Yesterday's Embers

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Authors: Deborah Raney

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Praise for Yesterday's Embers

“Deborah Raney writes from the heart with a story that probes the depth of human sorrow, the grit of endurance, and the ability of love to rescue us when we’ve forgotten how to dream.
Yesterday's Embers
will leave you warmed long after the last page.”

—Harry Kraus, MD, bestselling author of
Salty Like Blood

“With characters so real they feel like family,
Yesterday’s Embers
will stir your heart with sorrow, compassion, and joy as you journey with the characters down a road too many have traveled. More than just a good read,
Yesterday’s Embers
offers greater understanding and insight to the challenges of others. A must read!”

—Diann Hunt, author of
For Better or For Worse

“Deborah Raney weaves a tender story of love, loss, sorrow, and reconciliation that will remain with you long after you’ve read the final page.
Yesterday’s Embers
expertly unfolds to reveal engaging characters and a compelling story of difficult choices and determined commitment. This is a book filled with warmth and hope that you’ll recommend to all your friends!”

—Judith Miller, author of the Postcards from Pullman series

“Deborah Raney has done it again…made me want to pack up and move to her fictional town of Clayburn, Kansas.
Yesterday’s Embers
is a powerful story of love lost…and found, but not at all in the way you expect. A surprising and touching story. Kudos.”

—Roxanne Henke, author of
After Anne
Learning to Fly

“Yesterday’s Embers
took me through a roller coaster of emotions with the characters tugging at my heart throughout. I wanted so badly for things to turn out well for Doug, Mickey, and the children. I should have known that Deborah Raney wouldn’t fail her readers—or her characters.
Yesterday’s Embers
is another winner.”

—Robin Lee Hatcher, bestselling author of
When Love Blooms
A Vote of Confidence

“I sat down to read just a little, and then allowed myself the luxury of reading a little more. Before I knew it I had turned page after page of this satisfying story about the intersection of love and commitment and how our God gives, and takes away, and then unexpectedly gives again.”

—Sandra Byrd, Christy award finalist for
Let Them Eat Cake
and its sequel
Bon Appétit

“Deborah Raney has truly captured the emotional turmoil of love lost and the struggle to move on—and that each step forward is only possible by placing one's trust in God. A powerful, touching read.”

—Linda Windsor, author of
Wedding Bell Blues
For Pete’s Sake

“Yesterday’s Embers
, with its realistic, emotionally engaging characters, is a book that will linger in the back of one’s heart long after the final page is turned. Anyone who has loved and lost…and dared to love again…will celebrate Doug and Mickey's journey.”

—Kim Vogel Sawyer, bestselling author of
My Heart Remembers

“I couldn’t put this story down. When the highs of new love translate to poor decisions, the innocent suffer until God extends an invitation to love. We all can see ourselves in this powerful story of tragedy turned to unexpected blessings.”

—DiAnn Mills, author of
Breach of Trust

“Yesterday’s Embers
makes a powerful impact with its message of not just second chances, but endless chances, to renew our lives. What hope lies within these pages for all of us! Thank you so much for a great read!”

—Hannah Alexander, author of
A Killing Frost

“Deborah Raney masterfully draws us into the lives of two people searching for love through some of life’s most difficult circumstances. These are not just characters in a novel—they’re real people, and I walked every step of their journey with them.
Yesterday’s Embers
is a poignant story of mistakes, restoration, and the thread of grace that can fan dying embers into triumphant flames.”

—Virginia Smith, author of
Age before Beauty
in the Sister-to-Sister Series

“Deborah Raney depicts the innermost human emotions with poignant realism.
Yesterday’s Embers
is a stimulating, thought-provoking read that kept me turning the pages—at times wishing I could give a character a good scolding and, at other times, a comforting embrace. Prepare to be hooked!”

—Kathy Herman, author of the Baxter, Seaport, and Phantom Hollow Series

Praise for Previous Clayburn Novels: Remember to Forget:

“Deborah Raney has done it again!
Remember to Forget
is a wonderful, heartwarming story about learning to trust…and love. Yes, I loved it.”

—Roxanne Henke, author of
After Anne
The Secret of Us

“I was enthralled from start to finish.
Remember to Forget
took me to deep places of the heart and touched the spot where we all long for unconditional love. I wanted to stay in Clayburn, Kansas, forever. Raney’s best book yet!”

—Colleen Coble, author of
Midnight Sea

Leaving November:

“Faith and love triumph in this small-town story of overcoming the past and finding hope for the future.
Leaving November
gently plays the heartstrings and embraces the spirit in the name of love.”

—Linda Windsor, author of
Wedding Bell Blues
For Pete’s Sake

“Deb Raney’s books have been an enjoyment and inspiration for me since her first,
A Vow to Cherish
. She has again touched my life with
Leaving November
. A gifted storyteller, she also has a way of having her characters learn to lean on God that causes me as a reader to relearn that same lesson. I highly recommend
Leaving November

—Yvonne Lehman, author of 46 novels and director of the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference

Yesterday’s Embers

a clayburn novel

Award-Winning Author

Deborah Raney

Our purpose at Howard Books is to:

Increase faith
in the hearts of growing Christians

Inspire holiness
in the lives of believers

Instill hope
in the hearts of struggling people everywhere

Because He’s coming again!

Published by Howard Books, a division of Simon & Schuster, Inc.
1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020

Yesterday’s Embers
© 2009 by Deborah Raney

All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever. For information, address Howard Subsidiary Rights Department, Simon & Schuster, 1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020.

In association with the Steve Laube Agency

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Raney, Deborah.
    Yesterday’s embers: a Clayburn novel / Deborah Raney.
      p. cm
    I. Title.
    PS3568.A562Y47 2009


ISBN-13: 978-1-4391-5851-7
ISBN-10: 1-4391-5851-7

HOWARD and colophon are registered trademarks of Simon & Schuster, Inc.

Edited by Dave Lambert and Ramona Cramer Tucker

This novel is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental and beyond the intent of either the author or publisher.

Scripture quotations are taken from the
Holy Bible, New International Version
. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved.

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