Yours Book 2: Gaining Experience (Yours Series) (6 page)

BOOK: Yours Book 2: Gaining Experience (Yours Series)
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I try to catch my breath as does Nick. He buries his face in my neck and nuzzles the sensitive flesh. I shiver as I feel his still hard shaft twitch inside me. It feels as if he has gotten harder and not soft at all.

Just as my heaving chest settles, Nick’s thumb starts making circles around my sensitive nub. His tongue traps the sweat that is sliding down my neck. I moan tilting my head to the side for him.

Nick releases my hip and wraps his fingers around my throat lightly. His fingers flex gently as his hand cupping my mound starts to guide me slowly again. I take the gentle squeeze of his fingers as his unspoken command for me to once again begin to play.

Nick grunts in approval when I lift the violin and the bow once again. Again, I play to the rhythm Nick is plucking my body to. I am mesmerized at the fluidity of our bodies moving together in sync to the melody I am playing.

“You feel that,” Nick says into my ear. “We fit together perfectly. My heart beats for your heart. My soul speaks to your soul. No one else can have you, Sephora. No one else can handle or understand you. No one can unlock you the way I can.”

“Nick,” I breathe.

“Tell me your mine,” he hisses in my ear.

“I’m yours,” I gasp as he increases the pace at the same time.

I follow the rhythm he sets as the sound of my violin, Nick’s grunts and groans, our panting breaths, and the slapping of our bodies fills the air like our own private symphony. I bite my lip in concentration and squeeze my eyes shut. My orgasm is peaking with ten times the ferocity of the two previous ones Nick wouldn’t let me complete.

Nick squeezes my throat, turning my face towards him as he devours my mouth. I lose all focus on playing this time. I am on sensory overload as his tongue pushes into my mouth. The kiss is searing, possessive, claiming and demanding in a way I have never known.

My arms fall limply to my sides and the bow and violin fall from my fingertips, thudding softly on the rug beneath us. Nick’s hand that has been at the apex of my thighs, slides slowly up my side, and takes new positioning over my breast. He kneads, squeezes, rolls and pinches my nipple between his fingers causing me to arch my back.

“Do you want to come, my Sephora,” Nick rasps in my ear.

“Yes, please,” I beg.

“Then ride my cock like you know it’s yours. Show me you understand who it belongs to,” he growls.

I reach back and lock my fingers in his hair, doing exactly as he says. I start to bounce on his dick like it is the instrument I need to stroke beautiful music from. And beautiful music is what Nick gives me. He groans and curses as he encourages me to ride him harder, faster.

“Fuck, yes,” he hisses. “I’m never losing you, Sephora. I’m never giving you up.”

“I love you, Nick,” I cry out, knowing that it’s what he wanted to hear earlier and not able to stop the words now.

“Come, now,” he demands.

He doesn’t have to tell me twice. I feel him release deep inside me as my orgasm explodes, ripping through every single cell in my body. I am splintered into a million pieces that I don’t think I will ever be able to reclaim and put back together. At least, that is the way it feels.

It is like the music is still floating around us even though there is no longer music being played. I am blanketed in the feel of a tremendous change in our relationship. Something pivotal has just transferred between us.

Nick is right. I felt my soul connect with his in a way it never has before. I feel like we are ready to take our next step. What that step is I have no idea. Maybe it will be Nick finally opening up to me and telling me what he has been holding back. Maybe I’ll finally get over my insecurities and let myself trust him completely. Only time will tell.

As always Nick answers my thoughts. “I want you to be my wife. There will be no more secrets between us. I plan to tell you everything,” he murmurs against the damp skin on my neck.

“Okay,” I sigh.

“But first it’s time I give you that spanking I have been promising,” I don’t miss the hint of a smile in his words.

Something has definitely changed because for the first time I am not afraid. Nick has been patient with me. This time I will show him I am all in.

Chapter 7


at the insistent ringing of Nick’s phone. Whoever it is does not get the point that they are being ignored. I am tucked into Nick’s arms with his warm chest to my back and his morning wood is wedged between my cheeks.

I wince a little as Nick stirs behind me and huffs at the ringing phone. He reaches for the phone to answer it. As if sensing my discomfort, his hand finds my stinging backside after he swipes at his phone.

