Read Yes to Everything Online

Authors: Shayne McClendon

Yes to Everything (24 page)

BOOK: Yes to Everything
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Zane watched her take his cock at a rhythm and depth he couldn’t believe. No one had ever gone so far without gagging. Gagging was a turnoff. He cupped one hand at the back of her head and fucked her mouth as she kneaded his balls.

“Holy shit, Sidney. Watching my cock disappear between your lips is so hot.” She looked up at him and he moaned. “Your eyes are huge. You look so fucking gorgeous. Boyd, fuck her hard. I am not coming until she does.”

Boyd started thrusting with purpose, unable to watch her suck Zane another moment. It was about to make him come thinking of pretty mouth wrapped around his own cock. He moved his hands over Sidney’s breasts, flicking her nipples before dropping one hand down her body and circling his thumb over her clit. She moaned loudly around Zane and tightened her muscles around Boyd’s cock, milking him in a purposeful rhythm in retaliation.

“Sidney! I’m going to be very pissed if you make us both come before you. Hell no, I’m not going out like that.” He gripped her hips and fucked her hard. Zane picked up his speed and Sidney watched him from below.

She was whimpering and Zane stroked gently over her jaw. “Stop trying to control everything, honey. You want to come so badly. Let it happen. It will make us very happy, baby.” He raked his hand through her curls. “Come for us, Sidney.” Her eyes closed and she moaned around him, her hand going to Boyd’s chest and her nails digging in. “Yes, baby, oh god yes. Please come for us.”

“Sidney, yes, honey, you’re so tight.” Boyd felt the heat of her juices through the condom and wished he could feel her bare. He’d never even considered that with another woman before Sidney. “So wet and hot. What are you…oh god, Sidney, please, oh fuck, I’m coming. You feel so damn good, baby.” He held her hips hard as he thrust, worried about leaving marks on her, then thinking about nothing but the pleasure crashing over him.

Zane tugged a curl. “Sidney, you’re evil. You made Boyd come too soon.”

Pulling back, she gripped his cock in her fist again and stroked it hard. “Your turn, Zane…I want your come in my mouth right now.”

She moved to his balls and squeezed in the same rhythm as her sucking, moving two fingers to the skin just behind his sac and circling firmly. “Sidney…what…stop that…fuck, you are evil…I’m coming. Coming so hard, I can’t stop it. Oh god yes, fuck yes, take it all, honey. That feels so good, baby. Please don’t stop…” She sucked him hard through it until he had nothing left to give her then she kissed the head with a smile.

He dropped to his knees beside her and kissed her deeply, tasting himself in her mouth as he caressed her breasts and stomach. Boyd was moving his hands over her thighs and hips. When they pulled apart, she murmured, “It’s very erotic to have four hands on me at the same time.”

They tightened on her and she smiled, “You guys recover…I’m going to do flips across your floor.” Kissing Zane then leaning down to kiss Boyd, she lifted herself away from them and got off the bed with a bounce.

“Sweet lord, woman,” Boyd groaned.

“She might be right. She might outlast us. She isn’t even winded,” Zane observed.

“This floor is cold. Jesus, you could hang meat in here.” They laughed and told her the chill air was having a beautiful effect on her nipples. “You guys tell me when you’re ready for round two.” She judged her distance and they went up on their knees to watch her. “I hope there aren’t neighbors below you. This could be loud.”

“We own the building. There’s no one here but us, Sidney.” She didn’t question that information and Boyd whispered, “She can’t contain herself forever. No one is that controlled.”

Zane snorted, “Yeah right.”

She started doing flips across the massive expanse and they watched in amazement. Ending with a round-off, she spiked it and they clapped. Coming back, she did ballet leaps and landed gracefully on the bed, giving them both quick kisses.

Gone again, she picked up and put on Boyd’s shirt, buttoning one button to keep it on. An old Hendrix number came on and she played air guitar, going to her knees at the end of the bed. They were ready to jump her.

She caught the tension in their muscles. “Not so fast. You have to catch me.” Her eyes were sparkling with playfulness.

With typical male arrogance, they told her, “Baby, we run ten miles every morning. Please.” Zane and Boyd got to their feet as she took off running, both of them in hot pursuit. She was laughing hysterically and when Boyd cut her off and almost had her, she leapt straight up and caught an exposed steel beam, climbing and standing on the top.

