You're My Little Secret 3

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Authors: Chenell Parker

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #United States, #African American, #Urban, #Women's Fiction, #Genre Fiction

BOOK: You're My Little Secret 3
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You're My Little Secret 3
Chenell Parker
Write House Publishing (2015)

You’re My Little Secret 3

(Truths Revealed)




© 2015 Chenell Parker

Published by Write House Publishing

All rights reserved. No part of this book
may be reproduced in any form without prior written consent of the publisher,
excepting brief quotes used in reviews.

is a work of fiction. Any references or similarities to actual events, real
people, living or dead, or to the real locals are intended to give the novel a
sense of reality. Any similarity in other names, characters, places, and
incidents are entirely coincidental.



try my best to make this short and sweet. I can’t go one step further without
giving thanks to God for everything. This writing journey has been an amazing
and I’m forever grateful. I also have to
acknowledge my family. My kids, sisters, brother, aunts, uncles, cousins,
nieces, nephews and my many wonderful friends (I didn’t name anyone
specifically because I always manage to forget somebody). I also thank my
publishing Family, Write House Publishing for everything. They have shown me
the true meaning of working as a team. Last, but not least, I thank each and
every person who has purchased a copy of this book as well as all the others.
Without you it would not be possible. Your support is greatly appreciated.




Check out more titles
by me. All are Available on Amazon.

Her So Called Husband

So Called Husband 2

Her So Called Husband 3: Till Death Do Us

You’re My Little Secret

You’re My little Secret 2

You’re My Little Secret 3



really starting to get numb to the
I’m being
calm, but my heart is being ripped
apart by the same man who is supposed to love me. Six months into my marriage
and my husband tells me that he’s fathered another child with the same woman
that he cheated on me with before. When I found out that I was pregnant, I was
so happy. I ran out and bought some chocolate covered strawberries and wine,
and I would celebrate
the good news. When he walked through the
I jumped in his arms and kissed him all over his face. I knew that something
was wrong just by the way his body stiffened at my touch. Never in a million
years would I have thought that he would tell me what he did. I couldn’t
believe that I would have to go through this heartache all over again, all
while carrying a child of my own. It hurt me to my heart to see how upset he
looked when I told him that I was having his baby as well.

do you keep doing this to me Dominic?” I wanted to know what I did so wrong to
deserve all of this. I tried to be a good girlfriend and an even better wife.
Obviously that wasn’t enough for him.

always trying to play like you’re the victim
We’re not happy with each
and you
know it.”

am happy, so speak for yourself. You never even tried Dominic. You swore that
you and Brooklyn were through, but she ends up carrying another one of your
kids,” I cried. “So how many months is she?”

three months
he replied crushing me
once again.

so we’ve been married for six months and she’s three months pregnant. So you
never did leave her alone like you said,” I wondered.

tried to do right by you and stay away from Brooklyn. You basically ran me to
her with all of your bitching and complaining.”

I made you cheat on me Dominic? Is that what you’re saying?”

I’m saying that we should have never gotten married to begin with. I married
you knowing that I was in love with another woman. I bought my baby’s mama a
gift on my honeymoon Kennedi. Do you know how fucked up that is? This shit was
doomed from the start. We weren’t even married a good month before I begged
Brooklyn to take me back,” he yelled.

was devastated. I knew Dominic had some feelings for Brooklyn, but I never
thought that he was in love with her. Then to find out they had been messing
around almost as long as we’d been married totally crushed me.

I’m having your baby too so now what?”

going to take care of my baby and you of all people should know that,” he
replied. “That’s if you’re really even pregnant.”

have no reason to lie. I can take another test right now if you want me to, but
what about us Dominic? I hope you don’t think I’m going to sit around and wait
until you figure out what you want?”

because I already know what I want. I want a divorce,” he said like it was that

our marriage is over just like that? You fucked
and I have to suffer for it?” I sobbed uncontrollably.

can keep the townhouse. I’ll make sure the rent is paid. You know if you need
anything all you have to do is call,” he said ignoring my cries.

don’t do this to me Dominic. I can’t go through this pregnancy without you. You
know how hard it is for me to carry a baby,” I tried to play on his sympathy in
hopes of getting him to stay.

won’t be alone.
I said, all you have
to do is call,” he replied pissing me off.

leaving me to go run to that nasty bitch!” I yelled. Just that fast my hurt had
turned into anger. I hated Dominic and Brooklyn for what they were doing to me.

disrespect her like that Kennedi. Not one time have I ever heard her say anything
bad about you so chill with the name calling,” he said defending that home

“You’re coming to her rescue, but are you even
sure that it’s your baby that she’s carrying?” I asked him.

