You're the One (28 page)

Read You're the One Online

Authors: Angela Verdenius

Tags: #love, #friendship, #pets, #family, #laughter, #sexual desire, #contemporary romance, #small town romance, #australian romance, #sexual intimacy

BOOK: You're the One
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Uh oh
Maybe that last reckless statement wasn’t the wisest thing to tack

Moz’s eyes
narrowed, the sparkle of fury touched with something else. Ohhh,
the air was getting dangerous.

“What did you
just say?”

Now her heart
started pounding. “Um…”

“You want to
repeat that, Del?”

Pride gave her
no choice but to brazen it out now. “If you - if you don’t like the
way I am, then maybe I’m not the girl for you.”

All expression
fled from his face, leaving it blank, unreadable except for the
fury still in his eyes. Long fingers flexed as he stared down at

Seconds ticked
past as she refused to look away, refused to give in, stood her

Oh no, had she
wrecked anything between them? Any hope? All because she’d been so
reckless with her words? She barely resisted a nervous swallow.

The silence in
the hallway was broken only by the faint ticking of the grandfather

The danger in
the air slowly became tinged with something else.

Heart beating
a merciless tattoo in her chest, Del stared up at Moz. God, he was
so big, so tall, so broad shouldered that she couldn’t see past his
shoulders unless she turned her head. It made her feel small,
helpless, an emotion she hated but couldn’t deny right then, not
with the way he watched her like a predator with prey.

slowly, his hand slid lower, palm settling between her breasts to
press firmly but carefully. “Your heart is pounding.”

No point
denying that, just as there was no point denying the stutter it
gave as the heat from his palm made her nipples pebble

Just had to be
nerves. Yeah, nerves.

His head
lowered, those unfathomable eyes burning into hers. “You think
you’re not the girl for me, Del?”

Oh boy. The
heat of fury had given way to another heat.

Del did
swallow this time, eyes wide as she looked up at him.

That just
couldn’t be a shiver of warmth that swept through her, surely? His
nearness was almost over-powering, his strength surrounding her,
that ruggedly handsome face almost harsh with…

No denying the
tingle between her thighs. When had tightly strung trepidation and
nerves, anger and defiance, turned into something more? Something
hotter, more dangerous?

His fingers
curled, grasping a handful of her blouse, and slowly, inexorably,
he drew her toward him, drew her up until she was on tip toe, his
face so close to hers that his breath was a warm puff on her skin
with every deep, even breath he took.

Every deep,
even breath that lifted that massive chest, every breath that
pumped blood around that big, muscular body, the air that made him
breathe, the life that filled him.

The need that
was so hot and heavy in the air between them,.

Her knees felt
weak, but he held her up easily by the simple action of his hand
fisted in her blouse.

“You’re the
girl for me, Del.” Moz’s voice was a deep, dark rumble. “You’re my
woman, never mistake that.”

prickled through her, the chase of delicious alarm.

“Anyone hurts
you, I’ll kill them. Anyone touches you, I will rip their heads
off. And you, Del…”

she waited, gaze trapped in his burning irises.

nowhere you can run that I won’t find you.” His head lowered, lips
almost on her’s, eyes burning so fiercely. “Nothing you can do that
won’t make me stop wanting you.” So close now his lips brushed
hers, his every breath filling her. “Nothing you can do that will
stop me needing you with every breath in my body.”

Then he kissed

No sweetness,
no gentleness, no light touches.

demanding, almost ruthless, he plundered her mouth, arms wrapping
tight around her, crushing her to him as he kissed her with a
burning passion that had her gasping, clutching onto him.

Kissing him
hard back in turn.

Any wariness,
every quaking nerve, disappeared under a molten heat that swept
through her.

The hard
planes of his body called to her, every solid dip and swell she
wanted against her, needed. Heat flooded her, poured through her
veins, pooled low in her loins.

