Read Yours to Savor Online

Authors: Scarlett Edwards

Tags: #Contemporary Adult Romance

Yours to Savor (26 page)

BOOK: Yours to Savor
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Brandon must have felt the movement, because he broke away from what he was doing to look up at her. He kept his fingers curled in the lace, though, but did not make any move to take her panties off.

“Brandon…” Sandra started, but he interrupted her.

“Baby, relax. It’s fine. You’re fine. You’re with me.” He smiled, and pressed his lips to the flesh on the bottom of her stomach. The heat of his mouth seared through her body. Nobody else had ever kissed her
, not quite like that. “I’m not going to do anything until you’re ready,” he promised.

“I want you, Brandon, but—”

“You don’t need to explain anything. I understand. There’s no rush.” His fingers came away from the elastic of her panties. “I promised I’d take care of you. This way, I just get more time to explore every inch of your delicious body.”

Sandra could hardly believe the sincerity in his voice. True to his word, Brandon lowered his mouth to the inside of her leg, one and then the other, and kissed his way down to her knee and back up again. His hand reached to grab hers, and Sandra savored the little connection.

Somehow, that small gesture made a world of a difference to her. The crucial link was enough to make her subconscious worries start to melt away. Brandon climbed over her again, and lowered his mouth to kiss her just as sweetly as last time. Sandra began to relax, feeling safe and comfortable surrounded by Brandon’s body. His free hand moved down toward her sex. This time she didn’t stop him. He slid his fingers over the moist fabric of her panties, and then his thumb began to trace soft, gentle circles right against her clit.

Sandra shuddered into his kiss as the first ripple of pleasure took her body.

“Jesus, look at you, Sandra,” Brandon breathed. “You’re so beautiful when you let yourself go.” His thumb continued its sensual exploration. Sandra moaned a little in reply. She could feel the muscles in her core loosening in response to Brandon’s smooth, steady voice—and his sinful touch. “I love the way your chest and neck flush when you respond to me.”

“Brandon…” Sandra managed, buckling her hips up in response to the tingles of pleasure that his thumb produced.

He growled, and then kissed her again. The circles his thumb made became a little more penetrating, a little deeper. The warmth of his body against hers made her feel protected. “Listen to your body,” he whispered. “Let it tell you what feels right.”

She knew what felt right.
, paying more attention to her needs than any man before. His hand slipped beneath the fabric of her panties, and Sandra gave a convulsive moan in reply. She lost herself in the dark alexandrite depths of his eyes as he pushed one finger into her, slowly. Her muscles constricted around him. Her body rocked with every thundering heartbeat.

“Oh God, you’re so fucking tight.” Brandon’s voice was a hoarse groan. “But you’re so wet for me.”

“I’m ready for you, Brandon.”

“No. Not yet.” His finger started moving in and out of her in deep, slow motions, easing her body into the sensation. Sandra moaned as small ripples of pleasure washed over her. “You’re still too tight. I’m not going to hurt you. Not our first time. I’m not going to lose control. Not yet.”

And what if I want you to
? But instead of saying anything, Sandra bit down on her lip and gripped Brandon’s hand harder. Suddenly one finger became two, and Sandra gasped at how stretched that made her feel. But… it was a good feeling. An
good feeling. He moved his fingers in and out, in and out, faster and faster, until the tightness no longer seemed to matter.

“Brandon. Brandon!” Her breaths were coming hard and fast. A mist of sweat coated her body. As Brandon kept moving his hand, Sandra’s mind focused on rhythmic sensations radiating through her core. “Oh my God! That feels so good!” she moaned.

“You’re going to come for me, baby,” Brandon promised. He shifted down, settling his shoulders between her legs. “I know you are.” He let go of her hand to slide her panties halfway down her legs, and his tongue joined in on the barrage on her senses. Sandra whimpered as Brandon’s tongue lapped at her clit while his fingers continued their expert movements in and out of her body. She let her head fall back as she was overcome by an inundation of pure bliss.

Suddenly she recognized the building tension on the horizon, that heightened pressure that could only signal one thing… One thing that no man had ever been able to coax out of her. Her breaths became even more ragged, and she found herself swallowed by disbelief that Brandon was pushing her to climax. Her core tightened and squeezed against his fingers on the verge of orgasm. When Brandon grasped a tender breast with his free hand, the sharp sensation shot her straight over the edge.

She moaned and came around his fingers, crying out as her body exploded in a wave of cataclysmic pleasure. It blinded all her feelings and overwhelmed everything she knew. Her hips buckled into Brandon’s hand, and he urged more out of her, leaving her gasping and raw as he extracted the very last bits of pleasure from her body.

She lay there panting, unable to comprehend what had just happened. She’d never been touched like that before. Henry had kept sex restricted to the missionary position, and needed to have the lights off the whole time. Needless to say, he was never aware of her pleasure—if there was any.

Slowly, Sandra drifted down from the pinnacle of carnal gratification. Brandon’s rumbling voice pulled her from the daze. “I love the way you respond to me.”

