Read You're the One Online

Authors: Angela Verdenius

Tags: #love, #friendship, #pets, #family, #laughter, #sexual desire, #contemporary romance, #small town romance, #australian romance, #sexual intimacy

You're the One (30 page)

BOOK: You're the One
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“It did,” she
disagreed. “That was me. I can’t just change who I am.”

“I’m not
asking you to change. I don’t want you to change. But I do want you

“I’m as safe
as I can be.”

Moz paused,
contemplated how to continue with the subject.

She gazed
searchingly at him. “What?”

“We’re going
around in circles. Let me think a minute.” When she arched an
eyebrow, he tapped her on the nose. “I don’t want this to escalate
into an argument.”

“Then let’s
sit on the step, let nature soothe us and think of a

“How about we
compromise by you just doing as you’re told?” When her mouth
dropped open, he grinned. “Sit on the step and we’ll talk about
what you will do.”

“If you

“Just kidding,
Del.” Chuckling, he turned and pulled her with him onto the

“Keep this up
and you won’t last one night sleeping here.”

He gave her
back a soothing pat before leaning his forearms on his spread
thighs, hands dangling between them. Silence reigned as he tried to
sort out what to say, how to say it without both of them ending up
mad at each other.

“You know,”
Del suggested quietly, “we could each just take a turn stating how
we feel and why. Then we can discuss a compromise.”

Not having a
better idea, he agreed.

“You first,”
Del said.

He looked at
her. “You just might get mad anyway.”

Her smile
touched her eyes. “I’ll kick your arse, that’ll give you the hint
to stop.”

Man, he could
kiss her right then and there, but time enough for that later. They
had to sort this out first.

“Fine,” Moz
said evenly. “I worry about you. There’ve been men and dogs on your
property. These men are dangerous, whether you believe it or not. I
know you believe you have to stand on your own feet, and that means
you’ve done things that basically, well, hell, gives me heartburn
just thinking about it.”


“Don’t laugh,
woman. I’m not finished yet.”

She gave a ‘go
on’ gesture.

“I’ve always
looked out for Elissa. We came mostly from cities, travelled a lot,
met some low lives on the way. In the city you lock your doors and
windows, you don’t go out alone at night unless you’re careless.
Even some towns are like that. I know Gully’s Fall isn’t like that,
but you have to admit that there are some men here who are
undesirables, for want of a better word. They’ve been hanging
around on the property opposite you. And one of those men, Del, has
had assault charges brought up against him by both men and

He could see
she was dying to say something, but she didn’t interrupt, just
nodded. Okay, she understood where he was coming from. Good.

“I respect
that you stick up for your friends, Del, I really do. I know you’ll
stand beside them, and that makes you a woman with the kind of
moral fibre I admire.” Now here came the bit he didn’t really want
to admit, but this was the time for honesty so he kept going. “I
understand, because I would do the same. When I first heard, I was
furious. But now, looking back, I can honestly say I understand.
But hell, I can’t say I’m happy. I don’t want you to go out
unprotected again, I don’t want you facing off with those men, or
any men. I don’t want you risking yourself.”

When he
waited, she asked softly, “What do you want me to do?”

“I want you to
tell me your version. As you said, if we’re going to reach a
compromise we need to see each other’s point of view.”

“Okay,” she
agreed. “I’ve lived my life in Gully’s Fall. I and my friends have
always had each other’s backs, always have done, always will do.
We’re a family out here, a close community. One is down, we all
gather to pick them up. If that means standing against the low
lives, we will. It’s who I am.”

And he loved
her for it, no doubt about that. Loved her, damn it, and feared for

In such a
short time it had happened, but he wasn’t surprised. That he’d
scrutinise later, but it was an undeniable fact and definitely not
to be brought out into the open right now. That’d be sucky timing,
she’d probably just think he was trying to blackmail her into
agreeing with him by declaring love. Nope, definitely not the right
time to bring feelings up.

He forced
himself to refocus on the subject at hand.

