You Belong With Me (16 page)

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Authors: Shannon Guymon

Tags: #Christian Books & Bibles, #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Women's Fiction, #Contemporary Women, #Contemporary Fiction, #Religious & Inspirational Fiction, #Christian, #Religion & Spirituality, #Christian Fiction, #Teen & Young Adult

BOOK: You Belong With Me
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                                                        me but the hope of us ever being

                                                        together, made me realize something.

                                                        I love you - Michael

              Layla crumpled the paper in her hand and shoved it in her pocket to dispose of later. She sat back down and tried to breathe slowly as fresh new pain sliced through her heart. She’d assumed that after shutting the door, locking it and cementing the sucker closed that it wouldn’t hurt anymore. She’d been wrong.

              She smoothed her hair down and pinched the bridge of her nose as she concentrated on controlling her emotions. She’d learned early on in her career that she had to accept the pain, allow it in, recognize it and then find healthy ways to get rid of it. Michael had mentioned hiking to the top of some mountain and screaming her head off. She wondered if he’d be surprised she’d be screaming over him now.

              A slick black sports car pulled up to the curb and she frowned suspiciously.
Someone was trying to make a statement
, she thought wryly and groaned as she saw Alex Foster get out of the car. He saw her on the porch and waved in a friendly manner as he hurried up the stairs. She thought about asking him in, but immediately dismissed it. She didn’t want him anywhere near Jane.

              “Hi Mr. Foster. How are you?” she asked politely, not standing.

              Alex stood on the stairs, smiling with all his teeth front and center. “Layla, you look beautiful today. I just came by to see if you’d had the chance to go over the new offer I made on the bakery? I can’t seem to get a hold of Michael and he’s not in his office,” he said, sounding irritated.

              Layla frowned. “
I just know of the first one. But it doesn’t matter. No matter what the offer is, the answer is going to be no. We’re not selling. Not now, not ever,” she said bluntly, hoping that he would get it and back off.

              Alex turned red in the face and glared at his feet. “I offered you part ownership in the stores I’ll be building. It will be a very lucrative business relationship. For you and your sisters and me. If I were you, I’d think about it,” he said smoothly.

              Layla looked at him in surprise. He just wouldn’t give up. “Fine Mr. Foster, I’ll talk to my sisters about it and let you know later what our final decision is. Thanks for coming by,” she said dismissively.

              Alex frowned at her and then glanced at the bakery, a calculating light in his eyes. “I heard you were giving out free samples. Do you mind if I go in and talk to your sisters?”

              Layla stood up and walked over to stand in front of him. “Sorry, no free samples today. We’ll be opening the bakery the day after tomorrow though. Fifty percent off everything. You’ll have to come by,” she said with a cold smile, letting him know he wasn’t getting past her.

              Alex nodded his head, his eyes now angry and hard. “Fine Layla. I’ll see you and your sisters then,” he said and walked back down the stairs.

              She watched him drive away and felt a cold sick feeling in the pit of her stomach.
Why couldn’t he just give up
, she wondered. Jane poked her head out the front door and smiled at her.

              “Is he gone?”

              Layla nodded her head and sighed. Jane and Kit joined her on the front porch and she told them about the offer and his determination to come back. Jane looked nervous but Kit shrugged it off.

              “No means no. He’ll figure it out someday. In the meantime, did you want to know how my meeting went with Rob this morning?” she asked, sitting cross legged in the rocking chair.

              Layla smiled and nodded. “I do, but I already know what you’re going to say. He loved it.”

              Kit laughed and nodded her head. “Said it was the best bread he’d ever tasted.”

              Jane grinned and punched her sister on the shoulder. “So did he ask you out?” she asked, her eyes bright and curious.

              Kit shrugged and frowned a little. “It was weird. He was sweet and flirty and he acted like he wanted to ask me out. And then,
. He told me to have a good day and before I knew it, I was out the door.”

              Layla said nothing as she rocked in her chair, but she didn’t miss the confusion and frustration. Kit had never had to work hard at getting a man’s attention.