There was no
lingering, no teasing as they ate at each other, both hot, both

Del almost
ripped his shirt open, wrenching the buttons on his shirt even as
he yanked her skirt up, hand hard against her, fingers curling
against her mound before he grabbed the front of her panties,
fisted them, ripped them clean away, the fragile lace tearing.

The sound, the
sensation, the heat of his hard palm against her bottom had her
seeking the belt at his lean waist, fingers fumbling, pulling it

The whole time
he kept kissing her, devouring her, teeth grazing her jaw and down
further, mouth closing over the pulse that beat so frantically in
her throat. Several hard sucks, pulling at her, marking her.

arching her neck, curling her head forward, needing him so

Belt free, her
fingers found the button, tore it open, the zipper rasping loud as
she yanked it down.

The hard bulge
of his arousal was pressed against her hand but before she could
reach in to free him, Moz palmed her bottom and lifted her, shoving
her back hard against the wall, pressing his upper body against her
to hold her in place as he lightly but firmly scraped his teeth
back up her neck, one hand still gripping her bottom, his waist
between her thighs.

The position
was hedonistic, the faint warm breeze through the security screen
brushing across her damp folds as his waist kept her open.

Hungrily she
kissed him, wanting so badly, needing almost violently.

heavily into her, mouth so hot against her ear, breath almost
scorching her, Moz shifted his hips, his free hand working below
her, then he dipped slightly and she felt the hot tip of his shaft
against her opening, the head throbbing against the moist entrance
of her body.

Bracing his
hand on the wall above her, his other arm strong under her bottom,
Moz thrust hard, shaft shoving unyieldingly up into her, impaling
her, forging inwards fast until he could go no further.

Del cried out,
head tipping back, glorying in the sensation, the almost rough way
he took her, his lean hips pounding ruthlessly, plundering her

Oh God, the
feel of him, that hard, muscular chest sliding against her, his
breath decadently hot next to her ear, the way he growled through
clenched teeth, the totally hedonistic feel of just being

Of knowing he
desired her, craved her, took her, dragged her up that carnal slope
with him.

Her blood
roared in her ears, her sheath spasmed, gripping onto the hard,
long, thick length that invaded her, body weeping for him,
creaming, smoothing the way to let him slid inside her with every
hard, almost brutal shove of his hips.

Strength in
the big body that pinned her against the wall, strength in the arm
beneath her bottom, strength in the fingers that gripped her
buttocks with no tenderness but complete possession.

She craved it,
loved it, wanted so much more. So hungry for more.

Fire roared
through her as she was swept along in a tide of insatiable ardour.
Wrapping her legs around his waist, she held on, undulated as much
as she could but mostly helpless but to do as his body demanded,
which was be open for him, take what he gave. Controlled by this
man who not only plundered her body but gave her as much pleasure,
however base.

Pure need,
pure heat, pure sex. Hard, fast, almost punishing.

Moz changed
angle slightly, growling low and almost savage, the swollen
thickness bumping her erogenous zone as he mercilessly scrapped
over it, sending her nerves in a shattering spiral up her spine to
coil back down to needle deliciously low into her belly, lower to
her secrets, tightening her around him.

With a purely
male grunt of harsh satisfaction, he kept up the deliciously brutal
assault on her body, giving no quarter, her passionate whimpers and
moans spurring him onward, strengthening his thrusts until he
pounded into her almost mindlessly.


The world
splintered, shattered, the orgasm snatching her from reality to
throw her far out into an explosion of pure heat. Dimly she felt
Moz stiffen against her, but it was the last thing she remembered
before she was rolled under.


Gradually she
became aware of several things - warm skin beneath her cheek, the
hard swell of muscle, the strong beat of a heart, the delicious
scent of male, the feel of material against her inner thighs.

Opening her
eyes slowly, she realised that her cheek was resting against Moz’s
pectoral, his hand was gently stroking her back, and she was
straddling his thighs with her nakedness against his trousers.

Lifting her
head, she looked around. Oh boy, at some stage Moz had turned
around and slid down the wall to lean against it, head tipped back,
eyes partially closed as he cradled her to him.