She didn’t
notice his sudden stillness. “I’m not stupid, I know bad things
happen. But Moz, if Elissa was in danger you’d be there, I’d be
there, Molly and Dee would be there, Kirk and Scott, Ian, my
family, we’d all be there. Because that’s who we are.” She touched
his shoulder gently. “I admit I act first without thinking. It’s
one of my faults.” Partially turning on the step, she squeezed his
shoulder slightly. “I won’t go out in the dark alone. I was stupid
to unlock my window and open it further. I know I need to think
first, it’s a big mistake I made and I was lucky nothing happened
both times.”

Okay, he
hadn’t expected that admission. Moz studied her, some of his inner
tension easing.

“I will be
more careful. But I won’t lock myself in during the day, I won’t go
around fearing life. I’ll be more careful with what’s happening, I
promise. But I won’t back away from helping friends in trouble, no
matter what that trouble is. Even if it means you getting mad at me
and threatening dire consequences. Heck, even if it means suffering
those consequences, I’ll still do it. If I don’t help, then I’m not
being me.” She looked searchingly at him. “Do you understand?”


“So how are we
going to work this out?”

Good question.
Moz looked at her. Pretty blonde Del, owner of the clothes shop,
staunch supporter of friends, strong family ties, honest as the day
was long, forthright and truthful, kind beneath her sometimes
brusque demeanour. Funny, a little uncouth, a passionate bundle of
loyalty and sweetness, and plain old country girl values.

God, he loved
her just the way she was, he really did, he just wanted her safe,
wanted to wrap her in his arms and protect her from every nasty
thing in the world. Just surround her with love and strength.

He didn’t
think she was quite ready for that declaration.

With effort,
he pushed his feelings aside. “I want you to phone for back-up
before you do anything. I want you to carry your mobile with you at
all times. I want you to assess any situation before walking into
it. I want you to call the cops, call me, call any of your male
friends for help if the situation looks like it will get

“Uh huh.”

“If you do
something stupid and I lose my shit over it, know that regardless I
will still-”
love you
“-be there for you no matter

She studied
him for a good ten seconds, mulling over what he’d said.

“Good grief,”
he said, “it isn’t that hard, is it?”

“Don’t rush

He wasn’t sure
if she was serious or not, but then he realised that she really was
Well, bugger me. Unbelievable.
Well, no, not
really. It was Del.

“Okay, here’s
the thing. I can promise all those, I
promise all
those, they make sense. But I’m telling you also, Moz, that if a
friend is in danger and it can’t wait, I am there.”

Oh shit. He
could feel the heartburn welling up.

“I’ll take the
consequences of what happens, it’s my decision and on my

He looked
levelly at her. “And will you take the consequences of what I’ll

“Depends if
you take the time to think about what I did.”

. “Fine. I promise, whatever happens, I will take
time to stew about it first.” At her pursed lips, he amended,
“Think about it. I will take a few minutes to think about it.”



“I don’t think
so, sunshine. You’ll take at least twenty minutes.”

“Fifteen, and
I won’t spank you as hard.”

She jerked
back. “What?”

“That’s the
consequences. You going to take it?”

“Are you
kidding me?”

“Do I look
like I’m kidding?”


“Depends what
you do, what you did beforehand, what precautions you took, and if
there was another way that didn’t endanger you.” At her appalled
expression, he laughed.

“You arse.”
She thumped him on the arm.

“No, baby,
it’ll be

“I’ll just
knee you right in the nuts.”

“That’s taking
a huge risk.”

“Not as big as
the one you’d be taking. You get near my arse with your hand and I
will take you down, boy.”

“Who said I’ll
use my hand? What about a wooden spoon?”

“It’ll be hard
for you to walk with it jammed up where the sun don’t shine.”

Laughing, he
hugged her. “Don’t you ever change, Del.”

She hugged him
back. “Remember you said it.”

“I feel the
heartburn coming.”

They smiled at
each other. But there was still one more thing to do, to say,
before they could continue.

Sobering, he
took her hand, linking their fingers together. “Del, I’m going to
tell you something and you have to promise not to breathe a word to

“Is this about
the dogs?”


“I knew it.”
But she didn’t crow, her expression as sober as his.

