You Called Me-ARE and Apple epub (20 page)

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“I think it’s too soon…”

“What do you think I’ll do to you there that I didn’t just do on the window sill and the rug under the desk?”

“Can I let you know?” Kenya asked. He watched her mouth tighten around the edges.

“I like you, Kenya. Plan to spend a lot of time with you. Plan to have a lot of sex with you. You think I’ll do something to hurt you while we’re there?” It was obvious from the restaurant that she takes a lot of abuse from her sister’s views of her and takes them to heart. Concerned what they would think of her when she returned. He didn’t care for the way the women treated Kenya setting her focus on anything to bring his woman down.

“Tell me about your family, Jonathan.”

Reaching over to the low table, he picked up a small photo album, setting the bottle of whiskey down. Handed the book to Kenya, resting his hand over her stomach with the bowl of ice cream he took a spoon of the sweet dessert sharing it with her.

Swallowing the cold dessert before he said, “That’s the estate in Ireland,” reaching under her fingers he pointed to the dog on the front lawn with his cousin, Fiona. “Judge’s father.”

“Judge came from Ireland?”

“My family has had bulldogs for as long as I can remember. We rent a portion of the estate out now. Bed and breakfast type of inn. These mountains, back the entire estate and a forest flanks it on two sides. It’s considered a luxury hotel.”

“You serve authentic Irish meals or do you mix it up?”

“Combination. Boxties and blood sausages are favorites for the older guests.”

Kenya put a hand to her mouth and said, “I don't even wanna know what a blood sausage is.” She scrunched her forehead in disgust, she said, “Boxty, what's that?”

“A sort of potato cake simi larto a pancake.”

“A latka?”

“Same concept with regional differences,” he told her loving her curiosity, “Good with bangers you say sausage here in the states, bacon that sort of meal.”

“That sounds good actually.” I can handle that. What's there to do...tourist activities?”

“Lots of home grown specialty shops with handmade clothes and food and things. Hiking, horseback riding, salmon fishing…”

“Falconry?” she said, excited.

“You know about falconry?”

“No, my aunt joked about it when she thought she’d heard of your family. I think it sounds interesting.”

“Then you have to let me introduce you to Red, my prize falcon. I’ll show you how to call him in. Falconry is one of the oldest sports in the world and a favorite of mine.”

“That is so Old World, a falcon, yet it suits your personality perfectly.”

“You think so?” he asked laying his face over her hair to stare out through the window at the partial moon out tonight. The glow spilled a weak shadow on the floor. He'd let his foot slip off the couch and braced it to the floor. The covers shifted as he tugged Kenya tight against his body. That moment held the realization that he wanted more than physical he wanted peace, this peace he felt in her arms.  

She made a sound low in her throat sort of a moan and surprising to him, the vibration over his chest aroused his body to awaken, not fully, but enough to make Kenya blush. She said, “You're a quiet soul at times, always something or someone on your mind. And you're a thinker, a planner. Both are attractive on you.” She paused, and he leaned into her fingers combing back through his hair. “After what you've shared I can see Ireland is a source of energy for you to recharge, get close to your family roots,” Kenya said, turning in her shoulder pinned to his chest. “Where’s the estate located?”

She had no idea how far off she'd been about his family, but tonight he focused on Kenya and her happiness. “Connemara, a bit remote but that, I believe, is the pull for those looking to get away. It’s backed by the Twelve Ben’s mountain range,” he said.

“Ireland is a beautiful country and there are times, the atmosphere and the people call me home.”

“Sounds like it,” Kenya said and Jonathan couldn't remember when he'd enjoyed his home more than right then having her in his arms. He closed a hand over her warm stomach rubbing up and down to her sex still moist from their lovemaking then trailed around patting her hip. “In Ireland, can you smell the whiskey in the air surrounding the stillerys?”

He nodded. “It permeates the air, yes. My family doesn't own a stillery, there's one in the area surrounding the estate.”

“Jonathan, this sounds beautiful. Can’t imagine why you live in the States instead of out here.” Pointing to the grounds on the picture, she fed him her sweet smile over her shoulder. He closed a hand over her chin bringing her face up for a gentle kiss. It's been years since he’s wanted a woman to stay. Normally after a woman's gone down on him she’d picked up her things ready to go. It unnerved him the importance of having Kenya stay tonight. 