Her cheeks
flushed. Oh boy, what did she do now? Her body hummed deliciously,
spent and satiated, but it wasn’t a position she was familiar with.
Did she get up? Stay still? Say something?

Peeking up at
him, she saw that he was watching her from under lowered eyelids,
the thickness of his eyelashes dark against the brown irises. “This
wasn’t the reaming I had in mind to give you.”

“Um…” She bit
her lip.


Oh, nice.

One big hand
came up to cup her cheek. “Did I hurt you?”

“No.” At his
searching look, she said, “No, Moz. In”

This time
crinkles appeared in the corners of his eyes.

“In fact, can
we do this again sometime? Because it was…

His laugh was
deep, amused, his arms wrapping around her to draw her up against
his chest. But amusement faded as he looked her in the eyes. “Del,
I didn’t mean that to happen.”

she felt awkward. “Oh.”

“It was rough.
I was angry.”

“So we had
angry sex?” She sought to soothe the concern from his face. “I
think I like angry sex.”

“No.” He shook
his head. “It wasn’t angry sex. I mean, I was angry at first,

When his voice
trailed away, she angled her head slightly. A sudden fear spiked
through her. “Did you…did I…” When he simply watched her, she
blurted out, “Did I somehow make you have sex with me? Against your

“Did it feel
like it was against my will?”

“Well, I know
you were angry, I know I said something stupid to set you off, but
Moz, I kind of thought once we started with - you know - we were
both into it.”

His eyes
softened. “Baby, I always want to make love to you. No, you didn’t
make me. Yes, I was into it, hell, right into it.”

Relief filled

“But I have to
admit, I’ve never reacted like that with anyone else.”

“Can I just
say that I’m kind of relieved to hear it?”

“Can I just
say that you’re the only woman - the only person, in fact - who can
push my buttons and make me lose control?”

“I have the
power, huh?”

One big hand
slid down to her bottom, smacked lightly. “Don’t even go

Oh boy, that
produced tingles. She rested her forearms on his shoulders. “I’m
really sorry that I said what I did. That was stupid and mean.”

“You don’t
know me as well as you think you do,” he replied quietly.

“I know you
won’t hurt me.”

One eyebrow

“Moz, I have
to confess, when you tossed me over your shoulder I thought my arse
was grass.”

“Don’t relax
too much, it still might be.”

She shook her
head. “You aren’t mad enough now.”

He smoothed a
strand of hair behind her ears. “I’d never deliberately hurt you,
never beat you.”

“You know when
you said that there’s nowhere I can run that you won’t find

He winced.
“That didn’t come out quite right.”

“Yeah, because
that didn’t sound creepy at all.”

“I meant if
you ran because you didn’t think you were the woman for me, I would
find you. To convince you.” He smoothed his hand down her back.
“Not stalk you.”

“I kind of
thought that.” She grinned. “Actually, it kind of gave me a thrill.
I think I might be a little perverted.”


She thumped
his arm lightly. “So we’re good?”

“We’re good.
Kind of.” He shifted a little, a frown creasing his forehead. “I
won’t lie, I’m still annoyed at you.”

“Yeah, I guess
you are.” Straightening, she added soberly, “We need to talk this
out, huh?”


“Okay.” About
to push up off him, she felt dampness and glanced down at her
blouse. Definitely had large wet patches on it. “What…?”

“Didn’t have a
condom, baby.”

Startled, she
looked at him.

He shrugged.
“I almost lost my load inside you. Bloody wanted to, but my
conscious chose that second to rap me on the back of the head. I
got out just in time.” His gaze dropped to the front of her

For several
seconds she didn’t have a clue what he meant, but then she realised
that his seed was on her blouse instead of inside her. Relief and
embarrassment hit her all at once.

When his gaze
lifted back up to hers, she managed to say, “Well, that was very
thoughtful of you. Thanks.”

Moz’s grin
turned to a chuckle before swelling into deep laughter. Gathering
her close in his arms, he squeezed her. “God, you are so cute

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