You Belong With Me (13 page)

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Authors: Shannon Guymon

Tags: #Christian Books & Bibles, #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Women's Fiction, #Contemporary Women, #Contemporary Fiction, #Religious & Inspirational Fiction, #Christian, #Religion & Spirituality, #Christian Fiction, #Teen & Young Adult

BOOK: You Belong With Me
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              Layla tried not to let the praise affect her, but it did. And she had to admit, she enjoyed making the desserts and the pastries the most anyways. Why not?             

              “Okay then. We’ll try it out your way. We might have to adjust and change some things along the way, but for now, I say yes. We’ll need to hunt down Kit and tell her she’s going on a trip though,” she said, shoving her hands in her pockets. “After the wrestling match Rob just witnessed, I don’t know if Kit will want to be over bread. He’s kind of intense and she’s embarrassed,” she said worriedly.

              Jane shut her white binder and leaned up against the counter. “He doesn’t intimidate me. I think he just wanted an excuse to come back tomorrow anyways,” she said with a grin. “He couldn’t keep his eyes off Kit.”

              Max laughed and took her apron off. “Better tell Kit to start baking then,” she said and walked out the door without a good bye.

              Jane sighed. “She’s right. We better get to work. If it turns out though, I’m taking the bread straight to the restaurant and forcing him to try it. I don’t think we should have to wait until tomorrow just because he has a thing for red-heads.”

              “I thought I smelled something amazing,” a deep, masculine voice said behind them.

              Layla smiled and raised an eyebrow at Jane before turning around to see Officer Matafeo standing behind them looking hopeful.

              Jane laughed and walked toward him. “Well, it’s a good think you’re a cop. You have the nose of a blood hound. We just made croissants and bread. Would you like a croissant?”

              Tate covered his heart with his hand. “I would adore a croissant.”             

              Layla studied the tall, attractive man and tilted her head. This was the man her little sister was going to go after. She couldn’t say she blamed her. His strong masculine features combined with his light hearted and easy going personality made him practically perfect.

              “You know when we open up in a few days, you’re actually going to have to start paying for things like brownies, croissants and cookies.”

              Officer Tate swallowed his bite and shook his head sadly. “I knew the dream had to end sometime. You use me as a guinea pig and then you cast me aside.
harsh Layla. I’m shocked,” he said trying to look sad.

              Layla laughed and walked out of the kitchen, leaving Jane to flirt all she wanted to. She walked out the front door and out on to the front porch. Kit was already sitting in one of the rocking chairs with her jean clad legs up on the railing. Layla said nothing as she joined her sister and kicked her legs up too.

              “Did you hear Jane’s ideas?” Layla asked as she leaned her head back and closed her eyes.

              Kit didn’t answer for a while. “You know, life just turns out so differently than how I expected it to. I was supposed to be famous by now. Have my own art studio. Have the life I always dreamed of having. But now I’ll be using my vast artistic abilities to form the perfect color of fondant. I don’t know Layla. Do you think this will kill my soul?” she asked in a soft voice.

              Layla opened her eyes and turned her head to look at her impossibly beautiful sister. “Oh honey, that’s up to you. It’ll either kill you or expand your soul in ways you haven’t imagined. You’re the one that makes that decision.”

              Kit sighed and stretched her arms over her head. “Either way, I think it’s dumb to leave just the two you alone while I take a class on cake decorating. You’re opening the bakery in just a few days. We all know we’re not ready and Max is leaving the second she feels her obligation to our grandmother is up. How are two novices like you and Jane going to handle everything on your own?”

              Layla frowned and sat up. “Crap. I didn’t think of that. Jane probably didn’t either. I ask Max to stay every day, but she won’t budge.”

              Kit snorted. “It would take a tank to budge that woman. We’ll have to sink or swim. I can do some basic cakes and do some online classes and just experiment on my own sort of thing. When the bakery starts doing really well, we can hire some part time help and if I still think I need a class, then I can take off.”