They both stood under her. “That was so fucking hot. Did you see that?” Boyd nodded. “Look at her nipples from this angle and that seriously tight ass.”

“Sidney baby, I can see your come on your inner thighs. I think you want some more.” In answer, she walked along the beams, crossing to another. “She’s fast but we’d beat her in a straightaway. Bounces around like a squirrel though.” Boyd wondered how they could get her down.

Sidney stood and bowed with her hands together. In a horrible imitation of a Kung Fu movie, she said, “I follow the path of the squirrel. It is where I will find enlightenment.” They laughed and she came down, lowering herself by her arms and dropping in front of them.

When they approached, she went into a martial arts defensive stance and they spread out. “Sidney, baby girl, do you want to spar with us?” She nodded and Boyd grinned. “One on one, or both of us against you?”

“Either, I’m feeling frisky.” Zane went into an opposing stance and swooped in to strike. She blocked him and immediately blocked Boyd on the other side. They looked surprised that she managed it. Casually, they worked her around the room, impressed with her form and overall ability. Watching her move was hypnotic.

Suddenly, she stopped and bowed. “You guys are great. Very nice form. I’m taking it easy on you because you’re naked. I can see you’re both taking it easy on me, too. Cuz I’m a girl and all. Afraid to bruise the little lady?”

Zane smiled and told her, “With no formal training it wouldn’t be fair to you, Sidney. You couldn’t take us, honey.” She glanced at Boyd with her brows raised and he shrugged.

“Really?” She seemed to think about that for a moment then said, “Okay, Zane, one on one. And…go.” Then she was on him and striking like lightening. Ducking his shots, getting in her own, and flowing around him like water. “Come on, baby, I can tell you’re holding back. Don’t look at me like a girl. If you’re not going to challenge me, I’ll go sit down.”

Then he spilled his years of intense training on her and she had to work harder but she held her own. Sliding around his body and jumping on his back, she kissed the side of his neck. “This is one of the few times my size was an asset.” She kissed him again and said, “Thank you. I hate when people underestimate me.”

Jumping down, she went to stand in front of Boyd. “Your turn, baby.” He came at her hard and she didn’t win but she wasn’t losing either. He pushed her around the room and she pushed him back, their arms and legs a blur of movement. When Zane joined in, she was sweating and moving faster than many people would even be able to follow visually.

For five minutes, they made her defend against them and she refused to quit. After ten minutes, they could tell she was getting tired trying to block both of them.

When it hit fifteen minutes, Zane came in low and tackled her to the mattress. He was all over her and both of them were slick with sweat. They were kissing and biting, stroking their hands all over each other. Sidney pulled his hair and he pulled hers, holding her head back to lightly lick down the column of her throat.

Zane rolled on a condom and surged into her body, fucking her hard and fast, showing no mercy as he took her. He watched and felt her climax before he pulled from her body.

Then Boyd was over her and she arched to meet him. He kissed her roughly, his hands pinching and tugging her nipples. Lifting one of her legs in the crook of his arm, he held her shoulder with the other. Burying his cock deep in one thrust, he fucked her harder than Zane had. When she came she was chanting his name.

He withdrew and Zane took his place, the condom slick with lube to avoid chafing her with the latex. Putting the backs of her legs along his torso, he delivered forceful strokes down into her body and she clawed his side as she orgasmed, begging him to come with her. He didn’t.

She was still shaking when he traded places with Boyd. She was flipped to her stomach and lifted to her knees. Boyd fucked her hard, gripping her hip and shoulder in his huge hands as he powered forward. She whimpered when Zane reached under her body to play with her clit. “I can’t…I can’t come anymore. Come with me.”

“No, you’re going to keep coming, Sidney,” Zane told her firmly, “Don’t you quit. Don’t do it, baby. Come on, you’re strong.” She came again and he felt her juices dripping over his hand when Boyd pulled out. “For me, Sidney, another one for me.” He delivered brutal strokes, holding her shoulders to keep her in place. “Come for me, Sidney.” Again and again he thrust into her body and when she tightened in climax she was crying.

Zane lay on his back and added lube to the condom, pulling her over him and entering her carefully, pushing her down until he was fully buried. Bringing her face to his chest, he stroked his hands through her hair. “Beautiful Sidney, you are so wonderful and giving.”

Boyd was behind her, stroking his fingers along the cleft of her ass. He slipped two fingers gently into the tight entrance and stretched her as she remained limp over Zane. After several minutes of stretching and massaging, he added more lube to his sheathed cock and positioned himself at her ass.