“You can miss me with that shit. I’m positive
that it’s
and I don’t need a test
to prove it. And while we’re talking about it, I don’t appreciate you running
your mouth to Brooklyn about me testing DJ either,” he replied making me even

“Fuck her!” I shouted as loud as I could. I knew
I was making a fool of myself, but I didn’t care. “You’re acting like that
bitch is somebody special.”

Kennedi, I’m about to grab a few things and I’m out of here. I’m not with this
arguing and shit,” Dominic announced.

“I know you’re not trying to leave tonight!” I
screeched. He was filling up an overnight bag with clothes and toiletries. When
he started packing his
I was
really freaking out.

I am. It doesn’t make sense for us to prolong things. I want to be
and I’m tired of faking it Kennedi. I
can’t even be myself around you. You hate everything I do.”

because everything you do is so damn hood. All you want to do is hang with your
pathetic ass brother and smoke. You’re not in the projects
and you need to stop acting like it. I’m
not okay with
and I won’t pretend
like I am,” I said honestly.

that’s why we need to end this right now. I’m not changing who I am for you or anybody

mama had you right. You got lucky enough to overcome your circumstances, but
mentally you’ll never change your ghetto ways,” I said angrily.

think I give a damn about what your mama says? Four husbands later and her ass
is still alone and miserable. You’re going to end up just like her if you keep
listening to her. I don’t blame your daddy for leaving her crazy ass,” Dominic

please just think about this before you make a decision. I know we can work
this out,” I pleaded.

I’ve been thinking about this for a while. There were so many times that I just
wanted to walk away. I put your feelings before my
so I never did it. I never wanted you to be hurt, so I put my
own feelings to the side, but I can’t do that anymore. I want to be happy just
like everybody else. I just think we got married for the wrong
and I knew it from the start,” he

I’m not giving you a divorce,” I admitted.

don’t want this to be ugly Kennedi, but that’s up to you. We can do this on our
own as adults or we can get our lawyers involved.”

judge on the face of this earth is going to grant you a divorce knowing that I’m
carrying your child. My mama has been through this enough for me to know how it
works. I’m prepared to fight for my marriage,” I warned.

are you fighting for Kennedi? There’s nothing left between us, but the baby
that you’re carrying.”

don’t care. I refuse to sit by and let her have you. If I can’t get my happily
ever after
neither can she,” I

I guess I’ll see you in court,” he said right before walking out the door.

went to the window and watched as he drove away, taking a part of me with him.
I sat on the floor and cried until my eyes started to hurt. Never in a million
years did I see this coming. I knew
and I had some issues to work on, but him leaving me was never part of the
plan. I never imagined myself being a single mother. That was the whole point
of me getting married. I’m only four weeks pregnant, but I find it hard to be
happy about it. As bad as it sounds, I won’t be hurt if I don’t go full term
with this pregnancy. Without Dominic by my side, I’m not even excited about
having a baby anymore.



so ready to go to bed, but my house is full of people. My mama, brothers, and
cousins are all sitting around my living room acting like they’re not going
home. I keep telling them that we’re alright, but Bryce is acting like a damn
detective. He keeps asking us the same questions over and over. The answer will
never change, but he just keeps pressing us for info. Dominic had just sent me
a text telling me that he’s on his way. I’m starving so he’s stopping to get me
and DJ something to eat. He told me that we
and it didn’t sound too good. I’m
sure that things with him and Kennedi didn’t go well. I assume that’s why he
wants to talk.