He inhales deeply before speaking into the phone. “Hello,” he says with a sleep heavy voice as he rubs my aching cheek. I wiggle a little and he gives me a gentle squeeze, wedging his dick back between my cheeks.

Nick made good on his promise last night. I thought he was going to take me into the playroom to use one of the paddles or one of the other whips or floggers that I have eyed suspiciously each time we are in there. I have looked a lot up online. Interesting what you can learn from a simple google search.

However, Nick carried me up to our room after our love making in front of the fireplace in the sitting room. It was then that I remembered that Nick insisted Kimmie stay with us. Nick is very perceptive. I know he can sense that something is off with Kimmie and that she needs to be close to me right now.

Once we were in our room, Nick took me over his knee and introduced me to an experience that I had no idea I would enjoy so much. When his first slap landed his huge palm to my left cheek, I couldn’t believe it elicited a moan from my mouth. Not a moan of pain, but one birthed of surprise, a spark of intrigue and a shot of pleasure right to my core.

The commanding rumble of Nick’s voice as he demanded I count, while he explain all of my transgressions and the reason for my punishment, sent delicious tremors through my body. It only heightened the sensitivity of my flesh as goosebumps rose on my skin.

I was so turned on, Nick growled when he landed a slap right between my legs and he pulled back a soaked hand. Needless to say, Nick flipped me onto my back, thrusting into me as deep as he could get. When that wasn’t enough for him, he pulled out and flipped me again, onto all fours.

I had the pleasure of receiving a few more blows across my ass as he pounded into me from behind. Nick chuckled in my ear as I drenched his member in my arousal. “Looks like spanking aren’t any type of punishment at all. You’re so fucking wet. You have me so hard right now,” he groaned into my ear.

When we finally did come together I was completely spent. I barely noticed Nick get out of bed to clean me up and then rub my sore ass with some type of oil or cream. I couldn’t tell you which. I was fast asleep before he completed the task.

“Yes, she is safe. She is here with me,” Nick sighs into the phone bringing me back from my musing.

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know he is talking to Luke. When I tense up, Nick’s hand smoothes from my backside to my belly. He tugs me in closer to his chest, holding me possessively.

“I do apologize for that, Lucian. Sephora and I had some things to straighten out and it slipped my mind to call you,” Nick pauses. “Well, she is my assistant and Kevin is the head of my security team. So they would know this information and think to call you for me. I believe they both understood Sephora and I needed some time alone to work things out.”

I can hear the frustration in Nick’s voice. Luke can be a pain in the ass. I don’t blame him for being worried, which reminds me that I need to replace my phone. It seems my brother and boyfriend agree.

“I already have a replacement. It should be here already. I had Mariah take care of it,” Nick says into the phone and I know he is talking about my phone.

Nick sighs, “Luke, we haven’t woken up fully yet. Can she call you after she has gotten up and freshened up,” Nick asks trying to keep the frustration out of his voice but failing terribly. “No, Kimmie is with us... I figured as much. See you then.”

Nick ends the call and tosses the phone onto the nightstand. His arm is wrapped around my waist instantly, his face nuzzling into my neck. I sigh contently. I can’t believe I thought I lost this forever two days ago.

Nick moves his face into my hair. “We are going to have to get up soon. I need to know what you and Kimmie found before your brother storms in here looking for you both,” Nick grumbles into my hair.

His words wake me right up. I forgot all about what Kimmie and I were storming into the meeting for. Oh my God, how could I have forgotten. This is so important. I pop up in bed and look down at Nick. We have to protect FLI.

“Nick, your deal didn’t just fall apart out of the blue. Kimmie and I did some digging and we found a trail of emails between at least three parties that are trying to kill the deal. Someone has it out for you,” I start. Nick’s face contorts with rage.

“Were you able to identify the parties involved,” Nick seethes.

“No, we were working on that when something else caught our eye. We thought it would be more important to get to you so you could have a look,” I say and bite my lip.

Nick is so private about his life, especially his past. Kimmie and I knew that this last bit of information would be something he wouldn’t want just anyone to have access to. Nick narrows his gaze at me as if sensing he is really not going to like what I have to say next.

Nick sits up and leans against the headboard. He nods for me to continue. I take a deep breath, not knowing how to proceed.