Sandra opened her eyes, then, and tilted her head up to look at the man who had sent her to such heights of ecstasy. It was so much
this way—so much better with him. Her woozy brain took too long to frame a coherent reply. Her best effort was to smile drunkenly. Brandon’s body glistened with sweat; Sandra knew her skin was damp, too. His hands made light, brushing movements up and down her thighs. His eyes—those pale green, beautiful saucers—had that intense, focused look in them again.
The hunter’s look

“I think you’re ready for me now.”

Sandra’s eyes widened as she realized what he meant.
a voice screamed in her head. Even though she was still raw and sensitive from last time, she trusted Brandon to understand that, and knew,
, that he would only push her as far as she was willing to go. She nodded.

Brandon smiled, and stood up at the foot of the bed. His pants were still on, tented by a noticeable hard-on. He unbuckled his belt, never taking his eyes off her, and slid it out from the loops of his slacks. Sandra wanted to move to help him, but something in his gaze told her to stay right there. She was unsure her wobbly limbs would support her if she tried.

She was fascinated by the raw desire burning in Brandon’s eyes. Knowing that
was the object of that desire made everything more surreal. She could tell how much he wanted her, but somehow, he’d kept that hunger in check this whole time, focusing on her pleasure and comfort ahead of his own. His understanding astounded her.

She could see how hard it was for him to hold back, especially with her lying there with legs spread for him. His arms trembled and his jaw clenched as he undid the button holding his pants up. Brandon’s every movement seemed an exercise in restraint

He reached into a pocket before taking his pants off, and took out a square plastic wrapper. “If I told you I’m clean, and I’ve been tested,” he grated, “would you trust me?”

“Yes,” Sandra whispered.

“Are you on birth control?”


His face became a mask of unbridled desire. “Then we won’t need this.” He dropped the condom to the floor. Moments later, his pants joined the small square. Sandra could see the outline of his magnificent cock through the thin fabric of his briefs. Her breathing increased. Brandon knelt on the bed, and positioned himself between her legs. Sandra’s chest heaved even harder. Brandon hooked his fingers into the waistband of his underwear and pushed it down. Sandra gasped as his freed cock slapped hard against his taut abdomen. She raised her legs in anticipation.

Using one hand, Brandon guided his penis around her throbbing flesh, acclimating her to his touch. “Slowly,” he whispered, half to himself. “Carefully.”

A part of Sandra
Brandon to lose control,
him to thrust into her with raw hunger and desire and hold nothing back. But she knew—as Brandon did—that she wasn’t ready for it, not yet.

So she waited, body trembling in expectation of the pleasure he would bring her again, as Brandon moved his cock up and down along the outside of her sex. He was so close, so tantalizingly close… and then his head pushed in, and Sandra gasped and stiffened at the same time.

“Relax, baby. I’ve got you.” Brandon leaned over her body, steadying himself with fists on the mattress by her shoulders. He looked straight in her eyes and pushed just a little farther in. Again, Sandra’s muscles contracted in protest, but the tight feeling was so
, and after a moment she let herself relax.

Bit by bit, Brandon penetrated deeper and deeper into her. Sandra could tell by his labored breathing how hard going slow was on him. She could tell how much he wanted to
holding back and lay waste to her body. But he didn’t do that. Instead, he was focused on her comfort. And when Sandra felt his hard abs against her belly, felt the head of his cock press into the end of her, she knew she was finally ready for him.

Brandon knew, too. He responded by withdrawing in a long, smooth motion. Sandra moaned when he slid back in, and her muscles tightened around his cock. She loved how
he made her feel. He lifted her neck with one hand, pulled her toward him, and kissed her deeply through his languid thrusts.

Sandra lost herself in the wonderful feeling of fullness that Brandon gave her. “You’re so beautiful,” he whispered as he pulsed inside her. “So delicate.”

Sandra shivered, consumed by the tempest of slow, sensual lovemaking. And then, for the second time this morning, that tingling sensation came upon her again, warning her of the oncoming climax. Her core clenched and quivered in the first tides of orgasm, and Sandra squirmed with the pleasure of Brandon’s rhythmic, deep plunges.

She came and cried out his name, squeezing around his hardness, pulling him deeper within her. She reached with both hands to wrap her fingers around Brandon’s forearms, digging her nails into his flesh to bind herself to his unshakeable strength. The crest swept through her system in a piercing flash, violent shivers rocked her body, and she shattered completely with Brandon still inside her.

But Brandon wasn’t done yet. His thrusts became deeper, more penetrating,
, and for a moment Sandra thought pain would overcome her pleasure, but then the crest came again, and her sex pulsed around Brandon as she gave into another blinding orgasm. She felt Brandon tense then, and suddenly he pulled out.

“Oh God,
!” He shuddered once above her, eyes closed. The climax shot through him, and hot thickness seared her flesh from her navel to her breasts. When he was done, complete in his own orgasm, Sandra was left frail and trembling with pleasure beneath him.

Brandon groaned as his eyelids slowly fluttered to life. He had a sleepy look as he smiled down at her, and gaze reached deep into her eyes. Sandra felt a momentary fear at the surprising intimacy of the moment. But when he lowered his head and kissed her with a passion that told her he understood her vulnerability, she forgot everything else. She sated in the slow, hot burn of that kiss. When he finally let her go, she fell back, muscles limp, body damp with sweat, and let herself bask in the afterglow of their perfect time together.

Chapter Sixteen

BOOK: Yours to Savor
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