Your Orgasmic Pregnancy (16 page)

Read Your Orgasmic Pregnancy Online

Authors: Yvonne K. Fulbright Danielle Cavallucci

BOOK: Your Orgasmic Pregnancy
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grows. The same safety pre- cautionsfromearlypregnancy apply during the third tri- mester. In addition, Dr. Meu- lenberg issues the following warning: “Late-term women should not be on their backs forlongperiodsoftime. Itwill compromise the blood flow to the uterus and placenta.”


Figure 4.1
Kneeling rear-entry


Figure 4.2
Chair sex


Bearingthisinmind,werecom- mend the positions in Figures 4.1 through 4.6. The supported side- by-side position (see Figure 4.3) is a gentle option, and since you are on your side, a pillow can be used to supportyourbelly. Thewoman- on-top position (see Figure 4.4) is recommendedbecauseitplaces no pressure on your abdomen, and you can use your lover’s chest


to stabilize yourself. Side angle sex (see Figure 4.5 on page 110) is good if you are experienc- ing more sensitivity on one side of your vaginal vault. Supported by pil- lows, lie on your left side so as not to allow the in- ferior vena cava to compr under the fetus’ weight). more bodily contact, you periment with low-key lo Figure 4.6 on page 110). your legs are lifte there is less stres on your lower back, allowing you to relax



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Figure 4.3
Supported side- by-side position




Figure 4.4
The classic woman- on-top position


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Figure 4.6
Low-key loving


Figure 4.5
Side-angle sex


sider using Liberator apes to facilitate later- regnancy sex. Libera- tor Shapes, found at www.liberator, are billed as “bed- room adventure gear.” They are padded supports that come in dif- ferent shapes, and they help couples aintain positions well suited to lovemaking dur-
egnancy. Their ontours provide additional sup- port, reduc- ing strain on hands and knees and making it easier for a pregnant wom- s partner to ma-

neuver around her belly.


How You Can Help Her
To orally pleasure her at any stage in late pregnancy, encourage her to sit on your face, or prop her pelvis up with pillows. These positions can help her relax, resulting in a much bigger payoff for your efforts.


for partners
Love That Lingerie!
Topping the list of popular positions during the third trimester,
womanon top anddoggiestyletend to betheeasiestforbothpart- ners. So saddle up or get down on all fours, but we want to see you flaunting your assets as you do so. Today’s preggie lingerie styles offer more sexy options than ever. Sabine says, “The style today is really soft silk—not restricting, but flowy. When we got married, people gave me panties and open, flowy lingerie tops for sex dur- ing pregnancy. Yet they’re comfortable to wear any time. Also, lots of the shirts that are now in style for going out can be worn whether you’re pregnant or not.”
An obvious and popular lingerie option for preggies is baby- doll style. Draping forgivingly over the belly bulge, these flirty andfunpieceshighlightyourbreasts, buttocks, andlegs, allowing both partners to (almost) forget about the baby for a while. Not all couples want to ignore the belly, though, as Raleigh attests: “I sometimes accentuate my belly in bed with some of the same lin- gerie as before, like a baby-doll cut. Pirro Cy thinks it’s sexy. He’s

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Figure 4.7
A preggie in sexy lingerie


ed on. Me being the mother of his child is a at. We’re more his now.”
ing high is the only way to go when don- your baby-doll fashions. Flaunting your vo- uous breasts above a flowing, sheer drape of ric can help both you and your partner feel ore comfortable and remain focused on the leasure of sex play.
Variety is the spice of life, so be sure to spoil yourself with an assortment of belly- baring panties, hipsters, thongs, and biki- nis (see Figure 4.7); check retailers like the Gap(, whichhasitsownma- ternity line. Hot Mama bras come in silk, lace, minimizer, active, underwire, seam- ss, and double-strap versions, along with ultry garters and panties in bold leopard dotherrisquéprints, courtesyofourfavor- eddyvendor Agent Provocateur (www.agent Hanky Panky’s fresh and fun
preggieofferings, found at various outlets, include lace thongs, boy shorts, and bikinis.
your fun to the next level. Don lingerie that makes you feel like a diva, goheavyontheeyeliner, rouge, or lip color, lubeyourselfup with body oil, and throw on those f.m. heels that you never get to


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