You Belong With Me (10 page)

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Authors: Shannon Guymon

Tags: #Christian Books & Bibles, #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Women's Fiction, #Contemporary Women, #Contemporary Fiction, #Religious & Inspirational Fiction, #Christian, #Religion & Spirituality, #Christian Fiction, #Teen & Young Adult

BOOK: You Belong With Me
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              Michael smiled, barely stopping himself from running down the street to join them. He stayed where he was in the shadows and watched as they got closer and closer. Layla tilted her head back and laughed delightedly at something Stella had said and Michael stood up straighter, completely entranced at this view of Layla. This was Layla at ease and relaxed. She was the most beautiful women he’d ever seen.

              Layla stopped one more time before reaching the porch so that her dog could sniff for another minute and looked up, finally noticing him. Michael watched her reaction, hoping that the happy, relaxed woman stayed. Layla blinked in surprise and then smiled softly at him. It wasn’t the exuberant free, joyful smile she’d given to Stella, but it still had enough punch to send his heart flying.

              “Hi,” he called out, grabbing his daughter’s attention.

              Stella jumped up and down before racing up the stairs to grab his hand and pull him down to Layla and the dog.

              “Daddy, his name is Bubba and I love him
much. Daddy look, isn’t he beautiful?” Stella demanded, dragging him over to the dog.

              Michael knelt down by the Bassett Hound and raised an eyebrow.
The dog looked at him curiously, an inch of slobber hanging off his mouth and he had to smile. Beauty was definitely in the eye of the beholder.

              “Bubba, huh? He said reaching out and petting the dog. Bubba immediately rolled over on his back, his stubby little legs lifted in the air. He grinned and scratched Bubba’s tummy, making his daughter giggle delightedly.

              “So what do you think of my dog?” Layla asked, standing over him and Stella.

              Michael paused and looked up into Layla’s laughing eyes, knowing if he answered this question wrong, he could really mess up with her.

              “I think he’s the most beautiful dog in the world?” he said hesitantly, trying to look sincere.

              Layla shook her head at him and laughed, her eyes bright and amused. Michael grinned and stood up. She leaned over and whispered in his ear. “You are such a liar.”

              Michael felt her hair touch his cheek and he couldn’t resist reaching out and touching a long strand of silky blond hair. “That is so mean,” he said, grinning down into her face.

              Layla stared into his eyes for a few long seconds before she blinked and smiled back. “I can see right through you Michael. You better watch out,” she said, turning away.

              Michael grabbed her hand before she could walk away and pulled her back. “If that’s true then what do you see now?” he asked.

              Layla bit her lip, her smile faltering as she looked up into his face. “I see a really good dad and a kind man,” she finally said, pulling out of his grasp.

              Michael and Stella fell into step with her as she started to walk up the stairs. “Did you see the part where I want to ask you out to dinner tonight?”

              Layla paused and looked back at him over her shoulder, looking vulnerable and unsure. He walked up the last two steps and stood face to face with her. “
Please Layla
. I want to get to know you better.”

              Layla looked into his eyes for a long moment before nodding her head. “Okay. I would like that,” she said, taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly as if she’d just decided to go bungie jumping or cliff diving.

              Michael let the breath he’d been holding out in relief and smiled happily. He felt like jumping in the air, but settled for opening the door for her. Stella moved to follow Layla but he held her back.

              “No sweetie, it’s time for you to get home. Grandma is going to come over and watch a movie with you before bedtime,” he said, hoping his mom hadn’t made any plans that night. He now needed a babysitter.

              Stella pulled out of his grasp and ran to Layla, throwing her arms around her waist. “Thank you for the cupcake and the walk Layla. You’re my best friend,” she said with such feeling that Layla laughed and leaned down and hugged her back.              

              “Oh good. I needed a best friend,” she said, standing up and smiling at Michael.

              Michael smiled. “I’ll pick you up at six if that’s okay.”

              Layla nodded and walked into the bakery, shutting the door behind her.