              Layla smiled. “When did you get to be so practical? Even last year you would have taken off without a single thought. What’s happening to you Kit?”

              Kit tried to smile, but it wobbled dangerously. “It’s called growing up Layla. You can’t be the only one who tries it,” she said and stood up. “I’m going to go experiment with some fondant and make a new batch of bread.”

              Layla smiled worriedly at her sister and then turned back to her view of the cool misty scene before her. She felt her heart speed up as Michael’s car pulled up in front of the bakery. She felt like jumping up and running down the steps, but controlled her first impulse and settled for lowering her legs. Michael grinned when he saw her and bounded up the steps. He leaned down and kissed her briefly on the cheek before standing up and leaning against the porch railing.

              Layla smiled up at him with her eyes as she tried to control her erratic breathing. “Hi there.”

              Michael stared at her with a small smile on his mouth as if he wanted to kiss her again. “Done for the day?”

              Layla crossed her legs. “Pretty much. I need to go over our suppliers and look at our past orders but other than that, I’ve got some time on my hands. What about you?”

              Michael moved to sit in Kit’s vacated rocking chair, turning to see her better. “Stella is with her maternal grandparents for the day. They drove her up to the zoo so I’m completely free. And I was wondering if you’d like to go boating with me? I know it’s a little cool and misty, but it’s supposed to clear up later this afternoon.”

              Layla couldn’t stop the grin on her face. “You own a boat?” she couldn’t help asking.

              Michael nodded and reached for her hand. “I bought it last year and I haven’t been able to take it out much. I already have it hitched to my truck. Why don’t you grab a jacket and we can go fishing?”

              Layla bit her lip excitedly. “I would
to,” she said as Michael came to his feet, to stand in front of her. As if they were reading each other’s thoughts, Layla stood up and stepped into Michael’s arms as he held her tightly. “I love the water more than anything,” she whispered as she hugged him.

              Michael kissed her hair before letting her go. “Then you’re in for a great afternoon,” he said, pushing her gently toward the door.

              Just as she reached for the door though, Officer Tate walked through, his face looking tense and stormy. She blinked in surprise as he brushed past her without saying anything.

” she said just as Jane followed him, rushing through the door.

              Jane stood on the porch next to Michael, her face red and her brown eyes looking like golden fire. “You are the biggest jerk I’ve ever met!” Jane yelled at Tate as he reached the bottom stair.

              He turned back to look at her warily and just in time to get a croissant in the face. “Go get your free samples someplace else from now on,” Jane added, dusting her hands on her jeans before putting her nose in the air and going back through the door.

              Layla’s mouth had fallen open in shock as she turned to look at Tate who was wiping flaky pieces of the croissant off his face, looking just as furious as Jane.

              “Your little sister is the biggest spoiled brat I’ve ever met in my life. She’s just a child. She has no idea what’s good for her,” he spit out, looking as if he wanted to race back up the stairs and give Jane a piece of his mind.

              Layla shook her head in confusion. “
She’s the furthest thing from a brat.
What did you do?
” she asked, stepping forward.

              Michael put his arm around Layla’s shoulders as if to restrain her. Tate shrugged and his eyes became shuttered. “Let’s just say she has a hard time taking no for an answer,” he said and then with one more sizzling look at the bakery, turned and walked down the street, his angry feet eating up the distance within minutes.

              Layla looked up at Michael. “That was crazy,” she whispered, thinking of her normally, cerebral, shy and reserved sister. Jane had just thrown a croissant in a police officer’s face all the while, telling him off.

              Michael laughed and then shocked her again by kissing her softly on the lips. “I wouldn’t worry about it. As a matter of fact, before anything else happens, why don’t you just come with me right now? You can borrow one of my jackets.”

              Layla glanced at the house, knowing she should probably check on Jane, but the water was calling to her and she’d never been able to say no. She was going to hand this one off to Kit.

              “Let’s go,” she said, sounding unsure.

              Michael nodded and grabbed her hand, pulling her down the stairs and to his car. Layla looked back over the seat as the bakery grew smaller and smaller and felt slightly guilty.

