.0 and XPath 2.0 Programmer's Reference, 4th Edition Online
Authors: Michael Kay
Error Handling
There are two kinds of error that can occur during an XSLT transformation: static errors and dynamic errors. Static errors occur while the stylesheet is being compiled, and dynamic errors occur while the transformation is actually running. If you invoke the transformation using a single-shot interface that doesn't distinguish compilation from execution then you may not notice the difference, but it is there all the same.
XSLT 1.0 was designed to minimize the number of things that could cause runtime errors. This was done largely by defining fallback behavior. For example, if you supplied the string “Africa” as input to an arithmetic operator, you would get the result NaN (not-a-number). This might not be a very useful result, but the thinking was that it was better than producing a pop-up on the browser saying “Error in stylesheet.” For many runtime errors, implementors were in fact given a choice of reporting an error, or taking some defined fallback action.
The thinking in XSLT 2.0 has shifted significantly. There are now many more conditions that cause runtime errors, and most of these are not recoverable. There is also no try/catch mechanism to trap the errors when they occur: if a runtime error does occur in a stylesheet, it is fatal. In practice this means that you have to design your stylesheet to prevent them from occurring. This means that you have to test whether the input data is valid before using it in an operation that could cause errors if it isn't. For example, before trying to convert a string to an integer using the
constructor function, it is a good idea to test whether the conversion is possible using a construct such asif ($x castable as xs:integer) then …
Although the language specification is very precise about what constitutes an error and what doesn't, there may well be variations between processors as to whether runtime errors are actually reported in particular circumstances. This is partly because for some errors the choice of reporting the error or taking fallback action is still there, as in XSLT 1.0, and it is also because the order of execution of instructions (or of subexpressions within an XPath expression) is not precisely defined. Suppose you write an expression such asexists(//employee[@retirement-date=current-date()])
(which finds out whether any employees are retiring today). One XSLT processor might find such an employee, and return
. Another might find an employee whose
attribute is not a date (perhaps it is the string
) and report a runtime error. Processors are never required to do extra work just to look for runtime errors. In this example, the processor is allowed to stop searching the employees as soon as it finds one that satisfies the required conditions.
What if there are no employees retiring today, and there are some employees whose retirement dates are not valid dates? Does the processor have to raise a runtime error, or can it return
? A straightforward reading of the specification suggests that it has to report an error in this case. However, the rules that allow the processor to devise an optimal execution strategy are drawn up so broadly that I think an implementor could argue that returning
was conformant.
Variables and Expressions
The system of data types lies at the core of any language, and the way expressions are used to compute values and assign these to variables is closely tied up with the type system. The XSLT type system interacts closely with XML Schema. We'll look in more detail in Chapter 4 at how stylesheets and schemas interact, and we'll survey the detailed repertoire of built-in types in Chapter 5. In this section, however, we'll assume some basic principles about types, and look at the way they are used in variables and expressions.
XSLT allows global variables to be defined, which are available throughout the whole stylesheet, as well as local variables, which are available only within a particular sequence constructor. The name and value of a variable are defined in an
This defines a variable whose name is
and whose value is the number
. The variable can subsequently be referenced in an XPath expression as
. If the
The use of variables is superficially very similar to their use in conventional programming and scripting languages. They even have similar scoping rules. However, there is one key difference:
once a value has been given to a variable, it cannot be changed
. This difference has a profound impact on the way programs are written, so it is discussed in detail in the section
Programming without Assignment Statements
in Chapter 17, page 985.
attribute is optional, and defines the data type of the variable as being an integer. In this example, this doesn't add much: you can tell that it's an integer by looking at the value, and so can the XSLT processor. But there are cases where it's useful to specify the type. The
attribute doesn't have to be a constant, as it is in the previous example—it might, for example, be a call on a function. Theas
attribute acts both as an assertion about the type of the value (if the value is of the wrong type, you'll see an error message, either at compile time or at runtime) and also as a request to perform certain limited conversions from the supplied value to the specified type.
The type conversions that are possible in XSLT can be categorized as strong conversions and weak conversions. In a context like this, only weak conversions are applied. The weak conversions include the following: