Yes to Everything (36 page)

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Authors: Shayne McClendon

BOOK: Yes to Everything
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After the tour, they’d had a three day fornication marathon that left her body raw and she’d put her foot down about condoms. She couldn’t handle it. They put her on heavy duty birth control at her request and condoms had been forbidden. They reminded her daily to take her pill and both of them were constantly tempted not to.

“My pretty canvas, Brooke, you look stressed. Stress causes wrinkles. Do I need to call Rex?” Sidney loved to tattle on her as often as possible because the result was a very relaxed and happy best friend.

Flinching, Brooke retorted, “Wrinkles? That’s the second time someone has said that to me today. I’m twenty. Do I really have to add that to my list of freak-outs, already?” Taking a deep breath, she said more calmly, “No, I’m just feeling, I don’t know, off-balance today. The guys are using my songs for more than half the album. I feel bad about that.”

Sidney laughed, “Brooke, you write the coolest songs for them. That one about the husband who’d put his wife through so much…Logan tore that shit up. The other one about being on the road with a family at home, Decklan’s voice and guitar got you nominated for songwriting at the CMA’s. Girl, you need to relax. You’re driving the band as a whole forward, not just yourself.”

“I’d never leave the band unless they got sick of me,” Brooke agreed. “I just want them to feel connected to the music, too. For it to be personal for them and not all about me.”

“Believe me, they’re connected,” Sidney said quietly. Brooke kissed her cheeks and headed back into the studio. Sidney watched the brothers light up when they saw her. Whispering to herself, “You have no idea how connected they are, how much they love you, honey. I am so fucking glad you don’t know.”

“I am, too,” Zane said behind her as he dropped his hands to her shoulders, “They’ve grown a lot in the time we’ve known them. I think rehab did wonders. They’ve only had a couple of girlfriends and tried to make them long-term. They’ll probably struggle with that, like we did.” He paused and watched how the Bradshaw brothers always managed to keep Brooke between them. How they found reasons to touch her but never inappropriately.

“It would cause her pain if she knew. But yeah, they’re madly in love with her.” Rex’s voice caused them both to turn their heads. He was staring through the glass with his arms crossed over his chest. “They are. They try to hide it around her, even more around me, but you can’t hide emotion that strong. Had they woken up one month earlier, I wouldn’t have her in my life. That’s the truth.” He watched Brooke notice him in the tech area and her entire face showed her love for him.

He smiled and blew her a kiss. She picked up her fiddle and went back to work. “Since there are more nights than I care to admit when I wake up and ask myself how the hell one of the most wanted women on the planet is sleeping beside me, it scares the shit out of me knowing how they feel.”

Sidney smoothed her hand over his shoulder, “You never have to worry about Brooke. Not ever, Rex. That girl is solid and more in love with you every day.” She asked carefully, “Why haven’t you guys gotten married yet?”

Shrugging, he said, “I guess I don’t want her feeling like she’s legally obligated.”

“Wow, for one of the four finest and most together men I’ve ever met, you sure are insecure about your place in her life. Rex, for Brooke, the sun rises and sets with you. She stays because she loves you, period! Don’t be annoying. Don’t question her love for you. The only thing she says about Logan and Decklan is that they’ve ruined themselves on normal. They have no idea how to connect with women now. Not real women. It isn’t even the ménage thing. It’s about seeing women as something other than objects to be used and tossed away. It makes her sad but Brooke cares about everyone. You know that. You also know she cares about you more than anyone.”

Smiling down at her, Rex said, “You know, I should call you up when I have a panic attack, Sidney. You’re like talking to a guy who still understands the woman shit. You’re bad-assed, honey.”

“I do my best. Seriously, y’all figure things out and make it legal. Brooke Black has a slamming ring to it, don’t you think?” He nodded and kissed her cheek.

To Zane he said, “You still shadowing her every movement?” At Zane’s nod, he said, “I don’t blame you one fucking bit.” Sidney rolled her eyes and they all chatted about the logistics for the show. “Why did you need to be here today Sidney?”

“Photo shoot.” Both men groaned. “Oh come on, they’re fun. And Brooke knows she will totally reap the benefits when you get her home later after both brothers have had their hands all over her. She loves it when you go alpha.”

