Yours Book 2: Gaining Experience (Yours Series) (4 page)

BOOK: Yours Book 2: Gaining Experience (Yours Series)
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Chapter 5
Face the Music


hirty-five hours
after the hotel incident…


We still haven’t located Kimmie or Sephora, which is crazy to me with all the resources I have at my fingertips. I would love nothing more than to spend the day searching for them, but my company is not going to save itself and someone is trying to get my attention. Two more deals I had on the table are looking like they are about to fall apart. Not on my watch they won’t, I haven’t given up on the deal I was looking to secure in Seattle either. I just plan to go about it a different way.

hey need
me more than I need them. I plan to make sure they remember that. I plan to take all this frustration out in the one place I do have control at the moment. If I can’t have Sephora in my arms, then I plan to rip a few arms off to get to the bottom of what is going on in my company.

I called a meeting with all my executives this morning to see what the hell happened with the deal in Seattle. My blood boils when I see Regina, Sephora’s assistant is sitting in for Sephora. It is just a reminder of why I am in such a shitty mood.

I wasted no time ripping into each department head. Not one of them can give me a straight answer and I start to mentally fire all of their asses. It’s time for me to clean house. Everyone has become so complacent with their positions.

I pay well and treat my staff better than most. I am usually not hard to work for. I just will not accept incompetence in any form.

“I’m failing to hear a reasonable answer to my question? What the hell happened to my deal? What was in that file that changed the climate of a deal the was basically closed,” I growl. “Someone better start to give me some real fucking answers. One more person in this room tries to read me numbers and bullshit off of these pages,” I toss the reports in front of me down on the table as I stand looming over my execs. “I’m firing your ass. Try me today if you want.”

“Mr. Lincoln,” Regina says nervously.

“What,” I hiss between clinched teeth. I really don’t want to hear a word she has to say. I’m pissed off that she is a constant reminder that her boss isn’t here. “I…I have reason to believe that Sephora has some answers for you –,” I cut her off before she can finish.

“What did you say,” I growl.

* * *


Thirty-five hours after the hotel incident…


Kimmie and I march down the hall as fast as we can in our heels, to get to the meeting room at FLI. I am operating on no sleep. When I stepped into the suite Kimmie was waiting for me. She had spoken to Ettie and apparently Nick and Luke has been looking for both of us.

Ettie filled Kimmie in on as much as she knew. Kimmie took it upon herself to do some digging and found out that the deal in Seattle fell apart. My team worked so hard on the deliverables for that deal. There was no reason it should have fallen apart.

I once said the Kimmie is a genius at spotting a pin in a hay stack. I hacked into A&T, the company the deal was supposed to be with, and Kimmie and I went to work looking for something out of place. There had to be something. This deal was a sure bet. Nick should have just been signing paperwork. A&T had already agreed on the increase Nick was looking for after the designs and structured systems my team provided.

Kimmie found the one string we needed to pull to unravel it all. Someone was communicating with someone at FLI outside of the team handling the deal. We found a string of deleted emails, but the thing is all of them are back and forth to dummy accounts.

They covered their tracks well, but Kimmie and I are better. We will find them. We just found something that drew a red flag that made us rush to clean up and get to the office. I was so grateful to Ryan and Braxton for thinking of asking Nellie and Heather to bring Kimmie and me a change of clothes for today.

I like Heather and Nellie’s taste. The grey sheath dress fit my curves perfectly and has a deep v back. The red heels are a little higher than I have worn before, but Kimmie has helped me to keep from falling on my face.

Kimmie helped me tame my hair into a tight bun on top of my head and she applied my makeup flawlessly. I would be lying if I said I didn’t want to look drop dead gorgeous when I see Nick. I still don’t know what really happened in that hotel, but I know that this is my dream job and I plan on keeping it. If I can show Nick what he is missing out on at the same time, then I will take that as well.

I have been texting my assistant Regina all morning as Kimmie and I rushed our way here. Regina has sent a few texts to say that Nick has been ripping into everyone. Even if Nick did hurt me in the most unimaginable way, I know he has worked so hard to build his company. I won’t stand by and watch someone take that away from him.

“What did you say,” I hear Nick growl from the other side of the meeting room door. “Regina, where the fuck is Sephora,” are the next words I hear roared.

I take a deep breath and look at Kimmie, nodding my head to myself, I turn and push into the meeting room. All the air seems to leave the room. Nick’s hard glare lands on me and I watch as his jaw ticks. I have never seen him look so pissed.

God, it is so wrong how sexy this man is. I can already feel my body reacting to him and his heated glare. Just being in his presence heats my blood and turns all my brain functions to mush.

His dark grey suit fits him perfectly and the white shirt sets off his skin, while the light green tie around his neck intensifies his jade eyes. His golden brown hair is a disheveled mess that would look unfitting on someone else but is absolutely flawless on him. It looks like he has spent the morning running his hands through his hair.

The room is silent around us as we are locked in a stare down. I want to look away, but I came here for a purpose and I intend to see it through. I will not cower in front of my coworkers.

Something inside me just clicks into place and I stand straighter and steel my resolve. I turn to Kimmie to reach for her laptop. I hear the growl that leaves Nick and I turn back to see his eyes roam over my body greedily. I shiver and blink. His glare is like a hand caressing every inch of my body.