When he began to press forward, Sidney stiffened hard between them. Zane whispered, “Just pressure until he’s past the tight ring of muscle inside. Exhale for me, baby. Deep breath and out for me, Sidney.” She did as he stroked her hair and down her back. Boyd slipped passed the ring and she let out a huge breath. “There you go. That’s it. Are you okay, baby?”

She nodded against his chest and Boyd carefully worked his way into her body while she rested on Zane. When both of them were fully buried inside her, she let go of the breath she’d been holding. “Sweet baby, are you still doing alright?” She let him know she was and he asked, “Do you trust us, Sidney?”

“I…I don’t know what you mean.”

“Do you trust us, baby? Trust us to take care of you?” he explained.

“I…I don’t…I want to. I think I could.”

Kissing her gently, he said, “That’s a wonderful start. I want you to relax and let us love you down, Sidney.” Boyd pulled back and as he was surging back in, Zane pulled back. They set a careful rhythm inside her and she’d never felt so full, so connected before. It scared the hell out of her and she tensed between them. “Sidney, no, don’t pull back. Trust us, Sidney. Please trust us not to hurt you.”

Her voice rough, she whispered, “You have a really strong heartbeat, Zane.”

A big hand cupped her face, holding her safely against his chest. “Listen to my heartbeat, focus on the rhythm Sidney. Pretty girl, let us take care of you. It’s alright, baby.” On and on, they thrust in and out of her body while her own heart pounded in response. They took their time, in no rush, pushing her up the peak of another climax that brought tears back to her eyes.

When her body began to relax again, Boyd stroked his hand down the line of her spine while Zane wiped the tears from her face. “Sidney, are you still doing okay?” She nodded. “Good. This is about your pleasure, Sidney. Not ours. A ménage is about the woman, baby. Our pleasure is heightened by your pleasure. Bringing you to the brink of your endurance and pushing you over the edge is the point. To wring you out and show you ecstasy you didn’t know existed.”

The sensation of both men deep inside her, the friction against the thin wall between her pussy and her ass, and their gentleness was washing over her, taking control out of her hands. “Oh god, I’m coming.” Their hands touched her everywhere. Four hands slipping and sliding over her damp and overheated skin. “Please, come with me, please.”

“Not yet, baby,” Zane told her gently. She was too tired to fight. Sparring with her had taken all she had and it was where they needed her to be for this conversation. “Feel more for us, Sidney. Again.” They pushed her further, harder. Whispering and soothing her, thanking her for being so giving.

She rested her forehead on Zane as another orgasm worked its way over body. “Please…”

“Sidney,” Boyd said quietly as he kissed over her back, “tell us what you want more than anything else. Tell us, baby.”

She gave an exhausted shake of her head, “No…”

“Why, Sidney? Why are you afraid to tell us, baby?” Zane’s voice was low and calming. “We won’t hurt you, sweet baby. Tell us what you want, Sidney. You can trust us, honey.”

“Please, I don’t know what to do. Oh god, please, I’m coming again. Please.”

“Yes, honey, let it take you, Sidney. Tell us what you want more than anything,” Boyd begged softly as he kissed her.

Zane felt tears on his chest and she was shaking her head. “Sidney, we don’t mean to make you cry. We want to give you what you want, what you need. Tell us, baby. Tell us and you’ll feel so much better.” She put one hand on Boyd’s thigh, the other cupped Zane’s neck. Her entire body was shaking. “Yes, honey, you’re completely connected to us, we want you to trust us. Please, baby.”

“I…I want to feel something. To make it worth it. To feel like everything was fucking worth it.”

“Yes, Sidney, yes, baby.” Boyd carefully pulled from her ass and Zane rolled her to her back, “Look at me, honey. God you’re beautiful, Sidney. Listen to me. I want you to feel what it’s like when you care about someone, I know you’re not going to believe us for a long time, but we want you so badly. We’re going to convince you, Sidney. We can be very patient. Feel me inside you, slow and easy.”

Boyd kissed her deeply, making love to her mouth as Zane made love to her body. “Sidney, this isn’t fucking, honey. This isn’t one person taking and the other giving. This is sharing, baby. Look at me, baby, show me those gorgeous green eyes. Yes, slow and easy, Sidney.”

BOOK: Yes to Everything
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