When Vaughn Deflora breezed in an hour later, Brooke and the twins left the studio and headed to the sound stage that had been set up for their session. Beds, sofas, and a small stage had been placed in such a way to let everyone know this was going to be hell on all of them. Vaughn barked orders throughout and Sidney worked on Brooke while the brothers were in and out of wardrobe.

Each outfit and backdrop was harder for Rex to bear. He and Zane stood behind glass watching and Zane kept whispering, “Be strong, man. You know this is part of her job, it’s just part of her job. It doesn’t mean shit to her.” Rex nodded and took deep breaths, leaning on the ledge and gripping it with white knuckles.

Brooke’s first outfit was a formal gown in a medieval princess style, the brothers in tuxes. She was draped over them on the antique sofa and their hands were, indeed, placed all over her. Her hair was arranged over Decklan’s lap and he avoided looking at her for as long as possible. Logan had his hands on her upper thigh through the dress and her bare foot cupped in his hand.

They switched positions and Brook sat between them with her head on Logan’s shoulder, holding both their hands in her lap. They danced with her and she was placed on the bed with rose petals around her. Her arms over her head and hair spread around her. Vaughn never stopped talking above her on a rolling platform.

Dressing them all in black leather, the brothers in t-shirts and tank tops while Brooke rocked a halter top, they were positioned around the stage, with instruments and without. Always, they were touching. Back to back with one brother in front of her, arms around one another like they did at the end of each show. The brothers sat on the edge of the stage and Brooke crouched between them, her arms around their shoulders.

The last wardrobe change was hardest on everyone. Sidney was told to put her in a white tank top with no bra and low-hung jeans. Vaughn had her lie on her stomach on the bed. The bare-chested brothers sat on the floor at the foot of the bed, tendrils of her hair in their hands. All of them were barefoot and the brothers were told to look away, then at her.

Her bare cleavage in the tank top was hard to avoid. Vaughn told her to lie on her back and her hair was arranged to fall off the end of the bed. The brothers lay beside her, on their stomachs. Over and over they moved them. When he had the twins curl toward her, their hands on her hip and stomach, Rex almost lost it.

The moment the photographer called a wrap, Logan and Decklan exploded off the bed and went to the dressing room. Brooke stood and looked tired.

Seeing Rex come into the room, she ran to him and he caught her up, her body wrapping around him. She kissed him deeply, her unbound breasts pressing to his chest. “Hi. I missed you, baby.”

“I missed you, Brooke.” The hoarseness of his voice irritated him.

Stroking his face, she said quietly, “I can sense the testosterone boiling just beneath the surface, baby. Focus on me and how you’re going to remind me later how I belong to you. Only to you Rex.” She stared at him for a long moment and he sighed, nodding his head slightly. “No one compares to you, baby. No one, no two.”

He crushed her to him and she snuggled in, letting him carry her to her dressing room where Sidney was waiting. He set her on her feet but she didn’t let go of him, demanding kisses. He obliged with a soft smile and she ran her hands through the hair he’d gradually allowed to grow out. Silky and black, he always finger combed it back off his forehead but a couple of locks always dropped forward. Tugging it now, she whispered, “Superman. You really need the tat.”

His half smile showed her his dimples, “You’re so beautiful, Brooke.”

Cupping his head in her hands, she whispered, “I’m glad you think so, baby. You’re the only one I want to be beautiful for. The world can have my voice, but you get everything else, Rex. I need you to believe in me. To believe how much I love you. I don’t want you to hurt when I have to do stuff like this.”

Rex tightened his hands on her, “I believe in you, Brooke. I’m sorry. I am, honey. It’s a guy thing, I guess. I swear to you I try to control it.”

She gave him a bright smile, “If you weren’t all alpha male I wouldn’t love you as much. I just…Rex, I don’t want you to worry. Not ever. Not ever, Rex. Because I know what I have and I’m so grateful you love me. I don’t take it for granted. Kiss me hard and let me change so I can finish today’s session and we can go home. Jackson leaves tonight for the weekend. The girls insisted on staying with Jeanette and we have the huge picnic with Mack’s family tomorrow afternoon. But tonight, baby…tonight we have the house to ourselves. Sounds delicious, doesn’t it?”

With a growl, he put his mouth next to her ear, “I’m tying your fine ass down, Brooke. I’m going to cover you in drizzles of honey and lick every inch of your body, paying close attention to that sweet little pussy and that pretty piercing I love to tug with my teeth. Then I’m going to fuck you until the sun comes up. We’ll be sticky and sweaty, covered in fluids. That sounds delicious. My mouth is watering just thinking about it. Are you wet, baby?”