              “Don’t worry about it Kit. Maybe he just wants to get to know you better before he asks you out?” Layla said trying to be positive.

              Kit shrugged. “No big deal. If it happens, it happens. Besides, this Saturday is the big Fircrest Days celebration. I’m sure I’ll meet plenty of good looking men there.”

              Jane sighed as she rested her head on her hand. “We’ll all keep our eyes out. Single, good looking, mature, kind and honorable men. That’s not asking for too much right?” she asked doubtfully.

              Layla snorted but refused to say anything bitter. Kit shrugged and looked away. And Jane groaned loudly as Officer Tate walked down the street toward their bakery.

              Layla glanced at Jane’s face realizing that she’d been so caught up in her own life and Michael that she’d never gotten all the details on their big fight or even the reason for it.

              Tate walked up to the bottom of the stairs and glanced up at the three sisters. Layla and Kit looked down at Tate in friendly curiosity. Jane seemed to be studying the rain gutters though.

              “How are you lovely ladies this fine afternoon?” he asked politely.

              Layla refused to say anything and let Kit say something meaningless. What was she supposed to do? Lie?

              “Well, glad to hear that. Just wanted to stop by and let you know that there have been some break-ins in a few businesses around this area during the past week. We’ve had a few windows smashed and tills stolen. How is your security system?”

              Kit and Layla exchanged clueless looks. Jane sighed loudly. “Our security system is fine Officer. Now be on your way please,” she said coldly and studied her manicure.

              Layla looked over at Jane’s short grubby nails and winced.
. She was ticked. Officer Tate frowned and put his hands on his narrow hips as he stared directly at Jane.

              “I’ll be the judge of that. Show me what type of security system you have,” he said in a direct, authoritative voice, they’d never heard from him before.

              Jane’s eyes widened and she glanced at her sisters. Layla shrugged and Kit whistled a soft tuneless sound as she refused to look at Jane. Jane made a huffing sound and stood up.

              “Please follow me Officer,” she said and then mumbled another word that Layla hoped she’d misheard.

              By the way Officer Tate’s face tightened, she was going to assume he’d heard it as well. It wasn’t a nice word. He followed Jane into the bakery, leaving Layla and Kit alone on the porch.

              “Can you say
?” Kit said, looking over her shoulder to make sure the door was shut firmly.

              Layla laughed, not sounding that amused. “Yeah, well, sparks don’t really matter, do they? I had plenty of those. Just yesterday too.
, sounding bitter. Moving on. So what exactly happened between those two? The last thing I remember yesterday was Jane throwing a croissant in his face.”

              Kit grinned and shook her head, wincing at the memory. “Jane told me it was hideous. Remember her plan to be a strong, take charge kind of woman? Well, it didn’t go over so well with Officer Gorgeous. She asked him out. He said no way. She wanted to know why and he wouldn’t tell her. She asked him if he was married. He said no. Did he have a girlfriend. No. Was he gay. No. On and on and on. She finally said,
is it me?
And he said . . . ,

              Layla’s mouth fell open and her eyes went wide. “Are you kidding me?” she breathed out, feeling her heart hurt for Jane. “He comes around here flirting and getting free samples and then tells her he won’t go out with her because
the issue. No wonder she threw a croissant in his face. I would have thrown everything I had at the guy. And now he’s back one day later. Is he an idiot?” she asked softly.

              Kit laughed and nodded her head. “Apparently so,” she said as Officer Tate opened the front door and walked out, glaring over his shoulder. As he walked down the steps he glanced back at Layla. “Get a security system.
,” he snapped and walked away, disappearing within minutes.

              Layla and Kit exchanged looks as Jane walked back out onto the porch holding a decadent looking lemon square in her hand.

, this is really good Layla. Max is right, you are an angel with desserts,” she said taking a big bite.

              Layla laughed, for real this time. “Let me guess. You flaunted our beautiful desserts in front of his face and didn’t offer him one.”