“There was a file. It was encrypted, but I got into it easily,” I shrug. “Kimmie and I noticed it because it was named D. Lincoln. Once I cracked into the file it had pictures and birth and death certificates. There were documents for Dean Lincoln, Shelly Lincoln, and Ivana Graves. There were autopsy reports and other official documents…”

I stop talking when I see that Nick’s face has gone completely white. All color has drained from his face. Nick jumps from the bed naked, grabbing his phone and running his hand through his hair. He looks around as if he is lost for a few minutes and then he turns to me.

He is scaring the shit out of me. I can see the fear, worry, and anger mixing together in his eyes. He looks at me for a long time before he speaks. His jaw works and his fist opens and shuts at his side.

“Kevin will take over from here. Everything you have told me is on Kimmie’s laptop,” he asks.

“Yes, I have a few of the files on mine as well, but we have everything on Kimmie’s laptop,” I say in almost a whisper.

Nick nods and runs his hand through his hair again. “You and Kimmie are not to go anywhere without me. Winston and Kevin will escort you if I am not able to. I mean it, Sephora. No more running off, Baby. I… I can’t,” he stops and shakes his head. “

Nick closes his eyes as he regains his composure. When he opens his green eyes, rage clouds their usual bright sparkle. I am so confused on what is going on and what this all means. I had a feeling it was all important, but I’m still not sure what it all means. I closed the file once I saw that it was sensitive information about people that could be close to Nick.

I want him to tell me his secrets. I don’t want to learn them from a file on a system I have hacked into. I guess ultimately I want him to show me the trust he is asking me for.

I wrinkle my brows as I take in his words. “I can understand Winston, but what does Kevin have to do with anything?” I watch as Nick presses is lips.

Nick sighs and shakes his head. “I’ve told you before that Kevin has stepped up to have my back when I need him. Kevin’s family runs a top level, highly private security firm for wealthy and elite clients. I don’t have time to get into it all right now, but my parents hired their firm when I was sixteen.

“That is when Kevin first became my personal security without my knowledge. He is still the head of my security. He calls all the shots; Winston is his second in command. I trust them with my life and yours,” Nick explains.

I sit and replay the conversation Nick and I had about his relationship with Kevin. ‘
Kevin and Luke were there with me from the start of my career. … Kevin stepped up when I needed someone to watch my back. When we started opening the restaurants, we hired Winston to take over some of the things Kevin did. …. Now he just steps in when I’m in a bind.’

‘… Let’s say your dad was not the only one that had demands for his children’s future. Kevin’s father wanted him to be a part of the family business. Kevin wanted to cook. I did for his restaurants what I did for your college tuition. Now I benefit from an extremely lucrative chain of investments,’
Nick’s words ring back in my ears.

The pieces all start to fit in place now. It all explains so much over the last few months. I have seen Kevin around a lot more than I ever expected to. I also noticed that he and Nick often step out the room to have private conversations.

I never thought anything of it before. I just always thought it was about business. Well, the restaurant business that is.

I nod my head in understanding. Nick looks me deeply in the eyes and walks back over to the edge of the bed holding his hand out for me to come to him. I crawl my naked body across the rumpled sheets until I am at the edge of the bed right in front of him.

Nick wraps his long fingers around mine and rubs his thumb over my skin. He places a chaste kiss to my lips not lingering as long as I wish he would. His expression is very serious when I look up into his face again.

“I won’t lose you. I won’t let anything happen to you. Promise me you’ll do as I say. I need to keep you safe,” Nick says almost sounding as if he is in pain.

“You’re scaring me,” I say softly.

Nick places his forehead to mine and closes his eyes. We stay like this for a few moments before he pulls away to look me in the eyes again. He kisses my forehead.

“Promise,” he whispers.

“I promise,” I reply, still scared out of my mind.

Nick backs away slightly, he searches my eyes and nods when he finds what he is looking for. He squeezes my hand gently before he turns to slip on a pair of gym shorts. He moves to leave the room while stabbing at his phone, but looks over his shoulder as he gets to the door.

“Never be afraid of anything. I will take my last breath to make sure you are safe,” with that he lifts his phone to his ear and leaves.

BOOK: Yours Book 2: Gaining Experience (Yours Series)
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