She nodded, breathing rapidly. “I wish I could taste you right now, stroke my tongue into that hot pussy, and lap up your sweet cream. But waiting will build anticipation and I’ll be aching for you by the time I get you home. My cock is already throbbing for you, Brooke. I wish I was inside you right now.” Her body tightened hard against him twice and she laid her face in the bend of his neck, her heart pounding against him as she gave a little whimper.

“Baby, did you just come for me?” She moaned softly in response. “Oh my god, I love you so much. Thank you baby. I feel so much better.” He stroked his hand over her back. “Go. Finish working so I can make you happy properly.”

She held him for a moment longer and when her body relaxed and she took a deep breath, he lowered her to her feet. “Wait for me. I need one more snuggle.” He nodded and dropped into Sidney’s stylist chair as Brooke went to change. “Don’t go, Rex.”

When she closed the door, Sidney punched him in the arm. “I told you, don’t be such a guy.” Rex smiled and nodded.

Brooke came out and he walked her back to the sound studio where Logan and Decklan were already working on the opening riffs of a song she’d written for them about the bond of brotherhood. The song was written in such a way that it affected all the Marines as well. It was going to be a huge hit with men everywhere who knew what male bonding and putting your life in someone else’s hands was like.

Travis was sitting with the tech and making suggestions. Rex twirled her a few times and brought her back for another hard kiss and hug. When he finally pulled away, his voice was rough and deep. “I’m going to go pick some stuff up for tonight. How long do you think you need to finish up?”

She mentally calculated, “Probably two hours. We have the one track we’re finishing now. Um, oh yeah the fiddle riffs for the one we did yesterday. Come back sooner so I can stare at your hotness while I work. ‘Kay?” He nodded and she grinned, “I love you. You’re so good for me.”

He took her chin between his fingers, “No, honey, you’ve dialed back time for me. You make me feel young again.”

Brooke’s snort was far from ladylike, “You are young. I dare any guy my age to match body and strength to you, my fine-assed baby. Uh uh, you’re beautiful. Perfectly perfect, for me.”

Rex turned to go and hesitated, coming back to her, “Brooke, we’re not screwing around on the wedding anymore. We’ll talk tonight.” She smiled. “You’ve been waiting for me, haven’t you? Wow, I’m a moron.”

She punched him in the shoulder, “Hey, don’t talk about my man like that, punk. No one talks shit about my man. I’ll sic Sidney on you. That crazed spider monkey will whoop your ass.” Sidney and Zane were laughing on the couch behind them. “Don’t let her size fool you, she’s lethal.” She stroked his face once more and sighed, “Back to work but I’ll be thinking about what you said earlier. I’m so hungry…just starving, Rex.”

His eyes narrowed on her and Sidney snorted. “Wicked wench. Go rock it, sugar. I’ll be back, Brooke.” He slapped her ass as she turned and she mouthed, ‘I love you’ and blew him a kiss. She walked in and sat at the piano while Logan and Decklan demonstrated a couple of changes to the opening instrumental. She was nodding, making a couple of suggestions for changes with the piano and they were caught up.

Turning to Sidney and Zane, he said, “God, I love that woman. Keep an eye on her for me. I’ll be gone about an hour. You know I don’t like dragging her into public stores.”

Zane nodded, “Understood. I freak out taking Sidney anywhere now. You need help with anything?” Rex shook his head and walked for the exit. Brooke suddenly jumped up and came to the studio door.

“Hey, baby?” she called and he turned. Suddenly she was embarrassed, blushing. “Get that wine and the, uh, other stuff we used that time.” His look was pure carnal intent and he winked at her. “I love you, baby.”

“I love you, Brooke.” He stared at her for a long moment, drinking her in the way only he could. His gaze was an almost physical caress over her body as he headed for the door. As he stepped into the beautiful sunshine-filled day she watched him take sunglasses out of his shirt. Her only thought was, Gorgeous.

She wiggled her eyebrows at Sidney and Zane, turning for the studio with a light blush on her cheeks, when the studio glass door exploded under rapid gunfire. “Rex!” She was running for the door, Zane and Sidney moving to stop her. There was the pop-pop of a smaller caliber gun and Brooke shoved her friend away, hitting the door frame hard.

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