“Out,” he snaps. “All of you!”

I clutch Kimmie’s laptop to my chest as I stand there frozen. Nick leans forward on the conference table not taking his eyes off of me. I jump a little when the door behind me clicks shut. The room cleared so fast.
Bunch of cowards. They just left you here for slaughter. You’ve got this, Sephora.

“I think I know where the problem –,” I start but Nick holds his hand up.

He runs that hand through his hair then pushes off the table with the other hand. He doesn’t say a word as he rounds the table, still with his eyes locked on me. I open my mouth to speak again, but he glares at me in warning.

He stops in front of me, reaching to cup my face. I flinch away and his scowl hardens. I’m not ready for his touch. One touch and I know I will cave.

Nick pries the laptop from my fingers and places it on the conference table. He then moves back into my space closer this time. I take a step back and he growls.

His hands shoot out and grab my hips, bringing me to his chest. I look up at him pleading with my eyes from him to give me space. He lowers his head, his lips hover just over mine as he speaks.

“I have spent over twenty-four hours not knowing whether or not you were safe. I will not be denied holding you in my arms to make sure you are real and really safe,” he clips. “We need to have a talk, but I will not do this here. We’re leaving.”

With that he releases me. I am disappointed and relieved he didn’t try to kiss me. He places his hand on the small of my back, leading me to the door. I turn to look back at the laptop.

“Whatever you and Kimmie have found I will deal with later. I will have her and the laptop delivered to our home,” Nick says firmly.

His words are so clinical. I frown but keep walking. I don’t want to make a scene here in the office. I let him lead me to the elevator and step inside. Another employee tries to step on with us and Nick shoots him a death glare.

The door closes in his face as he looks at Nick in fear. My own anger begins to rise. I figure we are alone in the elevator with no prying eyes, so I start in.

“Nick, I’m here to do a job. All of this is not necessary,” I start.

Nick moves to the panel and hits the emergency stop button, then he hits the call button for assistance. “Mr. Lincoln, Sir, is everything alright,” a confused sounding voice answers.

“Cut the camera feed to this car. I will start the cart when I am ready, it is out of service until I give further notice,” Nick says as he shrugs out of his suit jacket.

“Yes Sir,” the voice replies still sounding confused.

Nick turns to the camera in the elevator and hangs his jacket over it. I stand watching him with my brows wrinkled. Nick turns to face me. He licks his bottom lip and loosens his tie. He stalks towards me backing me up against the wall. He places his hands on either side of my face.

Nick leans in until we are nose to nose. “I thought I told you this wouldn’t work if you don’t trust me. I have never given you reason to doubt me. Yet, in one afternoon you let someone change our relationship and break our trust that we have built together,” Nick seethes.

“Nick,” I try.

“No,” he barks out. “I love you, I would never hurt you.”

“I know what I saw,” I cry out.

“You didn’t see me,” he roars back, cupping the back of my neck and kissing me senseless.

My hands lift and my fingers curl helplessly into his dress shirt. Nick molds his hard body to mine and I whimper into his mouth. His tongue slips into my open lips demanding my submission to him.

I yelp and wrap my arms around his neck when he lifts me from my feet, pushing my dress up as he coaxes my legs around his waist. I hear as he releases his belt as he continues to devour my mouth. My body is melting for him, but in my brain I am fighting with the thought of pushing him away.

When I feel and hear my panties being torn from my body, I gasp and open my eyes. Before I can stop him, Nick thrusts into my wet waiting core. He growls and I moan.

“Mine,” he growls against my neck. “I love you so fucking much, Baby. I almost lost it when I couldn’t find you.”

I bury my face into his neck and sob. I’m full of so many emotions. I don’t know how I feel or what to believe. Nick starts to pound into me harder and I throw my head back, crying out his name.

His thick hard length is relentless in ringing pleasure from my body the only way he can. With each thrust my feelings become more conflicting. I feel guilty for letting Ry kiss me on the beach, I feel broken because I am so unsure of everything.

“Nick, please,” I cry as I dig my red heels into his ass.

“Fuck,” Nick groans. “I missed you so much. Your pussy is the only one I want. This tight pussy is the only one I need.”

“Nick,” I whimper.

“Tell me you love me,” he whispers in my ear, but I can’t.

I can’t make the words come out of my mouth. They will give him too much power over me. I can’t hand him that type of power right now. Not only that, but the guilt of Ryan’s kiss burns the words in my throat.

“Sephora,” Nick’s voice breaks with raw emotion.

I shake my head in the crook of his neck. “Please, please, don’t ask me for that right now,” I sob.

Instead of asking again, he continues to thrust into me as he repeats the words over and over. Telling me that he loves me as if they are the only words that matter, the words that will fix what has broken between us. I almost break and repeat them, but the words are trapped in my throat as we both cry out our release together.

I feel myself retreating as I come down from bliss. This is not the fight I thought I would give. I have just given in to him so easily once again.

Only this time I think I may be the wrong party. Kimmie’s words from last night ring in my head. Did I indeed do something that I will regret. For the first time in the longest time I long for an old comfort. It is time to start taking back a piece at a time.

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