Your Soul Contract Decoded: Discover the Spiritual Map of Your Life With Numerology (41 page)

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Authors: Nicolas David Ngan

Tags: #Body; Mind & Spirit, #Numerology

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the human morphogenetic christ consciousness grid. The major-

ity of people then start to believe this.

But this is changing as we ascend in consciousness. This all-

encompassing consensus reality is breaking down. it is gradually

being replaced by more localized, higher-consciousness holo-

graphic bubbles of reality. lightworkers/service souls/spiritual

seekers, who are rising in consciousness, are responsible for this.

They are projecting completely different pictures of reality

than are held to be true by the lower-consciousness consensus

reality of the majority of Earth’s population. These much more

highly conscious pictures of reality are generated by the Divine

Purpose of each lightworker as they start to come online. These



1. Localized




bubbles of reality

2. Expanding localized



bubbles of reality



3. Complete breakdown of consensus reality replaced by expanded localized holographic bubbles of reality

Figure 25: Breakdown of consensus reality over time

are all part of the Divine Plan to create Heaven on Earth. Higher

consciousness always transforms and raises lower consciousness

(Ref 38).



as these more highly conscious holographic bubbles expand

with increasing numbers of lightworkers coming online, their

transformative effect on the consensus reality pictures of reality

will greatly accelerate. Eventually, they will completely transform

the lower-consciousness consensus reality. This will leave us with

a whole range of more highly conscious localized holographic

bubbles of lightworkers creating Heaven on Earth in their own

unique and wonderful way. There will no longer be one reality

but many different subjective realities being experienced. It is up

to each individual to choose which localized reality they wish to

engage with as being Real.

This is how we cope with the massive changes in human

consciousness and in all our old financial, economic, social,

governmental systems and with the ‘environmental crisis’. it is

important to stop trying to prop up the old systems or fight them

because they seem inherently wrong. The more we oppose some-

thing, the stronger it gets by the law of attraction as we have given

it attention, intention and our energy. it is more about allowing

the old consensus reality that created them to gracefully dissolve.

We can then focus all of our attention on replacing it with more

highly conscious pictures of reality for creating life and conscious-

ness-enhancing systems and ways of living for humanity. These

will help co-create Heaven on Earth at all levels in all our lives.



In conclusion

By eventually completely surrendering to the flow of Life, Soul,

spirit and god coming to and through you, you shall indeed

co-create and live Heaven on Earth. For it is soul/spirit/god that

is the source of all manifestation in your life, not your ego mind.

You will not be doing this alone, which may have been your initial

picture of reality as you started to awaken on this spiritual journey

of life. For co-creation is all about working with the brilliant

sparks of the creator awakening in all of those other conscious-

loving souls who are here to undertake this great work with you.

Search them out, connect with groups of like-minded souls to find

them. spiritual groups, workshops and social networks are where

they can be found.

You will recognize your fellow ascension Team members by

the look in their eyes – that spark of the Divine looking back at

you. The experience will be one of great familiarity, of ‘oh, there

you are at last, i’ve been waiting a long time for you to turn up in

my life’. They will fill a gap in your life that you did not know was

there until they appeared. There will be a strong connection and

remembrance at a soul level that will draw you together once more

to help co-create Heaven on Earth. Each member of your team

will offer the others complimentary strengths and abilities so that

your ascension Team as a whole will be greatly enhanced in its

mission of service. This is why you are here on Earth right
, to

play your own unique part in this glorious process, to deliver your

gift of love, your Divine Purpose, to humanity.

I offer you my heartfelt Love and Blessings in your journey of

remembrance into who you truly are and hope that decoding your

soul contract and utilizing the spiritual Map of your life that it

has revealed has been of some help to you along the way.



Appendix A:

Non-written English and

non-English phonetics

if you have non-written English and/or non-English phonetics

in your birth certificate name, you need to convert them into the

equivalent English phonetic sounds for the allocation of Hebrew

phonetic sounds for proper analysis. This process is under con-

tinual development. For that reason and due to space limitations,

go to:

To undertake this, click on ‘Books’, then on ‘Your soul contract



Appendix B:

More advanced applications

Beyond the scope of this first book on birth names there are more

advanced applications of this work, which are available as read-

ings, consultancy, workshops and practitioner training. These will

also be explored in future books.

1. Relationship and name overlays

We explore the effect of different names you have in life as they

overlay onto your birth certificate name. You can think of your

birth certificate name as being like the cake of your life. It is – and

always will be – the fundamental foundation energies of who you

are that create your reality in each moment. Each different name

that you use and each name of those you are in a relationship with,

eg partners, siblings, parents, children, mentors, people who have

had a significant influence upon your life, is like a layer of icing on

that cake that helps it transform and grow in different ways. The

icing’s infusion of different energies into the cake of your life can

have a positive, negative or minimal effect on you.