“You’re beautiful, Kenya.” He liked this, the two of them alone, no one to make her upset or uncomfortable. Reaching back, he set the empty bowl on the table. “I want to show you Ireland. Do you have a passport?”

She snuggled into his chest, warm, soft breast against his heart. “I’ve known you less than a month and I’m lying here naked in your arms and sucking whiskey off your fingers. Slow down some. I can’t process this that fast.”

“I don’t work that way,” cupping her behind beneath the cover. “I’m not grading you on how soon you did or didn’t give it up, Kenya. Did you agree because you thought I’d ask you to leave if you didn’t?”

“I wanted this as much as you did.”

“Then, I don’t want to hear that again. You gave as good as you got, lady. Now, am I flying to Ireland alone next weekend or will you accompany me?”

“Maybe next time,” she declined. Disappointed she didn’t trust him enough to leave the country, he knew it steamed from her sister’s condescending remarks back at the restaurant.  

“I won’t force you.”

“I know that,” she said. “It's...I have a lot going on right now with the new position and all. You understand, right?”

“I'll have to,” he said.

They sat quiet, the ticking of the second hand on the clock the only sound in the office.

“Not to pry, but what’s going on that Fiona needs you to go home to Ireland?”

He flipped a few pages in the plastic covered book. “This is the edge of the woodlands of our property where many come to fish for salmon. Along that stretch of land where it slips in to the wooded forest, my father wants to build a lodge on the grounds.”

“A lodge…fishing lodge?” Kenya frowned up at him and he loved the gentle scrap of her nails over his ribcage as she angled around, slipping a hand between his back and the couch. “That doesn’t sound like something you’d find on such an elegant estate. Is it normal?”

“Up in the remote area it’s not unheard of. There are sheep farms in the area. A lodge would open the estate to unsuitable clientele.”

“If they can afford to pay the asking fee…”

He kissed the tender skin beneath her ear, loving the scent of the ice cream cookies and whiskey blended. He said, “The Irish have a known history for liquor and rebel rousing. A lodge on private land, un policed whiskey and the next thing they’ll be bidding for is a room in the estate.”

“Your father doesn’t have say over what goes on at the estate?”

“The land belongs to my mother. The estate is property of the Blakemore clan.”

“I take it your parents don’t get along?”


He smiled. She covered a yawn, stretching her sated body along his under the covers, could feel himself stiffening under her squirming body.

“Mind if I get a shower? It’s been a long day and I can tell I won’t last much longer.”




Chapter Twelve


Kenya tilted her head back until it bumped the hard chest at her back. Warm water rushed down onto through her thick hair with Jonathan's strong hands scrubbing shampoo meticulously through its length. He’d soaped her well-worn body from top to bottom, with a soapy, hot sponge slipping it down over her body washing every curve massaging with care. She closed her eyes and enjoyed Jonathan’s caresses over her shoulders, thought she would come when he knelt before her polishing her body, the slick soapy sponge gliding up between her thighs over her sensitive skin…her swollen sex. Holding her feet up he washed each one before moving up to scrub her back massaging her shoulders. Kenya could have purred—that low sound came from her, she had purred.

“Your hair is so thick, Kenya. I like it.” Jonathan drug his fingers through her hair smoothing the shampoo through and massaging her scalp. “I hope you never cut it.”

“I can tell,” she said and let him bend her back rinsing the scented suds from her hair. The warm water sprayed over her breast, suds slipping between her legs. She reached up scrubbing a hand through her hair ensuring he got all the shampoo from her scalp. She eased around as he began squeezing out the excess water.

Loved the golden red hairs on his chest, kissing his sensitive skin she licked her tongue over his tight nipples. Trapping his sex between them listened to him suck in a breath when she reached between them and closed her fingers around the swollen flush head. Had to close her eyes, the realization of all this man had been inside her less than an hour ago thrilled under her skin. She wanted to taste him, feel him inside her mouth. Doubt she could take all of him, but wanted to bring him the pleasure he’d brought her earlier.