              Kit laughed as Jane smiled evilly. “Now would I do that to an officer of the law?”

              Layla tilted her head back and laughed, feeling better for some reason. “If you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go look up security systems and see how much they cost,” she said leaving her sisters on the porch, giggling.


Chapter 14 – Dancing Around


              The next day the three sisters rushed around in a frenzy trying to get everything ready for their big opening the following day. Max stayed calm and laughed at their nervousness, but she did stay later than usual and held her tongue even when Jane threw a whole pan of burnt cookies in the trash, before pulling her hair and screaming at the ceiling.

              Later that night as they looked at the gleaming glass cases and the spotless floors they looked at each other, each woman feeling slightly sick along with too much excitement.

              “Are we seriously doing this?” Kit asked, collapsing on the floor, cross legged, leaning her head in her hands.

              Jane twirled around in a circle lifting her hands up as she grinned. “Not only are we doing this, but we’re going to be amazing. We’re going to be world famous. We’re probably going to have our own reality TV series by next year. Not MTV though. I’m thinking Bravo,” she said, sighing happily as she collapsed next to Kit on the floor, lying back and staring at the ceiling.

              Layla looked at her two younger sisters, praying their dreams would come true. Well, all except for the reality show.
she could do without. She walked over to the front window and the brand new OPEN sign they’d bought just that afternoon. She stared out at the sunset and sighed tiredly.

              “You know what, men can come and go and hearts can break and mend, but sisters are forever. I’m so glad we’re doing this. I love you guys,” she said turning back around to see her sister’s looking at her in surprise. Before she could catch her breath, Jane and Kit were standing next to her, wrapping their arms around her in the tightest group hug she’d ever experienced. She gasped for breath as she tried to pull her arms out of their tight grasp. When she finally got her arms free, she hugged her sisters back, kissing them on their foreheads and laughing lightly.

              “You two might be the only family I have left, but I’d rather have you two than a hundred relatives,” Layla said fervently.

              Kit looked up at her with tears in her eyes. “Same goes Layla. I know you only did this for me and Jane. Thank you.”

              Jane looked up then, tears in her eyes too and squeezed her so tightly Layla squeaked. “Kit’s right. If it weren’t for you, I’d be miserable sitting at a desk doing someone’s taxes.”

              Kit nodded her head. “And I’d be homeless and living out of my car and working at McDonalds.”

              Layla laughed and squeezed her sisters back until they yelped. “You two crack me up. I think we’ve done all we can tonight. Do you guys want to go grab something to eat or we could call for some take out?”

              Kit finally let her go. “I would kill for some Chinese food.”

              Jane frowned. “I was thinking pizza.”

              Layla sighed. The problem with having two sisters was they never agreed. They finally settled on walking to a little Mexican restaurant two blocks away. Layla breathed in the spicy scents and smiled happily. Their waiter was a gorgeous man in his early twenties who flirted like crazy with all three sisters. Layla knew it was to get a bigger tip but after the beating her ego had taken, it was balm to her soul. By the happy expressions on Jane’s and Kit’s faces, they were enjoying the over the top compliments and attention too.

              They ordered fajitas and then concentrated on eating all the chips and salsa. Three bowls of chips later, along with all the fajitas, the women were now relaxed, feeling better and full. Even after all that, it wasn’t hard for Ricardo to convince them to order dessert. While they waited for their flan he insisted that Layla get up and dance with him. She surprised her sisters and herself by agreeing. She tried to follow Ricardo’s movements and thought she’d done a pretty good job by all the whistling and yelling coming from the other tables. Kit and Jane were laughing so hard, they’d collapsed on top of their table. Ricardo finished the dance by grabbing her and bending her deep over his arm, holding her an extra second before whipping her up to a standing position. As she blinked her eyes, laughing at herself, she realized two things. Michael was standing a few feet away from her, staring at her with dark dangerous eyes and someone was pulling on her shirt.

              Ricardo bowed deeply and she curtsied, telling him thank you before kneeling down and looking into Stella’s bright happy blue eyes.

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