The understanding of name overlays will reveal the hidden

energy dynamics that create your relationships the way they are

to enable you to understand what is really going on so that you


can flow and engage with the energies more harmoniously. It will

reveal common trends called energy-pattern recognition through-

out your relationships that the soul is creating for you. This is to

create specific repeating experiences with the people you are relat-

ing to so that you grow in consciousness to align with your soul


it will show you why some relationships work and why others

do not. The karmic locks and clashes you have with others will be

revealed along with recommendations on how to best negotiate

your way through them. it will show you how to manage your rela-

tionships at all levels in a much more conscious way because you

will know exactly where the other person is coming from, why they

press your buttons and vice versa.

Name optimization is available to create the best possible

infusion of overlay frequencies into your birth name so as to best

support you in overcoming your karmic patterns, achieving your

goals, getting your latent talents up and running and moving

more quickly and gracefully towards your soul Destiny. once your

optimal name has been found, for it is already contained within

your soul, you can be aligned to this name at all levels of your

being in order to bring the benefits of it online much faster.

2. Families and parenting

The New Children (Indigos, Crystals, Rainbows) that are coming

into the Earth plane are here to deliver very specific gifts of love

on their mission to raise human consciousness. This work looks

at how to best support them in manifesting this mission through

an in-depth understanding of where they are really coming from.

This is in order to best manage and flow with them to help them

align to their soul contract and manifest their soul Destiny/life

Purpose as gracefully as possible. This is based upon the unique

qualities the soul is bringing through an individual child in the

form of their soul contract, not generically based parenting




Exploration of how family dynamics work is undertaken so

that family energies can be transformed into a mutually interde-

pendent and supportive network of souls each helping the others

to manifest their soul Destiny/life Purpose. We can look at the

core energy interactions that create conflicts in families and offer

ways of repositioning individuals in the way they relate to each

other in order to create more harmony.

choosing the right name for your baby is perhaps one of the

most important things you will ever do for your child. This will set

in motion the energies that will create their entire life experience.

The right name will give your child the best possible start in life

and fit them into the right position within the family dynamic to

the mutual benefit of all.

3. Business names

This work is applicable to the business environment as, again,

this is soul/spiritual energy seeking to express itself in the world.

Business in the old paradigm used to exploit society. it saw itself

as separate from those it did business with. Those businesses that

do not operate from a place of integrity are no longer working and

are collapsing.

We are moving to a new paradigm where business needs to

reposition itself as an integral, interdependent part of society

delivering its unique spiritually aligned gift of service. it is the

lack of alignment with spirit which is why some businesses do not

work because they are not doing the right thing, with the right

people, in the right way. Research has established that those busi-

nesses that focus on delivering a better service to customers and

their staff rather than just a better bottom line are more profitable

than those that only focus on the bottom line (Ref 39).

This work uses the concept of supporting each individual

within a business to overcome their karmic patterns/challenges,

achieving their goals/dreams, maximizing the expression of their

talents/abilities so as to align them to their life Purpose so that



they can deliver their gift of service to the world. The next step

then is to optimize the composition of teams so that each individ-

ual has their job built around them so as to play to their strengths,

and the overlay relationship energies are aligned and supportive

within a team so it can achieve its overall objectives.

a business name contains three energies: its foundation, abil-

ities and success. These energies need to be aligned to the energies

of the principals/owners/directors of a business for the business

to be a success. This applies to legal, trading, website, products

and service names. These are all an outward manifestation of the

spiritual journey of those who run/own the business. When all of

these flow in the correct alignment, the business will flourish as it

will be very attractive to the right niche of customers to deliver its

true spiritually aligned gift of service to the world.

i hope that all of the above gives you a feel for the depth and

breadth of what the Soul Contract work can offer you to align the

many different areas of your life to the flow of your Soul and Spirit

to enable you to manifest so much more of your soul Destiny/life


see appendix c for web links for these applications.



Appendix C:

Soul Contract Readings

and consultations

The Center for Conscious Ascension offers full Soul Contract

Readings where you will receive a more in-depth, intuitive picture

of where you are on the spiritual Map of your life that would build

upon what you have discovered about your life in this book. They

also cover all the areas described in the advanced applications of

this work in appendix B.

To access this:

1. go to:

2. Mouse over ‘soul contract readings’.

3. click on ‘personal’ for birth chart and name overlay

and relationship readings.

4. other services that can be accessed from this page are

found by clicking on:

4.1 ‘Baby Naming’

4.2 ‘Families and Relationships’

4.3 ‘Name optimization’

4.4 ‘Name alignment’

5. For business consultations, go to: centerforconscious-

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