              Michael and Stella walked slowly down the stairs and back toward his office where his car was parked.

              “Daddy? Do you think Layla is the most beautiful girl in the world?” Stella asked curiously. “It’s okay if you do. I think she is too.”

              Michael raised his eyebrows. Living with females no matter how old they were could be complicated. “Honey, you know I think
most beautiful girl in the world,” he said honestly, watching as Stella’s face bloomed in a happy smile.

              Of course, if Stella had asked who he thought the most beautiful woman was, he’d have to say Layla Kendall. Hands down.


Chapter 9 – Disturbance


              Layla walked into the kitchen in a daze, forgetting she still had Bubba with her. Jane squawked at her and so she immediately turned around and walked down the hallway to the back door. She put Bubba in the backyard and made sure the gate was locked before returning to the kitchen.

              “Sorry, I was just in shock and wasn’t thinking,” she said softly, walking over and sitting down on a bar stool.

              Kit looked at her curiously as she flipped through a magazine filled with nothing but wedding cakes. “Shock huh? What’s going on? And where’s little miss sunshine?”

              Layla looked at her sisters and grimaced, still so unsure of herself. “Michael took Stella home. Right after he asked me out for dinner tonight at six.”

              Kit looked at her funny and took a step closer. “Oh wait a second here. How did you answer that question?”

              Layla blushed, looking flustered and torn. “I think I just said yes.”

              Jane’s head snapped up from the recipes she was organizing and transferring to her lap top and stared at her. Kit put her magazine down slowly and walked over to her sister. She put her hand on Layla’s forehead and tilted her head up to stare into her eyes. “Are you feeling okay? I could swear you just said you accepted a date.
With a man

              Layla pushed Kit’s hands away and laughed. “Knock it off. And I
accept a date. And yes, Michael is a man,” she said grinning at Jane’s joyful expression.

              “Oh mercy,
yes he is a man
. A gorgeous one,” Jane breathed out happily. “Six o’clock tonight huh? That only gives you an hour to get ready. Yay!” she yelled and jumped up.

              “I got a call that someone here is disturbing the peace.”

              All three women turned around to see Tate standing in the doorway, smiling hopefully.

              Kit snorted and walked over to grab a cupcake. “Yeah right Officer Matafeo. I do believe you just made that up,” she said walking over and handing him a cupcake.

              Tate took the cupcake with a happy grin and walked into the room to lean against the counter next to Jane. “Well, in my defense, I did hear some yelling. Something about someone going on a date?” he said, looking with a frown at Jane.

              Jane held her hands up and shook her head. “Don’t look at me. It’s Layla who just got snagged by a handsome real estate agent.”

              Layla stared at her youngest sister with a frown, shaking her head in irritation. “Really Jane?
It’s a dinner date. That’s it.”

              Kit laughed and leaned up against the counter on the opposite side from Tate. “She’s been snagged. You should see the way he looks at her. He smiles at us and it’s just this normal, boring smile. He smiles at Layla, and it’s like in the movies where the music starts playing and the lighting goes soft and there’s this beautiful close up. You really have to see it,” she said, sounding only slightly jealous.

              Jane nodded, sighing as she closed her eyes. “If a man ever looked at me like Michael looks at Layla I could die happy,” she said.

              Tate grinned at the sisters and looked assessing at Layla. “Would the handsome realtor happen to be Michael Bender?”

              Layla looked sharply at Tate. Cops knew things about people that even their relatives didn’t sometimes.

              He grinned at her and shook his head. “Well now, that is news. He’s been bachelor number one in Fircrest for the last three years. I think he’s had every single woman in a ten mile radius after him at one time or another. You’re a fast worker,” he said, his eyes teasing her.

              Layla rolled her eyes and Kit laughed, but Jane frowned. “For your information, my sister didn’t chase him. I was there. I saw the whole thing the first time they met. He just looked at her and he got this beautiful, surprised look on his face, like,
there you are
,” she said closing her eyes at the memory.