“There’s been
an on-going investigation with the police, the rangers and the
RSPCA into what we know is a dog fighting ring.” At her flinch, he
squeezed her fingers gently. “It’s wide spread, never held in one
place for long. It stretches from Ellor’s Loop to Marcor Downs, in
what we think is about a three hundred km radius.”

Her face
paled. “You think it’s here? In Gully’s Fall?”

“Not here, no,
but we believe some of the dogs pass through here at times.” He
waited to see if she’d make the connection.

It didn’t take
long, her eyes widening. “Cutter. Pierce and Brand, the dogs I’ve
been hearing, the trucks. You think they’re going through Pierce’s

“Very likely,
but we can’t get a hit on them. We don’t know when the dogs come
through, how many there are, how many people are involved. Our
inside source doesn’t know much, can’t pin point more than a couple
of people, but unless we can find evidence it’s hard going.”

“Oh my God,
those poor dogs.”

“Cutter is
dangerous, Del. Brand and Pierce are mixing with a group who know
no mercy. This is why you need to be so careful.” Moz swore,
clenched his teeth. “I should have told you earlier. I should have
warned you.”

“It was an
investigation, Moz. You can’t tell.”

matter.” He shook his head angrily. “Bugger it, I should have come
out here sooner.”

closer, she hugged his arm to her. “Seriously? You’re going to
shoulder the blame? For what? Doing your job, keeping confidences?
Who else should you have told? Bassinger? Neighbours around here?
Maybe the pub owner because he locks up late at night? You tell a
secret, Moz, and it’s no longer a secret. You’re doing your

Yeah, he was
doing his job. Didn’t make him feel any better right then.

“Cripes,” she
said. “Get a grip, Baylon. You tell one, you tell all, and those
pricks in the ring will go under ground and you’ll never save those
poor dogs or put those bastards who run the fights in gaol. Is that
what you want?”


“So stop the
pity party and get a grip. Geez, I can’t believe I’m going to have
to spank
arse for being such a whiny baby.”

Amused, he
looked at her. “Don’t stop now, tell me how you really feel.”

“There.” She
nodded in satisfaction. “Feel better?”

He started to

“Come on,
you.” Standing abruptly, she held out her hand.

He looked at
the small palm. “You want my body again?”

“Later. Right
now, you have to go to the boarding house and pack your gear while
I get your room ready.”

bedrooms. Huh. But same house. He’d consider that progress. Plus
they’d already bonked their brains out, so she’d have something to
think about while he was lying in the other room…thinking of her
lying in her bed, all soft and warm. Jesus. He had to think of
something else or he’d get a boner.

Grabbing her
hand, Moz pushed to his feet without her taking any of his weight
at all. Using her hand, he tugged her to him, leaned down and
kissed her gently. “Be back home soon, baby.”

“Don’t forget
your apron.”

“Putting me to
work already?”

She flashed
him a smile. “Consider it part of the boarding agreement.”

“What about
sex rights?”

She blushed
and poked him in the chest. “We’ll negotiate at a later date.”

He winked.
“Worth a try.”

Her sudden
smile took him by surprise. “Just keep trying.”

Watching her
go back into the house, he grinned. Yep, definitely progress. In
more ways than one. Now he’d be able to watch her, help keep her
safe and slide himself into her life a lot more.

Oh, and hey,
he was back with his cat.

Damn, but life
was suddenly looking a whole lot brighter.



Chapter 10


Perched up on
the roof, Moz powered up the cordless drill, placed the bit to the
screw and started screwing the new iron sheets down.

He wanted to
get these four new sheets secured before the summer storm hit. The
clouds were on the horizon. If he didn’t do this before he left,
Del would be up here with that damned silicone gun trying to fix
the rust spots, warnings or not.

The air held
the scent of rain and heat combined. Lifting his head, he glanced
around. He’d only shifted in the previous night and spent that in
the comfortable spare bedroom. She hadn’t invited him into her bed.
He didn’t push it, didn’t want her to think that he expected them
to have sex just because he was living in her house.

BOOK: You're the One
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