still can’t believe that I’m three months pregnant and didn’t even know it.
Dominic and I have only been back together for five
so I had to get pregnant in month number two. I don’t have
morning sickness like I did with
is great. I gained a little weight, but
it all went straight to my ass and hips. I’ve been sleeping a lot lately, but
even that didn’t make me suspicious. I guess that explains why I crave ice
cream so much now.

when are you going to tell everybody that
pregnant?” Candace asked shaking me from my thoughts. I was in the kitchen
drinking some juice when she and Co-Co came in.

don’t know. Dominic said he would tell them if I was scared to do it. You know
my mama is going to have a fit,” I said. As far as my mama knew, Dominic and I
were no longer together. Even my brothers thought it was over between us. The
only people who really knew that we hooked up again was Taylor, my cousins, and

better stop being so scary. Everybody is here so this is the perfect time. I
don’t know why anybody would get mad. Dominic takes very good care of you and
DJ. Nobody has to do anything for
Candace fussed.

boy got some potent sperm. He popping those babies
you left and right,” Co-Co said.

up Co-Co,” I said laughing.

is going to die, but that’s good for her ass,” Candace said.

left her,” I said.

wait, who left who?” Co-Co asked dramatically.

left Kennedi. He’s on his way over here now,” I answered.

That’s so good for her. After the way she did my
I don’t feel sorry for her ass. Karma is a bitch,” Candace

you talked to Nadia lately?” I asked.

not really. She’s always telling me she’ll call me back, but she never does. I’m
still trying to see what’s up with her hanging with Shannon’s ratchet ass all
of a sudden,” Candace replied.

the mention of Shannon had me thinking about Kevin. Usually he would be here
with the rest of the family, but that was a thing of the past. I really did
miss our friendship, but I knew that it was over.

cousins and I returned to the living room to join the rest of the family. DJ
ran around full of energy while my nieces sat around watching TV. “I’m
surprised DJ is home,” my mama said. “Usually he’s with Dominic whenever I call.”

was nudging me slightly trying to get me to say something. This is the perfect
time since I have everybody together, but I’m just not in the mood to hear the
negative comments that I’m sure are going to come. Dominic is right, he takes
care of me and my son, so there is no need for anybody else to be upset. Co-Co is
staring at me and nodding his head towards my mother. I’m shaking my head no,
but he’s very persistent. Even though he’s trying to be discreet about what he’s
doing, my mama still saw him.

are you sitting over there looking like you’re catching a spasm?” She asked him

good, but Brooklyn has something to say,” he blurted out.

wanted to jump up from this sofa and punch him in his big ass mouth. I hate
when he does shit like that. If I wasn’t ready to
he should have respected my wishes.

you are so wrong for that,” Candace said angrily.

She needed a
so I pushed her ass,”
he replied like he didn’t do anything wrong.

wrong Brooklyn?” My mother asked with concern dripping from her voice.

is wrong, Co-Co
is just being
stupid,” I
replied trying to brush her off. I rolled my eyes at him and focused on the TV.

bullshit, I know you well enough to know when you’re lying. So what’s up?” She
asked again.

looked at me and nodded her head as if she was telling me to go ahead and come

pregnant,” I blurted out loud enough for everyone to hear.

shit! Do you even try to use protection
Baby? Who are you pregnant by now?” Jaden yelled angrily.

the hell do mean who am I pregnant by now? The same person I was pregnant by
before,” I answered smartly.

my God Brooklyn! Dominic is a married man. I thought you were done with him.
After all the talks we’ve had about you not being his mistress, you turn around
and do just that. You act like you’re happy being the woman on the side,” my
mama spat angrily.

feelings were hurt by what she said, but I didn’t expect her to understand the
situation. Dominic never makes me feel like the woman on the side. He treats
and respects me as if I’m the only woman in his life.

not even like that. We didn’t deal with each for months before he got married,
but at the same time I can’t help how I feel about him. After
he and Kennedi are no longer together
anyway,” I explained.

is my
and I love him like a brother,
but I really hope you don’t believe that shit,” Bryce spoke up.

really don’t expect
to understand
and I’m not asking for anybody’s approval. I’m three months pregnant and my
baby will be here in six months whether
like it or not,” I said.