              Tate looked at her curiously as he took a bite of the cupcake and then stopped as he chewed, a stunned expression coming over his face. “
Who made this cupcake
?” he whispering in reverence as he looked at each sister.

              Jane raised her hand looking hopeful and nervous all at once. “I did although Kit helped me frost them.”

              Tate stepped closer to Jane and looked down into her face. “I will love you forever,” he said, staring down into her eyes so passionately and sincerely that Jane’s mouth fell open and she covered her heart with her hand.

              Kit laughed and Layla grinned. “That’s it perfectly!” Kit crowed. “That’s exactly how Michael looks at Layla. How did you know?”

              Layla shook her head. “I’m going to go get ready for my date. But Tate, you better watch yourself. You go around looking at women like that and you’ll have a trail of broken hearts everywhere you go,” she said and walked out of the room.

              Kit continued to stare at Tate as Jane picked up the cake decorating magazine and fanned her red face. “Seriously, how did you know that’s how he looks at Layla?”

              Tate smiled and winked at Kit before looking back at Jane. “I didn’t. I just know that’s how I’d look at Jane if she baked like this for me every day,” he said and took another bite as Jane blushed all over again.

              Kit threw a towel at Tate and laughed. “Leave her alone Matafeo, now what brings you to our humble bakery?”

              Tate closed his eyes as he ate the last bite of cupcake. “Mmm, mm, mm. Oh, I came by to see if you want to be involved in the Fircrest Days celebration. The city is selling booth space and it would be a great way to introduce yourselves to the town. You could sell your cupcakes. If you’re interested, just head down to the city and sign up,” he said glancing around the counters for anymore cupcakes.

              Jane shyly walked over and picked up another cup cake and handed it to him. Tate grinned at her and looked up to heaven as if he’d just received a blessing.

              Kit pursed her lips and nodded. “We should do it. When is it?”

              Tate licked his lips. “Next Saturday. There’ll be fireworks and a band and everything.”

              Jane smiled at Kit. “I don’t know if we’re ready, but I would love to do it.”

              Kit grinned and nodded. “Me too. We’ll tell Layla the good news after her date.”

              Tate chatted for a few more minutes and then left the women alone in the kitchen. Jane sighed and looked at where he had been standing. “He is so cute,” she said, sounding frustrated and unhappy.

              Kit looked at her in surprise. “He’s darling. What’s the matter Jane?”

              Jane shrugged and looked away. “The way he was looking at me. It was just a joke to him. Men stare at Layla and they get all nervous around you, but they see me and they automatically think of their little sister or that I’m just a friend or something. I guess I’m just tired of being pushed to the side,” she said sounding angry.

              Kit grinned at her and leaned her chin on her hands. “Well, then what are you going to do about it? Are you going to take it sitting down? Or are you going to be the strong, vibrant, passionate woman you were born to be?”

              Jane glared at Kit. “Are you making fun of me?”

              Kit shook her head and frowned. “Why would I make fun of you? No, I was just trying to encourage you to take charge. If you like Officer Tate, then go for it. What’s stopping
from making the first move?”

              Jane’s eyes went wide and she looked stunned. “
could go for
?” she said wonderingly.

              Kit nodded her head grinning. “You already know he loves your cupcakes. Just reel him in slowly and you got yourself the cutest cop I’ve ever seen.”

              Jane nodded her head and grinned. “I think I will.”

              Kit laughed and stood up, walking around the counter to hug her little sister. “You really are a strong, amazing vibrant woman. He won’t know what hit him,” she promised.

              Kit wandered out onto the front porch and sat down in one of her grandmother’s old rocking chairs. She rested her feet on the porch railing and closed her eyes as she leaned her head back. Layla had snagged Michael without even wanting to. Jane was already forming a plan to go after Tate and where did that leave her? Kit frowned and sighed. She might have the reputation of an experienced woman. Dangerous and sexy and in charge. But underneath it all, she was the most insecure of all of them.


Chapter 10 - Romance

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