XSLT 2.0 and XPath 2.0 Programmer's Reference, 4th Edition (814 page)

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Root Node (XPath)

The topmost
in a
; any
that has no
. In XPath 2.0, any kind of node may be a root node. A root node that represents a complete XML document is now referred to as a
document node

Schema (Schema)

In this book the term
, unless otherwise specified, always means a schema defined using the W3 C XML Schema language. A schema can be regarded as a collection of
element declarations
attribute declarations
, and
type definitions
. A
schema document
, by contrast, is the XML
rooted at an

element (which one might regard as containing one module of a schema).

Schema Component (Schema)

A generic term for
element declarations
attribute declarations
, and
type definitions

Schema Type (XDM)

A type as defined in XML Schema: either a
complex type
or a
simple type
. The type may be named, or it may be anonymous. The term includes both
built-in types
(such as
) and user-defined types.

Self Axis (XPath)

The self
contains a single
, the
context node
. It makes no difference whether it is regarded as a
forwards axis
or a
reverse axis
. The
principal node kind
of the self axis is
, which means that when the context node is an
, an axis
of the form
will not select that attribute.

Sequence (XPath)

A sequence in the XPath
data model
is an ordered collection of
. The items may be
atomic values
or references to
in a
. A sequence containing no items is referred to as the
empty sequence
. Sequences have no identity of their own; two sequences containing the same items cannot be distinguished.

Sequence Constructor (XSLT)

A sequence of XSLT
extension instructions
literal result elements
, and
text nodes
, forming the content of an

element or of various other elements in the
. When the sequence constructor is evaluated, any
extension instructions
are evaluated according to the rules for each one, while any
literal result elements
text nodes
are copied to the result sequence. In most cases, the result sequence will be used to form the content of a new
in a
result tree
, but this depends on the instruction that contains the sequence constructor.

Sequence Type (XPath)

A sequence type is a definition that constrains the permitted values of a
. It has two parts: an
item type
, which constrains the type of the
in the sequence, and a cardinality, which constrains the number of items in the sequence. The cardinality may be zero-or-one, exactly-one, zero-or-more, or one-or-more.

Serialization (XSLT)

Serialization is the reverse of parsing: it takes a
represented as a
in the XPath
data model
, and converts it into a lexical XML document.

Simple Type (Schema)

A simple type in XML Schema describes values that can be written as text, with no embedded markup. Simple types divide into
atomic types
list types
, and
union types
always have a simple type; the content of an
may be either a simple or a
complex type
. XML Schema defines a number of built-in simple types, but further simple types can be defined in a user-written

Simplified Stylesheet Module (XSLT)

A simplified stylesheet module is a
stylesheet module
consisting solely of a
literal result element
which is evaluated using the root of the source document as the
context node

Source Document (XPath)

The principal source document is the XML document to which the stylesheet is being applied. Secondary source documents can be loaded using the

Static Context (XPath)

The static context of an XPath
is the total collection of information available to the XPath engine at compile time. This includes the
namespace declarations
that are in scope, the names and types of declared
, the
base URI
of the expression, and the
that are available.

Static Error (XPath)

A static error is an error detected during the analysis phase, that is, at compile time.

Static Type (XPath)

(and subexpression) has a static type. This is a
sequence type
, representing the best possible inference that can be made about the dynamic type of the value that will be returned when the expression is evaluated. For example, the static type of the expression
might be
. In an XPath processor that implements strict static typing, a
type error
will be reported if the static type of an expression is not a subtype of the type required by the context in which the expression is used.

Step (XPath)

A step is used within a
path expression
to navigate from one
to a
of related nodes. The most common kind of step is an axis step, which is defined by an
, giving the direction of navigation; a node test, which defines constraints on the type of and names of the target nodes; and zero or more
, which define arbitrary constraints that the target nodes must satisfy.

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