I don’t like that you’re having all of these damn babies so young. But at the
same time, Dominic handles his business with you and his son. Besides him
getting you this apartment and your truck, he makes sure that you and DJ are
straight,” Jaden said.

couldn’t believe how calm my brothers are now compared to the way they behaved
the first time they found out that I was pregnant.

so Dominic got you that truck? You told me that you got that with your school
money,” my mama said in shock.

know, I just didn’t want you to know that we were messing around again,” I

mean Dominic does do what he’s supposed to do for you and DJ. I just don’t want
you to end up getting hurt in the end. You know how many men claim to be
leaving their wives and never actually do it? That’s how it goes Brooklyn. They
say whatever you want to hear just to keep you around,” my mama told me.

already made it clear to him that I don’t want him to leave his wife. Dominic
and Kennedi’s problems go back much further than just me. He’s leaving because
that’s what he wants to do,” I explained.

man is not leaving his
Now, I do believe that he’ll take care of you and your kids, but don’t get your
hopes up high thinking that
going to be together,” Caleb said.

when he finished talking I heard a key
turning in the lock. Dominic walked through the front door and paused when he
saw everybody sitting around my huge living room.

he spoke before handing me our food. Everybody spoke back as he walked back out
the front door. A few seconds later he returned with a huge duffle bag and a
suitcase. Everybody looked on in stunned silence as he walked down the hall and
straight in
my bedroom, followed by DJ.

I guess he made
out of some liars.
Looks like he’s here to stay,” Candace commented.

home,” Co-Co said loudly singing one of Usher’s songs.

your crazy ass up boy,” my mama fused at him. “I’m happy he’s here so we can get
some things straight.”

a minute, just in case everybody forgot, I’m
and this is my house that
sitting in. Nobody needs to get anything straight with Dominic. He doesn’t owe
anybody in here an explanation. I just told
the situation, but it’s really nobody’s business,” I said.

might be grown, but you’re still my baby. Don’t get mad at me for worrying
about you. I just know how these situations can turn out. I’m not saying that
Dominic is going to do you dirty. I just want you to be prepared for whatever
happens,” my mama replied.

walked back in holding DJ and took a seat next to me.

know that you’ll always look at me as your baby, but I have babies of my own
now. In six months, I’ll be the mother of two kids,” I replied.

told them?” Dominic asked looking at me in surprise.

they know,” I answered.

not trying to get in your business or anything. I just want to make sure that
Brooklyn is alright. Technically, you’re still a married
and I don’t condone cheating. You might
wake up one morning and decide to go back to your wife. Then where does that
leave her and my grandkids?” My mama said voicing her concerns.

and I are officially over. I asked her for a divorce tonight. She knows that
Brooklyn is
and she knows that
this is who I want to be with. I haven’t lied to Kennedi or Brooklyn about
anything. So far as Brooklyn being alright, she’s been good since before DJ
came along. Besides a ride to school, Brooklyn hasn’t had to ask anybody for
anything. Now that she has her own ride she won’t even need that anymore. I’ve
always made sure that she was straight even when she broke up with me,” Dominic
answered truthfully.

. Good answer Dominic,” Co-Co
applauded. My mama gave him one of her famous
and he quickly shut up.

alright, but don’t make me have to hurt you and your wife behind my baby,” she threatened.
“I’m going home. Brooklyn you need to call Dr. Martin and make an appointment.”

so it’s time for everybody to go
home,” I told them.

you are so fake for that. Dominic walks in and now you’re tired all of a sudden,”
Co-Co said while turning up his nose at me.

and DJ walked downstairs with my brothers while Taylor and I saw my mama and my
cousins out. They all wanted to hook up the following
and I agreed. When Bryce came back upstairs, Taylor and my
nieces went home with him. Dominic and DJ came back inside right after they

down and eat baby. I’m going to give him a bath and put him to sleep so we can
talk,” he said.

I sat down and started eating my food, but I
really didn’t have much of an appetite anymore. I was nervous about whatever
Dominic had to say. I already knew it had something to do with Kennedi, but I
didn’t know what. She’s not going to just sit back and let Dominic get away
from her. I have to prepare myself for the drama that I know is sure to come.
As much as I love Dominic, I’m not putting up with the foolishness.

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