              “Hey, relax. This will give her time to calm down. She’ll vent to Kit and then when you get home later, she will be thinking more logically. Plus, it will let her process and she’ll be able to discuss it with you and get the rest of her mad out.”

              Layla turned and stared at Michael. “How do you know so much about women and how they work?” she demanded.

              Michael laughed and looked at her with a smile. “I have a mom, a sister and a daughter. I’d be an idiot if I didn’t watch and learn.

              Layla smiled and felt the urge to reach over touch him. She held back but couldn’t help the warmth in her heart the more time she spent with Michael. “You’d be surprised by how many men don’t take the time to understand women.”

              Michael shrugged. “Understanding makes life easier for everyone involved.”

              Layla gave up and reached over and held Michael’s hand, making him glance at her in surprised pleasure. He took her hand and kissed the back before resting their hands on his knee. They reached his house a minute later and Layla blinked in surprise. It was an old fashioned, beautiful restored nineteenth century Stucco Spanish Revival.

              “Wow. The real estate business must be doing better than I thought,” she said with a smile as she got out of his car and stood, looking up at the beautiful architectural elements of the home. The grounds were gorgeous with a walled entry courtyard and professional landscaping.              

              Michael shrugged with a smile and gestured for her to follow him to the side of the house where a detached garage stood. In the driveway was a large black truck with a speed boat already hooked up and ready to go.

              “I do okay. Which comes in handy when you’re dating a woman who loves the water,” he said, looking back at her with a crooked grin.

              Layla couldn’t argue with that. She waited outside while he ran in his house to grab two jackets and hats. Within moments they were on their way to Elliot Bay. Forty-five minutes later, she was helping Michael get the boat in the water by backing the truck up right into the water. Michael expertly unhooked the boat and pushed it off. He anchored the boat while she drove forward and then they switched places. He went to park the truck while she hopped in the boat.

              Layla had always thought owning and operating a boat would be time consuming and tedious, but Michael made it seem easy.

              “Life jacket,” Michael said, and tossed one to her. As soon as she hooked her jacket they were off, zooming over the waves and heading toward the opposite side of the Sound. Michael opened a drawer and pulled out an extra pair of sunglasses and handed them to her.

              Layla looked at the glasses, grinning at how sporty they were. Kit was right. Life was so strange sometimes and very unexpected. Just a couple weeks ago she was planning on moving down to California to work for an adoption agency because if she saw one more abused kid she’d crumble. And now, she and her sisters owned a bakery and she was dating an amazing man who owned a boat. She stepped toward Michael who was sitting in front of the controls and put her hands on his shoulders to steady herself from the bumpy boat ride.

              He glanced over his shoulder at her and grinned. Layla wasn’t sure what was coming over her. She’d never felt comfortable showing physical affection with people but she felt so at ease with Michael. He made her feel comfortable and confident. No other man ever had before.

              Michael slowed the boat down as they came into view of a solitary beach and stood up. He went to the side hatch of the boat and lifted up the seat. Inside were fishing poles. He grabbed a box full of hooks and shut the seat. He sat down and quietly went about the business of attaching a hook. When he was done, he bent over and pulled a small cooler toward him and before she had the chance to be grossed out had a worm on the end of her pole.

              They spent the next hour talking and enjoying the peacefulness of the water. Michael pulled up a steelhead trout but she had no luck. After she covered a few yawns unsuccessfully, Michael told her to go lay down on the bench. Since she’d been up before five that morning she gave in, handing her pole to Michael. She laid down on the soft cushioned bench, put her arm over her face and quickly fell asleep.

              When she woke up, she had a large umbrella on a pole attached to the side of the boat shading her from the sun and a warm quilt over her. She sat up, blinking her eyes awake and sat back as she studied the man quietly fishing. The mist and gray were gone over the Sound and sparkling bright sunlight fell on everything. She sighed and felt completely at peace with herself, the water and the man. She stood up and stretched before walking behind Michael.

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