Easing down, she held on to his legs as she knelt before him on the warm tile. Jonathan’s floors were heated beneath the normally cold tiles. Loved the way his thick member angled toward his naval. She kissed the reddish brown line traveling from his naval to his groin. The water gave it a darker almost burgundy shade. His well-defined body she kissed the entire way down, licking drops of water from his skin.

“Thought you were tired?” His voice coated her like warm suds dripping down her body.

“I am,” Kenya said around a grin. Licking and, sucking gently on the crown his scent drove her to take all of him. To have him fill her mouth, tickle her throat, make his back bow behind each stroke of her tongue. She swallowed.

“Kenya!” His fingers locked in her hair and Jonathan cursed out. “Babe...”Jonathan's pleas came out between gritted teeth, “I'm close...stop.”

Twisting her hand up and down the thick veins roping the length of him, she didn't stop. She glanced up through lowered lashes her fingers around the base of him or at least the portion she could make her fingers touch. Found Jonathan’s lip caught between his teeth him staring down over her. He was enjoying this why ask her to stop.

Drawing him in and out slowly, loving his taste clean and masculine, and swelling behind each grip of her fingers. She couldn’t believe he hadn’t asked her to do this already. Wanted to the moment she sat on his lap in the living room, the thick hard rise beneath his trousers, had prodded her between her thighs.

Slipping a hand beneath him, she caressed the weight of Jonathan in her hand, him cupping the back of her head stroking her wet hair slow and gentle.

“Kenya, baby.” His guttural, yet contented, plea washed over her, loving the sound of his husky voice echoing in the large shower stall. She moaned over the length of him, his body shuttering, knees locked out to either side of her. Could sense his climax building behind every lick of her tongue, shifting her angle she swallowed as he hit the back of her throat. Hands pushed at her shoulders hard enough to get her attention. Kenya let him slide from her mouth, a pained look on his face. He turned and faced the drain on the floor. Why didn’t he finish, she thought, coming to her feet. Breast pressed to his back, slowly she reached around and covered his hand closed around his shaft. Tension lightened when he slipped his fingers over hers. Grunting he shuttered against her body. Jonathan rested his head over his forearm on the tiled wall. Caressing his chest through the soft hairs with her fingers, she listened to his ragged breathing.

Uncertain what just happened she kissed the wet skin on his back and waited. Said nothing, just smoothed her fingers over the rippled abs let the warm water rinse down over his body clearing away the evidence that she brought him to that point.

The flow of water stopped and she dropped her hands as he motioned to leave the shower. “Did I do something you didn’t like?”

“Let me get you a towel for your hair,” he said, stepping from the shower, not giving her eye contact. She stood naked trailing his movements around the large space, him retrieving two thick towels from a hidden panel in the wall beside the medicine cabinet. The recessed shelves held his toiletries in orderly and neat rows. “We’ll go to bed get some sleep.”

She stepped over the lip of the shower and stood in silence as he squeezed the large towel over her hair. Wrapping a second thick dark gray towel around her body and he wouldn’t make eye contact.

“Jonathan,” she said embarrassed, grabbing his hand tucking the towel between her breasts. “If you didn’t like it…”

His solemn eyes held her for a long moment. A moment they appeared to need more than air itself right then. Then he broke away avoiding her face altogether as if another woman's face slid over hers somehow. “You don’t have to do that for me, Kenya,” he said in a broken tone, refusing her eye contact.

What just happened, she'd never heard of a man not wanting a woman to do that? The ugly, nakedness of his rejection made her stomach lurch. She turned to leave.

“I’ll go. Just let me dry my hair and I’ll…Jonathan!” He cupped her hips, lifting her from the floor grouping her legs around his waist. The towels pooled around her feet His every step pounding across the floor past the tub around a half wall to the vanity she couldn't get a grip on what happened. Her naked hips hit the cold surface of the stone counter, Kenya hissed and her breast bounced under the thud. Jonathan positioned her at the edge of the counter, baring her to his greedy stare, her legs gripped around his waist. “Jonathan!”

“Are you on the pill?” he urgency in his voice came from a place he worked at hiding in front of her. The strain around his eyes said something triggered an old pain, but not to ask him to explain. She wanted to rock him in her arms, kiss away the cloud running through his mind. “Kenya--”

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